Hardwick 31000PAAD, 31000PAWD, 31211SAA, 31211SAW, 31211XAA Owner's Manual

Congratulationsonyourchoiceof thisgasrange.Asyouuse Shouldyou have any questionsabout using your new gas your new range, we know you will appreciate the many appliance, please write to us at this address: features that provide excellent performance, ease of
cleaning, convenience and dependability. Customer Assistance
c/o Maytag Customer Service
New features have dramatically changed today's cooking P.O.Box 2370
appliances and the way we cook. It is therefore very Cleveland, TN 37320-2370
appliance. For your convenience, we have provided space In this Owner's Guide, you will find a wealth of information onthe front cover to record this information. regarding all aspects of your appliance. By carefully
followingthe instructions,you will beable tofully enjoy and Inour continuing effort to improvethe quality and customer
properly maintain your new range. NOTE: Your appliance satisfaction of our cooking products, we may find it maynotbeequippedwith some ofthe features referredto in necessarytomakechanges toour line of applianceswithout
this manual, revisingthe Owner's Guide.
Read all instructions before using this Have your appliance installedand properly grounded by a
qualifiedinstalleraccordingto the installationinstructions.
appliance. Have the installershowyouthelocationofthegas shutoff
The following instructions are based on safety valve and how to shut it off in an emergency.
considerationsand must bestrictly followed to eliminatethe potential hsks offire, electric shock, or personal injury. Always disconnect power to appliance before servicing.
To ensure proper operation and avoid possible injury or damage to unit do not attempt to adjust, repair, service,or
WARNING: If the Information in this replace any partof your appliance unless it is specifically
manual is not followed exactly, a fire or recommended in this book. All otherservicingshouldbe
explosion may result causing property referredto a qualified installerorservicer. damage, personal injury or death.
- Do not store or use gasoline or other _ Be sureall packing materialsare removedfromthe
flammable vapors and liquids in the appliancebeforaoperatingit. vicin ity of this or any other appliance. Keepareaaroundapplianceclearandfreefromcombustible
materials, gasoline, and other flammable vapors and
Do not try to light any appliance, should be taken to prevent curtains from blowing over
Do not touch any electrical switch; do
not use any phone in your building, ventmayigniteflammable itemsandmayincreasepressure
materials. If appliance is installedneara window,properprecautions
burners. Do not leave any itemsonthe cooktop.The hot airfrom the
Immediately call your gas supplier inclosedcontainerswhichmaycausethemto burst.
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the Many aerosol-type spray cans are EXPLOSIVE when gas supplier's instructions, exposedto heat and may be highlyflammable. Avoidtheir
If you cannot reach your gas supplier, Many plasticsare vulnerableto heat. Keep plasticsaway
call the fire department, from parts of the appliancethat may becomewarm or hot.
use orstoragenearan appliance.
Do notleaveplasticitemsonthe cooktopasthey maymelt or softenif left too closeto the vent or a lighted surface
- Installation and service must be burner.
performed by a qualified installer,service
agency or the gas supplier, cabinetstorageshouldnotbeprovideddirectlyabovea unit,
I & unsafefor some items,such as volatile liquids, cleaners or
,WARNING aeroso,sprays.
Toeliminatethe hazardofreachingoverhot surfaceburners,
Ifsuchstorageisprovided,itshouldbelimitedtoitemswhich areusedinfrequentlyandwhichare safelystoredinan area
subjectedtoheatfroman appliance,Temperaturesmay be
CAUSEINJURIESTO PERSONS. the flame. Extinguishflamethen turn on hood to remove
_) ALL RANGES Turn offappliance and ventilating hood to avoidspreading
PACKED WITH RANGE. to smotherfire orflame. Never usewater on a greasefire,
smokeand odor.
If fire is inthe ovenor broilerpan,smotherby closingoven
_) iNSTALL ANTI-TIP DEVICES Use drychemicalorfoam-type extinguisheror baking soda
iNSTRUCTIONS, if fire is in a pan on the surface burner,coverpan. Never
attemptto pickupor movea flaming pan.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of tippingof the appliance
from abnormal usage or by excessive loading of the oven
Do not leave children alone or unsupervised near the door, the appliance must be Securedby a properly installed appliancewhen itisinuseorisstill hot.Children shouldnever anti-tip device. Ifthe range is moved from the wall, be sure beallowed to sit or stand onany partof the appliance, the anti-tip device is engaged when the range is replaced.
