Hangar 9 P-51D Mustang 20cc Instruction Manual

P-51D Mustang 20cc
Instruction Manual
Manuel d’utilisation
Manuale di Istruzioni
69.5 in (1.76 m)
848.0 sq in (54.7 dm2) Total/Totale
60.0 in (1.52 m)
11.5–13 lbs (5200–5900 g)
2-Stroke Gas: 20cc, 4-Stroke gas/petrol: 20cc 2-Takt Benziner: 20cc, 4-Takt Benzin: 20 cc 2 temps Essence: 20cc, 4 temps essence: 20cc 2-Tempi Gas: cc, 4 tempi benzina: 20 cc
Electric Power: Power 60, 470Kv Brushless Elektro Antrieb Power: Power 60, 470Kv Brushless Moteur électrique (EP): Power 60, 470Kv Brushless Motore elettrico: Power 60, 470Kv Brushless
7-channel (or greater) with 7 servos 7-Kanal (oder größer) mit 7-Servos 7 voies (ou plus) avec 7 servos a 7 canali (o più) con 7 servo
Spinner: 33/4 inch(Included) Spinner: 95mm(Enthalten) Cône: 95mm (Fourni) Ogiva dell’elica: 95mm (Inclusa)
6.25-inches (159mm)
P-51D Mustang 20cc
Part # English Deutsch Français Italiano
HAN282001 Fuselage with Hatch Rumpf mit Haube Fuselage avec capot Fusoliera con portello
HAN282002 Left-Hand Wing with Aileron and Flap Tragfl äche Links mit Querruder und Klappe Aile gauche avec aileron et volet Semiala sinistra con alettone e fl ap
HAN282003 Right-Hand Wing with Aileron and Flap Tragfl äche Rechts mit Querruder und Klappe Aile droite avec aileron et volet Semiala destra con alettone e fl ap
HAN282004 Stabilizer with Elevator Höhenruderset Set Plan horizontal et Gouverne de profondeur Set stabilizzatore ed elevatore
HAN282005 Rudder Seitenleitwerk Gouverne de direction Timone
HAN282006 Cowling and Exhaust Motorhaube und Auspuff Capot et échappement Cappottatura e scarico
HAN282007 Top Hatch Obere Abdeckung Trappe supérieure Portello superiore
HAN282008 Canopy Kabinenhaube Verrière Calotta
HAN282009 Painted Pilot Lackierter Pilot Pilote peint Pilota verniciato
HAN282010 Pushrod Set Gestänge / Anlenkungen Set Jeu de tringleries Set dell’asta di spinta
HAN282011 Hardware Set Kleinteile Set Sachet de visserie Set dei pezzi
L HAN282012 Main Wheels Fahrwerksräder Set Paire de roues principales Set ruota principale
HAN282013 Decal Set (3) Dekorbögen (3) Planche de décoration (3) Foglio con decalcomanie (3)
HAN282014 Tailwheel Spornrad Roue de queue Ruotino di coda
HAN282015 Spinner Spinner Cône Ogiva dell’elica
HAN282016 Main Landing Gear Struts Hauptfahrwerk-Streben Jambes du train d’atterrissage principal Gambe del carrello di atterraggio principale
HAN282017 Wing Tube Tragfl ächenverbinder Clé d’aile Tubo dell’ala
HAN282019 Engine Mount Set Motor-Montagesatz Jeu de renfort moteur Set di montaggio motore
HAN282020 Radio Antenna Funkantenne Antenne de la radio Antenna radio
HAN282021 Gear Door Set Fahrwerkklappen-Satz Jeu de trappes de train Set portello del carrello
HAN282022 Scale Detail Parts Scale Zubehör Paket Sachet d’accessoires maquette Pacchetto accessori in scala
HAN282018 Fuel Tank Kraftstofftank Réservoir de carburant Serbatoio del carburante
SPMA3000 x3 Heavy-Duty Servo Extension 3-inch Servokabelverlängerung 75 mm (3 inch) Rallonge de servo, 75 mm Estensione servo 3 pollici
60-120 85 degree Strut Ready Main Electric Retract
60-120 85Grad Strebe einsatzbereit elektrische Haupteinfahrvorrichtung
Système de rentrée électrique principal à 85 degrés60-120, prêt à être monté sur jambe
Elemento retrattile elettrico principale 60-120,
