We congratulate you for choosing a HARDI plant protection product. The reliability and
efficiency of this product depend upon your care.
The first step is to carefully read and pay attention to this Instruction Book. It contains essential
information for the efficient use and long life of this quality product.
Sprayer Use
The HARDI sprayer is for the application of crop protection chemicals and liquid fertilizers, and it is designed only
for that purpose.
If the sprayer is to be used for any other purposes than the ones described in this Instruction Book, a new risk
assessment and a workplace assessment must be completed for this use. This obligation lies with the owner and
operator of the sprayer.
Your HARDI sprayer is a machine [A] without drive system in accordance with directive 2006/42/EC, article 2.
It must be connected to a tractor [B], which is a driving machine subject to its own directive.
Together they make one machine [C] as defined in the directive 2006/42/EC, article 2.
Connecting the sprayer to the tractor makes the operator responsible for safety and health when using that
combination of machines.
Before first use of the sprayer, the owner and operator must take note of all of the following obligations:
Workplace assessment
Operator instructions
Use of work equipment
Statutory inspection
Restricted use
Maintenance regulations
Health issues
For more details, please see “Before First Use of the Sprayer” on page 11 in this Instruction Book.
Instruction Book Formalities
The original Instruction Book is approved and published in English. All other languages are translations of the
original Book. In the event of any conflicts, inaccuracies or deviations between the English Book and other
languages, the English version shall prevail.
Illustrations, technical information and data in this Book are assumed to be correct at the time of printing.
As this Instruction Book covers more models and features or equipment, which are available in certain countries
only, please pay attention to paragraphs dealing with precisely your model.
EU Declaration of Conformity
As manufacturer:
Herthadalvej 10
4840 Nørre Alslev
hereby declare that the following product
1 - EU Declaration
Field sprayer:
Identification number*:
* Further data for this sprayer are shown on its type sign.
fulfils all the relevant provisions of the following Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council:
• 2006/42/EC, regarding the Machinery Directive (CE marking).
• 2009/127/EC and later amendments, regarding machinery for pesticide application.
• 2014/30/EU, regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Electronic components on the machine are tested and
installed according to the requirements of the EMC Directive.
as well as the following ISO standard:
• ISO 14982, regarding test methods and acceptance criteria for electromagnetic compatibility for agricultural
Nørre Alslev, Denmark
Job title:
1 - EU Declaration
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 - EU Declaration
EU Declaration of Conformity ................................................................................................................3
2 - Safety Notes
Obligations and Liability .....................................................................................................................11
Comply with the Instruction Book ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Before First Use of the Sprayer .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Obligations of the Operator ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Risks in Handling the Sprayer ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Personal Protective Equipment ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Representation of Safety Symbols ......................................................................................................17
Explanation of Symbols ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Warning Signs On The Sprayer ............................................................................................................18
Explanation of Labels ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Safety and Protection Equipment .......................................................................................................20
Safety at Start-up ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Residual Energy ...................................................................................................................................24
Possible Dangers ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Service and Maintenance Work ...........................................................................................................25
Spare Parts, Wear Parts and Aids ............................................................................................................................................................... 26
Cleaning and Disposal .........................................................................................................................27
Intended Place for Operator ........................................................................................................................................................................ 28
Risks of Non-Compliance ............................................................................................................................................................................... 28
If the Safety Information is Ignored ....................................................................................................29
Possible Risks and Dangers ........................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Safety Information For Operators .......................................................................................................30
General Safety and Accident Prevention ............................................................................................................................................. 30
Coupling and Uncoupling the Sprayer ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Use of The Sprayer .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Road Transport ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Hydraulic System ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Electrical System .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Working Area of the Sprayer ........................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Field Sprayer Operation .................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Service Work Precautions ............................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Service and Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................................................. 41
General info .........................................................................................................................................43
Sprayer Use ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 50
Valves and Symbols ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Clean Water Tank ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 57
Diagram - Basic Liquid System ................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Diagram - Liquid System with Options ................................................................................................................................................. 59
Open Centre Hydraulics .................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Boom and Terminology .................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Other Equipment .................................................................................................................................64
Canister for Pesticide Information ............................................................................................................................................................ 64
Tank Level Indicator ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Night Spraying Light ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
General Info .........................................................................................................................................69
Unloading the Sprayer from the Truck .................................................................................................................................................. 69
Before Putting the Sprayer Into Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Selection of Tractor ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 70
Checking the Suitability of the Tractor ................................................................................................71
General Info ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 71
Calculating Actual Weights and Loads .................................................................................................................................................. 71
Data Required for the Calculation ............................................................................................................................................................ 72
