Hardi Boss, Heron, Boss BS 300, Boss BS 800, Heron HR 800 Instruction Book

Instruction book
673791 GB - 04.2002
We congratulate you for choosing a HARDI plant protection product. The reliability and efficiency of this product depend upon your care. The first step is to carefully read and pay atten­tion to this instruction book. It contains essential information for the efficient use and long life of this quality product.
llustrations, technical information and data in this book are to the best of our belief correct at the time of printing. As it is HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S policy permanently to improve our products, we reserve the right to make changes in design, features, accessories, specifications and maintenance instructions at any time and without notice.
HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S is without any obligation in relation to implements purchased before or after such changes.
HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S cannot undertake any responsibility for possible omissions or ina ccurac ies in this pub lic ati on, alt hou gh e ver ything p oss ible has been do ne to ma ke it complete and correct.
.As this instruction book covers more models and features or equipment, which are available in certain countries only, please pay attention to paragraphs dealing with precisely your model.
Published and printed by HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S
EC Declaration of Conformity................................................... 2
Operator safety ........................................................................ 3
Description ............................................................................... 4
Function diagram ..................................................................... 5
Connecting the sprayer............................................................5
Transmission shaft ............................................................. 6
Mechanical remote control - HR only ................................. 8
Rear lights (if fitted) ............................................................ 8
Roadworthyness ................................................................ 8
Operating instructions .............................................................. 8
Filling the tank .................................................................... 8
Unfolding and folding the boom.......................................... 9
Boom height ....................................................................... 9
Pulsation damper ............................................................... 9
Adjustment of the BK controls..........................................10
Maintenance .......................................................................... 12
Cleaning the sprayer ........................................................ 12
Filters ............................................................................... 14
Lubrication ....................................................................... 15
Re-adjustment of the boom..............................................18
Recommended tyre pressure (only HR)........................... 18
Wheel nuts and bearings (only HR) ................................. 19
Changing of valves and diaphragms................................19
Changing the ball seat in operating unit........................... 20
Nozzle tubes and fittings .................................................. 20
Off-season storage........................................................... 21
Operational problems............................................................. 22
Technical specifications.......................................................... 24
Pictorial symbols .................................................................... 26
Assembly................................................................................ 27
Spare parts ............................................................................ 45
Instruction book
HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S reserve the right to make changes in design or to add new features without any obligation in relation to implements purchased before or after such changes.
EC Declaration of Conformity
HARDI INTERNATIONAL A/S Helgeshøj Allé 38 DK 2630 Taastrup DENMARK
declare that the following product;
Adhere extra shipping package labels to inside cover.
A. was manufactured in conformity with the provisions in the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 14 June 1989 on mutual approximation of the laws of the Member States on the safety of machines (89/392/EEC as amended by directives 91/368/EEC and 93/368/EEC) with special reference to Annex 1 of the Directive on essential safety and health requirements in relation to the construction and manufacture of machines.
B. was manufactured in conformity with the standards current at that time that implements a harmonised standard in accordance with Article 5 (2) and other relevant standards.
Taastrup 03.04.2002
Lars Bentsen Product Development Manager
Operator safety
Watch for this symbol . It means WARNING, CAUTION, NOTE. Your safety is involved so be alert!
Note the following recommended precautions and safe operating practices.
Read and understand this instruction book before using the equipment. It is equally important that other operators of this
equipment read and understand this book.
Local law may demand that the operator be certified to use spray equipment. Adhere to the law.
Pressure test with clean water prior to filling with chemicals. Wear protective clothing. Rinse and wash equipment after use and before servicing. Depressurize equipment after use and before servicing. Never service or repair the equipment whilst it is operating. Disconnect electrical power before servicing. Always replace all safety devices or shields immediately after
servicing. If an arc welder is used on the equipment or anything connected
to the equipment, disconnect power leads before welding. Re­move all inflammable or explosive material from the area.
Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst spraying or working with con­taminated equipment.
Wash and change clothes after spraying. Wash tools if they have become contaminated. In case of poisoning, seek doctor or ambulance. Remember to
identify chemicals used. Keep children away from the equipment.
Do not attempt to enter the tank. If any portion of this instruction book remains unclear after read-
ing it, contact your HARDI dealer for further explanation before using the equipment.