85 gradi, pronto da montare SPMA3001 x2 Heavy-Duty Servo Extension 6-inch Servokabelverlängerung 150 mm (6 inch) Rallonge de servo, 150 mm Estensione servo 6 pollici SPMA3002 x4 Heavy-Duty Servo Extension 9-inch Servokabelverlängerung 230 mm (9 inch) Rallonge de servo, 230 mm Estensione servo 9 pollici SPMA3003 x2 Heavy-Duty Servo Extension 12-inch Servokabelverlängerung 300 mm (12 inch) Rallonge de servo, 300 mm Estensione servo 12 pollici SPMAR9350 AR9350 9 Channel AS3X Receiver AR9350 AS3X-Empfänger mit 9Kanälen Récepteur AS3X 9 canaux AR9350 Ricevitore AS3X a 9 canali AR9350
Part # English Deutsch Français Italiano
APC16080 Competition Pattern Propeller,16 x 8 Competition Propeller, 16 x 8 Hélice 16 x 8 Competition Elica da competizione, 16 x 8 DUB799
Gas Tubing,3' Medium
Tygon-Gasrohre, 1 m (3 Fuß) m Durchschnitt Tube à essence Tygon, 91,4 cm (3 pi) moyen Tubo per carburante Tygon, 3 piedi, medio
EVOA112 Evolution 3 Wire Ignition/RX Switch Evolution Zündschalter Interrupteur Evolution 3 fi ls Allumage/RX
Evolution, interruttore a 3 fi li accensione/
ricevitore EVOE20GX2 20GX Gas Engine w/Pumped Carb 20GX 20cc (1.20 cu. in.) Benzinmotor Moteur essence 20GX 20cc Motore a benzina 20GX 20cc (1.20 cu. in.) HAN116 Fuel Filler with “T” and Overfl ow Fitting Hangar 9 Tanknippel mit T Stück u. Überlauf Fitting Point de remplissage de carburant avec coupleur en T Bocchettone di riempimento carburante con SPM9530 Spektrum™ 3-Wire Switch Harness Spektrum™ dreiadriges Schalterkabel Câblage d’interrupteur 3 fi ls Spektrum™ Interruttore di accensione a 3 fi li Spektrum™ SPMB2000LPRX 2000mAh 2S 7.4V LiPo Receiver Battery LiPo-Empfängerakku (7,4 V / 2000 mAh) Batterie Li-Po de récepteur 7,4 V 2000 mAh Batteria per ricevitore da 7,4 V Li-Po, 2.000 mAh SPMB4000LPRX 4000mAh 2S 7.4V LiPo Receiver Battery LiPo-Empfängerakku (7,4 V / 4000 mAh) Batterie Li-Po de récepteur 7,4 V 4000 mAh Batteria per ricevitore da 7,4 V Li-Po, 4.000 mAh SPMSA6380 x8 A6380 H-T/H-S Digital HV Servo A6380 H-T/H-S Digitaler HV-Servo ServoA6380 H-T/H-S numérique HV Servo HV digitale H-T / H-S A6380
EFLM1934 Prop Adapter: Power 46/52/60 Propelleradapter: Power 46/52/60 Adaptateur d’hélice : 46/52/60 Adattatore dell’elica: Power 46/52/60 APC16080E Electric Propeller, 16 x 8E Elektro Propeller, 16 x 8E Hélice électrique, 16 x 8E Elica elettrica sottile, 16 x 8E
CSE010009700 Talon 90-Amp 25V BL ESC W/20amp BEC
Talon 90 A 25 V bürstenloser Geschwindigkeitsregler mit 20 A BEC
Variateur ESC Talon 90 A 25 V BL avec BEC 20 A ESC BL Talon 90-Amp 25 V con BEC 20amp
DYNC0021 EC5 Device Connector (2) EC5 Gerät-Steckverbinder (2) Connecteur du dispositifEC5 (2) Connettore dispositivo EC5 (2)
EFLAEC506 EC5 Extension Lead with 6-inch Wire, 10Awg EC5 Verlängerungsleitung mit 6-Zoll-Kabel, 10Awg Rallonge EC5 avec fi l de 15 cm (6 po), 10 AWG
Cavo di prolunga EC5 con fi lo da 15,24 cm, 10
EFLM4060B Power 60 BL Outrunner Motor, 470Kv Bürstenloser Außenläufer-Motor Leistung 60, 470Kv
Moteur à cage tournante sans balais Power 60 de 470Kv
Motore brushless a cassa rotante Power 60,
KXSB0029 22.2V 7000mAh 6S 30C, 10AWG, EC5 7000 mA 6S 22,2 V 30C LiPo-Akku,10 AWG EC5
Batterie Li-Po 6S 22,2V 7000mA 30C, 10AWG prise EC5
Batteria LiPo 30C 22,2V 6S 7000 mAh,10AWG
EC5 SPMA3001 Heavy-Duty Servo Extension 6-inch Servokabelverlängerung 150 mm (6 inch) Rallonge de servo, 150 mm Estensione servo 6 pollici SPMSA6380 x7 A6380 H-T/H-S Digital HV Servo A6380 H-T/H-S Digitaler HV-Servo ServoA6380 H-T/H-S numérique HV Servo HV digitale H-T / H-S A6380