Required Minimum Front Weight ............................................................................................................................................................ 72
Actual Front Axle Load [T3] of the Tractor ........................................................................................................................................... 73
Actual Total Weight [W] of the Combined Tractor and Sprayer ............................................................................................ 73
Actual Rear Axle Load [T2] of the Tractor ............................................................................................................................................. 73
Calculation Compared to Permissible Values .................................................................................................................................... 73
Connecting the Sprayer .................................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Table of Contents
Hydraulic System .................................................................................................................................76
General Info ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 76
Requirements for Tractor ............................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Open and Closed Centre Hydraulics ....................................................................................................................................................... 77
Adjustment of Boom Folding Speed ...................................................................................................................................................... 78
Power Supply ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Installation of Control Unit Brackets ........................................................................................................................................................ 80
Speed Transducer for Tractor ...................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Liquid System ......................................................................................................................................81
General Info .........................................................................................................................................85
Environmental Info ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 85
Sprayer Use ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 85
Symbols for Valves .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 86
Safety Info ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 87
Operating the Grip ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 87
Maneuvering of the Boom ............................................................................................................................................................................ 88
Operating the Control Unit While Spraying ....................................................................................................................................... 90
Liquid System ......................................................................................................................................91
General Info ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 91
Filling of Water ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Filling Through Tank Lid ................................................................................................................................................................................. 93
Filling of Rinsing Tank ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Filling of Clean Water Tank ............................................................................................................................................................................ 95
Operating the TurboFiller .............................................................................................................................................................................. 97
Filling Liquid Chemicals Using the TurboFiller ...............................................................................................................................100
Filling Powder Chemicals Using the TurboFiller ................................................................................
Agitation Before Resuming a Spray Job .............................................................................................................................................104
Dilution of Spray Liquid .................................................................................................................................................................................105
Before Returning to Refill the Sprayer ..................................................................................................................................................105
Parking the Sprayer ..........................................................................................................................................................................................105
Additional Information ..................................................................................................................................................................................107
General Info ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................109
Standard Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................................................................111
Cleaning the Tank and Liquid System .................................................................................................................................................112
Cleaning and Maintenance of Filters ....................................................................................................................................................112
Use of Rinsing Tank and Rinsing Nozzles ...........................................................................................................................................113
Use of Cleaning Agent ...................................................................................................................................................................................114
Full Internal Cleaning (Soak Wash) .........................................................................................................................................................115
Using the Drain Valve .....................................................................................................................................................................................116
Outside Cleaning - Use of External Cleaning Devices ................................................................................................................117
General Info ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................119
Lubrication Plan - Boom Centre ...............................................................................................................................................................121
Lubrication Plan - Boom Wings ................................................................................................................................................................122
Lubrication and Oiling Plan - PTO ..........................................................................................................................................................123
Greasing the Pump ..........................................................................................................................................................................................123
Service and Maintenance Intervals .................................................................................................. 124
General Info ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................124
Tightening Bolts and Nuts ...........................................................................................................................................................................124
10 Hours Service - EasyClean Filter ........................................................................................................................................................127
10 Hours Service - CycloneFilter ..............................................................................................................................................................128
10 Hours Service - In-Line Filter ................................................................................................................................................................128
10 Hours Service - Nozzle Filters ..............................................................................................................................................................129
10 Hours Service - Spraying Circuit ........................................................................................................................................................129
50 Hours Service - Greasing the Pump ..........................................................................................
