Hardi NAVIGATOR 4000, NAVIGATOR 5000, NAVIGATOR 3000, NAVIGATOR 6000 Instruction Book

NAVIGATOR 3000/4000/5000/6000
Instruction book
67028104-102 Version1.02 GB - 05.2016
The original instruction book is approved and published in English. All other languages are translations of the original. In the event of any conflicts, inaccuracies or deviations between the English original and other languages the English version shall prevail.
Illustrations, technical information and data in this book are to the best of our belief correct at the time of printing. As it is HARDI AUSTRALIA policy permanently to improve our products, we reserve the right to make changes in design, features, accessories, specifications and maintenance instructions at any time and without notice.
HARDI AUSTRALIA is without any obligation in relation to implements purchased before or after such changes.
HARD AUSTRALIA cannot undertake any responsibility for possible omissions or inaccuracies in this publication, although everything possible has been done to make it complete and correct.
As this instruction book covers more models and features or equipment, which are available in certain countries only, please pay attention to paragraphs dealing with precisely your model.
Published and printed by HARDI AUSTRALIA
This book covers updated NAVIGATOR 3000 - 6000 litre models.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
2 - Safety notes
Operator safety .....................................................................................................................................5
Symbols ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Precautions ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Beware of overhead power lines! ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Spray Drift! .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Service ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Chemical Safety ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Label explanation .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
3 - Description
General Info .........................................................................................................................................11
View ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
View ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Identification plate ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Road worthiness .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Sprayer Use ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Frame .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Tanks and Equipment ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Liquid System ......................................................................................................................................14
Pump .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Valves and Symbols ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
RinseTank ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
DynamicFluid4 Pressure Regulation ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
EasyClean Filter ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
CycloneFilter .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Chem Filler options ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
HARDI®VACnMIX (optional equipment) ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Control Manifold VACnMIX ........................................................................................................................................................................... 21
HARDI®TURBO FILLER (optional equipment) ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Clean Water Tank ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
DilutionKit (optional) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
BoomPrime (optional) ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Diagram - Basic Liquid System ................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Diagram - Liquid System with Options and TurboFiller) ............................................................................................................ 26
Diagram - Liquid System with Options and VACnMIX ............................................................................................................... 27
Hydraulic Systems ...............................................................................................................................28
Hydraulic Blocks ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Boom ...................................................................................................................................................30
Boom configuration, terminology and Operators Manual ....................................................................................................... 30
Equipment ...........................................................................................................................................32
Platform ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Right Side Cover .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Tank Level Indicator ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Nozzle Pressure Gauge .................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
ChemLocker (optional) .................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
SafetyLocker ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
4 - Sprayer setup
General info .........................................................................................................................................35
Before Putting the Sprayer into Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 35
Support Leg ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Jack Up the Sprayer ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Hose Package Support .................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Transmission Shaft ..............................................................................................................................37
Operator Safety .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
PTO Installation ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Hydraulic Systems ...............................................................................................................................38
General Info ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Table of Contents
Requirements for tractor ................................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Open Centre Hydraulics (optional) .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Electrical Connections .........................................................................................................................40
Power Supply ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Installation of Control Unit Brackets ........................................................................................................................................................ 41
Road Safety Kit (optional) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Speed Transducer for Sprayer ..................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Liquid System ......................................................................................................................................43
CycloneFilter .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
BoomPrime Adjustment (optional) ......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Transport .............................................................................................................................................45
Transport lock Eagle/TR4 boom ................................................................................................................................................................ 45
Transport lock boom FTZ, B3 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Track width, axles and wheels .............................................................................................................46
Altering the Track Gauge (optional) ........................................................................................................................................................ 46
Counter Weight .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Brakes ..................................................................................................................................................48
Hydraulically Activated Brakes (optional) ............................................................................................................................................. 48
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 48
5 - Operation
General Info .........................................................................................................................................49
Environmental Info ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 49
Boom ...................................................................................................................................................50
Safety Info ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Manoeuvring of the boom Y-version (only EAGLE Boom) ........................................................................................................ 50
Manoeuvring of the boom (Z-version) with HC 5500 .................................................................................................................. 51
Manoeuvring of the Boom (Z-version) with HC 6500 / HC 8500 / HC 9500 / ISOBUS ............................................. 52
Hydraulic Slanting Control (Optional) .................................................................................................................................................... 53
Boom Tilt Function (Z-version only) ........................................................................................................................................................ 53
Alternative boom width ................................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Liquid System ......................................................................................................................................54
Filling/Washing Location Requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 54
Filling of Water ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Filling Through Tank Lid ................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
External Filling Device (optional) ............................................................................................................................................................... 55
Filtered Fast Fill System ................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Banjo Filtered Fast Fill System ..................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Filling of Rinsing Tank ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Filling of Clean Water Tank ............................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Safety Precautions - Crop Protection Chemicals ............................................................................................................................. 59
Filling Chemicals through Tank Lid ......................................................................................................................................................... 59
Chemical Filling by VACnMIX (optional) ............................................................................................................................................... 60
Filling the VACnMIX with water ................................................................................................................................................................. 60
Filling with liquid or granular chemicals by VACnMIX (optional equipment) .............................................................. 61
Filling chemicals by VACnMIXs Chem Probe ..................................................................................................................................... 62
VACnMIX Rinsing ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Filling Liquid Chemicals by using HARDI TurboFiller .................................................................................................................... 64
Filling Powder Chemicals by using HARDI TurboFiller ................................................................................................................ 65
Agitation before Resuming a Spray Job ............................................................................................................................................... 66
Operating the control unit while spraying (Z-version) HC 5500 ........................................................................................... 67
Operating the control units while spraying (Z-version) HC 6500 / HC 8500 / HC9500 / ISOBUS ..................... 68
Quick reference - Operation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 69