DLMAD44 Roket Rapid CA 5-10 sec: 20g Roket Rapid CA 5-10 s: 20g Colle cyano Roket Rapid 5-10 sec: 20g Colla cianoacrilica Roket Rapid 5-10 sec: 20 g DLMAD45 Roket Max CA 10-20 sec: 20g Roket Max CA 10-20 s: 20g Colle cyano Roket Max 10-20 sec: 20g Colla cianoacrilica Roket Max 10-20 sec: 20 g PAAPT715 CA Accelerator Sekundenkleber (CA) Aktivator Accélérateur de colle CA Accelerante colla CA PAAPT37 5-Minute Epoxy 5 Minuten Epoxy Époxy 5 minutes Colla epossidica 5 minuti PAAPT35 15-Minute Epoxy 15 Minuten Epoxy Époxy 15 minutes Colla epossidica 15 minuti PAAPT42 Threadlock Schraubensicherungslack Frein-fi let Frenafi letti DLMAD12 R/C Modeller Canopy Glue: 4 oz R/C Modeller Kanzelkleber: 113,4g (4 oz) Colle à verrière R/C Modeller: 113g Colla per capottine R/C Modeller: 4 oz
P-51D Mustang 20cc
Part # English Deutsch Français Italiano
C-clamp Schraubzwinge Serre joint Morsetto a C Drill Bohrer Mini-perceuse Trapano Drill bit: 1/16-inch, 5/64-inch, 3/32-inch,
1/8-inch, 9/64-inch, 5/32-inch, 11/64-inch, 3/16-inch, 13/64-inch, 7/32-inch
Bohrer: 1,5mm, 2mm, 2,5mm, 3mm, 3,5mm, 4mm, 4,5mm, 5mm, 5,5mm, 6mm
Forêt : 1,5mm, 2mm, 2,5mm, 3mm, 3,5mm, 4mm, 4,5mm, 5mm, 5,5mm, 6mm
Punte per trapano: 1,5mm, 2mm, 2,5mm, 3mm,
3,5mm, 4mm, 4,5mm, 5mm, 5,5mm, 6mm
Felt-tipped pen Faserstift Feutre fi n effaçable Pennarello Epoxy brush Pinsel Pinceau Epoxy Spazzole epoxy Flat fi le Flachfeile Lime plate Lima piatta Hemostats Klemme Pince Hemostat Pinzetta Hex wrench: 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm Inbusschlüssel: 1,5mm, 2mm, 2,5mm, 3mm Tournevis hexagonal: 1,5mm, 2mm, 2,5mm, 3mm Chiave esag.: 1,5mm, 2mm, 2,5mm, 3mm Hobby knife with #11 blade Hobbymesser mit # 11 Klinge Couteau : Lame numéro 11 Taglierino: #11 lama Hook and loop tape Klettband Bande auto-agrippante Nastro a strappo Hook and loop straps Klettgurt Bandes auto-agrippante Fascette a strappo Isopropyl alcohol Isopropyl Alkohol Alcool isopropylique Alcol isopropilico Low-tack tape Kreppband Adhésif de masquage Nastro a bassa aderenza Needle nose pliers Spitzzange Pince fi ne Pinze a becco stretto Mixing cups and sticks Mischbecher und Rührstäbchen Récipients pour mélanger et bâtons Contenitori e stick per mixer colla Nut driver: 7mm Steckschlüssel. 7mm Clés à douilles : 7mm Chiave per dadi: 7mm Paper towels Papiertücher Papier absorbant Asciugamani di carta Pencil Stift Crayon à papier Matita Phillips screwdriver: #1, #2 Phillips Schraubendreher: #1, #2 Tournevis cruciforme: #1, #2 Cacciavite a croce: #1, #2 Pin vise Handbohrer Porte forets Trapano manuale Pliers Zange Pince Pinze Ruler Lineal Réglet Righello Sandpaper Schleifpapier Papier de verre Carta vetrata Scissors Schere Ciseaux Forbici Side cutters Seitenschneider Pince coupante Lama laterale Square Geodreieck Équerre Squadra Tapered reamer Zulaufende Reibahle Alésoir conique Alesatore rastremato Tie wraps Kabelbinder Colliers Fascette avvolgenti T-pins T- Nadeln Epingles Spilli a T Toothpicks Zahnstocher Cure dents Stuzzicadenti Tubing bender Rohrbieger Cintreuse Curvatubi Vise grips Klemmen Pince-étau Pinze bloccanti
All instructions, warranties and other collateral documents are subject to change at the sole discretion of Horizon
Hobby, LLC. For up-to-date product literature, visit horizonhobby.com and click on the support tab for this product.