50 Hours Service - Transmission Shaft (PTO) ....................................................................................................................................130
250 Hours Service - Hydraulic Circuit ....................................................................................................................................................131
250 Hours Service - Hoses and Tubes ..................................................................................................................................................131
General Info ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................132
Lifting and Removing the Pump .............................................................................................................................................................132
Pump Valves and Diaphragms Renewal .............................................................................................................................................133
Speed Transducer for Pump ......................................................................................................................................................................134
Drain Valve Seal Replacement ..................................................................................................................................................................135
Adjustment of 3-Way Valve ........................................................................................................................................................................136
Change of Light Bulb ......................................................................................................................................................................................142
Replacement of Transmission Shaft Shield .......................................................................................................................................142
Replacement of Transmission Shaft Cross Journals ....................................................................................................................142
Readjustment of Boom - General Info .................................................................................................................................................143
Boom Adjustment Order ..............................................................................................................................................................................143
Horizontal Alignment of Centre and Inner Sections ...................................................................................................................144
Horizontal Alignment of Inner and Outer Sections ..............................................................................
Vertical Alignment of Inner and Outer Sections ............................................................................................................................145
Venting the Boom Hydraulics ...................................................................................................................................................................152
General Info ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................153
Before Storage ....................................................................................................................................................................................................153
After Storage ........................................................................................................................................................................................................154
General Info ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................155
Liquid System ......................................................................................................................................................................................................156
Electric Fuses ........................................................................................................................................................................................................158
Overview of Fuses .............................................................................................................................................................................................159
General Info ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................161
Pump Model 364/10.0 ...................................................................................................................................................................................163
Pump Model 464/10.0 ...................................................................................................................................................................................163
Temperature and Pressure Ranges ........................................................................................................................................................166
Materials and Recycling .................................................................................................................... 167
Disposal of the Sprayer ..................................................................................................................................................................................167
Disposal of Cleaning Water .........................................................................................................................................................................167
Boom and Work Lights ..................................................................................................................................................................................169
Index ................................................................................................................................................. 173
Table of Contents
Obligations and Liability
2 - Safety Notes
Comply with the
Instruction Book
Knowledge of the basic safety information and safety regulations is a fundamental requirement for safe
handling and fault-free sprayer operation.
of k nowledge or non-compliance of the safety instructions can lead to injuries and fatal accidentsas well
as damage to the sprayer and its surroundings.
Follow the safety instructions in this Instruction Book.
Before First Use of the Sprayer
The owner of the sprayer must take note of the following obligations before using the sprayer. These obligations also applies
to the employer or the supervisor of the sprayer operators.
Workplace Assessment
This must be completed to start with. Check your national regulations regarding
• the content of the workplace assessment
• the frequency of repeating the workplace assessment.
Worker / Operator Instructions
Only let those people work with, or on the sprayer, who
• are aware of the basic workplace safety information and accident prevention regulations
• have been instructed in working with/on the tractor and sprayer and hereby achieving appropriate qualifications
• have read and understood this Instruction Book.
If you still have queries after reading the Instruction Book, or if something remains unclear after reading it, please contact
the manufacturer or your HARDI dealer.
A worker is hereinafter called an operator. An operator is a person who installs, operates, configures, adjusts, maintains,
cleans, repairs, transports or moves the sprayer.
Use of Work Equipment
Throughout the lifetime of the sprayer, the owner shall take every measure to ensure the safety of the sprayer and its
equipment made available to operators according to European Directive 2009/104/EC – Use of Work Equipment.
Amendments to the directive, as well as subsequent directive versions are to be followed when applicable.
In this directive, the “minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work” are
described in full. To guide you in this matter, the issues concerning your work with the sprayer are listed below. However,
HARDI do not accept liability that the issues listed cover the requirements in the directive fully. This responsibility lies with
the owner of the sprayer.
From European Directive 2009/104/EC:
Article 1
Subject matter
1. This Directive, which is the second individual directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC, lays
down minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work, as defined in Article
2. The provisions of Directive 89/391/EEC are fully applicable to the whole scope referred to in paragraph 1, without
prejudice to more stringent or specific provisions contained in this Directive.