TurboFiller Rinsing .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 70
BoomPrime (optional) ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Cleaning ...............................................................................................................................................71
General Info ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 71
Quick Reference - Cleaning .......................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Standard Cleaning .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 72
Table of Contents
Cleaning the Tank and Liquid System ................................................................................................................................................... 73
Cleaning and Maintenance of Filters ...................................................................................................................................................... 73
Use of Rinsing Tank and Rinsing Nozzles (Optional) ..................................................................................................................... 74
Technical Residue .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Using the Drain Valve ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 75
6 - Maintenance
Lubrication ..........................................................................................................................................77
General Info ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 77
Recommended lubricants ............................................................................................................................................................................. 77
Boom and Centre lubrication ...................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Trailer/ParaLift Lubrication & Oiling Plan .............................................................................................................................................. 77
PTO Lubrication & Oiling Plan ..................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Service and Maintenance Intervals .....................................................................................................79
Boom and Centre ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 79
After first use .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
10 Hours Service - EasyClean Filter .......................................................................................................................................................... 79
10 Hours Service - CycloneFilter ................................................................................................................................................................ 80
10 Hours Service - In-Line Filter (optional) .......................................................................................................................................... 80
10 Hours Service - Spraying Circuit .......................................................................................................................................................... 81
10 Hours Service - Brakes (optional) ........................................................................................................................................................ 81
50 Hours Service - Transmission Shaft ................................................................................................................................................... 81
50 Hours Service - Wheel Nuts ................................................................................................................................................................... 81
50 Hours Service - Tyre Pressure ................................................................................................................................................................ 81
250 Hours Service - Readjustment of the Boom ............................................................................................................................. 81
250 Hours Service - Hydraulic Circuit ...................................................................................................................................................... 81
250 Hours Service - Hoses and Tubes .................................................................................................................................................... 81
250 Hours Service - Wheel Bearings ........................................................................................................................................................ 82
250 Hours Service - Brake Adjustment (optional) ........................................................................................................................... 82
250 Hours Service - Hydraulic Brakes (optional) .............................................................................................................................. 82
1000 Hours Service - Wheel Bearings (No Brakes) .......................................................................................................................... 83
1000 Hours Service - Wheel Bearings and Brakes ........................................................................................................................... 83
Occasional Maintenance ......................................................................................................................85
Pump Valves and Diaphragms Renewal ............................................................................................................................................... 85
Cone check/renewal for pressure regulation valve ....................................................................................................................... 86
Cone check/renewal for EVC distribution valve .............................................................................................................................. 86
Level Indicator Adjustment .......................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Level Indicator Cord Renewal ..................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Drain Valve Seal Replacement .................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Nozzle Tubes and Fittings ............................................................................................................................................................................. 87
Adjustment of 3-Way Valve .......................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Retighten the Frame ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Change of Bulbs ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Wear Bushing Renewal on Steering ........................................................................................................................................................ 88
Suspension Rubber Dampers (optional) .............................................................................................................................................. 89
Shield Replacement on Transmission Shaft ......................................................................................
................................................. 89
Replacement of Transmission Shaft Cross Journals ...................................................................................................................... 89
Change of Tyres ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Safety Valve Activation .................................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Off-Season Storage ..............................................................................................................................91
Off-Season Storage Program ....................................................................................................................................................................... 91
7 - Fault finding
Operational Problems .........................................................................................................................95
General Info ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 95
Liquid System ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 96
Hydraulic System, Y-boom version .......................................................................................................................................................... 97
Hydraulic System, Z-boom version .......................................................................................................................................................... 97
IntelliTrack ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 98
Table of Contents
Mechanical problems ..........................................................................................................................99
Emergency Operation - Hydraulics .......................................................................................................................................................... 99
Emergency Operation - Liquid system .................................................................................................................................................. 99
8 - Technical specifications
Dimensions ....................................................................................................................................... 101
General Info ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................101
Overall Dimensions ..........................................................................................................................................................................................101
Weight .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................102
Pump Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 103
Pump Model 363/5.5 ......................................................................................................................................................................................103
Pump Model 363/10.0 ...................................................................................................................................................................................103
Pump Model 463/5.5 ......................................................................................................................................................................................103
Pump Model 463/6.5 ......................................................................................................................................................................................103
Pump Model 463/10.0 ...................................................................................................................................................................................103
Pump Model 463/12.0 ...................................................................................................................................................................................104
Filters and Nozzles ............................................................................................................................................................................................104
Temperature and Pressure Ranges ........................................................................................................................................................104
Brakes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................105
Airborne Noise Emission ...............................................................................................................................................................................105
Tyre Pressure ........................................................................................................................................................................................................106
Materials and Recycling .................................................................................................................... 107
Disposal of the Sprayer ..................................................................................................................................................................................107
Electrical ConnectionsElectrical Connections for SPRAY II ............................................................... 108
Rear Lights .............................................................................................................................................................................................................108
Index ................................................................................................................................................. 109
2 - Safety notes
Operator safety
This manual contains safety information which could prevent crop damage, personal injury or death. It is compulsory that all operators intending to use this equipment read and understand this manual and related literature. Safety information in each section must be read carefully, and if any doubt remains contact your HARDI dealer for further information.