The following terms are used throughout the product literature to indicate various levels of potential harm when
operating this product:
Meaning of Special Language
WARNING: Procedures, which if not properly followed, create the probability of property damage, collateral damage,
and serious injury OR create a high probability of superfi cial injury.
CAUTION: Procedures, which if not properly followed, create the probability of physical property damage AND a
possibility of serious injury.
NOTICE: Procedures, which if not properly followed, create a possibility of physical property damage AND a little or
no possibility of injury.
WARNING: Read the ENTIRE instruction manual to become familiar with the features of the product before operating.
Failure to operate the product correctly can result in damage to the product, personal property and cause serious injury.
This is a sophisticated hobby product. It must be operated with caution and common sense and requires some basic
mechanical ability. Failure to operate this Product in a safe and responsible manner could result in injury or damage to the product or other property. This product is not intended for use by children without direct adult supervision. Do not attempt disassembly, use with incompatible components or augment product in any way without the approval of Horizon Hobby, LLC. This manual contains instructions for safety, operation and maintenance. It is essential to read and follow all the instructions and warnings in the manual, prior to assembly, setup or use, in order to operate correctly and avoid damage or serious injury.
This manual is divided into sections to help make assembly easier to understand.
Read and follow all instructions and safety precautions before use. Improper use can result in fi re, serious injury and damage to property.
Use only with compatible components. Should any compatibility questions exist, please refer to the product instructions, component instructions or contact the appropriate Horizon Hobby offi ce.
Fly only in open areas to ensure safety. It is recommended fl ying be done at radio control fl ying fi elds. Consult local ordinances before choosing a fl ying location.
Keep loose items that can become entangled in the propeller away from the prop. This includes loose clothing or other objects such as pencils and screwdrivers. Keep your hands away from the propeller as injury can occur.
Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using and disposing of any batteries. Mishandling of Li-Po batteries can result in fi re causing serious injury and damage.
Small Parts
This kit includes small parts and should not be left unattended near children as choking and serious injury could result.
• Inspect your model before every fl ight to ensure it is airworthy.
• Be aware of any other radio frequency user who may present an interference problem.
• Always be courteous and respectful of other users in your selected fl ight area.
• Choose an area clear of obstacles and large enough to safely accomodate your fl ying activity.
• Make sure this area is clear of friends and spectators prior to launching your aircraft.
• Be aware of other activities in the vicinity of your fl ight path that could cause potential confl ict.
• Carefully plan your fl ight path prior to launch.
• Abide by any and all established AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code.
• Remove parts from bag.
• Inspect fuselage, wing panels, rudder and stabilizer for damage.
• If you fi nd damaged or missing parts, contact your place of purchase.
• Charge transmitter and receiver batteries.
• Center trims and sticks on your transmitter.
• For a computer radio, create a model memory for this particular model.
• Bind your transmitter and receiver, using your radio system’s instructions.
IMPORTANT: Rebind the radio system once all control throws are set. This will keep the servos from moving to their endpoints until the transmitter and receiver connect. It will also guarantee the servo reversal settings are saved in the radio system.
If you own this product, you may be required to register with the FAA. For up-to-date information on how to register with the FAA, please visit https://registermyuas.faa.gov/. For additional assistance on regulations and guidance on UAS usage, visit knowbeforeyoufl y.org/.
During assembly, we recommend resting the parts on a soft surface such as a soft towel to help prevent denting the sheeting.
P-51D Mustang 20cc
Halten Sie lose Gegenstände die sich im Propeller verfangen können weg vom Propeller. Dieses gilt auch für Kleidung oder andere Objekte wie zum Beispiel Stifte oder Schraubendreher. Halten Sie ihre Hände weg vom Propeller, es besteht akute Verletzungsgefahr.
