Hangar 9 Pulse 125 Assembly Manual

Wingspan ............................................................... 76.0 in (193 cm)
Length.................................................................... 62.5 in (159 cm)
Wing Area ..................................................1050 sq in (68.0 sq dm)
Weight .......................................................... 8.2–9.5 lb (3.7–4.3 kg)
Engine Size ........................... .61–1.20 2-stroke; .90–1.25 4-stroke
Motor Size ...............................90–110 brushless outrunner Motor
Radio .........4-channels or more w/5 servos (4 w/electric option)
Pulse 125 ARF
Assembly Manual
2 Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
Table of Contents
2009 Official Academy of
Model Aeronautics Safety Code ................................38
Replacement Parts
1. HAN517001 Fuselage with Hatch
2. HAN517002 Fuselage Hatch
3. HAN517003 Left Wing Panel
4. HAN517004 Right Wing Panel
5. HAN517005 Horizontal and Vertical Stabilizer
6. HAN517006 Canopy
7. HAN517007 Cowl
8. HAN517008 Landing Gear, with Axles
9. HAN517010 Wing Tube
10. HAN517011 Wheelpants (2)
11. HAN517012 Main Wheels
12. HAN517015 Fuel Tank
13. HAN517017 Tailwheel Assembly
14. HAN517018 Wing Bolt Plate
Items not shown:
HAN517009 Landing Gear Axles HAN517013 Engine Mount HAN517014 EP Motor Mount HAN517016 Hardware Package HAN517019 Wing Mounting Nylon Bolts
Contents of Kit and Parts Layout
3Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
3.35-inch rubber wheel 2
1.35-inch rubber tail wheel 1 2mm wheel collar with setscrew 1 4mm wheel collar with setscrew 4 5mm x 44mm steel axles with nut 2 3mm x 15mm socket head cap screw 5 Landing gear 3mm x 10mm socket head cap screw 8 Cowl/wheel pants 3mm washer 13
/4-inch (2mm) pushrod with steel clevis and nut 2 Aileron
/8-inch (2mm) pushrod with clevis and nut 1 Rudder
/4-inch (2mm) pushrod with clevis and nut 1 Elevator
/8-inch (2mm) pushrod with clevis and nut 1 Throttle
16 oz (470cc) fuel tank 1 3mm x 50mm aluminum tube 2 3mm x 70mm aluminum tube 1 Rubber stopper 1 Self-tapping screw 1 Silicon tube 1 Nylon stopper piece 2 10mm x 10mm x 110mm tank brace 1
5/16 x 2-inch dowel with aluminum sleeve 2 6mm x 40mm nylon wing bolt 2 Wing bolts 3mm washer 2 Tail attachment 3mm nylon lock nut 2 Tail attachment
Nylon motor mount 2 75mm aluminum standoff 4 4mm x 25mm socket head cap screw 8 Mount to firewall/EP mounts 4mm blind nut 4 Mount to firewall 4mm washer 4 Mount to firewall 4mm x 25mm socket head cap screws 4 Engine to mount 4mm locknut 4 Engine to mount 4mm washer 8 Engine to mount
Nylon clevis 4 2mm x 20mm machine screw 8 Brass pushrod connector with backplate 1 Throttle Silicon clevis keeper 4 Plywood firewall template 1
Included Parts Listing
4 Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
Using the Manual
This manual is divided into sections to help make assembly easier to understand, and to provide breaks between each major section. In addition, check boxes have been placed next to each step to keep track of each step completed. Steps with a single box () are performed once, while steps with two boxes () indicate that the step will require repeating, such as for a right or left wing panel, two servos, etc. Remember to take your time and follow the directions.
Important Information
Regarding Warranty Information
Please read our Warranty and Liability Limitations section on Page 36 before building this product. If you as the purchaser or user are not prepared to accept the liability associated with the use of this Product, you are advised to return this Product immediately in new and unused condition to the place of purchase.
UltraCote® Covering Colors
• Orange HANU877
• Silver HANU881
• White HANU870
Before Starting Assembly
Before beginning the assembly of your model, remove each part from its bag for inspection. Closely inspect the fuselage, wing panels, rudder and stabilizer for damage. If you find any damaged or missing parts, contact the place of purchase.
