Hanwell IKVM-101Plus User Manual

User Manual
Single Port KVM over IP
Hanwell Technology
Single Port KVM over IP
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment is in compliance with the requirements of the following regulations: EN 55022: CLASS B
All contents of this package, including products, packing materials and documentation comply with RoHS.
© 2008 by Hanwell Technology Hanwell Technology Co. Ltd. reserves the right to make changes in the hardware, packaging, and any accompanying documentation without prior written not ice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior writte n permission of Hanwell Technology Co. Ltd.
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1. Product Overview........................................................................8
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................. 8
1.2 Main Feature ............................................................................ 8
2. Installation and Start up .............................................................9
2.1 Package Check List.................................................................... 9
2.2 Panel Views.............................................................................. 9
2.3 System requirement.................................................................10
Hardware ...........................................................................10
Software ............................................................................10
2.4 When the server is up and running.............................................10
2.5 When the server is dead ...........................................................10
2.6 Rack Mounting.........................................................................11
2.7 Cable Connections (stand-alone)................................................12
2.8 Cable Connections (with Multi-port KVM Switch)...........................13
2.9 LED Indicators, Button..............................................................15
2.10 Initial IP Configuration Via Network ............................................15
2.11 Configuration Setup via Serial Console ......................................158
2.12 Keyboard, Mouse, and Video configuration.................................159
2.12.1 IP-KVM keyboard settings....................................................19
2.12.2 Remote Mouse Settings.......................................................19
2.12.3 Automatic mouse speed and mouse synchronization ...............19
2.12.4 Host system mouse settings ................................................20
2.12.5 Single and Double Mouse Mode ............................................21
2.12.6 Recommended Mouse Settings.............................................21
2.12.7 Video Modes......................................................................21
3. Usage ........................................................................................22
3.1 Prerequisites ...........................................................................22
3.2 Login into the IP-KVM and logout ...............................................23
4.2.1 Login into the IP-KVM...........................................................23
4.2.2 Login out from the IP-KVM....................................................26
3.3 The Remote Console.................................................................26
3.3.1 Main Window of Remote Console............................................27
3.3.2 Control Bar of Remote Console ..............................................28
3.3.3 Status Line of Remote Console ..............................................39
4. Menu Options ............................................................................40
4.1 Remote Control........................................................................40
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4.1.1 KVM Console ....................................................................... 41
4.1.2 Telnet Console.....................................................................41
4.2 Virtual Media...........................................................................43
4.2.1 Floppy Disk.........................................................................44
4.2.2 CD–ROM Image...................................................................46
4.2.3 Drive redirection ..................................................................51 Driver Redirection Utility Installation..............................53 Built-in Java Drive Redirection ......................................58
4.2.4 Options ..............................................................................59 Creating an Image......................................................60 Images .........................................................60 ROM/ISO Images ................................................61
4.3 User Management....................................................................62
4.3.1 Change Password.................................................................62
4.3.2 Users and Groups ................................................................63
4.4 KVM Settings...........................................................................65
4.4.1 User Console.......................................................................65
4.4.2 Keyboard/Mouse..................................................................69
4.4.3 Video ................................................................................. 71
4.5 Device Settings........................................................................73
4.5.1 Network .............................................................................73
4.5.2 Dynamic DNS......................................................................77
4.5.3 Security .............................................................................79
4.5.4 Certificate...........................................................................82
4.5.5 Serial Port ..........................................................................86
4.5.6 Date / Time ........................................................................88
4.5.7 Event Log...........................................................................89
4.6 Maintenance............................................................................92
4.6.1 Device Information ..............................................................92
4.6.2 Even log.............................................................................94
4.6.3 Update Firmware .................................................................94
4.6.4 Unit Reset...........................................................................96
5. Technical Specifications ............................................................97
6. Troubleshooting ........................................................................98
7. FAQs........................................................................................100