We congratulate you for choosing a HARDI plant protection product. The reliability and efficiency of this product depend on your care. The first step is to carefully read and pay attention to this instruction book. It contains essential information for the efficient use and long life of this quality product.
As the instruction book covers all BOSS (BS) and HERON (HR) mod­els, please pay attention to the paragraphs dealing with precisely your model. This book is to be read in conjunction with the “Spray Technique” book.
The HARDI BS/HR sprayer is for the application of plant protection chemicals. They consist of pump, operating unit, frame with tank and spray boom.
The design of the diaphragm pump is simple, with easily accessible diaphragms and valves that ensures liquid does not contact the vital parts of the pump.
The tank, made of impact-proof and chemical resistant polyethylene, has a purposeful design with no sharp corners, for easy cleaning.
The BK operating unit consists of; pressure agitator valve, safety valve, main ON/OFF valve, pressure filter with pressure gauge, distribution valves with pressure equalization and HARDI-MATIC pressure control valve.
HARDI-MATIC ensures a constant volume per hectare of the liquid (l/ha) at varying speed in the same gear when the number of P.T.O. rev­olutions is between 300-600 r/min (800-1100 r/min for 1202/6.0 pumps).
The manually folded 6, 8 or 10 metre SB spray boom is fitted. It is fitted with a spring loaded breakaway at the pivots and TRIPLET SNAP-FIT nozzle bodies with COLOR TIP nozzles.
Identification plates
An identification plate fitted on the frame and pump is to indicate model, year of production with serial number and country of origin. If ordering spare parts, inform your dealer of these so the right model and version are described.
Function diagram
1a.Suction filter, BS 300 1b.Suction filter, BS/HR 800
2. Pump
3. Safety valve
4. Main ON/OFF valve
5. Pressure filter with pressure gauge
6. Distribution valves with pressure equalization and extra valve for spraygun
7. Pressure control valve with HARDI MATIC
8. Sprayer boom
Connecting the sprayer
The BS 300 sprayer is designed for Cushman and Jacobsen tractors and fitting brackets must be used. For other tractors special hitching brackets must be manufactured.
The BS 800 sprayer is designed for TORO Workman 3200/3300. The HR 800 sprayer can be connected to the tractor drawbar. The
standard drawbar is forked. Alternatively, a drawbar with ball hitch can be supplied. Max driving speed for HR 800 is 25 km/h.
The standard pump is made for 540 r/min PTO. An alternative is model 1202 pump for 1000 r/min PTO.
Transmission shaft
Operator safety
To avoid accidents and personal injuries, note the following recom­mended precautions and safe operation practices.
Always STOP ENGINE before attaching the transmission shaft to tractor P.T.O. - most tractor P.T.O. shafts can be rotated by hand to facillitate spline alignement, when engine is stopped.
When attaching the shaft, make sure that the snap lock is FULLY ENGAGED - push and pull shaft until it locks.
Always keep protection guards and chains intact and make sure that it covers all rotating parts, including CV-joints at each end of the shaft. Do not use without protection guard.
Do not touch or stand on the transmission shaft when it is rotating ­safety distance: 1.5 meter.
Prevent protection guards from rotating by attaching the chains allow­ing sufficient slack for turns.
Make sure that protection guards around tractor P.T.O. and implement shaft is intact.
Always STOP ENGINE and remove the ignition key before carrying out maintenance or repairs to the transmission shaft or implement.
Installation of transmission shaft
Initial installation of the shaft is done as follows:
1. Attach sprayer to tractor and set sprayer in the position with short- est distance between the tractor and sprayer pump P.T.O. shafts.
2. Stop engine and remove ignition key.
3. If transmission shaft must be shortened, the shaft is pulled apart. Fit the two shaft parts at tractor and sprayer pump and measure how much it is necesary to shorten the shaft. Mark the protection guards.
NOTE: The shaft must always have a minimum overlap 150 mm.
4. The two parts are shortened equally. Use a saw, and file the profiles afterwards to remove burrs.
5. Grease the profiles, and assemble male and female parts again.
6. Fit the shaft to tractor and sprayer pump. NOTE: Female part towards tractor. Fit the chains to prevent the protection guards to rotate with the shaft.
7. To ensure long life of the transmission shaft, try to avoid working angles greater than 15°.
8. Transmission shafts with cone must be fitted by tightening the Allen screw to a torque of 40 Nm. Check again after 2 minutes use.