If you find any wrinkles in the covering, use a heat gun or covering iron to remove them. Use caution while working around areas where the colors overlap to prevent separating the colors.
HAN100 – Heat Gun
HAN150 – Covering Glove
HAN101 – Sealing Iron
HAN141 – Sealing Iron Sock
Transmitter Requirements
The Pulse 125 ARF requires a minimum of a 4-channel radio to operate the functions of your aircraft. We suggest the following radio systems available through Horizon Hobby or your local hobby distributor.
Spektrum DX6i with receiver SPM6600 Spektrum DX7 with receiver SPM2710 JR Systems X9303 2.4GHz with receiver JRP2915
Radio Equipment Requirements
The following items are recommended when installing the receiver in your aircraft:
AR7000 7-Channel Receiver SPM6070 DS821 Digital Sport Servo (5) JRPS821
(Note: Only 4 servos required for EP version) 9-inch Servo Extension (2) JRPA097 3-inch Servo Extension (2) JSP98100 or Y-harness JSP98020 JR Switch, Chargeswitch JRPA004 Receiver battery, 6-volt, 2700mAh JRPB5008
Aileron option 1: DS821 Servo (2) (No mixing required)
• Y-harness (plugged into receiver)
• 9-inch extension (connected to servo) (2)
Aileron option 2: DS821 Servo (2) (requires mixing of aileron servos)
• 3-inch extension (plugged into receiver) (2)
• 9-inch extension (connected to servo) (2)
Rudder: DS821 Servo Elevator: DS821 Servo Throttle: DS821 Servo (Not required for electric version)
Recommended Setup–2-Stroke Glow
• Evolution® 120NX Engine (EVOE1200)
• Evolution Propeller 15 x 6 (EVO15060)
Recommended Setup–4-Stroke Glow
• Saito™ 1.25 AAC (SAIE125A or SAIE125AGK)
• Evolution Propeller 16 x 6 (EVO16060)
Recommended Setup–4-Stroke Gas
• Saito™ FG20 (SAIEG20)
• Evolution Propeller 15 x 6 (EVO15060)
• Ignition Battery (JRPB5008)
• Ignition Switch (JRPA004)
• Evolution 2-stroke Oil (EVOX1001Q)
Recommended Setup–
Electric Power (EP)
• E-flite® Power 110 BL Outrunner Motor (EFLM4110A)
• Phoenix HV-85 High Voltage ESC (CSEPHX85HV)
• Thunder Power 4S 3850–4500mAh Li-Po Battery Pack
• APC Propeller 16 x 12E (APC16012E)
Field Equipment Required
• Fuel (15% recommended)
• Propeller
• Long Reach Glow Plug Wrench (HAN2510)
• Metered Glow Driver w/Ni-Cd & Charger (HAN7101)
• 2-Cycle Sport Plug (EVOGP1)
• Manual Fuel Pump (HAN118)
Optional Field Equipment
• Selfstick weights, 6 oz (HAN3626)
• PowerPro 12V Starter (HAN161)
• 12V 7Ah Sealed Battery (HAN102)
• Power Panel (HAN106)
• Blue Block After Run Oil Applicator (EVOX1001)
• Blue Blocker After Run Oil Refill (EVOX1002)
• Cleaner and towels
The Spektrum trademark is used with permission
of Bachmann Industries, Inc.
5Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
Additional Required Tools
• Cardstock • Covering iron
• Double-sided tape • Drill
• Felt-tipped pen • Hobby scissors
• Low-tack tape • Medium grit sandpaper
• Mixing cup • Mixing stick
• Nut driver: 5.5mm • Paper towel
• Petroleum jelly • Flat file
• Pin drill • Pliers
• Rubbing alcohol • Side cutter
• Straight edge • Tapered reamer
• Phillips screwdriver: #1, #2 • T-pins
• Hobby knife with #11 blade
• Rotary tool with sanding drum
• Box or open end wrench: 10mm (2)
• Hex wrench or ball driver: 1.5mm, 2mm, 4mm
• Drill bit: 1/16-inch (1.5mm), 5/64-inch (2mm),
5/32-inch (4mm), 3/16-inch (5mm)
Additional Required Adhesives
• Canopy Glue (PAAPT56)
• Thin CA (PAAPT08)
• Threadlock (PAAPT42)
• 30-Minute Epoxy (HAN8002)
FS One®
With FS One (HANS2000) you get more than photorealistic fields, gorgeous skies and realistic-looking aircraft. You get incredibly advanced aerodynamic modeling that simulates every possible aspect of real-world flight.