8. Addendum ...............................................................................102
A. Key Codes..................................................................................102
B. Video Modes ...............................................................................103
C. User Role Permissions..................................................................104
D. IP-KVM TCP port number..............................................................104
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E. Bandwidth Consumption...............................................................105
F. Cable Connectors.........................................................................106
G. Well-Known TCP/UDP Port Numbers...............................................107
H. Protocol Glossary ........................................................................108
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Figure 2-1 Panel Views ......................................................................... 9
Figure 2-2 Cable Connections (stand-alone) ...........................................12
Figure 2-3 Cable Connections (with a Multi-port KVM Switch)....................14
Figure 3-1 The Internet Explorer displaying the encryption key length........23
Figure 3-2 Remote Console Control Bar..................................................28
Figure 3-3 Remote Console Options Menu ..............................................29
Figure 3-4 Remote Console Exclusive Mode ............................................30
Figure 3-5 Remote Console Options Menu:Scaling ...................................30
Figure 3-6 Remote Console Options Menu:Cursor ....................................32
Figure 3-7 Video Settings Panel ............................................................33
Figure 3-8 Soft Keyboard.....................................................................34
Figure 3-9 Soft Keyboard Mapping ........................................................35
Figure 3-10 Remote Console Confirmation Dialog ....................................36
Figure 3-11 Encoding Compression........................................................37
Figure 3-12 Predefined Compression......................................................37
Figure 3-13 Lossy Compression ............................................................38
Figure 3-12 Encoding Color depth .........................................................38
Figure 3-13 Status line ........................................................................39
Figure 3-14 Status line transfer rate......................................................39
Figure 4-1 KVM Console.......................................................................41
Figure 4-2 Telnet Console.....................................................................41
Figure 4-3 Virtual Media - Floppy Disk ...................................................44
Figure 4-4 Virtual Media – CD-ROM Image .............................................47
Figure 4-5 Explorer context menu .........................................................50
Figure 4-6 Share configuration dialog ....................................................50
Figure 4-7 Options of Drive Redirection..................................................51
Figure 4-8 Drive Redirection Setup........................................................54
Figure 4-9 Drive Redirection dialog ........................................................55
Figure 4-10 Built-in Java Drive Redirection .............................................58
Figure 4-11 USB mass storage option....................................................59
Figure 4-12 RawWrite for Windows selection dialog .................................60
Figure 4-13 Nero selection dialog..........................................................61
Figure 4-14 Setting Password...............................................................62
Figure 4-15 User Console Setting..........................................................66
Figure 4-16 Keyboard and Mouse Settings..............................................69
Figure 4-17 Video Settings...................................................................71
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Figure 4-18 Network Settings ...............................................................74
Figure 4-19 Dynamic DNS....................................................................77
Figure 4-20 Dynamic DNS Scenario.......................................................77
Figure 4-21 Device Security .................................................................79
Figure 4-22 Chain Rules of IP Filtering ...................................................81
Figure 4-23 Certificate Settings.............................................................82
Figure 4-24 SSL Certificate Upload ........................................................84
Figure 4-25 CSR string ........................................................................84
Figure 4-26 Serial Port ........................................................................86
Figure 4-27 Date / Time ......................................................................88
Figure 4-28 Event Log.........................................................................89
Figure 4-29 Device Information ............................................................92
Figure 4-30 Connected Users................................................................93
Figure 4-31 Event Log List ...................................................................94
Figure 4-32 Update Firmware ...............................................................94
Figure 4-33 Unit Reset.........................................................................96
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1. Product Overview
1.1 Introduction
The KVM-over-IP (hereafter call IP-KVM for simplicity) redirects local keyboard, mouse and video data to a remote administration console. It allows you to control one or many computers locally at the server site or remotely via the Internet using a standard browser. Y ou can securely gain BIOS level access to systems for maintenance, support, or failure recovery over the Internet. Communication is secure via SSL authentication and encryption. Use in conjunction with a KVM switch for multiple-server access.
The IP-KVM provides convenient, remote KVM access and control via LAN or Internet. It captures, digitizes, and compresses video signal and transmits it with keyboard and mouse signals to and from a remote computer. IP-KVM provides a non-intrusive solution for remote access and control. Remote access and control software runs on its embedded processors only but not on mission-critical servers, so that there is no interference with server operation or impact on network performance.
1.2 Main Feature
Manage servers around the world.
Rack mountable
KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse) access over IP or analogous telephone
line (modem needed).