Look underneath rangeto verify that one of the rearleveling
Children must betaught that the appliance and utensilsin legs is properly engaged in the bracket slot. The anti-tip itcan be hot. Lethot utensilscootin devicesecuresthe rearleveling legtothe floor whenproperly
a safe place, out of reach of smail engaged. Also, besure the range is properly re-installed. children. Childrenshould betaught
that an appliance is not a toy. Do nottouch a hot oven light bulb with a damp cloth as the
Children should not be allowed to bulb could break. Shouldthe bulb break,disconnect power play with controls or other parts of to the appliance before removing bulb to avoid electrical
the unit. shock.
CAUTION: Do not store items of interest to children in cabinets
above an appliance or on the backguard of a range. Children Always place a pan on a surface burnerbefore turning it on.
climbingon the appliance or onthe Be sureyou knowwhich knobcontrolswhich surface burner.
appliance doorto reach itemscould " Makesurethe correctburner isturned on and thatthe burner
beseriously injured, has ignited. When cooking is completed, turn burner off
before removing pan to prevent exposure to burnerflame.
Always adjustsurface burnerflame sothat itdoes not extend
beyond the bottom edge of the pan. An excessive flame is
To preventpotential hazardto the userand damage to the hazardous, wastes energy and may damage the appliance, appliance, do not use pan or cabinets above the appliance.
appliance as a space heaterto heat or warm a Never leave a surface cooking operation unattended
the cooktop or oven as a highheat setting or when storage area for food or deepfat frying. Boilovers
cooking utensils, cause smoking and Do not obstruct the flow ignite. Clean up greasy
of combustion and spills as soon as
ventilationair byblocking possible. Donot use high
room. Also, do not use especially when using a ___
the oven vent or air intakes. Restriction of air flow to the heat for extended
burnerpreventsproper performance and increasescarbon cooking operations. monoxideemission to unsafe levels.
Avoid touching oven vent area while oven is on .andfor inthe oven. Pressurebuild-up may cause container to burst several minutes after oven is turned off. Some parts of the resulting in serious personal injury or damage to the '_entand surrounding area become hot enough to cause appliance.
burns.After oven isturned off, do not touchthe oven vent or
surrounding areas untilthey havehad sufficienttime to cool. Use dry, sturdy pot holders. Damp pot holders may cause
CAUTION: Do not _... ,_ _4=0_ J hot surface burners and ignite or get caught on appliance
greasy spillovers may
Never heat an unopened container onthesurface burneror
burns from steam. Dish towels or other substitutes should never beused as pot holders because they cantrail across
above. Misuse of _' _ Always let quantities of hot fat used for deep fat frying cool appliance doors or before attempting to move or handle.
drawers, such as
sitting onthe door or accumulatein or near theappliance, hood or vent fan. Clean
stepping, leaninggr J Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materials
stepstool to cabinets "_ _ parts.
drawer, may result in i" hood frequently to prevent grease from accumulating on possible tipping of hoodorfilter.Whenflamingfoodsunderthehoodturnthefan
the appliance, breakage of door, and serious injuries, off as thefan may spread the flame.
Use caution when wearing garments made of flammable Neverleta panboil dry as thiscould damagethe utensil and material to avoid clothing '_,_ _,_ the appliance.
fires. Loose fitting or long hanging-sleeved apparel Follow the manufacturer's directions when using oven
should not be worn while cooking bags. cooking.Clothing may ignite Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, ceramic, or
orcatch utensil handles, glazed utensils are suitable for cooktop or oven usage
Always place oven racks inthe desired positions whileoven iscool. Slide oven rack out to add or removefood, usingdry This appliance has been tested for safe performanceusing
sturdy pot holders.Always avoid reaching into the oven to conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or add or removefood. Ifa rack must be moved while hot, use accessories that are not specifically recommended in this
a dry pot holder. Always turn the oven off at the end of manual. Do not useeyelid coversfor the surface units,stove cooking, top grills, or add-on oven convection systems. The use of
Use carewhen opening the oven door. Let hot air or steam in this manual can create serious safety hazards, result in
escape beforeremovingorreplacingfood, performance problems, and reduce the life of the PREPAREDFOODWARNING: Followfood manufacturer's
instructions,Ifa plastic frozenfood container and/or its cover distorts, warps, or is otherwise damaged during cooking,
immediately discard the food and its container. The food Turnoffallcontrolsandwaitforappliancepartstocoolbefore could becontaminated, touchingor cleaningthem. Do not touchthe burner grates or
without breaking due to the sudden change in temperature.
devicesoraccessories that arenot expressly recommended
componentsof the appliance.
surrounding areas untilthey havehad sufficienttime to cool. Cleanappliance with caution. Usecaretoavoid steam bums
ifawet sponge orclothis used towipe spillson a hotsurface.