The first Hangar Pack (HANS4010) will add even more aircraft to FS One. This latest edition includes ten new planes and helis from your favorite brands, including Hangar 9, E-flite and Align. You’ll be able to fly aircraft that are only available on FS One such as the T-REX, Blade CX2, Blade CP Pro, Hangar 9 P-51 and F-22 PTS. And as always, with the Hangar Pack, you still get all the same great features that you did with the original aircraft.
HANS2008 HANS4010
Rudder and Fin Preparation
Required Parts
Rudder Fin Tail wheel bracket CA hinge (3)
Tools and Adhesives
T-pins Petroleum jelly
Hobby knife with #11 blade Thin CA
30-minute epoxy Mixing stick Mixing cup Medium grit sandpaper Rubbing alcohol Paper towel Drill bit: 1/16-inch (1.5mm Pin drill
Step 1
Use medium grit sandpaper to roughen the tail gear wire. This provides a better surface for the epoxy to adhere to.
6 Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
Step 2
Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the tail gear wire. This will keep the epoxy from gluing the wire to the bracket.
Step 3
Test fit the rudder on the hinges. Make sure the tail gear fits into the pre-drilled hole in the rudder.
Step 4
When fitting the rudder, make sure there is a sufficient gap between the rudder and fin. Use a hobby knife to set the correct spacing.
Step 5
Mix a small amount of 30-minute epoxy. Apply the epoxy to both the tail gear wire where it enters the rudder and to the hole in the rudder.
Note: Use a paper towel and rubbing alcohol to remove any excess epoxy before it cures. Excess epoxy could cause the rudder and fin to bind and increase the load on the rudder servo.
Step 6
The rudder and fin can now be joined together. While the epoxy cures, wick thin CA into each hinge. Apply the CA to both sides of the hinge. Allow the CA to cure WITHOUT using accelerator as this will not allow the CA to wick full into the hinge. Continue once the CA and epoxy have both cured.
7Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
Step 7
Gently pull on the rudder and fin to make sure the hinges are secure. If any of the hinges break loose, reapply CA to the hinge.
Step 8
The last step is to break in the hinges. Move the rudder through its range of movement a few times until it moves freely.
Tail Installation
Required Parts
Fuselage Rudder/fin assembly Elevator/stabilizer assembly 3mm washer (2) 3mm locknut (2)
Tools and Adhesives
Nut driver: 5.5mm Thin CA
Important: Check and break in the elevator hinges before starting this section of the manual. Apply thin CA to any loose hinges.
Step 1
Position the stabilizer on the stabilizer saddle at the rear of the fuselage.
Step 2
Insert the threaded rods from the fin through the holes in the stabilizer and into the holes in the fuselage. You will need to deflect the rudder so the control horn can pass the elevator.
Step 3
When installed, the fin will fit tight against the stabilizer.
8 Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
Step 4
Place two 3mm washers on the threaded rods.
Step 5
Thread two 3mm locknuts on the threaded rods. Use a
5.5mm nut driver to tighten the nuts.
Important: Do not over-tighten the nuts and damage the fuselage. The nuts only need to be tightened enough so the stabilizer and fin are secure and do not move on the fuselage.
Radio Installation
Required Parts
Fuselage Metal clevis (2) 2mm nut (2) Clevis retainer (2) Servo with hardware (2) Switch harness Receiver battery Receiver 1/4-inch (6mm) foam Y-harness Elevator linkage wire, 27.5-inch (698mm) Rudder linkage wire, 28.5-inch (724mm)
Tools and Adhesives
Phillips screwdriver: #1, #2
Side cutters Straight edge Thin CA Pin drill Drill bit: 5/64-inch (2mm)
Step 1
Slide the hatch on the fuselage forward to disengage the magnets at the rear of the hatch. Lift the hatch up at the rear and remove it from the fuselage.