Full control under any OS, in BIOS mode, during boot, at Blue Screens
No additional software necessary on servers
SSL Certificate management
256-bit SSL encryption of all transmitted data
Automatically senses video resolution for best possible screen capture
High-performance mouse tracking and synchronization
Automatic adjustment of data rate to transmission line
Remote mass storage control and redirection
Can be remote controlled over java-enabled Browsers
Firmware update via web interface
Port to connect a user console for direct analogous access to KVM switch
Can be used with most standard KVM
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2. Installation and Start up
2.1 Package Check List
The IP-KVM package consists of followings items: 1x the single port IP-KVM unit 1x CD-ROM (software utilities and User’s manual) 1x AC to DC Power Adapter (DC 5V / 2.6A) 1x Rack Mount Kit (Brackets and screws) 1x Null modem cable (6 feet) 1x USB A-to-B cable (6 feet) 1x 3-to-3 KVM cable (3 feet)
2.2 Panel Views
<Font View>
<Rear View>
Figure 2-1 Panel Views
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2.3 System requirement
Item Description
Local host side One PC or Server or the console port of KVM switch Local console side One PS/2 Keyboard, one PS/2 Mouse and one
Remote Console side One PC or Multiple PCs are linked into the network
Item Description
Local host side No additional software necessary Remote Console side (1) Java Runtime Environment : version 1.4.2 or
above (2) Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or above or Netscape or Mozilla or Safari
2.4 When the server is up and running
The IP-KVM gives you a full control over the remote server. The Management Console allows you to access the remote server’s graphics, keyboard and mouse and to send special commands to the server. You can also perform periodic maintenance of the server. Using the Console Redirection Service, you are able to do the following: I. Reboot the system II. Watch the boot process. III. Boot the system from a separate partition to load the diagnostic
IV. Run special diagnostic programs
2.5 When the server is dead
Obviously, fixing hardware defects is not possible through a remote management device. Nevertheless IP-KVM gives the administrator valuable information about the type of a hardware failure. Serious hardware failures can be categorized into five different categories with different chances to happen: I. Hard disk failure 50% II. Power cable detached, power supply failure 28% III. CPU, Controller, main board failure 10% IV. CPU fan failure 8% V. RAM failure 4%
Using IP-KVM, administrators can determine which kind of serious hardware
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failure has occurred
Type of failure Detected by
Hard disk failure Console screen, CMOS set-up
information Power cable detached, power supply failure
Server remains in power off state after
power on command has been given. CPU Controller, main board failure.
Power supply is on, but there is no
video output. CPU fan failure By server specific management
software RAM failure Boot-Sequence on boot console
2.6 Rack Mounting
In addition to desk top placement, the IP-KVM can be mounted on 19”/1U rack:
1. Screw the mounting brackets into the sides of the unit.
2. Slide the unit into the rack and secure it to the rack.
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2.7 Cable Connections (stand-alone)
The figure below depicts the installation connection.
Host side
Console side
Figure 2-2 Cable Connections (stand-alone)
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Connect cables to the Host and Console devices as the figure depicts above. Leave the Serial interface open for now. After applying power to the unit, it’d take about 60 seconds to complete the bootup process, and then enter normal running state.
Please perform the following steps:
1. Power down your computer and IP-KVM
2. Connect the power supply to IP-KVM
3. Connect the monitor to the IP-KVM console side.
4. Connect the keyboard to the IP-KVM console side.
5. Connect the mouse to the IP-KVM console side.
6. Connect a VGA cable (15-pin HDDB Male / Male) with the Male side to both of the host computer/KVM and the host port of the IP-KVM.
7. Connect one purple end of 3-in-1 cable to the PS/2 mouse port on the host computer/KVM, and the other end of 3-in-1 cable to the host PS/2 mouse port on the IP-KVM.
8. Connect one green end of 3-in-1 cable to PS/2 keyboard port on the host computer/KVM, and the other end of 3-in-1 cable to the host PS/2 keyboard port on the IP-KVM.
9. (Optional) Connect the type A connector of USB A-B cable to the host computer, while using remote mass storage control.
10. Connect Ethernet to LAN port and/or modem to serial port, depending on how you want to access to the IP-KVM
2.8 Cable Connections (with Multi-port KVM Switch)
Instead of connecting to a computer, the IP-KVM host side can be connected to a multi-port KVM Switch system. In installation procedures are as for stand alone computer, except that the host signals are connected to the Local Console of the KVM Switch. The figure below depicts the installation connection.