2 - Safety Notes
Article 2
For the purposes of this Directive, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(a) ‘work equipment’: any machine, apparatus, tool or installation used at work;
(b) ‘use of work equipment’: any activity involving work equipment such as starting or stopping the equipment, its
use, transport, repair, modification, maintenance and servicing, including, in particular, cleaning;
(c) ‘danger zone’: any zone within or around work equipment in which an exposed worker is subject to a risk to his
health or safety;
(d) ‘exposed worker’: any worker wholly or partially in a danger zone;
(e) ‘operator’: the worker or workers given the task of using work equipment.
Article 3
General obligations
1. The employer shall take the measures necessary to ensure that the work equipment made available to workers in the
undertaking or establishment is suitable for the work to be carried out or properly adapted for that purpose and may
be used by workers without impairment to their safety or health.
In selecting the work equipment which he proposes to use, the employer shall pay attention to the specific working
conditions and characteristics and to the hazards which exist in the undertaking or establishment, in particular at the
workplace, for the safety and health of the workers, and any additional hazards posed by the use of the work
equipment in question.
2. Where it is not possible in this way fully to ensure that work equipment can be used by workers without risk to their
safety or health, the employer shall take appropriate measures to minimize the risks.
Article 5
Inspection of work equipment
1. The employer shall ensure that where the safety of work equipment depends on the installation conditions, it shall be
subject to an initial inspection (after installation and before first being put into service) and an inspection after
assembly at a new site or in a new location by competent persons within the meaning of national laws and/or
practices, to ensure that the work equipment has been installed correctly and is operating properly.
2. In order to ensure that health and safety conditions are maintained and that deterioration liable to result in dangerous
situations can be detected and remedied in good time, the employer shall ensure that work equipment exposed to
conditions causing such deterioration is subject to:
(a) periodic inspections and, where appropriate, testing by competent persons within the meaning of national laws
and/or practices;
(b) special inspections by competent persons within the meaning of national laws and/or practices each time that
exceptional circumstances which are liable to jeopardize the safety of the work equipment have occurred, such
as modification work, accidents, natural phenomena or prolonged periods of inactivity.
3. The results of inspections shall be recorded and kept at the disposal of the authorities concerned. They must be kept
for a suitable period of time.
When work equipment is used outside the undertaking it shall be accompanied by physical evidence that the last
inspection has been carried out.
4. Member States shall determine the conditions under which such inspections are made.
2 - Safety Notes
Article 6
Work equipment involving specific risks
When the use of work equipment is likely to involve a specific risk to the safety or health of workers, the employer shall take
the measures necessary to ensure that:
(a) the use of work equipment is restricted to those persons given the task of using it;
(b) in the case of repairs, modifications, maintenance or servicing, the workers concerned are specifically designated
to carry out such work.
Article 8
Informing workers
1. Without prejudice to Article 10 of Directive 89/391/EEC, the employer shall take the measures necessary to ensure that
workers have at their disposal adequate information and, where appropriate, written instructions on the work
equipment used at work.
2. The information and the written instructions shall contain at least adequate safety and health information concerning:
(a) the conditions of use of work equipment;
(b) foreseeable abnormal situations;
(c) the conclusions to be drawn from experience, where appropriate, in using work equipment.
Workers shall be made aware of dangers relevant to them, work equipment present in the work area or site, and any
changes affecting them, inasmuch as they affect work equipment situated in their immediate work area or site, even
if they do not use such equipment directly.
3. The information and the written instructions shall be comprehensible to the workers concerned.
Article 9
Training of workers
Without prejudice to Article 12 of Directive 89/391/EEC, the employer shall take the measures necessary to ensure that:
(a) workers given the task of using work equipment receive adequate training, including training on any risks which
such use may entail;
(b) workers referred to in Article 6(b) receive adequate specific training.