Folgen Sie immer den Herstelleranweisungen bei dem Gebrauch oder Entsorgung von Akkus. Falsche Behandlung von LiPo Akkus kann zu Feuer mit Körperverletzungen und Sachbeschädigung führen.
Dieser Baukasten beinhaltet Kleinteile und darf nicht unbeobachtet in der Nähe von Kindern gelassen werden, da die Teile verschluckt werden könnten mit ernsthaften Verletzung zur Folge.
• Überprüfen Sie zur Flugtauglichkeit ihr Modell vor jedem Flug.
• Beachten Sie andere Piloten deren Sendefrequenzen ihre Frequenz stören könnte.
• Begegnen Sie anderen Piloten in ihrem Fluggebiet immer höfl ich und respektvoll.
• Wählen Sie ein Fluggebiet, dass frei von Hindernissen und groß genug ist.
• Stellen Sie vor dem Start sicher, dass die Fläche frei von Freunden und Zuschauern ist.
• Beobachten Sie den Luftraum und andere Flugzeuge/Objekte die ihren Flugweg kreuzen und zu einem Konfl ikt führen könnten.
• Planen Sie sorgfältig ihren Flugweg vor dem Start.
• Entnehmen Sie zur Überprüfung jedes Teil der Verpackung.
• Überprüfen Sie den Rumpf, Tragfl ächen, Seiten- und Höhenruder auf Beschädigung.
• Sollten Sie beschädigte oder fehlende Teile feststellen, kontaktieren Sie bitte den Verkäufer.
• Laden des Senders und Empfängers.
• Zentrieren der Trimmungen und Sticks auf dem Sender.
• Sollten Sie einen Computersender verwenden, resetten Sie einen Speicherplatz und benennen ihn nach dem Modell.
• Sender und Empfänger jetzt nach den Bindeanweisung des Herstellers zu binden.
WICHTIG: Wir empfehlen dringend nachdem alle Einstellungen vorgenommen worden sind, das Modell neu zu binden. Dieses verhindert, dass die Servos in die Endanschläge laufen bevor sich Sender und Empfänger verbunden haben. Es garantiert auch, dass die Servoreverseeinstellungen in der RC Anlage gesichert sind.
Während des Zusammenbaus empfehlen wird, dass die Teile auf einer weichen Oberfl äche, wie einem Handtuch, abgelegt werden, um ein Eindrücken der Bleche zu verhindern.
Alle Anweisungen, Garantien und anderen zugehörigen Dokumente können im eigenen Ermessen von Horizon Hobby,
LLC. jederzeit geändert werden Die aktuelle Produktliteratur fi nden Sie auf horizonhobby.com unter der Registerkarte „Support“ für das betreffende Produkt.
Spezielle Bedeutungen
Die folgenden Begriffe werden in der gesamten Produktliteratur verwendet, um auf unterschiedlich hohe
Gefahrenrisiken beim Betrieb dieses Produkts hinzuweisen:
WARNUNG: Wenn diese Verfahren nicht korrekt befolgt werden, ergeben sich wahrscheinlich Sachschäden,
Kollateralschäden und schwere Verletzungen ODER mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit oberfl ächliche Verletzungen.
ACHTUNG: Wenn diese Verfahren nicht korrekt befolgt werden, ergeben sich wahrscheinlich Sachschäden UND die
Gefahr von schweren Verletzungen.
HINWEIS: Wenn diese Verfahren nicht korrekt befolgt werden, können sich möglicherweise Sachschäden UND geringe
oder keine Gefahr von Verletzungen ergeben.
WARNUNG: Lesen Sie die GESAMTE Bedienungsanleitung, um sich vor dem Betrieb mit den Produktfunktionen
vertraut zu machen. Wird das Produkt nicht korrekt betrieben, kann dies zu Schäden am Produkt oder persönlichem Eigentum führen oder schwere Verletzungen verursachen.