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Host side
Console side
Figure 2-3 Cable Connections (with a Multi-port KVM Switch)
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2.9 LED Indicators, Button
Power RED – on when power applied
Blue –RS-232 Data Link Indicate
Ethernet Link/Act/10/100Mbps: Orange -- 10BaseT Ethernet connection
established Green -- 100BaseT Ethernet connection
Blinking: ON: when no data in activity and link
Link Green -- blinking when data in activity
RESET button: on the rear panel, press the button to reboot the
IP-KVM unit Configuration
2.10 Initial IP Configuration via Network
The Factory default settings for the IP-KVM unit are as below:
DHCP: Disable Default IP address: Default Net Mask:
If DHCP mode is enabled (IP auto configuration = DHCP), the IP-KVM will try to contact a DHCP server in the subnet to which it is physically connected. If a DHCP server is found, it may provide a valid IP address, gateway address and net mask. Before you connect the device to your local subnet, be sure to complete the corresponding configuration of your DHCP server. It is recommended to configure a fixed IP assignment to the MAC address of the IP-KVM. You can find the MAC address labeled on the bottom side of the metal housing.
There is a Network Setup Software tool (PSetup) for setting up the network configuration (IP address, Subnet mask, DHCP, etc). It is useful when you want to change the network settings or you can not access to the unit due to not knowing the network settings of the unit. In this case, you can view or change the settings via this utility.
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IP-KVM Setup Tool
If this initial configuration does not meet your local requirements, use the setup tool to change the configurations to your needs. The setup tool PSetup can be found on the CD ROM delivered with this package. You can follow the procedures described below.
If you have installed the IP-KVM on a network that enables DHCP, you can use the PSetup to find out the IP-KVM’s IP.
(1) Plug Ethernet cable to IP-KVM. IP-KVM will get an IP via DHCP. (2) Using PSetup to look for IP-KVM. a. Click Refresh Devices button to detect connected devices b. Select MAC address of the IP-KVM in “Device MAC address” box. You can find the MAC address labeled on the bottom side of xRemote. MAC address is detected as connection from computer and IP-KVM is valid through USB or network. c. If wireless connection is implemented, tick “Enable Wireless Connection...” d. Click Query Device to find the IP configuration on the right pane.
BOOTP, a static configuration protocol, uses a table that
maps IP addresses to physical addresses.
DHCP, an extension to BOOTP that dynamically assigns
configuration information. DHCP is backward compatible with
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Setup fixed IP
a. Setup “IP auto configuration” as “None” ; setup IP address and Subnet mask b. Enter Super user login and password for Authentication (default : super/pass) c. Click Setup Device. If super login was authenticated, it’ll show “Successfully configured device”. Otherwise it’ll show “Permission Denied”.
To adjust the authentication settings, enter your login as a super user, and change your password.
Super user login
Enter the login name of the super user. The initial value is “super”. All characters are in lower case.
Super user password
Enter the current password for the super user. This initial value is “pass”. All characters are in lower case.
New super user password
Enter the new password for the super user.
New password (confirm)
Re-type the new password for the super user for confirmation. To close the window and accept the changes, press the “OK” button;
otherwise press the “Cancel” button.
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2.11 Configuration Setup via Serial Console
For using serial terminal, the IP-KVM has a serial line interface (host side). This connector is compliant with the RS-232 serial line standard. The serial line has to be configured with the parameters given in Table below.
Parameter Value
Bits/second 115200 Data bits 8 Parity No Stop bits 1 Flow Control None
When configuring with a serial terminal, e.g., Hyper Terminal, reset the IP-KVM and immediately press the “ESC” key. You will see some device information, and a “=>” prompt. Enter “config”, press “Enter” key and wait for a few seconds for the configuration questions to appear. As you proceed, the following questions will appear on the screen. To accept the default values shown in square brackets below, press “Enter” key.
IP auto configuration (none/dhcp/bootp): IP []: Net mask []: Gateway ( for none) []:
IP auto-configuration
With this option, you can specify whether the IP-KVM should get its
network settings from a DHCP or BOOTP server. For DHCP, enter “dhcp”, and for BOOTP enter “bootp”. If you do not specify any of these, the IP auto-configuration is disabled and subsequently you will be asked for the following network settings.
IP address
The IP address the IP-KVM. This option is only available if IP
auto-configuration is disabled.
Net mask
The net mask of the connected IP subnet. This option is only available if
IP auto-configuration is disabled.