2 - Safety Notes
Statutory Inspection
Before first use of the sprayer, a surveyor must complete a statutory inspection of the tractor and sprayer. However, the rules
often allow the tractor and the sprayer to be inspected separately before being connected. Contact your local HARDI dealer
for more information on this inspection and when it has to be completed.
Restricted Use
As the use of the sprayer is likely to involve a specific risk, the owner shall ensure restricted access to its use as needed, and
any modification of the restrictions is to be allowed to specialized persons only.
Restricted use also applies to the selection of tractor to be used together with the sprayer. Usable tractors must be tested
for driving the sprayer, and the owner must keep a document showing which tractors may be used for driving the sprayer,
as well the information about the tests. This information must be available to the operator of the sprayer.
Maintenance Regulations
Throughout its working life, the owner shall keep the sprayer compatible with the current national Machinery Directive by
means of adequate maintenance.
The owner shall ensure that the sprayer is installed and set up correctly and is operating properly by inspection/testing of
the sprayer (initial, after assembly, periodic and special) by authorized persons. The results of inspection/testing shall be
recorded and kept.
Health Issues
Ergonomics and occupational health aspects shall be taken fully into account by the owner.
Obligations of the Operator
Before starting work, the operator or anyone in charge of working with/on the sprayer is obliged to
• comply with the basic workplace safety instructions and accident prevention regulations.
• read and follow the safety instructions as described in this Instruction Book.
• read the section “Representation of Safety Symbols” in this Instruction Book and to follow the safety instructions
represented by the danger, warning and attention symbols, when operating the sprayer.
• get to know the sprayer.
• connect the sprayer securely and correctly to a tractor, which has passed the test for driving the sprayer.
• read the sections of this Instruction Book that are important for carrying out the work.
• read the manufacturer’s information regarding safety and use of chemical products for crop care, such as spray
chemicals or liquid fertilizer.
• keep all the danger, warning and attention labels on the sprayer in a legible state.
• replace damaged labels on the sprayer.
• know the importance of the use of genuine HARDI spare parts.
If the operator discovers that a function is not working properly, he must eliminate this fault immediately. If this is not the
task of the operator, or if the operator does not possess the appropriate technical knowledge, then he should report this fault
to his superior (a qualified operator).
2 - Safety Notes
Risks in Handling the Sprayer
The sprayer has been highly developed and constructed to the recognized rules of safety. However, operating the sprayer
may cause risks and restrictions to
• the health and safety of the operator or
the sprayer
• other property.
Only use the sprayer
• for the purpose for which it
• in a perfect state of
Eliminate any faults immediately which could impair the safety.
Our "General Terms of Sale and Delivery" are always applicable. These shall be available to the owner at the latest on
conclusion of the contract.
Guarantee and liability claims for damage to people or property will be excluded by HARDI, if they can be traced back to one
or more of the following causes:
• Improper use of the sprayer
• Improper installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the sprayer
• Operation of the sprayer with defective safety equipment, or improperly attached or non-functioning safety
was intended
third parties
• Non-compliance with the instructions in the instruction manual regarding commissioning, operation and
• Unauthorized design changes to the sprayer
• Insufficient monitoring of sprayer parts which are subject to wear
• Improperly executed repairs
• Spare parts used are not genuine HARDI spare parts. If the operator decides to use a spare part, which is not approved
by HARDI, the operator immediately assumes responsibility for any accident, damage or malfunction, which can be
traced back to the use of this spare part. HARDI accept no liability for such incidents caused by the use of non-approved
spare parts, wear parts or aids.
• Disasters through the impact of foreign bodies, natural disasters or force majeure.
2 - Safety Notes
Organizational Measures
This Instruction Book
• must always be kept together with the sprayer
• must always be easily accessible for the operator
Personal Protective Equipment
The operator must use the necessary personal protective equipment as per the information provided by the manufacturer
of the plant protection product to be used, such as:
Chemical-resistant gloves
Chemical-resistant and disposable overalls
Water-resistant footwear
Face shield
Breathing protection
Eye protection
Head protection
Skin protection products
2 - Safety Notes
Representation of Safety Symbols
Explanation of Symbols
Safety symbols are used in the following chapters throughout this Instruction Book to designate, where the reader has to
pay extra attention.