Mechanical remote control - HR only
The operating unit remote control is fitted at a convenient place in the tractor cabin.
Rear lights (if fitted)
Connect plug for rear lights to the tractors 7-poled socket and check that rear lights, stop lights and direction indicators work properly before driving anywhere.
The wiring is in ISO accordance. See section on Technical specifications.
When driving on public roads and other areas where the highway code applies, or areas where there are special rules and regulations for marking the lights on implements, you should observe these and equip implements accordingly.
Operating instructions
Filling the tank
It is recommended to use as clean water as possible for spraying purposes. Always fill water through the strainer basket to prevent foreign particles from entering the tank. An overhead tank can be used in order to obtain high filling capacity.
WARNING: Do not let the filling hose enter the tank. Keep it outside the tank, pointing towards the filling hole. If the hose is lead into the tank and the water pressure drops at the water supply plant, chemicals may be syphoned back and contaminate the water supply lines, plant and well.
Unfolding and folding the boom
The boom is operated as follows:
1. Remove boom transport lock pins A.
2. Swing the boom down. When unfolding (or folding) the initial force to release the spring loaded breakaw­ay will be higher than the actual unfolding/folding. CAUTION: The breakaway must be correctly tensioned and lubricated. (See section on Re-adjust­ment of the boom).
3. Unfold the outer sections. Do not let the outer sec­tions fall into place.
4. Reverse procedure to fold.
Boom height
Correct boom height is very important in order to obtain optimum distri­bution of the liquid (see “Spray Technique” book).
The boom height can be manually adjusted by removing the 4 bolts keeping the boom on the frame.
NOTE: This is best done by 2 persons or by means of a hoist.
Pulsation damper
The air pressure in the pulsation damper is fac­tory preset at 2 bar to cover spray working pres­sures between 3 and 15 bar. When using spray pressures outside this range, the air pressure should be adjusted as shown in the diagram. The diagram is also embossed on the damper.
Adjustment of the BK controls
1. Choose the correct nozzle. Turn the TRIPLET nozzle bodies to the suitable nozzle for the spray purpose. Make sure that all nozzles are the same type and capacity. See “Spray Technique” book.
2. Open or close lever 1 depending on whether pressure agitation is required. (Remember pressure agitation takes 5% to 10% of pump output).
3. Turn main ON/OFF handle 2 to ON position A.
4. Set all hand levers 3 on the distribution valve to ON position A.
5. Turn the HARDI-MATIC valve 4 anti-clockwise to its extreme position.
6. Put the tractor in neutral and adjust the P.T.O. thereby the number of revolutions of the pump corresponding to the intended travelling speed. NOTE: For units with 540 r/min P.T.O., the revolutions must be kept between 300-600 r/min. NOTE: For units with 1000 r/min P.T.O., the revolutions must be kept between 800-1100 r/min.
7. Adjust the HARDI-MATIC valve 4 so that the pressure gauge indi- cates the recommended pressure.
8. Place the first lever 3 on the distribution valve in OFF position B.
9. Turn the adjusting screw 5 until the pressure gauge again shows the same pressure.
10.Adjust the other sections of the distribution valve in the same way. Hereafter adjustment of pressure equalization will only be needed if you change to nozzles of other capacities.
11.To stop the liquid flow to the boom turn the ON/OFF handle 2 to OFF position B. This returns the pump output to the tank through the return system. The diaphragm anti-drip valves ensure instanta­neous closing of all nozzles. To stop the liquid flow to one or more boom sections, turn lever 3 of the distribution valve to OFF position B for the section to be closed. The pressure equalization ensures that the pressure does not rise in the sections which are to remain open.
12.A spray gun can be connected to the control unit. When using this function, set hand levers 3 for the boom section to OFF position B. Screw the adjusting screws 5 in to prevent liquid returing to the tank. Set hand lever 6 to ON position A.
Operation of the tank drain valve (only 800 l tank)
To open: A To close: B
Spray Technique - see separate book. Optional Extras - see separate books.
In order to derive full benefit from the sprayer for many years the fol­lowing few but important rules should be kept:
Cleaning the sprayer
Read the whole label of the chemical. Take note of any particular instructions regarding recommended protective clothing, deactivating agents, etc. Read the detergent and deactivating agent labels. If clean­ing procedures are given, follow them closely.
