C. Cowling HAN4004
D. Tail Set HAN4003
E. Landing Gear HAN4005
F. Wing Strut Set HAN4010
G. Window Set HAN4008
Items Not Shown:
Fuel Tank
Tail Wheel Assembly HAN4007
Decal Set HAN4009
Pushrod Set HAN4011
Wheels HAN4006
Top Fuselage Hatch HAN4012
Additional Required Equipment
Radio Equipment
• 4-channel radio system (minimum)
• 5 standard servos
• Receiver
• Receiver battery
• Switch harness
• 12" Servo Extension (JRPA098) (2)
• “Y” Harness (JRPA135)
• Large Arms/Horns w/Screw (JRPA212)
Recommended JR® Systems
Recommended Engine
Covering Colors
• PCM10X
• XP9303
• XP8103
• X-378
• XP6102
• XF631
• XF421
• Quattro
• Evolution® .36–.46
• Saito™ .56–.82 4-stroke
JR XP9303
JR XP6102
• Cub Yellow HANU884
• Black HANU874
Additional Required Tools and Adhesives
• Adjustable wrench
• Crimping tool
• Drill
• Drill bit: 1/16”, 5/64”, 3/32”
• Felt-tipped pen
• Heat gun
• Hobby knife
• Hobby scissors
• Petroleum jelly
• Phillips screwdriver (small)
• Phillips screwdriver (large)
• Pliers
• Rotary tool w/sanding drum
• Ruler
• Sandpaper
• String
• Threadlock
• T-pins
• 6-minute epoxy
• Thin CA
• Medium CA
Other Required Items
• Epoxy brushes
• Felt-tipped pen or pencil
• Measuring device (e.g. ruler, tape measure)
• Mixing sticks for epoxy
• Paper towels
• Petroleum jelly
• Rubbing alcohol
• Sanding bar
• Covering Iron (HAN101)
• Covering Glove (HAN150)
• Sealing Iron Sock (HAN141)
Field Equipment Required
• Propeller
• Fuel
• Glow Plug Wrench (HAN2510)
• Glow Plug Igniter with Charger (HAN7101)
• Glow Plug (HAN3001/3006)
• Manual Fuel Pump (HAN118)
An RC aircraft is not a toy! If misused, it can cause serious bodily harm and damage to property. Fly only in open areas,
preferably at AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) approved flying sites, following all instructions included with your
radio and engine.
Using the Manual
This manual is divided into sections to help make assembly easier to understand, and to provide breaks between each
major section. Remember to take your time and follow the directions.
Before Starting Assembly
Before beginning the assembly of your J-3 Cub, remove each part from its bag for inspection. Closely inspect the
fuselage, wing panels, rudder, and stabilizer and for damage. If you find any damaged or missing parts, contact the place
of purchase.
If you find any wrinkles in the covering, use a heat gun or covering iron to remove them. Use caution while working
around areas where the colors overlap to prevent separating the colors.
HAN100 – Heat Gun
HAN150 – Covering Glove
HAN101 – Covering Iron
HAN141 – Sealing Iron
Warranty Information
Horizon Hobby, Inc. guarantees this kit to be free from defects in both material and workmanship at the date of purchase.
This warranty does not cover any parts damaged by use or modification. In no case shall Horizon Hobby’s liability exceed
the original cost of the purchased kit. Further, Horizon Hobby reserves the right to change or modify this warranty without
In that Horizon Hobby has no control over the final assembly or material used for the final assembly, no liability shall be
assumed nor accepted for any damage of or caused by the final user-assembled product. By the act of using the product,
the user accepts all resulting liability.
Once assembly of the model has been started, you must contact Horizon Hobby, Inc. directly regarding any warranty
question that you have. Please do not contact your local hobby store regarding warranty issues, even if that is where you
purchased it. This will enable Horizon to better answer your questions and provide service in the event that you may need
any assistance.
If the buyer or user is not prepared to accept the liability associated with the use of this product, they are advised to
return this kit immediately in new and unused condition to the place of purchase.
For any additional questions please contact:
Horizon Hobby Product Support
4105 Fieldstone Road
Champaign, Illinois 61822
(877) 504-0233
Section 1: Hinge Installation
Required Parts
• Stabilizer • Elevator
• Fuselage • Rudder
• Wing • Aileron (R&L)
• Tail gear wire • Hinge (17)
Required Tools and Adhesives
• Thin CA • T-pins
• 6-minute epoxy • Petroleum jelly
• Drill • Drill bit: 1/16", 3/32"
• Hobby knife
Step 1
Locate three hinges. Place a T-pin in the center of
each hinge.
Step 3
Place the hinges in the stabilizer.
Step 4
Slide the elevator and stabilizer together. Remove the
T-pins. There should be a 1/64" gap between the
stabilizer and elevator.
