65mm FlexC™ Collet System Style DL Instructions B-177
Hardinge FlexC™ Low Prole
Dead-Length® Collet System
Style DL — 65mm
Installation Instructions and Parts Lists
Before installing the Hardinge® FlexC™ Collet System on your
machine tool, thoroughly read this manual and understand the
information. If you are uncertain about any of the information,
see your immediate supervisor. Also make certain that you
understand the information in your machine tool operator’s,
programmer’s and maintenance manuals.
• Damage resulting from misuse, negligence or accidents is not
covered by the Hardinge FlexC™ warranty.
• Information in this document is subject to change without
• In no event will Hardinge Inc. be responsible for indirect or
consequential damage resulting from the use or application of
the product, or any of the information in this document.
• This product is only to be used by trained machinists skilled in
the use and operation of collet systems and collet chucks on
metal cutting machines.
• Check to see that the workpiece is properly gripped and seated
in the collet head before beginning the machining cycle.
• Do not unclamp the workpiece until the machining cycle has
come to a complete stop.
• Observe all safety precautions indicated in the machine manual
when operating the machine including the use of guards and
keeping the door closed during machining.
• Do not exceed the maximum operating force and RPM for the
Hardinge FlexC Collet Systems indicated below:
– Maximum operating force: 10,100 lb (45KN)
– Maximum RPM: 6,000
Hardinge Inc. One Hardinge Drive, Elmira, New York U.S.A. 14902-1507 800.843.8801 www.ShopHardinge.com
Part No. B 00095000177

65mm FlexC™ Collet System Style DL Instructions B-177
The Hardinge FlexC style DL Collet System consists of a spindle
mount assembly. Vulcanized collet heads and wrenches are
purchased separately. The style DL Dead-length® Collet System
can be used as a thru-hole for bar work or with a work stop for
chucking. The clamping heads consist of hardened steel segments
that are joined together by a vulcanization process. Their
outstanding characteristics include parallel workpiece clamping,
superb accuracy with a minimum of deformation of the work
piece, and quick-change capability. If the Hardinge FlexC style DL
Collet System is used as a dead-length system the work stop is
inserted into the body and secured with three set screws. When
part length control is not required the work stop can be removed.
The Hardinge FlexC style DL 65mm Collet Systems use a
push-to-close design with an axially-xed collet head. They are
ideally suited for sub-spindles to maintain length control during
secondary operations. The push-to-close design also avoids axial
stress between the spindles. The collet head is xed in the body,
while the drawbar moves forward and closes the collet head.
The spindle adapter and collet seat assembly are shipped
assembled. The spindle adapter must be separated from
the body by removing the six mounting screws. Inspect
the six fastening screws to ensure a torque of 7.375 ft-lb
(10Nm). Tighten if necessary.
Clean and inspect the machine spindle and the spindle
adapter. Mount the spindle adapter to the machine spindle
using the six fastening screws. For A2 style spindles, orient
the spindle adapter with the drive button. Tighten the
fastening screws in a criss cross pattern to the appropriate
torque shown in the parts list. Flat back spindles must be
indicated before you torque the bolts to specication.
Check the concentricity and face runout of the spindle
adapter before mounting the collet seat assembly. Neither
should exceed .0002" (5µm). If the indicator reading is
more than .0002" (5µm), remove the spindle adapter and
clean the surfaces again before remounting.
Make sure that the workpiece is adequately gripped so that the
workpiece will not come loose during the machining process.
When clamping very shor t workpieces, the minimum clamping
lengths must be observed. They depend on the selected clamping
head size and shape – call Hardinge for guidance. Do not clamp
tapered work pieces. In general the collet system should never be
rotated without a clamped workpiece. Never rotate the collet
system over 2,000 RPM without a clamped workpiece. When
actuating the changing wrench, never reach inside the moving
parts for risk of severely damaging your hand.
The Hardinge FlexC Collet System requires a drawbar linkup to
mate the specic machine drawbar (varies by machine brand and
model) to the FlexC clamping sleeve. This linkup can be ordered
from Hardinge or can be made by the customer.
Reduce the clamping pressure of the machine to a minimum
and extend the drawbar to the forward position. Carefully
screw the collet seat assembly onto the drawbar clockwise
until it bottoms out or until you have .203" gap between
spindle adapter and body. DO NOT TIGHTEN. Rotate
the body counterclockwise until the clearance holes in the
body line up with the threaded holes on the spindle adapter.
Carefully move the drawbar backwards and seat the collet
seat assembly into the spindle adapter. Insert and tighten the
six mounting screws equally to 26 ft-lb (36Nm) torque in a
criss cross pattern.
Increase the clamping pressure to sufcient force for the job.
collet seat
Hardinge Inc. One Hardinge Drive, Elmira, New York U.S.A. 14902-1507 800.843.8801 www.ShopHardinge.com
Part No. B 00095000177