HANYOUNG NUX HY-4500, HY-5000, HY-4700, HY-4500S, HY-4700S Instruction Manual

Analog Temperature Controller
Thank you for purchasing HANYOUNG product. Please check whether the product is the exactly same as you ordered. Before using the product, please read this instruction manual carefully. Please keep this manual where you can view at any time
Before using the product, please read the safety information thoroughly and use it properly.Alerts declared in the manual are classified to Danger, Warning and Caution by their criticality
There is a danger of occurring electric shock in the input/output terminals so please never let your body or conductive substance is touched.
If there is a concern about a serious accident caused by a malfunction or abnormality of this
product, please install an external protection circuit and devise a scheme for preventing an accident.
•This product does not contain an electric switch or fuse, so the user needs to install a separate electric switch or fuse externally. (Fuse rating: 250 V 0.5 A)
•To prevent defection or malfunction of this product, apply a proper power voltage in accordance with the rating.
To prevent electric shock or malfunction of product, do not supply the power until the wiring is completed.
•Since this product is not designed with explosion-protective structure, do not use it any place with flammable or explosive gas.
•Do not decompose, modify, revise or repair this product. This may be a cause of malfunction, electric shock or fire.
Reassemble this product while the power is OFF. Otherwise, it may be a cause of malfunction or electric shock.
•If you use the product with methods other than specified by the manufacturer, there may be bodily injuries or property damages.
•There is a possibility of occurring electric shock so please use this product after installing it onto a panel while it is operating.
•The contents of this manual may be changed without prior notification.
•Before using the product you purchased, make sure that it is exactly what you ordered.
•Make sure that there is no damage or abnormality of the product during the delivery.
•Use this product within the range of the operating ambient temperature, 0 ~ 50 ℃ (When it is closely installed Max 40 ℃) and ambient humidity, 35 ~ 85 % R.H (No condensation).
•Do not use this product at any place with occurring corrosive (especially noxious gas or ammonia) or flammable gas.
•Do not use this product at any place with direct vibration or impact.
•Do not use this product at any place with liquid, oil, medical substances, dust, salt or iron contents.(Use at Pollution level 1 or 2)
Do not polish this product with substances such as alcohol or benzene. (Use neutral detergent.)
•Do not use this product at any place with a large inductive difficulty or occurring static electricity or magnetic noise.
Do not use this product at any place with possible thermal accumulation due to direct sunlight or heat radiation.
•Install this product at place under 2,000m in altitude.
When the product gets wet, the inspection is essential because there is danger of an electric leakage or fire.
•In case of inputting thermocouple, use a compensating cable. (If using a normal wire, there is a possibility of occurring temperature error.)
For R.T.D input, use a cable which is a lead wire has small resistance and resistances of three wires
shall be the same. (If the three wires have different resistances then there will be a temperature error.)
•To avoid an effect of inductive noise to input signal cables, use the product after separating the input signal cables from power, output and load cables.
•Separate an input signal cable from an output signal cable. If separating is not possible, please use the input signal cable after shielding it.
•Use non-earth sensor with thermocouple. (In case of using earth sensor, there is a possibility of occurring malfunction caused by a short circuit.)
If there is excessive noise from the power supply, using insulating transformer and noise filter is recommended. The noise filter must be attached to a panel which is already connected to a ground and the wire between the filter output side and power supply terminal must be short as possible.
•If twisting the power cables closely together then it is effective against noise.
If the alarm functions are not properly set then it will not be output when the product is malfunctioning. Therefore, make sure its movements are properly working before the operation.
•Turn the power OFF when replacing a sensor.
•Use an auxiliary relay in case of high frequent operation such as proportional operation or etc. its life span will be shorter if connecting a load without permissible rating of output relay. In this case, using SSR output type is recommended.
·Life Span of Contact Point Output : Mechanical Life Span: above 10 million times (with no load) Electrical Life Span: 100 thousand times (250 V a.c 3 A: with the rated load)
•Do not connect anything to the unused terminals.