Gateway address
The IP address of the default router for the connected IP subnet. If you
do not have a default router, enter This option is only available if IP auto-configuration is disabled.
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2.12 Keyboard, Mouse, and Video configuration
Between the IP-KVM and the host, there are two interfaces available for transmitting keyboard and mouse data: USB and PS/2. The correct operation of the remote mouse depends on several settings which will be discussed in the following subsections.
2.12.1 IP-KVM keyboard settings
The IP-KVM settings for the host's keyboard type have to be corrected in order to make the remote keyboard work properly. Check the settings in the IP-KVM Web front-end. See section 6.5.2 for details.
2.12.2 Remote Mouse Settings
A common seen problem with KVM devices is the synchronization between the local and remote mouse cursors. The IP-KVM addresses this situation with an intelligent synchronization algorithm. There are two mouse modes available on the IP-KVM:
Auto mouse speed
The automatic mouse speed mode tries to detect the speed and
acceleration settings of the host system automatically. See the section below for a more detailed explanation.
Fixed mouse speed
This mode just translates the mouse movements from the Remote
Console in a way that one pixel move will result in n-pixel moves on the remote system. This parameter n is adjustable with the scaling. Please note that this works only when mouse acceleration is turned off on the remote system.
2.12.3 Automatic mouse speed and mouse synchronization
The automatic mouse speed mode performs the speed detection during mouse synchronization. Whenever the local and remote mouse cursors move synchronously or not, there are two ways for re-synchronizing local and remote mouse cursors:
Fast Sync
The fast synchronization is used to correct a temporary, but fixed
skew. Choose the option using the Remote Console options menu or press the mouse synchronization hotkey sequence in case you defined one.
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Intelligent Sync
If the fast sync does not work or the mouse settings have been
changed on the host system, use the intelligent resynchronization. This method takes more time than the fast one and can be accessed with the appropriate item in the Remote Console option menu. The intelligent synchronization requires a correctly adjusted picture. Use the auto adjustment function to setup the picture, and make sure that there are no window at the top left corner of the remote desktop that are able to change the mouse cursor shape from the normal state. The Sync mouse button on top of the Remote Console can behave differently, depending on the current state of mouse synchronization. Usually pressing this button leads to a fast sync, except in situations where the KVM port or the video mode changed recently.
Note: At first start, if the local mouse pointer is not synchronized with
the remote mouse pointer, press the Auto Adjust Button once.
2.12.4 Host system mouse settings
The host's operating system knows various settings from the mouse driver.
Note: The following limitations do not apply in case of USB and Mouse Type “Windows >= 2000, MacOSX”.
While the IP-KVM works with accelerated mice and is able to synchronize the local with the remote mouse pointer, there are the following limitations, which may prevent this synchronization from working properly:
Special Mouse Driver
There are mouse drivers that influence the synchronization process
and lead to desynchronized mouse pointers. If this happens, make sure you do not use a special vendor-specific mouse driver on your host system.
Windows XP Mouse Settings
Windows XP knows a setting named “improve mouse acceleration”,
which has to be deactivated.
Active Desktop
If the Active Desktop feature of Microsoft Windows is enabled do not
use a plain background. Instead, use some kind of wallpaper. As an alternative, you could also disable the Active Desktop completely.
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Navigate your mouse pointer into the upper left corner of the applet screen and move it slightly forth and back. Thus the mouse will be resynchronized. If re-synchronizing fails, disable the mouse acceleration and repeat the procedure.
2.12.5 Single and Double Mouse Mode
The information above applies to the Double Mouse Mode, where remote and local mouse pointers are visible and need to be synchronized. The IP-KVM also features another mode, the Single Mouse Mode, where only the remote mouse pointer is visible. Activate this mode in the open Remote Console and click into the window area. The local mouse pointer will be hidden and the remote one can be controlled directly. To leave this mode, it is necessary to define a mouse hotkey in the Remote Console Settings Panel. Press this key to free the captured local mouse pointer.
2.12.6 Recommended Mouse Settings
For the different operating systems we can give the following advice:
MS Windows
In general, we recommend the usage of a mouse via USB. Choose USB without Mouse Sync. For a PS/2 mouse choose Auto Mouse Speed. For XP disable the option “enhance pointer precision” in the Control Panel. In general, we recommend the usage of a mouse via USB. Choose USB without Mouse Sync. For a PS/2 mouse choose Auto Mouse Speed. For XP disable the option enhance pointer precision in the Control Panel.
