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Media-Mate Plus
Media-Mate Plus: p/n 25-710-101
Operation Manual
DATE: 23Apr2015
Rev. O
Hanson Research Corporation
9810 Variel Avenue • Chatsworth, CA 91311 USA
(800) 821-8165 • (818) 882-7266 • FAX (818) 882-9470
This product is covered under one or more of the follow ing US P atents: 3,572,648 4,108,602 4,274,286 5,198,109 5,296,139 5,639,953 5,639,974 5,682 ,001
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2014 Hanson Research Corporation
(blank page)
Media-Mate Plus Operation Manual 25-710-800-O
Table of Contents
What’s New________________________________________________________________________ iii
Section One – Safety Considerations ____________________________________________ 1
General ____________________________________________________________________ 1
Safety Markings_____________________________________________________________ 1
Section Two – Introduction _____________________________________________________ 3
Design Features ____________________________________________________________ 3
Section Three – Specifications __________________________________________________ 4
Section Four – How It Works ____________________________________________________ 5
Section Five – Installation ______________________________________________________ 9
Location ___________________________________________________________________ 9
Unpacking _________________________________________________________________ 9
Parts Identification _________________________________________________________ 10
System Check-out __________________________________________________________ 10
Installation ________________________________________________________________ 14
Start Up __________________________________________________________________ 15
Section Six – Validation and Calibration _________________________________________ 16
Pre-Heat Temperature Calibration_____________________________________________ 16
Adjustment of Sensor Display Temperature ____________________________________ 16
Volume Delivery Calibration _________________________________________________ 17
Fine Adjustment of the Delivery Volume _______________________________________ 17
Deaeration Validation _______________________________________________________ 20
Temperature Controller (PID) Set-Up __________________________________________ 20
Temperature Calibration Record ______________________________________________ 21
Volume Calibration Record __________________________________________________ 22
Deaeration Validation Record ________________________________________________ 23
Volume Selection __________________________________________________________ 24
Temperature Setting ________________________________________________________ 24
Fill Time Setting ___________________________________________________________ 25
Configuring the Dispense Head ______________________________________________ 26
Media-Mate Plus Interface with Distek 2100 and 2100B ___________________________ 27
Test Cycle ________________________________________________________________ 29
Volume Delivery Problems ___________________________________________________ 30
Temperature Control Problems _______________________________________________ 30
Deaeration Problems _______________________________________________________ 31
Service Procedures ________________________________________________________ 31
Liquid in Vessels ___________________________________________________________ 32
Section Nine – Maintenance ___________________________________________________ 33
General Cleaning___________________________________________________________ 33
Cleaning the Media Tank and Fluid Lines ______________________________________ 33
Lubrication ________________________________________________________________ 34
Replacing the Filter Element _________________________________________________ 34
Fuse Replacement _________________________________________________________ 35
Section Ten – Moving and Storage ______________________________________________ 37
Section Eleven – Parts, Sup plies, and A cc esso ries ________________________________ 38
Spare Parts and Kits ________________________________________________________ 38
Tools and Accessories ______________________________________________________ 38
Section Twelve – Sales and Support ____________________________________________ 39
Section Thirteen – General Warranty ____________________________________________ 40
Table of Contents ii
Media-Mate Plus Operation Manual 25-710-800-O
What’s New
Revision O
Section Three - Specifications
Changed Tank Capacities to “about 18 liters”.
Section Seven – Operating Instructions
Changed Temperature Setting to “at least the 18-liters mark.”
Section Eight – Troubleshooting
Changed Temperature Control Problems to “Fill Tank to at least the 18-liter mark.”
Revision M
Section Six – Validation and Calibration:
Updated Adjustment of Sensor Display Temperature steps.
Updated new Watlow controller.
Section Seven – Operating Instructions:
Added newer dissolution tester models.
Revision L
Section Three – Specifications:
Changed “Media Tank Volume (unusable)” to 2 L to reflect low volume tank upgrade.
Revision K
Section Five – Installation:
Added photo of filter housing.
Section Seven – Operation:
Adjusted fill time recommendations for new 0.007” gap fill tubes.
Section Nine – Maintenance:
Added procedure for replacing filter on systems equipped with a filter housing.
Section Eleven – Parts, Sup plies, and A cc esso ries:
Added new fill tube to parts list.
Revision J
Section Six – Validation and Calibration:
Calibration Gauge Set (p/n 91-902-045) added.
Section Eleven – Parts, Sup plies, and A cc esso ries
Numerous spare parts, kits, tools, and accessories added.
Section Twelve – Sales and Support
Hanson Research Corporation contact information and procedure updated.