The signal word (DANGER, WARNING, ATTENTION or NOTE) describes the severity of the risk.
The symbols have the following meaning:
This symbol means DANGER. Be very alert as your safety is involved! The DANGER symbol indicates a high risk for an
immediate death or serious physical injury, if the instruction is not followed.
This symbol means WARNING. Be alert as your safety can be involved! The WARNING symbol indicates a medium risk
for immediate death or serious injury, if the instruction is not followed.
This symbol means ATTENTION. This indicates an obligation to special behaviour or an activity required for proper
sprayer handling. This instruction will help you to avoid faults on the sprayer or disturbance to the environment.
This symbol means NOTE. This indicates handling tips and particularly useful information. This instruction will help
you to use all the functions of your sprayer in the best way possible for a better, easier and more safe operation.
2 - Safety Notes
Warning Signs On The Sprayer
Explanation of Labels
The labels on the sprayer are designating potential dangerous areas on the machine. Operators, or anyone in close range of
the sprayer, must respect these warnings!
The labels should always be clean and readable! Worn or damaged labels must be replaced with new ones. Contact your
HARDI dealer for new labels.
Note that not all labels shown hereafter will apply to your sprayer - this depends on the sprayer model which labels apply.
Chemical handling!
Carefully read the informations about
chemical preparation before handling the
machine. Observe instructions and safety
rules when operating.
Turn off the engine and remove ignition key
before performing maintenance or repair.
Risk of death!
Do not attempt to enter tank.
Risk of injury!
Do not open or remove safety shields while
engine is running.
Risk of injury!
Carefully read the Instruction Book before
handling the machine. Observe instructions
and safety rules when operating.
Tighten to the torque according to instruction
Risk of burn!
Stay clear of hot surfaces.
Risk of injury!
Flying objects - keep a safe distance from the
machine, as long as the engine is running.
Risk of injury!
Keep sufficient distance away from electrical
power lines.
Keep hands away.
2 - Safety Notes
Risk of squeezing!
Stay clear of raised and unsecured loads.
Risk of squeezing!
Keep hands away, when parts is moving.
Risk of sprayer tipping over!
Be aware when disconnecting the sprayer.
Not for drinking!
This water must never be used for drinking.
Lifting point!Lifting point!
Risk of squeezing
Never reach into the crushing danger area as
long as parts are moving.
Risk of falling off!
Do not ride on platform or ladder.
Grapping area!
Manual handling of the boom etc.
Not for drinking!
This water must never be used for drinking.
Load index!
Max. permitted load rating is 164 at 40 km/h
or 5000 kg.
EasyClean filter service!
Open and clean filter monthly.
2 - Safety Notes
Safety and Protection Equipment
Safety at Start-up
Each time before the sprayer is started up, all the safety and protection equipment must be properly attached and fully
functional. Check all safety and protection equipment regularly. Repair or replace the equipment as needed.
Faulty Safety Equipment
Faulty or disassembled safety and protection equipment can lead to dangerous situations.
2 - Safety Notes
Informal Safety Measures
Additional Safety Instructions
Together with the safety information in this Instruction Book, also comply with the general and national regulations related to
A. Accident prevention
B. Environmental protection
C. The applicable workplace safety.
Follow these regulations, especially when
• driving on public roads and routes. Comply with the appropriate statutory road traffic regulations. These vary from
country to country, and there may be local regulations which need to be followed.
• local law demands that the operator is certified to use spray equipment.
• using pesticides or liquid fertilizer. Make sure you understand the information from the supplier regarding their use.
2 - Safety Notes
Operator Training
Authorized Persons
Only those people who have been trained and instructed may work with/on the sprayer. The operator must clearly specify
the responsibilities of the people in charge of operation and maintenance work.
People being trained may only work with/on the sprayer under the supervision of an experienced operator.
Loading / TransportXXX
Setup and tool installation00X
Troublesho oting and fault eliminationX0X
Symbols: X - permitted, 0 - not permitted.
