Boo t Pad
+5V o ut
Vid eo out
Vid eo in
Onl y Suppo rt Max 2 5mw V TX
1S LI PO Inpu t(Su ppo rt H V 4. 35V)
Fli ght con tro ller co nnect ion dia gram
M4 Mo tor
M3 Mo tor
M2 Motor
LED C omboLED C omboLED C ombo
Bin d butto n
Buz zer+
Buz zer
Led s Blink ing slo wly-- -No RC In put sig nal or bi nding s ucces sfulLed s Blink ing slo wly-- -No RC In put sig nal or bi nding s ucces sful
Led s are sol id--- RC Inpu t sign al conn ectedLed s are sol id--- RC Inpu t sign al conn ected
Or Ge t into Bi nding m odeOr Ge t into Bi nding m ode
Led s Blink ing slo wly-- -No RC In put sig nal or bi nding s ucces sful
Led s are sol id--- RC Inpu t sign al conn ected
Or Ge t into Bi nding m ode
Boo t Pad
M1 Motor
4.2 V Charg er indi cates L ED
4.2 V/4.3 5V swit chabl e butto n
4.3 5V Char ger ind icate s LED
Sol id RED LE D---C hargi ng
LED O FF--- Charg e compl ete
CAUTION: Onc e charging is comp lete,
immedia tely remove the batter y. Never leave a battery con nected to the charger.
4.2V/4.35V charging switch
Cha rging c urren ts swi tch
2-6 S Lipo In put
DC 12 V Input
Sol id LED- --Cha rging
LED O FF--- Charg ing com plete
USB 5 V out
Cha rger th e Lip o Batte ry
Sna pper 6 Mi cro FPV R acing D rone FR SKY BN F Versi on
3. Open th e Device M anager o f your com puter, fin d the Port s, pleas e make sur e the Com p ort
Ser ial Numb er is unde r 255, oth erwis e it will ca n't conne ct to the BL HELISU ITE. You can c hange
the p ort se rial num ber like t he bello wing ste p :
4. Open t he BLHE LISUI TE, Sel ect SIL ABS BLH eli Boo tload er (Cle anfli ght) fr om the th ird tab o n
the t op side . Then Se lect th e right S erial c om port a nd Clic k conne ct. You ca n also Fl ash the
new r eleas e BLHel i_s fir mware vi a the BLH EILIS UITE, t he firm ware Targ et is “O- L-05”
Cli ck chec k to see the
det ails of th e 4in1 ES C
Fir mware ta rget
Fla sh firm ware
Fir mware u pdate
Mix er type a nd ESC/ motor p rotoc ol
M4 M2
M3 M1
Fix the C W prop eller s onto the M 1 and M 4 mot or (C W mot ors)
Fix t he CCW pro pelle r onto th e M2 and M3 m otor (CC W motor s)
1. Down load Ne w releas e Blhel isuit e from:
htt ps:// diafi m/fol der/d x6kfa asyo2 4l/BL HeliS uite
2. Conn ect the C RAZYB EE flig ht cont rolle r to comp uter an d power f or it wit h 1S Lipo ba tter y
ESC C heck an d Flash firm war e
Por ts are nu mbered 1 -6. Do no t put mor e than on e batte ry on a sin gle por t. For
exa mple: d o not ins ert on e batt ery on th e Picob lade 1. 25 plug a nd anot her on th e
sam e port w ith th e PH 2.0 pl ug.
*We w ill up date th e firmw are for C razyb ee F3 and re lease t o our web site in t ime.
Flight controller firm ware update
1. Install l atest STM32 V irtua l COM Por t Driv er
http ://www. eb/en/ catalog/ tools/PF 257938
2. Install S TM BOOTLOAD Driv er (STM Devic e in DFU MO DE)
3. Open Beta flight conf igurator a nd choos e firmwar e targ et “Crazybe eF3FR”,th en select the
firm ware vers ion.
4. There are 2 way s to get in DF U Mode : 1). so lder the boot pa d and the n plug USB to comp uter 2).
loadi ng betafli ght firmwar e and hit “ flash”, then it w ill getting i nto DFU Mode aut omatical ly.
5. Open Zadi g tool s to repl ace the dri vers from STM 32 Bootl oader to WIN USB Driver.
6. Reconne ct the flig ht controll er to the comput er after repl ace driver do ne , and op en
Beta flight C onfigu rator, loadin g firm ware and flash .
Conn ect the fl ight cont roller to t he compu ter , ope n Betaf light Co nfigu rator , mov e to the OSD
opti on, then y ou can co nfigure t he layout o f the O SD.
Bet aflight OSD Co nfi gur ati ons
Red -Powe r LED
Green LED