These symbols are used thorough the book to designate where some sort of extra attention has to paid for the reader. The four symbols have following meaning.
This symbol means DANGER. Be very alert as your safety is involved!
This symbol means WARNING. Be alert as your safety can be involved!
This symbol means ATTENTION. This guides to better, easier and more safe operation of your sprayer!
This symbol means NOTE.
Note the following recommended precautions and safe operating practices before using the sprayer.
General info
Read and understand this instruction book before using the equipment. It is equally important that other operators of this equipment read and understand this book.
If any portion of this instruction book remains unclear after reading it, contact your HARDI dealer for further explanation before using the equipment.
Local law may demand that the operator is certified to use spray equipment. Adhere to the law.
Tractor drivers seat is the intended working place during operation.
Wear protective clothing. Clothing may differ depending on chemical being sprayed. Adhere to the local law.
Wash and change clothes after spraying. Wash tools if they have become contaminated.
Do not eat, drink or smoke while spraying or working with contaminated equipment.
In case of poisoning, immediately seek medical advice. Remember to identify chemicals used.
Filling and spraying
No persons are allowed in the operations area of the sprayer. Be carefull not to hit people or surroundings when manoeuvring the sprayer, especially when reversing.
Slow down when driving in uneven terrain as the machine might be in risk of turning over.
Keep children away from the equipment!
Do not attempt to enter the tank.
Do not go under any part of the sprayer unless it is secured. The boom is secure when placed in the transport brackets.
2 - Safety notes
Beware of overhead power lines!
Operating agricultural machinery near power-lines presents a potentially fatal hazard. It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that minimum safe clearances are strictly observed, in particular when transporting the implement, spraying, raising, tilting or lowering the boom. Also be aware that during hot or windy weather sagging or swaying of
power lines can reduce safe working clearances.
Power line structures and voltages can vary in different regions of Australia, so it is vitally important to consult your local Electricity Supply Authority for details of minimum safe clearances in your area before proceeding. A: Minimum safe clearance from conductor for vehicles and implements. B: Minimum safe clearance from conductor for persons and livestock.
Spray Drift!
Serious crop damage can occur as a result of spray drift. Certain climatic conditions can increase the risk of spray drift onto neighboring crops.
Although calibration information is provided in the Spraying Techniques Manual it is vitally important that you read the chemical manufacturer’s recommendations for the correct use of their product. The manufacturers label will also state the products limitations and warnings.
Wind speed, temperature, humidity and chemical properties should all be considered when determining if conditions are suitable for spraying. Contact your local Department of Primary Industries for details of relevant publications explaining the risks and how best to minimise them. It is the responsibility of the sprayer operator to ensure that the spraying conditions are suitable for the application of the chemical to be used
Warning: After changing chemicals or crops it is essential that the entire sprayer be flushed. This includes disconnecting hoses from the filters and pressure relief valve and cleaning residue and sediment in the hoses, valves and filters. Failure to do so may potentially lead to serious crop damage
Pressure test with clean water prior to filling with chemicals. Never dismount the hoses if the machine is in operation.
DANGER! Do not exceed the P.T.O. max. recommended r.p.m.
Rinse and wash equipment after use and before servicing.
Never service or repair the equipment while it is operating. Always replace all safety devices or shields immediately after servicing.
Disconnect electrical power before servicing and depressurize equipment after use and before servicing.
If an arc welder is used on the equipment or anything connected to the equipment, disconnect power leads before welding. Remove all inflammable or explosive material from the area.
The External Cleaning Device should not be used if important parts of the equipment have been damaged, including safety devices, high pressure hoses, etc.
2 - Safety notes
Chemical Safety
Danger: Chemical contamination poses a serious health risk. It is the
responsibility of the operator to ensure safe work practice is observed and correct safety equipment and clothing is used. Safety equipment Depending on the type of chemical used, some or all of the following protective clothing and equipment will be required (see diagram to right).
1. Headgear
2. Safety goggles or face shield
3. Respirator
4. Chemical resistant coveralls
5. Chemical resistant gloves
6. Chemical resistant boots.
Contaminated clothing and equipment
Contaminated clothing should be carefully removed, safely isolated and then appropriately laundered or disposed of, taking care not to contaminate the inside of the tractor cab. Tools and equipment used must also be safely isolated and carefully washed and decontaminated.
Australian Safety Standards
Protective clothing and equipment must conform to Australian Safety Standards and must always be used when handling chemicals, operating the sprayer and during the cleaning and decontamination process.
Chemical Information
Always read the chemical manufacturer’s labels as they contain critical information about your safety and the environment. Always consider the environment when disposing of chemical residue (see section on decontamination). Chemical labels are registered by the National Registration Authority. Laws vary from state to state regarding the purpose for which a chemical may be used so consult your local authorities.
Danger: Agricultural chemicals can be dangerous. Always read chemical labels and carefully follow safety recommendations to the letter.