Step 2
Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to thread a servo mounting
screw into each of the holes in the radio tray. This will cut the threads for the screws in preparation of the next step.
Step 3
Place 2–3 drops of thin CA in each hole to harden the surrounding wood. This harder surface will make the screws less likely to vibrate loose.
9Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
Step 4
After preparing the rudder and elevator servo with the appropriate hardware, secure them in the radio tray using the screws provided with the servos.
Step 5
Remove the covering from the side of the fuselage to mount your particular switch. There are a few different locations, so choose the correct one for your application.
Step 6
Wrap the receiver battery in foam and secure it in position using a hook and loop strap (not included).
Step 7
Plug the rudder and elevator servo leads in the correct ports of your receiver. Also plug the aileron Y-harness and lead from the switch harness at this time.
Step 8
Wrap the receiver in foam and secure it in position as shown.
Note: The remote receiver will be mounted later in the manual. Its location will be determined by your particular motor selection.
Step 9
Remove the clevises and nuts from the 27.5-inch (698mm) and 28.5-inch (724mm) linkage wires. Set the hardware aside so it doesn’t get lost.
10 Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
Step 10
Remove the stock servo horns from the servos. Center the servos using the radio system. Use a 180-degree servo horn on the servos. You may need to rotate the horns 180-degrees to get them to align perpendicular to the servos.
Step 11
Use a pin drill and 5/64-inch (2mm) drill bit to enlarge the holes that are 9/16-inch (15mm) from the center of the servo horn for the pushrod wires.
 Step 12
Remove the horns from the rudder servo and use side cutters to trim the arm from the horn that will not be used.
Note: Removing the excess arm will help in preventing interference between the arm and other components inside the fuselage.
 Step 13
Insert the Z-bend from the 28
/2-inch (724mm) pushod in
the hole enlarged earlier.
 Step 14
Slide the pushrod wire into the tube near the rudder servo.
 Step 15
With the rudder servo still centered, secure the servo horn to the rudder servo using the screw provided with the servo.
11Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
 Step 16
Use a straight edge to make sure the rudder is aligned with the fin.
 Step 17
Slide a clevis retainer on the clevis. Thread the 2mm nut and clevis back on the pushrod wire. Attach the clevis in the center hole of the control horn. Tighten the nut against the clevis, then slide the clevis retainer over the forks of the clevis to keep it from popping loose in flight.
Important: Make sure to use threadlock on all metal­to-metal fasteners.
Step 18
Repeat Steps 12 through 17 to install the 27.5-inch (698mm) linkage wire for the elevator. Attach the clevis to the center hold on the elevator control horn.
Aileron Servo Installation
Required Parts
Wing panel (right and left) Metal clevis (2) Clevis retainer (2) 2mm nut (2) Wing dowel (2) Servo with hardware (2) 9-inch (228mm) servo entension (2) Aileron linkage wire, 3.5-inch (90mm) (2)
Tools and Adhesives
Thin CA Mixing cup 30-minute epoxy Mixing stick Rubbing alcohol Paper towel
Phillips screwdriver: #1 Side cutters
Thin CA
Important: Check and break in the aileron hinges before starting this section of the manual. Apply thin CA to any loose hinges.
 Step 1
Secure a 9-inch (228mm) servo extension to the aileron servo.
12 Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
 Step 2
Thread a servo mounting screw into each of the holes for mounting the servo. This will cut the threads for the screws in preparation of the next step.
 Step 3
Place 2–3 drops of thin CA in each hole to harden the surrounding wood. This harder surface will make the screws less likely to vibrate loose.
 Step 4
Remove the tape that secures the string inside the wing. Do not remove the string from the wing. Tie the end around the servo extension.
 Step 5
Use the string to pull the servo lead through the wing and out the hole as shown.
 Step 6
Secure the servo in the wing using the screws included with the servo. Make sure the output of the servo faces the aileron.
 Step 7
Remove the stock servo horns from the servo. Center the servo using the radio system. Use a 180-degree servo horn on the servo. You may need to rotate the horn 180-degrees to get it to align parallel to the aileron hinge line. Use a pin drill and 5/32-inch (2mm) drill bit to enlarge the hole that is 9/16-inch (15mm) from the center of the servo horn for the pushrod wire.
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