Hanna Instruments HI 98701 User Manual

Instruction Manual
HI 98701 • HI 98801 HI 98704 • HI 98804
Printing and Logging
K-J-T Thermocouple
Dear Customer, Thank you for choosing a HANNA instruments® product. Please read this instruction manual carefully before using the instru-
ment. This manual will provide you with all the necessary information for the
correct use of the instrument, as well as a precise idea of its versatility in a wide range of applications. If you need additional technical information, do not hesitate to e-mail us at tech@hannainst.com.
These instruments are in compliance with directives.
PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION ..................................................................3
GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................3
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................5
SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................6
INITIAL PREPARATION .............................................................................. 7
SETUP MODE ..................................................................................8
TAKING TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS ................................................ 14
TEMPERATURE CALIBRATION PROCEDURE .............................................. 15
HI98801 / HI98804 PRINTING / LOGGING FUNCTIONS .......................... 17
HI98701 / HI98704 PRINTING FUNCTIONS .......................................... 20
GOOD LABORATORY PRACTICE (GLP) ..................................................... 22
DATA TRANSFER TO PC ......................................................................... 23
MEMORY ORGANIZATION ...................................................................... 24
PRINTER MAINTENANCE ....................................................................... 25
FAULT CONDITIONS .............................................................................. 25
BATTERY REPLACEMENT ....................................................................... 26
K-TYPE THERMOCOUPLE PROBES .......................................................... 27
ACCESSORIES ...................................................................................... 3 0
WARRANTY ......................................................................................... 31
CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ........................................................ 31
Remove the instrument from the packing material and examine it carefully to make sure that no damage has occurred during shipping. If there is any damage, notify your Dealer.
Each thermometer is supplied complete with:
Paper rolls (5 pcs)
Batteries (4 x 1.5V AA alkaline)
• Instruction manual
Rugged carrying case
Note: Save all packing material until you are sure that the
instrument functions correctly. All defective items must be returned in their original packaging together with the sup­plied accessories.
All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner.
This series of HANNA instruments® portable thermocouple thermom­eters with built-in printer and microprocessor technology, provides accurate temperature measurements and data record.
The meters can support K, J or T thermocouple probes, one for models HI 98701 and HI 98801, up to four for HI 98704 and HI 98804.
The thermocouple type is user selectable. The meters are equipped with an easy-to-read LCD with backlight
feature for comfortable reading even in dark environments. The meters provide a controlled access to calibration and GLP settings
through a password protection method. An alarm time-out is available to alert the user if too much time has
elapsed since the last calibration and that re-calibration may be required.
To prolong battery life, the backlight and printing features are disabled when the batteries are getting low; "LOBAT" indication is displayed on LCD to warn the user of this condition. However, the meter continues to measure correctly even when the low battery indication is displayed. The Battery Error Preventing System (BEPS) automatically switches the meter off when the batteries are too weak to support proper function.
The meters are equipped with an internal lithium battery that powers the clock circuit even in the absence of power supplies.
For long term field and lab applications, these instruments can be connected to a 12 Vdc adapter.
HI 98801 and HI 98804 can store the measurements in memory at a user selectable interval from 1 to 180 minutes. This information can be retrieved at a later time and also printed.
HI 98801 and HI 98804 also allow the transfer of stored data to a computer via the HI 9200 infrared transmitter connected to the computer RS232 port.
Each meter can also be uniquely identified by the user by assigning an ID code.
HANNA instruments® produces a wide range of K-type thermocouple probes that can be used with these thermometers for many applica­tions (HI 766 series, see "Accessories" section).