Attention: Please refer to the chapter on “Cleaning and Decontamination” in the Operation section of this manual for further information.
Disposal of chemical containers
Please note that in addition to normal safe operating practices, and in the interests of a cleaner and safer environment HARDI Australia supports the “drumMUSTER” chemical drum recycling program:
Rinse empty drums immediately after use.
Puncture metal drums through the base from the inside.
Remove lids to allow drums to dry completely.
Recycle with “drumMUSTER”
For more information please visit: www.drummaster.com.au or call 1800008707
Warning: Used chemical containers pose a severe threat to persons, animals and the environment. Before disposal, contact
the Environmental Protection Authority or the Department of Primary Industries in your area for more information.
2 - Safety notes
Label explanation
The labels are designating potential dangerous places on the machine. Anybody working with or being in close range of the sprayer must respect these labels!
The labels should always be clean and readable! Worn or damaged labels must be replaced with new ones. Contact your local dealer for new labels.
Note that not all labels shown here will apply to your sprayer.
Chemical handling!
Carefully read the informations about chemical preparation before handling the machine. Observe instructions and safety rules when operating.
Carefully read operators instruction book before handling the machine. Observe instructions and safety rules when operating.
Shut off the engine and remove ignition key before performing maintenance or repair.
Tighten to torque according to instruction book.
Risk of death!
Do not attempt to enter tank.
Risk of burn!
Stay clear of hot surfaces.
Risk of injury!
Do not open or remove safety shields while engine is running.
Risk of injury!
Flying objects, keep safe distance from machine as long as the engine is running.
Risk of injury!
Keep sufficient distance away from electrical power.
Risk of injury!
Keep hands away.
Risk of squeeze!
Stay clear of raised unsecured loads.
Risk of squeeze!
Never reach into the crushing danger area as long as parts are moving.
Risk of squeeze!
Keep hands away, when parts is moving.
Risk of falling off!
Do not ride on platform or ladder.
Risk of sprayer tipping over!
Be aware when disconnecting the sprayer.
Grip area!
Manual handling of boom etc.
Not for drinking!
This water must never be used for drinking water.
Not for drinking!
This water must never be used for drinking water.
2 - Safety notes
Tank under p ressure!
Beware when moving lid.
EasyClean filter service!
Open and clean filter monthly.
Lifting point! Lifting point!
Load index!
Max. permitted load rating is 164 at 40 km/h.
2 - Safety notes
3 - Description
General Info
1. EcoFill Valve (optional)
2. Tank Tube R i ser Pi pe Lid
3. Rinsing Tank Level Indicator
4. Main Tank Level Indicator
5. Main Tank Lid
6. EasyClean Filter Clogging Indicator
7. Spray Pressure Gauge
8. Clean Water Tank Lid
9. SafetyLocker
10. N/A
11. Pump
12. Drawbar Hitch
13. Support Leg
14. Step to Platform
15. Agitation Valve
16. Pressure SmartValve
17. External Filling ON/OFF Valve
18. Suction Valve
19. External Filling Coupler
20. EasyClean Filter
21. Rinsing Tank Coupler
22. N/A
23. TurboFiller Valves
24. TurboFiller
3 - Description
25. RinseTank
26. Main Tank
27. N/A
28. ChemLocker with FoamMarker Tank
29. CycloneFilter
30. Support Leg Storing Position
3 - Description
Identification plate
An identification plate is located on the chassis on the right hand side of the sprayer. The reference number on plate will help you and your HARDI dealer to clearly identify your machine and assist in the correct supply of spare parts and service information.
Road worthiness
When driving on public roads and other areas where the highway code applies, or areas with special rules and regulations for marking and lights on implements, you should observe these and equip implements accordingly.
ATTENTION! Max. driving speed for models without brakes and for models equipped with brakes is different. Be aware that these speeds may differ due to local law. Contact local authorities for information of max. driving speeds!
Sprayer Use
The HARDI sprayer is for the application of crop protection chemicals and liquid fertilisers. The equipment must only be used for this purpose. It is not allowed to use the sprayer for any other purposes. If no local law demands that the operator must be certified to use spray equipment, it is strongly recommended to be trained in correct plant protection and in safe handling of plant protection chemicals to avoid unnecessary risk for persons and the environment when doing your spray job.
Very strong and compact frame which also has a strong chemical and weather resistant electrostatic lacquer coat. Screws, nuts, etc. have been DELTA-MAGNI treated to be resistant to corrosion.
Tank s an d Eq u i p m e nt
The main tank made of impact-proof, UV-resistant and chemical resistant polyethylene, has a purposeful design with no sharp corners for easy cleaning. The filling hole is placed so it can be accessed from the platform. This ensures an easy access for the filling of sprays, cleaning of the tank, etc. The sprayer is also equipped with a rinsing tank and a clean water tank. An optional large, easy to read tank contents indicator can be placed beside the platform and is visible from the tractor cabin.
Nominal contents 3000 / 4000 / 5000 or 6000 litres.
3 - Description
Liquid System
Diaphragm pump with 3 diaphragms, model 1303 or diaphragm pump with 6 diaphragms, model 363 or 463.
Standard = 540 rpm (6 splines shaft). Optional = 1000 rpm (21 splines shaft). The design of the diaphragm pump is simple, with easily accessible diaphragms and valves which ensures liquid does not contact the vital parts of the pump.
