Hantek HT6000BC SDK manual HTDisplayDll

SDK – HTDispalyDll.dll Manual
VC++6.0 IDE
Note: Function HTDrawGrid draws the default grid. DLL_API void WINAPI HTDrawGrid(
HDC hDC, //handle to dc int nLeft,//the left of the rect int nTop, // the top of the rect int nRight, // the right of the rect int nBottom, // the bottom of the rect USHORT nHoriGridNum, //the number of horizontal grid USHORT nVertGridNum,//the number of vertical grid USHORT nBright,//the bright of the line USHORT IsGrid //whether draw grid scale );
Function HTDrawWaveInYT draws the anlog channel’s wave DLL_API void WINAPI HTDrawWaveInYT(
HDC hDC, //handle to dc RECT Rect, //the rect for drawing COLORREF clrRGB,//the color of the line USHORT nDisType,//display type: Line or Dot short* pSrcData, //the source data for drawing ULONG nSrcDataLen, //the source data length ULONG nDisDataLen,// the display data length for drawing ULONG nCenterData,//half of the source data USHORT nDisLeverPos, //the display position(Zero Level) double dbHorizontal,//the horizontal factor of zoom out/in double dbVertical,//the vertical factor of zoom out/in USHORT nYTFormat,//Fomat: Normal or Scan ULONG nScanLen//the scan data length, only invalidate in scan mode );