Person especially trained for the
Tra in ed
Person with specialist training
(specialized workshop)
1. Persons who can assume a specific task, and who can carry out this task for an appropriately qualified company.
Examples of these persons are truck drivers, machinery dealer and scrap dealers (depending on the activity).
2. Persons who have been instructed in their assigned tasks and in the possible risks in the case of improper behaviour,
who have been trained if necessary, and who have been informed about the necessary protective equipment and
measures. Examples of these persons are customers, farmers and farm workers.
3. Persons with specialist technical training shall be considered as a specialist. Due to their specialist training and their
knowledge of the appropriate regulations, they can evaluate the work with which they have been appointed to and
detect possible dangers. Examples of these persons are sprayer importers, dealers and service engineers and service
A qualification equivalent to specialist training can be obtained from several years of experience in the relevant field.
If maintenance and repair work on the sprayer is additionally marked "Workshop work", or a similar marking, only a
specialized workshop may carry out such work. The personnel of a specialized workshop shall possess the appropriate
knowledge and suitable aids (tools, lifting and support equipment) for carrying out the maintenance and repair work on the
sprayer in a way that is both appropriate and safe.
2 - Safety Notes
Safety Measures in Normal Operation
Protection Equipment
Only operate the sprayer if all the safety and protection equipment is fully functional.
Check the sprayer at least once a day for visible damage and check the function of the safety and protection equipment.
2 - Safety Notes
Residual Energy
Possible Dangers
Note that there m ay be residual energy from mechanical, hydraulic, pneum atic and
Use appropriate measures to inform the operators.
Prevent any accidents from happening due to residual energy.
Below are some examples on where the sprayer’s residual energies may be present.
Mechanical Energy
• springs under tension
• weights exposed to gravity
Hydraulic Energy
• trapped oil under pressure in cylinders, hoses and accumulators
• heat from cylinders and oil tank.
Pneumatic Energy
• air tank
• air activated brake system
• pressure dampers for fluid system
Electric Energy
• energy stored in capacitors
• tractor battery
electric / electronic
parts on the sprayer.
2 - Safety Notes
Service and Maintenance Work
Statutory Inspection
A surveyor must complete a statutory inspection of the tractor and sprayer prior to connecting the two. However, the rules
often allow the tractor and the sprayer to be inspected separately before being connected.
Each country should regulate the level and frequency of this inspection. Contact your local HARDI dealer for more
information, before using the sprayer the first time.
Preventive Measures
Before carrying out service and maintenance work, secure all media against unintentional start-up. This goes for:
Hydraulic system
• set the tractor’s hydraulic levers in neutral position to relieve oil pressure
• turn off the tractor and remove the ignition key
• dismount the hydraulic hoses connected from the tractor to the sprayer.
Electric system
• turn off the tractor and remove the ignition key
• dismount the electric cables from the tractor’s battery.
Fluid system
• turn off the tractor and remove the ignition key.
Compressed air
• turn off the tractor and remove the ignition key
Carry out prescribed service, maintenance and inspection work in due time. This will help to eliminate faults on the sprayer,
including safety related functions.
Carefully fix and secure larger components to lifting gear when carrying out replacement work.
Check all the screw and bolt connections for firm seating. On completion of the maintenance work, check the function of the
safety devices.
2 - Safety Notes
Design Changes
Operator Limitations
You may make no changes, expansions or modifications to the sprayer without an authorization from HARDI. This also
applies when welding support parts.
Any expansion or modification work shall require the written approval from HARDI. Only use modification and accessory
parts approved by HARDI, so that the type approval or other design approvals remain valid in accordance with national and
international regulations.
Vehicles with an official type approval, or with equipment connected to a vehicle with a valid type approval, or approval for
road transport according to the local road traffic regulations, must be in the state specified by the approval.
It is strictly forbidden to:
• Drill holes in the steel frame or in the running gear
• Increase the size of existing holes in the steel frame or in the running gear
• Weld support parts.