•After checking the polarity of terminal, connect wires at the correct position.
When this product is connected onto a panel, use a circuit breaker or switch approved with IEC60947-1 or IEC60947-3.
•Install a circuit breaker or switch at near place for convenient use.
•Write down on a label that if the circuit breaker or switch is operating then the power will be disconnected since the circuit breaker or switch is installed.
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury
•For the continuous and safe use of this product, the periodical maintenance is recommended.
•Some parts of this product have limited life span, and others are changed by their usage.
•The warranty period for this product including parts is one year if this product is properly used.
•When the power is on, the preparation period of contact output is required. In case of using signals of external interlock circuit or etc., use it with a delay relay.
•In case of replacing this unit with a spare unit, make sure its compatibility because its operation can be different by different parameter settings even though the model name is the same.
•Before using a temperature controller, there could be a temperature difference between PV of the temperature controller and the actual temperature so please operate the temperature controller after compensating the temperature difference appropriately.
1381-3, Juan-Dong, Nam-Gu Incheon, Korea. TEL:(82-32)876-4697 FAX:(82-32)876-4696 http://www.hynux.net
Model Code Description
HY-       Analog indication temperature controller
4500S 96(W) × 96(H)
Control type
Control output
Sub output (L.M) (Apply only with the model HY-4700)
Control operation
Range code Select the standard range code
4700S 96(W) × 96(H) (Auxiliary output : L.M)
5000S 72(W) × 72(H)
F ON/OFF control (2 position control)
P Proportional control
K K thermocouple
J J thermocouple
R R thermocouple
P RTD Pt100 Ω(IEC)
V 1 - 5 V d.c
C 4 - 20 mA d.c
M Relay
C Current output (4 - 20 mA d.c)
S S.S.R (12 V d.c Voltage pulse output)
N None
O High action
P Low action
W High·Low action
R Reverse action (Heating control)
D Direct action (Cooling control)
Model Code No
1 Pt100 Ω -50 ~ 50 Pt100 Ω -50 ~ 50 3 Pt100 Ω -50 ~ 100 Pt100 Ω 0 ~ 100 5 Pt100 Ω 0 ~ 100 K, Pt100 Ω 0 ~ 200 6 7 K, Pt100 Ω 0 ~ 200 K, Pt100 Ω 0 ~ 400 8 K, Pt100 Ω 0 ~ 300 K 0 ~ 600
9 K, J, Pt100 Ω 0 ~ 400 K 0 ~ 800 10 K 0 ~ 600 K 0 ~ 1200 11 K 0 ~ 800 - ­13
HY-4500S, HY-4700S HY-5000
Input Range (℃) Input Range (℃)
- -
K 0 ~ 1200
R 0 ~ 1600
K, Pt100 Ω 0 ~ 300
- -
- -
[Unit : mm]
Over shoot Hunting Adjusting Sensitivity
Model HY-4500S HY-4700S HY-5000
Power supply voltage
Allowable voltage
Power consumption
Adjusting Sensitivity
Control Method Proportional Control, ON/OFF Control
Setting Method Analog Setting
Display Method Analog Display
Control Output
Setting Accuracy 2 % of max. Range
Display Accuracy ±2.0 % of F.S ±1 digit
Alarm Operation -
Proportional Band
Proportional Cycle Relay output : 20 ~ 30 sec SSR output : 2 ~ 4 sec
Insulation Resistance
Dielectric Strength 2000 V a.c, 50 - 60 Hz for 1 minute
Noise Immunity Squared wave noise (Pulse width : 1000 ㎲) ±1 KV
Vibration Resistance
Shock Resistance 300 ㎨
Relay Life Expectancy
(see Range and Input code chart)(Built-in Burnout circuit)
Relay Output : Capacity 250 V a.c 3 A (Resistive Load) contact : 1c
SSR Output : 12 V a.c (Constant Voltage Pulse) (Resistive Load : above 800 Ω)
Current Output : 4 - 20 mA d.c (Resistive Load : below 600 Ω)
1 - 10 % of max.