Use pans with flat bottoms and handles that are easily Somecleaners canproducenoxiousfumesif appliedto a hot grasped andstay cool. Avoid using unstable,warped, easily surface.
tipped or loosehandled pans. Pans that are heavy to move whenfilled with food mayalso be hazardous.
Be sure utensilis largeenoughto properly containfood and avoidboilovers. Pansize isparticularly importantindeep fat
frying. Besurepanwillaccommodatethevolumeoffoodthat The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement is to be added aswell as the bubble action of fat, Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) requires the Governor" of
California to publish a list of substances known to the State
To minimize burns, ignition of flammable materials and of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and spillagedueto unintentionalcontact with the utensil, do not requires businesses to warn customers of potential
extend handles over exposures to such substances.
burners. Always turn Usersof this appliance are hereby warned that the burning pan handlestowardthe of gas can result in low-level exposureto some ofthe listed
side or back of the substances,including benzene,formaldehyde and soot, due appliance, not out into primarilytothe incompletecombustionof naturalgasor liquid
the room where they petroleum(LP)fuels. Propedyadjustedburnerswitlminimize are easily hit or incomplete combustion. Exposureto these substances can
adjacent surface _ .._______.._..__
reached by small also be minimized by properly venting the burners to the children, where the appliance is located.
outdoors by opening the windows and/or door in the room
4 CLOCK AND TIMER, ifequipped
The electronicclockandtimerdisplaywillflashwhenthe applianceisfirstconnectedto poweror ifpowerisinterrupted.The displaywillstopflashingoncethetime-of-day clock
1. Pressthe CLOCK pad. 1. PresstheTIMER pad.0:59,oronehour,willappear in the
2. Press and hold the HOUR padto set the correct hours. Tapthe pad once to change the time by a single hour. The timer will automatically begin counting down in
3. Press and hold the MINUTE pad to set the correct 2.To set the timer for lees than one hour: Press the minutes. Tapthe pad once to changethetime by asingle TIMERpadthen pressand holdthe MINUTEpaduntilthe
minute, desiredtime appears inthedisplay.Tochangethe time by
Forexample: To set the clock for 3:15, press and holdthe asingle minute, tap the pad once.
HOUR pad until 3 appears in thehours display.Then press 3. To set the timer for more than one hour: Press the and hold the MINUTE pad until 15 appears in the minutes TIMER pad then -
display. Pressthe HOUR pad, 1:59, or two hours, will appear
incrementsof one minute.
inthe display.
Press the MINUTE pad until the desired minutes appear in the display.
NOTE:Two hours isthe maximumtime that can beset.
4. Whenthetimehas elapsed,0:00will appear inthe display andcontinuous beeps willsound to indicatetheendof the timing operation.
5. Press the CLOCK pad to cancel the beeps. The current time of day will reappear in the display.
Tocancel the timer: Pressthe CLOCKpad and the display will return to the current time of day.
Your cooktop will feature either pilot ignition or pilotless Toprevent damageto the cooktop or pan, neveroperate
ignition.Ifthe gas supplyto the rangeis turnedoff,besure the surfaceburnerwithouta pan inplace, never allowa
all controlsareset inthe OFF positionbeforere-supplying pan to boil dry and never operate a surface burneron gas to the appliance. HIGH for extendedperiodsoftime.
Pilot Ignition 1. Place a pan ontheburnergrate.
Whentherangeisfirst installed,the standingpilotsmaybe difficultto lightdue to airin the gas line.Tobleed offairfrom NOTE:The burnerflame maylift offtheburner head anda
the line,holda lighted match next tothe burner and turnthe "roaring"sound may beheard ira pan isnot placed onthe knob on. When the burner lights, turn the knob off and grate before lighting the burner.
proceed as directed below. To light pilot: Raise the cooktop and hold a lighted match 2. Push in and turn the knob to the LITE position.
nearthe pilotports.Thereare twopilotports, oneonthe right side and one on the left side. Pilotless ignition models only: A clickingsound will be
heardand the burner will light.When one burner is turned on,all igniterswill spark.