Valves and Symbols
The possible functions of valves are distinguished by coloured identification on the function labels. The modular valve system facilitates the addition of optional extras on both pressure side and suction side. A function is activated by turning the handle towards the desired function.
ATTENTION! Only the functions used should be open - always close remaining valves.
ATTENTION! If a valve is too tight to operate - or to loose (= liquid leakage) - the valve needs to be serviced. Please see “Adjustment of 3-Way Valve” on page 88 for further information.
Pressure SmartValve (Green Symbols)
This valve is to select which function the pressurized liquid from the pump will be routed to.
The active function is indicated by the indicator. The handle is turned so the indicator points to the label for required function. If handle is turned to a position without label (unused function) then the valve is closed.
Suction Valve (Blue symbols)
This valve is to select suction from main tank or from the rinsing tank.
The handle is turned so the label for required function is directed to the indicator. If handle is turned to vertical position (indicator not pointing at a label) then the valve is closed.
Agitation Valve (Green symbols)
With the adjustable Agitation valve it is possible to combine spraying with a high volume rate at high pressure with agitation at the same time.
This is controlled continuously by the valve: The valve is marked with an arrow on the disc that indicates the amount of liquid that passes through the valve.
Handle is turned to a position near the tip of the arrow: Only a small amount of liquid is allowed to pass the valve resulting to a lesser extent of agitation.
Main tank Spraying
IInternal tank cleaning (Rinsing nozzles) (optional)
Pressure to hopper (optional)
Main tank Rinsing tank (optional)
3 - Description
Handle is turned to a position in the wide end of the arrow: A large amount of liquid will pass the valve resulting to a large extent of agitation.
External Filling Device Valve (Blue symbol) (optional)
The valve is used when filling from an external tank or reservoir. Activating valve, starts/stops the filling process.
NOTE! that the suction valve must be closed for maximum filling capacity.
A rinsing tank is mounted to the rear of the sprayer. The tank is made of impact-proof and chemical resistant polyethylene.
Nominal content is approximately 450 litres.
Adjustable Agitation
External filling
3 - Description
DynamicFluid4 Pressure Regulation
Traditional fluid regulation starts, when the nozzles are opened. With DynamicFluid4 (DF4), the regulation is a continuous process, even if the nozzles are closed. Two ceramic discs regulate the pressure and ensure quick reaction and zero leakages. Used parameters are sprayer speed, PTO speed and the number of activated sections. The benefit is more precise application rates from the second the sprayer begins spraying.
The DynamicFluid4 uses feed forward technology based on 5 sensors, which feed the JobCom computer with data necessary for optimal regulation. It auto-primes at start-up and starts to move the valve towards the final position, immediately after the operator makes changes. For example, when section valves are opened or closed, the regulation valve is started at the same time as the section valve motors are started. This avoids overpressure situations e.g. after running empty and refilling of the main tank.
The 5 sensors are also back-up for each other, ensuring that the system can continue regulation - even if one or more sensor signals fails. The applied sensors measure:
Sprayer speed (km/h)
Fluid flow (l/min)
Fluid pressure (bar)
Pump speed (rpm)
Regulation valve opening angle (°)
Features for DF4
Very fast and accurate regulation when all sensors are ok, setup in menus are correct, and pump, filters and valves are in good condition.
Quick reacting valve, when sections are turned ON/OFF, and at speed changes.
Optimized AutoSectionControl feature that predict boom sections to open and optimized nozzle pressure.
Optimized for different PTO systems.
Nozzle surveillance. No setup or tuning is required for nozzle change.
Warning in display, if failures occur on boom plumbing, such as severe clogging of line or nozzle filters or because of
large leakages on hoses and fittings.
All functions work through with degraded performance (Limp-home modes), if:
Failures occur in fluid system, e.g. pump defects, clogged filters or leaking valves.
Failures occur on pressure sensor, flow sensor or pump sensor.
There is a wrong setup of sprayer data in the menus.
Emergency mode, if angle sensor or sprayer speed sensor fails.
Screen icons
The sprayer driver selects one of three modes: Auto, Manual or Increment Steps. The sprayer computer detects one of three regulation modes: Drop, Question Mark or Calibration Jug. This makes 9 modes in total.
Auto Manual Increment Steps
Automatic Volume Rate.
Manual Pressure Control.
Volume Rate is changed in steps as %-up or %-down.
Press a button on the controller box to select regulation mode.
Calibration Jug
Flow to the section valves.
Nozzle size (l/min at 3 bar) has been calculated.
No flow to the section valves.
The pump is not started, or the pressure SmartValve is set to another function than spraying.
Question Mark
Flow to the section valves, but pressure and flow has not yet been stable, therefore the nozzle size (l/min at 3 bar) has not yet been calculated.
The system uses the last saved nozzle size.
3 - Description
Function Diagram for Regulation Valve
ATTENTION! Auto-mode icons are shown, but they could be Manual or Increment Steps icons, depending on driver selection.
Spray job begins
Start condition:
Controller is turned OFF. Pump is turned OFF.
Pressure SmartValve to pressure draining/TurboFiller. Suction
SmartValve to main tank. Water in main tank.
Driver action
Turn the controller ON.
