4 Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
Using the Manual
This manual is divided into sections to help make assembly
easier to understand, and to provide breaks between each
major section. In addition, check boxes have been placed
next to each step to keep track of each step completed.
Steps with a single box () are performed once, while steps
with two boxes () indicate that the step will require
repeating, such as for a right or left wing panel, two servos,
etc. Remember to take your time and follow the directions.
Important Information
Regarding Warranty Information
Please read our Warranty and Liability Limitations section on
Page 36 before building this product. If you as the purchaser
or user are not prepared to accept the liability associated
with the use of this Product, you are advised to return this
Product immediately in new and unused condition to the
place of purchase.
UltraCote® Covering Colors
• Orange HANU877
• Silver HANU881
• White HANU870
Before Starting Assembly
Before beginning the assembly of your model, remove
each part from its bag for inspection. Closely inspect the
fuselage, wing panels, rudder and stabilizer for damage. If
you find any damaged or missing parts, contact the place of
If you find any wrinkles in the covering, use a heat gun or
covering iron to remove them. Use caution while working
around areas where the colors overlap to prevent separating
the colors.
HAN100 – Heat Gun
HAN150 – Covering Glove
HAN101 – Sealing Iron
HAN141 – Sealing Iron Sock
Transmitter Requirements
The Pulse 125 ARF requires a minimum of a 4-channel radio
to operate the functions of your aircraft. We suggest the
following radio systems available through Horizon Hobby or
your local hobby distributor.
Spektrum DX6i with receiver SPM6600
Spektrum DX7 with receiver SPM2710
JR Systems X9303 2.4GHz with receiver JRP2915
Radio Equipment Requirements
The following items are recommended when installing the
receiver in your aircraft:
AR7000 7-Channel Receiver SPM6070
DS821 Digital Sport Servo (5) JRPS821
(Note: Only 4 servos required for EP version)
9-inch Servo Extension (2) JRPA097
3-inch Servo Extension (2) JSP98100 or
Y-harness JSP98020
JR Switch, Chargeswitch JRPA004
Receiver battery, 6-volt, 2700mAh JRPB5008
Aileron option 1:
DS821 Servo (2) (No mixing required)
• Y-harness (plugged into receiver)
• 9-inch extension (connected to servo) (2)
Aileron option 2:
DS821 Servo (2) (requires mixing of aileron servos)
• 3-inch extension (plugged into receiver) (2)
• 9-inch extension (connected to servo) (2)
Rudder: DS821 Servo
Elevator: DS821 Servo
Throttle: DS821 Servo (Not required for electric version)
Recommended Setup–2-Stroke Glow
• Evolution® 120NX Engine (EVOE1200)
• Evolution Propeller 15 x 6 (EVO15060)
Recommended Setup–4-Stroke Glow
• Saito™ 1.25 AAC (SAIE125A or SAIE125AGK)
• Evolution Propeller 16 x 6 (EVO16060)
Recommended Setup–4-Stroke Gas
• Saito™ FG20 (SAIEG20)
• Evolution Propeller 15 x 6 (EVO15060)
• Ignition Battery (JRPB5008)
• Ignition Switch (JRPA004)
• Evolution 2-stroke Oil (EVOX1001Q)
Recommended Setup–
Electric Power (EP)
• E-flite® Power 110 BL Outrunner Motor (EFLM4110A)
• Phoenix HV-85 High Voltage ESC (CSEPHX85HV)
• Thunder Power 4S 3850–4500mAh Li-Po Battery Pack
• APC Propeller 16 x 12E (APC16012E)
Field Equipment Required
• Fuel (15% recommended)
• Propeller
• Long Reach Glow Plug Wrench (HAN2510)
• Metered Glow Driver w/Ni-Cd & Charger (HAN7101)
• 2-Cycle Sport Plug (EVOGP1)
• Manual Fuel Pump (HAN118)
Optional Field Equipment
• Selfstick weights, 6 oz (HAN3626)
• PowerPro 12V Starter (HAN161)
• 12V 7Ah Sealed Battery (HAN102)
• Power Panel (HAN106)
• Blue Block After Run Oil Applicator (EVOX1001)
• Blue Blocker After Run Oil Refill (EVOX1002)
• Cleaner and towels
The Spektrum trademark is used with permission
of Bachmann Industries, Inc.