Risk of crushing, cutting, catching, squeezing, getting trapped, being drawn in or being struck by sprayer parts due to the
failure of support parts.
Spare Parts, Wear Parts and Aids
Immediately replace any sprayer parts which are not in a perfect state.
Only use genuine HARDI spare and wear parts or those approved by HARDI, so that the type approval remains valid
according to the national and international regulations. The use of spare and wear parts from third parties does not
guarantee that they have been constructed in a way as to meet the requirements placed on them.
HARDI accept no liability for damage caused by the use of non-approved spare parts, wear parts or aids.
Cleaning and Disposal
Environmental Protection
Carefully handle and dispose of any materials used, in particular
• When carrying out work on oiled or lubricated sprayer parts.
• When cleaning using solvents.
Always follow local legislation regarding disposal.
2 - Safety Notes
2 - Safety Notes
Intended Place for Operator
There may be only one person sitting in the driver's seat of the tractor connected to the sprayer. This is the intended
workstation for operating the sprayer.
Risks of Non-Compliance
During the operation or transport of the sprayer:
If another person disturbs or interferes with the operator, or if the operator is trying to operate the sprayer from other places
than the tractor’s driver seat, this can result in negligent or incorrect handling of the vehicle.
• Risk of the operator loosing his concentration and focus on operating the vehicle correctly
• Risk of the operator loosing his ability to operate the vehicle correctly
• Risk of fatal accidents while driving
• Risk of damages to the tractor, sprayer and foreign objects while driving
• Risk of inefficient spraying due to incorrect operation of the sprayer.
If the Safety Information is Ignored
Possible Risks and Dangers
Non-compliance with the safety information:
• Can pose a danger to people, to the environment and to the sprayer
• Danger to people through non-secured working areas
• Danger to people through mechanical and chemical influences
• Failure of important sprayer functions
• Failure of prescribed methods of maintenance and repair
• Leakage of hydraulic oil or spray fluid to the environment
• Can lead to the loss of all warranty claims.
2 - Safety Notes
2 - Safety Notes
Safety Information For Operators
General Safety and Accident Prevention
Before use or starting up the sprayer and the tractor, always check their
• roadworthiness
• operational safety
Risk of crushing, cutting, catching, squeezing, getting trapped, being drawn in or being struck by sprayer parts due to
inadequate roadworthiness and operational safety.
Beside these instructions, comply with the generally applicable national safety and accident prevention regulations.
The warning symbols and other labels attached to the sprayer provide important information on safe sprayer operation.
Compliance with this information is in the interests of your safety.
Keep the spray boom in folded position, whenever the sprayer is not coupled to a tractor. Unfolding the boom on an
uncoupled sprayer will shift the balance point of the sprayer causing a risk of overturning.
Before driving off and starting up the sprayer, check the immediate area of the sprayer - look out especially for children and
instruct them and other unauthorized persons to stay out of reach of the sprayer. Ensure that you can see clearly.
Drive in such a way that you always have full control over the tractor with the attached sprayer. I n doing so, take your personal
abilities into account, as well as the road, traffic, visibility, weather conditions and the driving characteristics of the tractor and
of the connected sprayer.
Slow down when driving in uneven terrain or when making sharp turns, as the sprayer might be in risk of turning over.
It is forbidden to ride on the sprayer or use it as a means of transport.
It is forbidden to stay in the working area of the sprayer’s drawbar, on the sprayer’s platform or behind the operating area
(the tractor), unless the hydraulic pressure to the sprayer has been switched off.
Only authorized persons are allowed inside or outside the tractor cabin during operation.
Keep persons, children and animals away from the operation areas of the sprayer and from the sprayer’s equipment. Be
careful when manoeuvring the sprayer, especially when reversing, as there is a risk of hitting people or surroundings.
Avoid eating, drinking or smoking while spraying or working with equipment contaminated with chemicals.
The chemicals used for spraying are dangerous to your health! In case of ingestion, poisoning or damages to your skin or
face, immediately seek medical advice. Remember to identify the chemicals used.
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