Controller reaction
Controller detects no pressure or flow.
Starts in auto-mode. Sets regulation valve to safe angle to
avoid overpressure at pump start, and to ensure that software
detects, that pump is started (avoiding delay).
Driver action
Turn the pump ON.
Controller action
Controller detects no pressure or flow. Stay in safe position.
Driver action
Turn Pressure SmartValve to Spraying.
Controller reaction
Headland (boom is closed)
Software uses nozzle size and feeds forward
to prepare for opening of boom.
Max. pressure limit is disabled, because last
saved nozzle size is reliable, and therefore the
software “dares” to close the regulation valve
Headland (boom is closed)
for over 5 minutes
Boom has been closed for a
longer period, so that operator
could have changed to
another nozzle size. Last saved
nozzle size becomes
Software enables maximum
pressure limit.
Controller reaction
Headland (boom is closed)
Controller detects pressure at armature and bypass flow back to tank. Software uses last saved nozzle size and feeds forward
to prepare for opening of the boom.
Max. pressure limit is enabled, because last saved nozzle size
is unreliable, and therefore the software will not close the
regulation valve completely. PrimeFlow booms are primed.
Driver action
Turn Main valve OFF at headland.
Turn Main valve ON to spray.
Driver action
Turn Main valve OFF at headland.
Turn Main valve ON to spray.
Controller reaction
Spraying (boom is open)
Boom is open and sprays.
Both flow measurement and pressure
measurement are good, and the actual
nozzle size is calculated.
The actual nozzle size is used to adjust to
correct volume (liter/hectare).
Flow and pressure are
Both flow measurement and
pressure measurement are
Software disables maximum
pressure limit.
Controller reaction
Spraying (boom is open)
Boom is open and sprays.
Software uses last saved nozzle size and pressure sensor to
adjust to correct volume (liter/hectare).
Max. pressure limit is enabled to avoid overpressure. in case
operator has changed to smaller nozzles.
3 - Description
A EasyClean suction filter is fitted in the working zone.
A Cyclone pressure filter is fitted to the sprayers right side just in front of the ChemLocker (optional equipment). It has a built­in self-cleaning function.
In-line pressure filters can be fitted at each boom section as an option.
Nozzle filters are fitted at each nozzle.
All filters should always be in use and their function checked regularly. Pay attention to the correct combination of filter and mesh size (see “Spray Technique” book).
EasyClean Filter
To ensure proper function of filter and its built-in valve the filter must be opened at least once every month. A label on the lid also designates this.
To open filter then turn it counterclockwise and pull it up, like shown on picture.
Pull out the two locks (A) to remove filter element from the lid.
Besides the spray pressure gauge on the platform an EasyClean clogging indicator is located:
Clogging indicator colour Filter status
Green indicator. No cleaning necessary.
Yellow indicator. It is possible to finish an ongoing spraying job and
then clean filter afterwards.
Red indicator. Clean the EasyClean Filter immediately, as the filter is
3 - Description
With the CycloneFilter any impurities in the spray liquid will by-pass the filter and be re-circulated back to the tank via the return flow.
Function diagram
1. Filter lid
2. From pump
3. To boom
4. Return to tank
5. Return valve
Valve (5) has three positions marked with small dots on the lever:
A. This position marked with 1 dot: There is no return flow. Position is
used when rinsing the boom if there is spray liquid in the main tank. Also used when high spraying volume is required.
B. This position marked with 2 dots: Normal spraying position. With
return flow to prevent filter is going to be clogged when spraying. This position is used when rinsing the boom if the main tank is empty.
C. This position marked with 3 dots: Flushing position which is used if filter is clogged. Lift and hold the lever to use this
position which largely increases return flow and flushes the filter. The pressure SmartValve must be set to “Spraying”.
ATTENTION! Use of position C is no guarantee for a clean filter. Always regularly do a visual inspection and cleaning of the filter. If necessary see “10 Hours Service - CycloneFilter” on page 80.
DANGER! Never open the Cyclone filter unless the suction valve is closed and the pressure SmartValve is turned to “Main tank”. Otherwise, spraying liquid may hit you when opening the filter, and drain from the main tank!
3 - Description
Chem Filler options
The optional HARDI® VACnMIX or HARDI® TURBO FILLER are located on the sprayer’s left side, just behind the MANIFOLD valves.
HARDI®VACnMIX (optional equipment)
The HARDI VACnMIX™ is used for the mixing of plant protection or liquid fertiliser chemicals into a solution, and transferring the solution to Main Tank.
Your Vacuum VACnMIX™ uses the latest design and technology to provide fast, safe and accurate transfer of liquids, powder or granules.
The Vacuum VACnMIX is a multi-purpose hopper. It is designed for use in closed system transfer and utilises the tough and reliable Hardi pump on your sprayer. The rate of transfer is controlled by the operator.
The VACnMIX is supported on a sturdy lift frame and is equipped with two vortex mixing jets, a control manifold and a rotating chemical drum rinse nozzle. The hopper flushing ring is connected to the sight tube to enable decontamination of both together. The unit has a water supply inlet port, and a vacuum suction outlet port — for transfer of either dilute or concentrated liquid chemicals to the spray tank.
The vortex jets provide vigorous operator-controlled agitation which mixes granules into solution, or allows liquid chemical concentrate to be pre-mixed. Any granules that do not dissolve are kept in suspension in the vortex until they disperse.