SUN Solaris
Adjust the mouse settings either via xset m 1 or use the CDE Control Panel to set the mouse to “1:1, no acceleration”. As an alternative you may also use the Single Mouse Mode.
MAC OS X We recommend using the Single Mouse Mode.
2.12.7 Video Modes
The IP-KVM recognizes a limited number of common video modes. When running X11 on the host system, please do not use any custom mode lines with special video modes. If you do, the IP-KVM may not be able to detect them. We recommend using any of the standard VESA video modes, instead.
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3. Usage
3.1 Prerequisites
The IP-KVM features an embedded operating system and applications offering a variety of standardized interfaces. This chapter will describe both these interfaces, and the way to use them in a more detailed manner. The interfaces are accessed using the TCP/IP protocol family, thus they can be accessed using the LAN port of the device.
The following interfaces are supported:
Full access is provided by the embedded web server. The IP-KVM
environment can be entirely managed using a standard web browser. You can access the IP-KVM using the insecure HTTP protocol, or using the encrypted HTTPS protocol. Whenever possible, use HTTPS.
A standard Telnet client can be used to access an arbitrary device
connected to the IP-KVM's serial port via a terminal mode.
The primary interface of the IP-KVM is the HTTP interface. This is covered extensively in this chapter. Other interfaces are addressed in subtopics.
In order to use the Remote Console window of your managed host system, the browser has to come with a Java Runtime Environment version 1.4.2 or above. If the browser has no Java support (such as on a small handheld device), you are still able to maintain your IP-KVM using the administration forms displayed by the browser itself.
For secure connection to the IP-KVM, we recommend the following browsers versions:
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher
Netscape Navigator 7.0 or Mozilla 1.6 or higher
In order to access the remote host system using a securely encrypted connection, you need a browser that supports the HTTPS protocol. Strong security is only assured by using a key length of 128 Bit. Some of the old browsers do not have a strong 128 Bit encryption algorithm.
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Using the Internet Explorer, open the menu entry “?” and “Info” to read about the key length that is currently activated. The dialog box contains a link that leads you to information on how to upgrade your browser to a state of the art encryption scheme. Figure below shows the dialog box presented by the Internet Explorer 6.0.
Figure 3-1 The Internet Explorer displaying the encryption key length
Newer web browsers generally support strong encryption on default.
3.2 Login into the IP-KVM and logout
3.2.1 Login into the IP-KVM
Launch your web browser. Direct it to the address of your IP-KVM, which you configured during the installation process. The address used might be an IP address or a domain name, in the case where you have given your IP-KVM a symbolic name in the DNS. For instance, type the following in the URL field of your browser when establishing an unsecured connection:
http://<IP address of IP-KVM>
When using a secure connection, type in:
https://<IP address of IP-KVM>
This will lead you to the IP-KVM login page as shown below
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The IP-KVM has a built-in super user that has all permissions to administrate your IP-KVM:
super (factory default)
pass (factory default)
The user “super” is not allowed to login via the serial interface of the IP-KVM.
Please make sure to change the super user password immediately after you have installed and accessed your IP-KVM for the first time. Unchanging of the password for the super user is a severe security risk and might result in unauthorized access to the IP-KVM and to the host system including all possible consequences!
Your web browser has to accept cookies, or else login is not possible.
Having logged into the IP-KVM successfully, the main page of the IP-KVM appears. This page consists of three parts; each of them contains specific information. The buttons on the upper side allow you to navigate within the front end. Within the right frame, task-specific information is displayed that depends on the section you have chosen before.
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The Buttons of the front end:
Return to main page of IP-KVM access page
Open the IP-KVM remote console
Exit from the IP-KVM front end.
If there is no activity for 30 minutes, the IP-KVM will log you out, automatically. A click on one of the links will bring you back to the login screen.
Remote Console Preview
Click on Click to open to start the remote console redirection Click on Refresh to refresh the picture.
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3.2.2 Login out from the IP-KVM
This link logs out the current user and presents a new login screen. Please note that an automatic logout will be performed in case there is no activity for 30 minutes.