Step 2
Drill a 1/16" hole in both a stabilizer and elevator half in
the center of the hinge locations.
Step 5
Check that the tips of the stabilizer and elevator are
aligned. Wick thin CA into each of the hinges.
Note: Do not use accelerator in the hinging
process. The CA must be allowed to soak into
the hinge naturally.
Section 1: Hinge Installation
Step 6
After the CA has cured, flex the surfaces several times to
break in the hinges.
Step 7
Pull on both surfaces to make sure the hinges are secure.
Step 9
Coat the tail gear wire near the bushing with petroleum
jelly. Work the lubricant into the bearing to prevent epoxy
from entering the bearing, gluing the bearing to the wire.
Step 10
Drill a 3/32" hole in the rudder 1
/4" from the bottom.
Step 8
Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for the aileron hinges. Each
aileron will use four hinges. Center the ailerons and make
sure they are not binding before gluing the hinges.
Section 1: Hinge Installation
Step 11
Cut a groove from the hole to the bottom of the rudder to
allow clearance for the tail gear bearing.
Step 12
Apply a thin layer of lubricant where the bearing will
ride in the rudder. Use 6-minute epoxy to glue the wire
into the rudder.
Step 13
Cut a slot in the end of the fuselage to accept the tail
gear bearing.
Step 14
Install three hinges into the rudder. Test fit the rudder
to the fuselage, sliding the hinges and tail wheel bracket
into position.
Step 15
Use 6-minute epoxy to glue the tail gear bearing into the
fuselage. Use thin CA for the hinges.
Section 2: Engine Installation
Required Parts
• Fuselage assembly • Fuel tank assembly
• Engine mount
• 8-32 x 3/4" bolt (4) • 8-32 X 1" bolt (4)
• 8-32 lock nut (4) • #8 washer (4)
• 14
/4" pushrod wire • Clevis
• Clevis retainer
• Engine mount plate (2)
Required Tools and Adhesives
• Engine w/muffler • Threadlock
• Ruler • Phillips screwdriver
Step 1
Secure the engine mount to the firewall using four
8-32 x 3/4" bolts. Use threadlock to prevent the bolts
from vibrating loose during flight.
Step 2
Position the engine so the drive washer is 4
forward of the firewall. Use the engine mount plates,
8-32 x 1" bolts, 8-32 lock nuts and #8 washers to attach
the engine to the mount. The engine mounting lugs are
sandwiched between the engine mount plates and the
engine mount. Tighten the bolts evenly.
Note: The engine mount plates have texture
on one side, which is placed against the
engine mounting lugs.
Step 3
Place a clevis retainer onto a clevis. Thread the clevis
onto the 14
pushrod tube in the fuselage. Attach the clevis to the
carburetor arm.
/4" pushrod wire. Slide the wire into the
Section 2: Engine Installation
Step 4
Attach the muffler to the engine using the hardware
provided with your particular engine.
Note: It may be necessary to rotate the end of
the muffler to point the stinger straight down,
away from the fuselage.
Step 5
Step 7
Attach the vent line to the muffler and the line from the
clunk to the carburetor.
Step 8
A Saito™ 4-stroke can be installed instead of a 2-stroke
engine. You will have to relocate the throttle pushrod to
line up with the throttle arm on the carburetor.
Check the tank and note which fuel line is vent and which
is attached to the clunk. Make a note of the line colors
and which they correspond to. Also note the direction
of the vent line inside the fuel tank so it faces toward the
top of the fuselage.
Step 6
With the vent line up, slide the fuel tank into the fuselage.
Section 3: Servo Installation (Aileron)
Required Parts
• Wing (L&R) • Servo hatch (L&R)
• #2 x 3/8" screw (8) • Control horn (2)
• 2mm x 20mm screw (6) • Clevis (2)
• Clevis retainer (2)
• 4
/4" pushrod wire (2)
• Pushrod wire keeper (2)
Required Tools and Adhesives
• Phillips screwdriver (small) • 6-minute epoxy
• Felt-tipped pen • String
• Drill • Drill bit: 1/16", 3/32"
• Pliers • “Y” harness
• 12" servo extension (2) • Hobby knife
• Long Servo Arm (JRPA212) (2)
Step 1
Remove the covering from the servo opening in the
bottom of the wing using a hobby knife. Select the correct
servo hatch by checking the alignment for the servo arm
on the plate with the one on the wing.
Step 2
Install the recommended servo hardware (grommets and
eyelets) supplied with the servo. Temporarily install a long
half servo arm (JRPA212) onto the servo and position
the servo onto the hatch so the servo arm is centered in
the notch. Once satisfied, mark the location for the servo
mounting blocks using a felt-tipped pen.
Step 3
Locate the 3/8" x 3/4" x 3/4" servo mounting blocks.
Use 6-minute epoxy to glue the blocks to the hatch. Let
the epoxy fully cure before proceeding to the next step.
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