3. After the burner lights, turn the knob to the desired flame
Pilotless Ignition size. Pilotless ignition uses a spark from the ignitorto light the
burner. There are two ignitorsfor conventionalsurface Pilotless ignition models only: The ignitors will burners.Each sealed burner has its own ignitor.Once the continueto sparkuntilthe knobisturnedfromthe LITE
burner lights, turn the knob to the desired setting. The position. clickingsound will not stop until the knob is turned from the
LITE position,
CAUTION: If the flame should go out during a cooking
NOTE: The surface burner will not lightif the ignitor is operation,turnthe burner off.If gas has accumulated damaged,broken,soiledorwet.Also,theburnerwillnotlight anda stronggasodor isdetected,opena windowand ifthesmall portbeneaththe ignitoris blocked.See page 16 wait 5 minutes for the gas odor to disappear before
forcleaninginstructions, retightingthe burner. inthe event ofa powerfailure, thesurface burner can be
manually lighted. Be sure all controlsare in the OFF position.Holda lightedmatchtothe desiredsurfaceburner
head then push in and turn the knob to the LITE position. Whenthe burnerlights,adjustthe flame tothe desiredflame
Usea HIGHflame setting to quickly bring liquidsto a boil or Adjust the flame size so it
to begin a cooking or canning operation. Then reduce to a does not extend beyond
lower setting to continue cooking. Never leave food the edge of the cooking
unattended when using a HIGH flame setting, utensil. This is for --_11_
personal safety and to preventpossibledamage
.,_. cabinets above the
_.j_/_'.__ tO the appliance, pan, or
An intermediate flame size is used to continue a cooking morethan two inches beyond the grate, restson two grates,
operation. Foodwill not cook any faster when a higher ortouches the cooktopwillcausea buildup of heatandmay
flame setting is usedthan needed to maintain a gentle resultindamagetothetheburnergrate,burnerandcooktop.
boil. Remember, water boils at the same temperature Cookware,suchasawok withasupportring,whichrestricts whetherboilinggentlyorvigorously, aircirculationaroundthe burnerwillcauseheat to buildup
Use LOtosimmeror keepfoodsat servingtemperatures, and may resultin damageto the burner grate, burner or
I Foodscookfasterwhen the cookwareis coveredbecause
___ is covered. This also improves cooking efficiency.
,../_ more heat isretained.Lowerthe flame size when cookware
If a knob isturned very quickly from the HIto the LO setting, suchas aluminumor copper,that conductsheatquickly and theflame may go out, particularly ifthe burneris cold. Ifthis evenly.
occurs, turn the knob to the OFF position. Wait several seconds,then lightthe burner again.
appliance, This also improves cooking efficiency.
Cookware, including canning equipment, which extends
The cooking performance is greatly affected by the type of cookware used.Proper cookwarewill reduce cookingtimes,
uselessenergyand produce moreevencooking results.For best resultsuse a heavy gauge metal pan with a smoothflat
bottom,straight sidesand atight fitting lid.Select a material,
When canning, usethe HIsettingjust untilthe water comes to a boil or pressure is reached in a pressure canner,then
A properlyadjusted burnerwith cleanportswill lightwithin a reduceto a setting that maintainsthe pressure or a boil. few seconds.You may hear a "popping" sound on some Prolongeduseof the HI setting,the use of incorrect canning
typesof gaswhen the surface burner is turned off. This utensils,or the use of improper canning techniques may is a normaloperating soundof the burner, produceexcessiveheatand resultinpermanentdamageto
On natural gas, the flame willbe bluewith a deeper blue core;thereshouldbenotraceofyellowintheflame.Ayellow NOTE: Foradditionalcanninginformationcontactyour
flame indicatesan impropermixture of air/gas. Have a local County Extension Office. Or, contact AIItrista serviceman adjust the mixtureif a yellow flame occurs. ConsumerProductsCompany,marketerof Ball brand
(NOTE:Adjustmentsare notcoveredbythe warranty.) home canning products at 800-240-3340 or write:
AIItristaCorp., ConsumerAffairsDept., P.O. Box 2729,
On LP gas, someyellowtippingmayoccur.Thisisnormal Muncie,IN 47307-0729.
and adjustment is not necessary.
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