Be familiar with local legislation regarding disposal of pesticides washings, mandatory decontamination methods, etc. Contact the appropriate body, eg. Dept of Agriculture. Pesticide washings can usually be sprayed out on a soakaway. This is an area of ground that is not used for cropping. You must avoid seep­age or run-off of residues into streams, water courses, ditches, wells, springs, etc. The washings from the cleaning area must not enter sewers. Drainage must lead to a soakaway.
Cleaning starts with the calibration, as a well calibrated sprayer will ensure the minimal amount of remaining spray liquid. It is good practice to clean the sprayer immediately after use thereby rendering the sprayer safe and ready for the next pesticide application. This also prolongs the life of the components.
It is sometimes necessary to leave spray liquid in the tank for short periods, eg. overnight, or until the weather becomes suitable for spray­ing again. Unauthorized persons and animals must not have access to the sprayer under these circumstances.
If the product applied is corrosive, it is recommended to coat all metal parts of the sprayer before and after use with a suitable rust inhibitor.
Remember: Clean sprayers are safe sprayers.
Clean sprayers are ready for action. Clean sprayers can not be damaged by pesticides and their solvents.
1. Dilute remaining spray liquid in the tank with at least 10 parts water and spray the liquid out in the field you have just sprayed.
NOTE: It is advisable to increase the forward speed (double if pos­sible) and reduce the pressure. For S4110 nozzles, pressure may be reduced to 1.5 bar.
2. Select and use the appropriate protective clothing. Select detergent suitable for cleaning and suitable deactivating agents if necessary.
3. Rinse and clean sprayer and tractor externally. Use detergent if necessary.
4. Remove tank and suction filters and clean. Be careful not to damage the mesh. Replace suction filter top. Replace filters when the sprayer is completely clean.
5. With the pump running, rinse the inside of the tank. Remember the tank roof. Rinse and operate all components and any equipment that has been in contact with the chemical. Before opening the distribution valves and spraying the liquid out, decide whether this should be done in the field again or on the soakaway.
6. After spraying the liquid out, stop the pump and fill at least 1/5 of the tank with clean water. Note that some chemicals require the tank to be completely filled. Add appropriate detergent and/or deactivating agent, eg. Washing soda or Triple ammonia. NOTE: If a cleaning procedure is given on the chemical label, follow it closely.
7. Start the pump and operate all controls enabling the liquid to come in contact with all the components. Leave the distribution valves until last. Some detergents and deactivating agents work best if left in the tank for a short period. Check the label. If fitted the Self-Cleaning Filter can be flushed by removing the bypass hose from the bottom of the filter. Stop the pump and re­move the hose. Start the pump for a few seconds to flush filter. Be careful not to loose the restrictor nozzle.
8. Drain the tank and let pump run dry. Rinse inside of tank, again letting the pump run dry.
9. Stop the pump. If the pesticides used have a tendency to block nozzles and filters, remove and clean them now. Check also for sediment on the pressure side of the safety valve for the Self-Clean­ing Filter.
10. Replace all the filters and nozzles and store the sprayer. If, from previous experiences, it is noted that the solvents in the pesticide are particularly aggressive, store the sprayer with the tank lid open. NOTE: If the sprayer is cleaned with a high pressure cleaner we recommend lubrication of the entire machine.
Clean filters ensure :
• Sprayer components such as valves, diaphragms and operating unit are not hindered or damaged during operation.
• Nozzle blockages do not occur whilst spraying.
• Long life of pump. A blocked suction filter will result in pump cavit­ation.
Suction filter
The main filter protecting sprayer components is the suction filter. Check it regularly. The BS 300 sprayer has a suction filter placed in the bottom of the tank. The BS/HR 800 has a suction filter placed in the top of the tank.
BK Pressure filter / In Line Filters (if fitted)
The BK operating unit has an in-built pressure filter. Unscrew the filter bowl to inspect and clean the filter.
The boom may be equipped with In Line Filters. Unscrew the filter bowl to inspect and clean the filter.
Alternative filters are available. See section on Technical specifications
- Filters and nozzles.
Recommended lubrication is shown in following table. Use ball bearing grease (lithium grease No. 2). Note: If the sprayers are cleaned with a high pressure cleaner or fertil­izer has been used, we recommend lubrication of all sections and all metal parts by means of corrosion protective oil.
Position on sprayer
Operation hours
Oil Grease
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