10 - 50 Hz (cycle for 1 minute), double amplitude : 0.75 mm, each X·Y·Z direction for 1hour
Mechanical : 10 millions times, Electrical : 100 thousands times (250 V a.c, 3 A Resistive Load)
0 ~ 50 ℃ / 35 ~ 85 % R.H (without condensation)
658 g (Including brackets) 658 g (Including brackets) 358 g (Including brackets)
※Limit output: when Measuring Value > Setting Value, it is “ON”
110/220 V a.c 50/60 Hz
±10 % of power supply voltage
Approx. 3 VA max
Thermocouple, RTD, DC current, DC voltage
±2.0 % (fixed) of max. Range
High action, Low action,
High·Low action
3 % of max. Range(Fixed)
20 ㏁ min ( 500 V a.c mega)
Proportional Control is that an output capacity regarding a setting value (SV) is proportionally operated by a deviation. The width which the output is varied within 0 ~ 100 % is called Proportional Band (PB). Therefore, for Reverse Action, if PT=Present (Process) Temperature, PB=Proportional Band PT < PB → Output capacity 100 % PT > PB → Output capacity 0 % PT = PB → Output capacity 50 %
·PT : Present (Process) Temperature
·PC : Proportional Cycle
·SV : Setting Value (Temperatrue)
·PB : Proportional Band
This is a control method that if PT is higher than SV then output will be OFF or if PT is less than SV, then the output will be ON. Also, it is called 2-position control since it outputs either 0 % or 100 %. The status which the temperature is unstable and there is high/low wave around SV is called hunting. The width between the point where its output is OFF because PT is higher than SV and the point where its output is ON since PT is less than SV is called adjusting sensitivity, hysteresis. If the width, hysteresis, is narrow, then high/low wave becomes smaller but the cycle of ON-OFF gets smaller so that it may severely damage to electromagnetic switch, electrovalve or etc.. Especially, for controlling burner which is using freezer or electrovalve, 2-postion control is generally used.
·PT : Present (Process) Temperature
Setting Value
Over shoot Hunting Adjusting Sensitivity
It is depending on its specification code when you are ordering.
•For Proportional Control : If the proportional band (PB) is narrow, then the output’s variable width will become smaller so that the time which the controlling temperature(PT) is approaching to SV* is fast. Also, OFF-Set (deviation) becomes small. However, if PB* is too narrow, then there is over shoot or hunting. PB* can be set within the max range of 1 ~ 10 %. If turn the PB volume in clockwise then PB* gets larger. If turn the PB volume in counterclockwise then PB gets smaller.
•For ON-OFF Control : For the case of selecting ON-OFF Control, the adjusting sensitivity is varied within the max range of 1 ~ 10 % by PB volume.
For Proportional Control, when the controlling temperature(PT) and SV* are the same, it generates 50 % of output so that there is constant error (normal deviation) by heat capacity or etc. of a controlling target. To eliminate this matter, change the output capacity by Reset volume. Display Value < Setting Value: Turn the volume in clockwise. Display Value > Setting Value: Turn the volume in counterclockwise.
For Alarm Operation, ±0 ~ 50 ℃ of the setting value (SV) can be set and high limit, low limit or high/low limit operation can be selected. Ex) for case of setting Alarm (ALM) as 50 ℃ High Limit Operation : it will operate when it is 50 ℃ higher than SV*. Low Limit Operation : it will operate when it is 50 ℃ lower than SV*. High/Low Limit Operation : it will operate when it is 50 ℃ higher or 50 ℃ lower than SV*.
·PT* : Present (Process) Temperature
·PC* : Proportional Cycle
·SV* : Setting Value (Temperatrue)
·PB* : Proportional Band
Low Limit Operation
High Limit Operation
(Setting Value)
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