Featuring a Vacuum and Transfer Valve and an in-line venturi with interchangeable restrictors (based on pump capacity), the unit can transfer liquid from a clean water source or Envirodrum into the hopper, and from the hopper to the main sprayer tank.
Vacuum / Transfer Valve (only if equipped with VACnMIX)
This valve is located behind the Chemical Induction Hopper and is used to control the filling / emptying of the VACnMIX hopper.
3 - Description
Control Manifold VACnMIX
Fast Fill valve/Vortex Control valve
ATTENTION! The Vacuum/Transfer valve must be set to either Fill or Empty to activate the Fast Fill valve.
The Fast Fill valve (A) is used to fill the VACnMIX. Turn the valve to on to fill the hopper with water. Watch the level of water. Fill to the 25 Litre level, which will be just above the upper jet. When sufficient water is in the hopper turn Fast Fill handle off.
NOTE: Sight gauge is a guide only to fluid volume in hopper).
Vortex G eneration
The Fast Fill/Vortex Control valve can also be used to activate a vortex flushing of the VACnMIX. To start a vortex in the hopper turn the Upper & Lower Jet valves (C) (D) to ON and turn the Fast Fill valve (A) to OFF.
Vortex force can be controlled by positioning the Fast Fill valve (A) between on/off to achieve desired rate of swirl action. Further control of the vortex action can be achieved by partially or fully closing one of the jets.
Hopper Rinsing Ring valve
The VACnMIX has a rinsing ring located under the upper lip of the hopper that uses spray liquid to flush the walls of the hopper.
The Flushing ring valve (B) is used to rinse the hopper after use. With the lid closed, flush the hopper using the rinse ring. Control the rinse by turning flush ring handle on VACnMIX control manifold to the ON / OFF position.
DANGER! Do not activate the rinse ring unless the hopper lid is closed to avoid spray liquid hitting the operator.
ATTENTION! Rinsing device uses spray liquid to rinse hopper. Always avoid contact with chemical solution.
ATTENTION! The hopper rinsing devices use spray liquid for rinsing the hopper. The VACnMIX must always be cleaned/decontaminated together with the rest of the sprayer with fresh water when the spray job is complete.
Chemical Container Rinsing Device
The VACnMIX comes equipped with a container rinsing nozzle which uses spray liquid from the main tank to rinse chemical containers.
DANGER! Do not press the nozzle unless it is covered by a container to avoid spray liquid hitting the operator.
ATTENTION! Rinsing device uses spray liquid to rinse containers. Always rinse the chemical containers with clean water several times before The rinse nozzle lock is released by turning the upper section 90 degrees
Note: This lock acts as a safety measure to prevent injury to operator. Ensure lock is repositioned correctly after use.
(viewed from inside hopper)
3 - Description
HARDI®TURBO FILLER (optional equipment)
The TurboFiller is situated in the working zone on the sprayers left side. When being used it should be unlocked by pulling the handle (A) situated to the right of the TurboFiller and pushed down (B) by grabbing the handle on the TurboFiller until it clicks into locked down-position.
When retracting the TurboFiller after use, then unlock it by pulling the handle (A) situated to the right of the TurboFiller and pull it back in storing position until it clicks into the lock.
WARNING! Before releasing the lock (A) always keep a hand on the grip to avoid abrupt movement of the TurboFiller!
Before use
Pull the handle (A) to unlock.
Grab the handle to push TurboFiller down (B) until it clicks into
locked down-position.
After use
Pull the handle (A) to unlock.
Grab the handle to pull TurboFiller back in storing position until it locks.
TurboFiller Suction Valve
The valve is used simultaneously with the TurboFiller. The valve has 2 settings: Continuously open or spring loaded normally closed. Open the valve when chemicals are to be filled into the TurboFiller and transferred to main tank.
TurboDeflector Valve
This TurboDeflector valve activates the Vortex flushing of the TurboFiller. Lift the lever to lock it in open position for continuous liquid rotation in the hopper.
Chemical Container Rinsing Lever
The upper lever is used for two purposes:
When the TurboFiller lid is open: For rinsing empty containers. Place the container over the rotating flushing nozzle in the middle of the TurboFiller to rinse the inside of the container.
When the TurboFiller lid is closed: Use the Chemical Container Rinsing lever to rinse the hopper when the filling of chemicals is completed.
DANGER! Do not press the lever unless the multi-hole nozzle is covered by a container as spray liquid may other wise hit the operator.
Suction from TurboFiller
Start TurboDeflector
Chemical Container Rinsing
3 - Description
Clean Water Tank
A clean water tank is integrated into the right side cover. It is accessed for filling at the sprayers right side when entering the platform. The ball valve is located on the valve cover below the EasyClean filter on sprayers left side. The water in this tank is for hand washing, cleaning of clogged nozzles etc. Only fill this tank with clean water from the well.
Capacity: approximately 20 litres.
WARNING! Although the clean water tank is only filled with clean water, this water must NOT be used for drinking.
DilutionKit (optional)
The dilution kit consist of four valves added to the liquid system, enabling the rinse water to be directed from the rinse tank into the main tank and piping to dilute spray liquid residues.