What’s New iii
Media-Mate Plus Operation Manual 25-710-800-O
Control Panel
Caution! Keep media and other liquids away from the
Control Panel
Caution! Do not press start switch until indicator lights
Control Panel
Caution! Do not restart Instrument with liquid in flasks
Interface Panel
Caution: No operator-accessible parts inside. Refer
qualifié. Risque d’ electrocution. Ne pas ouvrir.
Interface Panel
Caution! Turn Instrument off and remove power cord
fuse holder.
Caution! Heater is hot; do not touch.
Section One – Safety Considerations
1. The Instrument should be on its own circuit to prevent problems and circuit overload.
2. Never work on the electrical components in the system while there is power to the
Instrument. Disconnect power: Do not run Instrument with the protective cover removed from the electrical control cabinet.
3. Do not fill the tank thr ough the filter port on the tank; the Instrum ent ma y not handle the
4. Review all safet y and environm ental precaut ions pertaining to any chem icals that ar e to
be used in conjunction with this Instrument.
Safety Markings
For your own safety, you must observe the following safety warning signs. The safety warning
signs indicate a possible source of danger and provide preventative information.
Sign Location Safety Warning
control panel and away from all electrical components.
are off.
without consulting troubleshooting section.
servicing to qualified personnel only. Risk of electrical
shock. Do not open.
Achtung: Es gibt keine vorn Benutzer zo wanenden
Teile. Oberlassen Sie Reparaturen dem qualifizierten
Service-fachmann. Hochspannung. Nicht öffnen.
Attention: Aucune pièce remplaçable par l’utilisateur.
Toute réparation doit être effectuée par un technicien
before replacing fuses. Fuses must be replaced with
the same current rating and type described next to the
Section 1 Safety Considerations1
Media-Mate Plus Operation Manual 25-710-800-O
Interface Panel
Note! Line and Neutral fused separately.
Inside Control
Note! Protective conductor terminal.
Pump Panel
Caution! Withdraw power cord to mark prior to plugging
Sign Location Safety Warning
into grounded electrical outlet. Withdrawing the full
length of the cord may jam the retracting mechanism.
Section 1 Safety Considerations2
Media-Mate Plus Operation Manual 25-710-800-O
Section Two – Introduction
The Hanson Research Media-Mate Plus is a portable, automatic dissolution prep system. The
Instrument will prehea t, filter, measure, dea erate and deliver diss olution media to numerous
Dissolution Test Stations.
Design Features
1. Portable Cart: The cart is compact and easy to maneuver.
2. Control: The electron ics are enclosed within the cart for protection and may be easil y
removed for service. T he control panel is a user-f riendly design with digita l readout of
actual media temperature and temperature set point.
3. Pressure/Vacuum Air Pump: The air pump is enc losed within the cart fram e for quiet
operation. It is easily removed for service.
4. Dispense Head: The dispense head connects to the dispense tubing with quick
disconnects and is user-configurable for filling six or seven dissolution vessels in parallel.
The dispense head is designed t o interface with the Hanson Researc h SR-6, SR-8, and
SR8-Plus Dissolution Test Stations as well as most test stations made by other
5. Heater Assembly: The heater is an integral design comprised of the heater element,
temperature sensor, overload sensor, and level sensor. The heater is easily removed for
cleaning or for placement in spare media tanks.
6. Volume Setting: T he dispens e vo lum e is user -sel ectable fr om 250 to 1 000 mL in 50 mL
increments. The m easure s ystem has been f actory-calibrate d and is e asily recalibr ated
by the user.
7. Media Tank: The tank is chemically inert and is equipped with a 5-micron filter and
standard hose bib for quick and easy connection. The tank is easily removed for cleaning
or for replacem ent with spare tank s. A chem ically iner t cover preve nts evaporat ion and
provides a docking location for the dispense head.
8. Retractable Cord Re el: The Instr ument is eq uipped with a 14-gauge , 3-conducto r, 20 ft
Section 2 Introduction3
Media-Mate Plus Operation Manual 25-710-800-O
Without media:
67 kg (148 lbs)
With 40 liters of media:
107 kg (236 lbs)
80.9 cm (31.9 in.)
53.4 cm (21.0 in.)
114.0 cm (44.8 in.)
115 VAC or 230 VAC ± 10%
50/60 Hz
13 Amp (115 VAC) or 8 Amp (230 VAC)
115 VAC Units
230 VAC Units
4 Fuses (TT Type):
One 1/2 Amp, 250 VAC,
One 15 Amp.
One 1/2 Amp, 250 VAC,
One 8 Amp, 250 VAC.