3.3 The Remote Console
The Remote Console is the redirected screen, keyboard and mouse of the remote host system that IP-KVM controls.
The Remote Console window is a Java Applet that tries to establish its own TCP connection to the IP-KVM. The protocol that is run over this connection is neither HTTP or HTTPS, but RFB (Remote Frame Buffer Protocol). As default, RFB tries to establish a connection to TCP port number 443. Your local network environment has to allow this connection to be made, i.e. your firewall and, in case you have a private internal network, your NAT (Network Address Translation) settings have to be configured accordingly.
In case the IP-KVM is connected to your local network environment and your connection to the Internet is available using a proxy server only without NAT being configured, the Remote Console is very unlikely to be able to establish the desired connection. This is because today's web proxies are not capable of relaying the RFB protocol.
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In case of problems, please consult your network administrator in order to provide an appropriate networking environment.
3.3.1 Main Window of Remote Console
To open the KVM console either click on the icon Console or Remote Control > KVM Console of the menu entry on the left or Click to open
of the console picture on the right.
Starting the Remote Console opens an additional window. It displays the screen content of your host system. The Remote Console will behave exactly in the same way as if you were sitting locally in front of the screen of your remote system. That means keyboard and mouse can be used in the usual way. However, be aware of the fact that the remote system will react to keyboard and mouse actions with a slight delay. The delay depends on the bandwidth of the link to which you use to connect to the IP-KVM.
With respect to the keyboard, the very exact remote representation might lead to some confusion as your local keyboard changes its keyboard layout according to the remote host system. If you use a German administration system, and your host system uses a US English keyboard layout, for instance, special keys on the German keyboard will not work as expected. Instead, the keys will result in their US English counterpart. You can circumvent such problems by adjusting the keyboard of your remote system to the same mapping as your local one.
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The Remote Console window always tries to show the remote screen with its optimal size. That means it will adapt its size to the size of the remote screen initially and after the screen resolution of the remote screen has been changed. However, you can always resize the Remote Console window in your local window system as usual.
In difference to the remote host system, the Remote Console window on your local window system is just one window among others. In order to make keyboard and mouse work, your Remote Console window must have the local input focus.
3.3.2 Control Bar of Remote Console
The upper part of the Remote Console window contains a control bar. Using its elements you can see the state of the Remote Console and adjust the local Remote Console settings. A description for each control follows.
Figure 3-2
Remote Console Control Bar
Special button key to send the “Control Alt Delete” key combination to
the remote system (see also section 6.4.1 for defining new button keys).
Auto Adjust button
If the video display is of bad quality or distorted in some way, press
this button and wait a few seconds while the IP-KVM tries to detect the video mode of VGA port to the controlled host and adjust itself for the best possible video quality.
Sync mouse
Activates the mouse synchronization process. Choose this option in
order to synchronize the local with the remote mouse cursor. This is especially necessary when using accelerated mouse settings on the host
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Single Port KVM over IP
system. In general, there is no need to change mouse settings on the host.
Single/Double mouse mode
Switches between the Single Mouse Mode (where only the remote
mouse pointer is visible) and the Double Mouse Mode (where remote and local mouse pointers are visible and need to be synchronized). Single mouse mode is only available if using SUN JVM 1.4.2 or higher.
To open the Options menu, click on the button “Options”.
Figure 3-3 Remote Console Options Menu
A short description of the options as follows.
• Monitor Only
Toggles the Monitor only filter on or off. If the filter is switched on no remote console interaction is possible, and monitoring is possible.
• Exclusive Access
If a user has the appropriate permission, he or she can force the Remote Consoles of all other users to close. No one can open the Remote Console at the same time again until this user disables the exclusive access, or logs off.
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A change in the access mode is also visible in the status line.
Figure 3-4 Remote Console Exclusive Mode
• Scaling
Allow you to scale down the Remote Console. You can still use both mouse and keyboard, however the scaling algorithm will not preserve all display details.
When you designate 25%, 50%, or100% scaling, the size of Remote Console window is calculated according to the remote host video setting with scaling algorithm execution. When you designate “Scale to fit”, the remote video displaying is scaled to fit the size of Remote Console window.
Figure 3-5 Remote Console Options Menu:Scaling
• Mouse Handling
The submenu for mouse handling offers two options for synchronizing the local and the remote mouse cursors.
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