The dilution kit will ease diluting of chemicals in main tank or boom piping done from the drivers seat while driving in the field. This can be useful when interrupting a spray job, e.g. because of rain or before the tank has to be re-filled at the farm. The dilution kit has two functions that is selected with the optional function switch on the spray controller.
Tank dilution: Dilute boom piping and the main tank at the same time.
Boom dilution: Dilute the boom piping only.
NO TE! Dilu tion of che mical res idues may b e req uire d by l aw in cer tai n sit uatio ns be for e re turni ng to the fa rm fo r fill ing or cleaning. Please familiarize with current rules and follow them.
3 - Description
BoomPrime (optional)
BoomPrime is a low pressure circulation system, which primes the spray boom tubes prior to spraying, ensuring a homogenous fluid in the boom tubes and in the main tank. Below the illustration shows the BoomPrime system for the boom. Components are explained in the diagrams for the liquid systems.
The BoomPrime system is attached to each end of a boom section (A).
The boom spray sections are fed into the middle of each section (B).
Liquid for BoomPrime is taken from a bypass valve (D) just before the flowmeter. This valve operates in opposite phase:
When priming, the direction of liquid flow will be reversed. The liquid will be fed into the nozzle tubes from each end, and they will then return any water back to the main tank through the EFC section valves dump line (C).
The BoomPrime pressure is adjusted by the handle on the valve (D), which comprises a pressure gauge.
See “BoomPrime Adjustment (optional)” on page 44 for adjustment.
Operating state Section valves Bypass valve
Spraying Open Closed
Not spraying Closed Open
3 - Description
Diagram - Basic Liquid System
1. Pump
2. EasyClean filter
3. Suction Valve for Main tank/RinseTank
4. Pressure Control Valve
5. Pressure SmartValve
6. CycloneFilter
7. Return Line for Boost Function
8. Bypass Valve for Boom
9. Distribution Valves
10. Flow meter
11. Spray Boom
12. Agitation Valve
13. Agitation Tube
14. Tan k Hose for Ret u r n Lines (Riser Pi pe)
15. Safety Valve
16. One-Way Valve
17. Tan k Hose (Riser Pipe)
18. Tank Rinsing Nozzles
19. Rinse Tank Coupler
20. Rinse Tank
21. Valve Block TurboFiller
22. Ejector TurboFiller
23. TurboFiller
3 - Description
Diagram - Liquid System with Options and TurboFiller)
1. Pump
2. EasyClean filter
3. Suction Valve for Main Tank / RinseTank
4. Pressure Control Valve
5. Pressure SmartValve
6. CycloneFilter
7. Return Line for Boost Function
8. Bypass Valve for Boom
9. Distribution Valves
10. Flow meter
11. Spray Boom
12. Agitation Valve
13. Agitation Tube
14. Tank Hose for Return Lines
15. Safety Valve
16. One-Way Valve
17. Tank Hose ( R iser Pi pe)
18. Tank Rinsing Nozzles
19. Filtered Fast Fill (optional)
20. Rinse Tank
21. Valve Block TurboFiller
22. Ejector TurboFiller
23. TurboFiller
24. Tank Hose for Turbofiller
25. FastFiller Ejector
26. Filling Valve
27. Pressure Gauge for Boom
28. Pressure Sensor
29. Filling Coupler
30. FastFiller Hose to Tank Inlet
31. Restrictor for BoomPrime
32. One-Way Valve for BoomPrime
33. Bypass Valve for BoomPrime
34. Pressure Control Valve for BoomPrime
35. Pressure Gauge BoomPrime
26 3
Clean Water Fill ONLY
3 - Description
Diagram - Liquid System with Options and VACnMIX
1. Pump
2. EasyClean filter
3. Suction Valve for Main Tank / RinseTank
4. Pressure Control Valve
5. Pressure SmartValve
6. CycloneFilter
7. Return Line for Boost Function
8. Bypass Valve for Boom
9. Distribution Valves
10. Flow meter
11. Spray Boom
12. Agitation Valve
13. Agitation Tube
14. Tank Hose for Return Lines
15. Safety Valve
16. One-Way Valve
17. Tank Hose ( R iser Pi pe)
18. Tank Rinsing Nozzles
19. Filtered Fast Fill
20. Directional Fill Valve
21. Rinse tank
22. Filling Coupler
23. Vacuum Transfer Valve
24. VAC nMIX
25. Chemical container flush valve
26. Upper Vortex Jet valve
27. Fill / Vortex control valve
28. Lower Vortex valve
29. Tan k Hose VACnMIX
30. Fast Fill Ejector
31. Filling Valve
32. Pressure Gauge Boom
33. Pressure Sensor
34. Restrictor for BoomPrime
35. One-Way Valve for BoomPrime
36. Bypass Valve for BoomPrime
37. Pressure Control Valve for BoomPrime
38. Pressure Gauge BoomPrime
31 3
Clean Water Fill ONLY
3 - Description
Hydraulic Systems
Hydraulic Blocks
Hydraulic blocks fitted to the sprayer are:
The main boom hydraulic block that manages hydraulic pressure for the boom controls.
This hydraulic block manages hydraulic pressure for the ParaLift.
Open Centre Hydraulics
The open centre hydraulic block is necessary if the tractor uses open centre hydraulics and/or load sensing. For adjustment, see “Open Centre Hydraulics (optional)” on page 39.
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