Maximum ambient temperature:
5°C below temperature set point
Maximum humidity:
< 85 %
Cycle time:
less than 5 minutes
Pre-heat temperature range:
30°C to 45°C
Pre-heat temperature control accuracy:
± 0.5°C
Pre-heat temperature readout accuracy:
± 0.2°C
Pre-heat time (21 to 37 deg C):
60 minutes
Delivery volume range:
250 mL to 1000 mL
Delivery volume accuracy:
± 1.0 %
95% saturation maximum
5 micron nominal
Tank Capacities
Media Tank Volume (usable):
40 liters (10.5 gal)
Media Tank Volume (unusable):
2 liters (0.53 gal)
Media Volume to Top of Filter:
8 liters (2.1 gal)
Media Volume when low water level sensor turns heater off:
about 18 liters
Materials Wet
High Density Polyethylene
Teflon Coated
S.A.N (Styrene/Acryli c/Nit rile )
Fittings and Fill Hose
Stainless Steel and Tygon
Section Three – Specifications
One 3/4 Amp, 250 VAC,
One 8 Amp, 250 VAC,
NOTE: Accuracy may be improved by fine adjustment (see
Section 6 – Fine Adjustment of the Delivery Volume).
One 3/8 Amp, 250 VAC,
One 5 Amp, 250 VAC,
Section 3 Specifications4
Media-Mate Plus Operation Manual 25-710-800-O
Section Four – How It Works
The Hanson Resear c h Med ia-Ma te P lus us es a s e lf -tuning PID controller and a Teflon heater
to heat the media. Media is moved by low pressure or vacuum and directed by a two-position,
multi-channel pinch valve. The media is deaerated by a thin film vacuum process. The media
volume is accurately measured by a user-set incremental measuring system. A programmable
timer controls the following sequence of events:
1. Fill (Fill Light “ON”)
Vacuum draws heated media from the media tank into the measure vessels. The fill time
thumbwheel has been set such that actual f ill time is suff icient to fill m easure vessels s lightly
above the required volum e. The media is deaerat ed during the fill c ycle by thin film vacuum
Figure 4-1
Section 4 How It Works5
Media-Mate Plus Operation Manual 25-710-800-O
2. Level (Level Light “ON”)
Pressure in the m easure vessels r eturns excess media back to the media tank . The volum e
of media remaining in the vessels is the amount set by the adjustment of the incremental
Figure 4-2
Section 4 How It Works6
Media-Mate Plus Operation Manual 25-710-800-O
3. Dispense (Dispense Light “ON”)
The pinch valve is shifted, opening the dispense lines and closing the fill lines. Pressure in the
measure vessels delivers media out the dispense manifold.
Figure 4-3
Section 4 How It Works7
Media-Mate Plus Operation Manual 25-710-800-O
4. Standby (no lights on)
The Instrument is waiting f or the operator command to start a cycle. Air flo ws through the
measure vessels and ou t the f ill lines int o the m edia tank . T his provides m edia circulat ion f or
optimum temperature control.
Figure 4-4
Section 4 How It Works8
Media-Mate Plus Operation Manual 25-710-800-O
Section Five – Installation
The media tank temperature must exceed ambient room temperature by at least 5°C for
maximum perform ance of the temperature control system. Therefore, for best results, the
ambient temperature should not be allowed to exc eed 32°C (90°F) for 37°C t ests, or 27°C
(81°F) for 32°C tests.
Easy access to a water sou rc e and waste d isposa l for f illing an d em ptying of t he water bath is
convenient, although not nec es sary.
The Media-Mate Plus System is designed to be mobile up to 6.25m (20 ft). The laboratory floor
should be level and flat to prevent the Instrument from moving when left unattended.
The Media-Mate Plus System requires a single, grounded electrical outlet, within 5.63 m (18 ft)
of the location of the Instrument.
The Instrument is available in two configurations, 115VAC and 230VAC. The voltages are set
at the factory and cannot be changed (see model number label on control interface panel next
to fuses to determine voltage). The electrical requirements are summarized in Section 3 of this
operation manual.
The Media-Mate Plus is s hipped ful ly assem bled in one box . The shipp ing box is specificall y
designed to provide m aximum shipping protect ion and to facilitate unpac king. The shipping
box consists of a lower cardboard tra y secured to a pallet with a large box placed over the
Instrument. The upper box is strapped to the lower tray and pallet.
NOTE: Shortages or damages must be reported immediately to the freight carrier and to Hanson
Research. Notif y Hanson Research b y telephone (818) 88 2-7266 or FAX (818) 88 2-
To Unpack:
1. Move package close to final destination with pallet-moving equipment.
2. Cut and remove straps.
3. Remove upper box taking care not to damage box.
4. Remove Instrument from box.
5. Reassemble empty box and store for possible future use.
Section 5 Installation9
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