1) Power adapter plug
2) Temperature probe connectors (1 or 4, depending on model)
3) Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
4) PAPER key, to move the paper up
5) ON/OFF key, to turn the meter on or off
6) ALT key, to alternate key function
7) CH/TIME key (HI 98704 and HI 98804), to select input chan-
nels, view date & time, and (with ALT) enable backlight TEMP/TIME key (HI 98701 and HI 98801), to select tempera- ture reading, view date & time, and (with ALT) enable backlight
8) LOG key, to store and/or print measurements
9) LOT INFO key (HI 98801 and HI 98804), to move down or
(with ALT) view logging information key (HI 98701 and HI 98704), to move down
10) CFM key, to move right or (with ALT) confirm values
11) FNC key, to move up or (with ALT) select function codes
Range (*) K -200.0 to 999.9 °C ; 1000 to 1370 °C
-300.0 to 999.9 °F ; 1000 to 2500 °F
J -200.0 to 760.0 °C
-300.0 to 999.9 °F ; 1000 to 1400 °F
T -200.0 to 400.0 °C
-300.0 to 750.0 °F
Resolution K 0.1°C (-99.9 to 999.9 °C); 1°C (1000 to 1370 °C)
0.2 °C (-200.0 to -100.0 °C)
0.2°F (-199.9 to 999.9 °F); 1°F (1000 to 2500°F)
0.3 °F (-300.0 to -200.0 °F)
J 0.1 °C (-149.9 to 760.0 °C)
0.2 °C (-200.0 to -150.0 °C)
0.1 °F (32.0 to 999.9 °F); 1 °F (1000 to 1400 °F)
0.2 °F (-300.0 to 32.0 °F)
T 0.1 °C (-99.9 to 400.0 °C)
0.2 °C (-200.0 to -100.0 °C)
0.1°F (300.0 to 750.0°F);0.2°F (-149.9 to 300.0°F)
0.3 °F (-300.0 to -150.0 °F)
Accuracy ±0.5 °C (-200.0 to 999.9 °C); ±1°C outside (@20°C/68°F) ±1°F
for one year (excluding probe error)
Typical EMC Dev. ±5 °C; ±9 °F Channels HI 98701 / HI 98801: 1 channel
HI 98704 / HI98804: 4 channels Probe K , J or T-type thermocouple Cold Junction NTC 10K ; 0.1°C resolution ; ±0.3°C accuracy Printer Low power impact, 14 characters per line using
38 mm plain paper (HI 710034) Printing/Logging Selectable at
Interval 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120 or 180 minutes Auto-off Selectable after 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes Power supply 4 x 1.5V AA batteries / approx. 350 hours of use
(without printing and backlight); or 12 Vdc input
Environment 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F); RH max 95% Dimensions 220 x 82 x 66 mm (8.7 x 3.2 x 2.6") Weight 550 g (1.2 lb.)
Each meter is supplied complete with batteries. Remove the back cover, unwrap the batteries and install them while paying attention to the polarity.
Alternatively, connect a 12 Vdc voltage adapter to the power adapter plug on the top of the instrument.
To prepare the instrument for use, choose the most appropriate temperature probe(s) for your application (see "Accessories" section for a complete list) and connect it (them) to the connector(s) on the top of the instrument.
With the meter facing you, channel #1 is the first connector on the top left hand side.
To switch the meter on, press the ON/OFF key. The batteries charge status or "LINE" message (if external power adapter is connected) will be displayed on the LCD for a few seconds.
The meter is now ready to operate.
To maximize battery life, the meter is automatically switched off after a user selectable period of non-use (this feature is enabled and set to 5 minutes by default; it can be disabled or changed through setup code #40).
If in logging mode, after the period of non-use, the meter will continue to monitor the temperature periodically at the end of every logging interval. Only the "LOG" indication will be displayed.
While storing data in memory, during the sleep mode, the reading will appear briefly on the LCD.
To reactivate the display press the ON/OFF key.
Note: When the use of an alternate function (FNC, CFM and LOT
INFO) is requested, press and hold the ALT key first and then the second key.
(*) Tables from NIST Monograph 175 revised to ITS-90 are used
Setup can be used to view data regarding instrument status (e.g. battery charge) or GLP data (e.g. calibration date) or to view or print the logged data. It also allows the user to change the meter param­eters (e.g. time) and to gain access to stored data.
• To enter this mode ensure the meter is
not logging and then press the ALT and FNC keys.
• The scrolling message "Insert the function code or press "ALT" -
"FNC" to escape" in the upper LCD and the indication "F 00" with the first digit blinking in the lower LCD will be displayed.
Setting of the GLP parameters (calibration alarm time-out, instrument ID code, time and date) can be password protected. If password is set to a value different from 0000 (factory setting), the user will be asked to enter the password.
• Select the desired GLP parameter code.
• Enter the password by the arrow keys.
• Press the ALT and CFM keys to confirm.
• If password is wrong the meter will return to the function selection mode without any warning message.
• If password is correct, the meter provides access to the parameter.
• Enter the first digit of the code of the parameter you want to set
using the or key and pass to the next digit with . The second digit will start blinking.
• Enter the second digit using the or key.
