Wood chips or wood pellets are considered to be premium smoke generating materials and greatly
impact the quality of the foods you have choosen to smoke.
6.1 Wood Chips
Wood chips are small pieces of suitable wood that can be used during the cooking process to
produce avoured smoke. For use in a Hark gas smoker, they need to be small pieces. Large
chunks of wood aren’t suitable for this type of smoking.
Flavoured wood provide a subtle avour to your food from the smoke that is generated. Typically
the wood will come from a fruit tree or from Mesquite, banksia and sheoak. Generally fruit and nut
trees produce a sweeter, milder smoke, which complements white and pink meats. Hardwoods like
wattle, box, gum and mesquite produce more robust smoke and are more suited to redder meats.
Imported timbers like hickory, mesquite and beech (favoured by European smallgoods makers) are
also available.
The following table provides a guide to the different types of avoured woods available today.
Table 2: Flavoured Wood Types
Black Wattle
Grey Box
Red Gum
Strong. pungent, smoky bacon
Similar to Hickory
Great for most meat smoking
Not as ideal for seafood and
Medium smoke, similar to
Hickory but not as strong
Great for most smoking,
including seafood
Beech (Imported) Strong earthy avour Good for most meats,
particularly beef. Also great
with vegetables
Beech (Imported) Very mid. A light, sweet avour Pork, ham, poultry, cheese,
game birds
Sheoak Mild smoke, slightly sweet,
preferred for sh
Good with red meat, pork, sh
Apple Slightly sweet but denser, fruity
smoke avour
Beef, poultry, game birds, pork
(particularly ham)
Cherry, Peach and other
Slightly sweet, fruity smoke
Good with all meats
Banksia (the Banksia cone
is particularly good)
Very delicate light taste with a
hint of sweetness
Good with sh, pork, poultry
and light-meat game birds
Grapevine Aromatic, similar to fruit woods Good with all meats
Macadamia Nutty and sweet smoke avour
Light and subtle smoke
Good with all meats
Tasmanian Oak
Strong smoke, but not bitter Good with everything