• Press ALT and CFM to confirm the code.
• If the entered code doesn't exist the "Err" message will be displayed for a few sec­onds and then the message "Insert the function code or press ALT - FNC to es­cape" will recommence scrolling in the upper LCD.
• Once the parameter code has been entered, the appropriate mes­sage will scroll across the LCD for a few seconds.
• The current value of the selected parameter on the upper LCD and the parameter code on the lower LCD will be displayed. The first digit will blink if the parameter can assume continuous values. All the digits will blink if the parameter can assume only a fixed set of values.
• Enter the new value using the arrow keys.
• Press ALT and CFM to confirm the value.
The following table lists the setup codes along with the description of the specific setup items, their valid values and the factory settings (default):
Code Valid values Default
00 Lot data printing/scrolling100÷16 00 01 Print lots data summary 02 Printer enable 03 Logging interval 1,2,5,10,15,30,60,120,180 1 05 Log on demand delete1 or Reset sample number 06 Timed data delete
On(enabled); Off(disabled) On
Code Valid values Default
10 Show GLP data 11 Calibration alarm time-out On(enabled); Off(disabled) On 20 Instrument ID code 0000÷9999 0000 30 Current time 31 Current day 32 Current month 33 Current year
hh:mm 00:00 dd 01 MM 01
YYYY 1998 40 Auto-Off/Power down time-out Off,5,10,15,30,45,60 5 41 Battery level test 50 RS232 baud rate
1200, 2400, 4800 4800 60 Firmware version 70 Thermocouple type selection "dEF"(K) ; "J"(J) ; "t"(T) "dEF" 71 Celsius/Fahrenheit selection °C ; °F °C 99 Password
0000÷9999 0000 Note: If a wrong code is entered the "Err" message is displayed on
LCD for a few seconds.
Note: Code 05 has a different function in HI9880x and HI9870x
series as explained in detail in the following.
In HI 98801 and HI 98804 only.
In HI 98701 and HI 98704 only.
The meter automatically checks for entered time/date accuracy as follows:
0hh23; 0≤mm≤59; 01dd28/29/30/31; 1MM12; 1998YYYY2097.
To change the password, the correct code must be entered first. If the password has been forgotten, the password protected features are no longer accessible; in this case contact your nearest Hanna Service Center.
cod. 00: Lot data Printing cod. 01: Lot table Printing cod. 02: Printer enable cod. 03: Log Interval cod. 05: Press "ALT CFM" to reset the sample number or "ALT FNC" to escape or: Press "ALT CFM" to delete Lot00 or "ALT FNC" to escape cod. 06: Press "ALT CFM" to delete Lot 01-16 or "ALT FNC" to escape cod. 10: GLP cod. 11: Calibration alarm time-out cod. 20: Instrument ID Code cod. 30: Hour - Minute cod. 31: Day cod. 32: Month
cod. 33: Year cod. 40: Auto OFF cod. 41: Battery test cod. 50: Baud rate cod. 60: Release code cod. 70: Thermocouple type cod. 71: Celsius or Fahrenheit cod. 99: Pass Code
Some of the most important functions are explained below in a step by step sequence.
TO SCAN LOGGED DATA (HI98801 and HI98804 only)
COD. 00 - Lot data Printing / Scrolling
• Select the code 00.
• The message "Lot data Printing" will scroll twice across LCD.
• The upper LCD will then display L 00 with the 00 blinking.
• Set the desired lot by the arrow keys. L00 is the lot of data of the "log on demand" and L 01 to L 16 are the lots of the "timed log".
• Press the ALT and CFM keys to confirm the lot number.
• If the lot doesn't contain data, the "no data" message will scroll across the LCD twice and the meter will return to setup mode.
• If the lot contains one or more data the LCD will display the sample number in its upper part and Sn in the lower part.
Note: In the L 00 lot (log on demand) the sample number will be
displayed with 3 digits (001).
• Select the sample number to scan by the arrow keys.
Printing logged data
• Press ALT and CFM to print logged data.
• If the selected sample number is invalid (equal to 0 or bigger than the number of samples), the "Err" message will be displayed for a few seconds.
• If the sample number is correct, the samples starting from the selected one to the last sample of the lot will be printed. To stop printing before the last sample is reached, press and hold the ALT and PAPER keys until the printer stops.
• During printout the LCD will display the sample number being printed at that moment. If printout is stopped the LCD will show
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