Dies ist ein hochentwickeltes Hobby-Produkt. Es muss mit Vorsicht und gesundem Menschenverstand betrieben
werden und benötigt gewisse mechanische Grundfähigkeiten. Wird dieses Produkt nicht auf eine sichere und verantwortungsvolle Weise betrieben, kann dies zu Verletzungen oder Schäden am Produkt oder anderen Sachwerten führen. Dieses Produkt eignet sich nicht für die Verwendung durch Kinder ohne direkte Überwachung eines Erwachsenen. Verwenden Sie das Produkt nicht mit inkompatiblen Komponenten oder verändern es in jedweder Art ausserhalb der von Horizon Hobby, LLC vorgegebenen Anweisungen. Diese Bedienungsanleitung enthält Anweisungen für Sicherheit, Betrieb und Wartung. Es ist unbedingt notwendig, vor Zusammenbau, Einrichtung oder Verwendung alle Anweisungen und Warnhinweise im Handbuch zu lesen und zu befolgen, damit es bestimmungsgemäß betrieben werden kann und Schäden oder schwere Verletzungen vermieden werden.
Diese Anleitung ist zur Vereinfachung des Zusammenbaues in Sektionen unterteilt.
Bitte lesen und befolgen Sie alle Anweisungen und Sicherheitsvorkehrungen vor dem Gebrauch. Falscher, nicht sachgemäßer Gebrauch kann Feuer, ernsthafte Verletzungen und Sachbeschädigungen zur Folge haben.
Verwenden Sie mit dem Produkt nur kompatible Komponenten. Sollten Fragen zur Kompatibilität auftreten, lesen Sie bitte die Produkt- oder Bedienungsanweisung oder kontaktieren den Service von Horizon Hobby.
Fliegen Sie um Sicherheit garantieren zu können, nur in weiten offenen Gegenden. Wir empfehlen hier den Betrieb auf zugelassenen Modellfl ugplätzen. Bitte beachten Sie lokale Vorschriften und Gesetze, bevor Sie einen Platz zum Fliegen wählen.
Gardez éloignés tous les éléments qui pourraient être attrapés par l’hélice. Cela inclut les vêtements larges ou les objets comme des outils par exemple. Gardez toujours vos mains à distance pour éviter tout cas de blessures.
Les batteries
Suivez toujours les instructions du fabricant de vos batteries. Une mauvaise manipulation d’une batterie Li-Po peut entraîner un incendie causant de graves dégâts matériels et des blessures corporelles.
Petites pièces
Ce kit contient des petites pièces qui ne doivent pas être laissées à la portée des enfants, ces pièces sont dangereuses pour eux et peuvent entraîner de graves blessures.
• Inspectez votre modèle avant chaque vol.
• Surveillez les fréquences utilisées à proximité.
• Soyez toujours courtois et respectueux des autres utilisateurs de la zone de vol.
• Choisissez une zone dégagée de tout obstacle et suffi samment grande pour voler en toute sécurité.
• Contrôlez que la zone est libre de spectateurs avant de lancer votre modèle.
• Soyez conscient des autres activités aux alentours de votre vol, risque de confl it potentiel.
• Planifi ez votre vol avant de le commencer.
• Retirez toutes les pièces des sachets pour les inspecter.
• Inspectez soigneusement le fuselage, les ailes et les empennages.
• Si un élément est endommagé, contactez votre revendeur.
• ll est recommandé de préparer tous les éléments du système de la radio.
• Cela inclut la charge des batteries comme la mise au neutre des trims et des manches de votre émetteur.
• Si vous utilisez une radio programmable, sélectionnez une mémoire libre afi n d’y enregistrer les paramètres de ce modèle.
• Nous vous recommandons d’affecter maintenant le récepteur à l’émetteur en suivant les instructions fournies avec votre radio.
IMPORTANT: Il est hautement recommandé de ré-affecter le système une fois que les courses seront réglées. Cela empêchera les servos d’aller en butée lors de la connexion du système. Cela garantit également que la direction des servos est enregistrée dans l’émetteur.
Lors de l’assemblage de votre modèle, nous vous recommandons de poser les pièces sur une surface douce comme une serviette douce pour éviter d’abîmer l’entoilage.
La totalité des instructions, garanties et autres documents est sujette à modifi cation à la seule discrétion d’Horizon
Hobby, LLC. Pour obtenir la documentation àjour, rendez-vous sur le site horizonhobby.com et cliquez sur l’onglet de support de ce produit.
Signifi cation de certains termes spécifi ques
Les termes suivants sont utilisés dans l’ensemble du manuel pour indiquer différents niveaux de danger lors de
l’utilisation de ce produit:
AVERTISSEMENT: Procédures qui, si elles ne sont pas suivies correctement, peuvent entraîner des dégâts matériels
et des blessures graves OU engendrer une probabilité élevée de blessure superfi cielle.
ATTENTION: Procédures qui, si elles ne sont pas suivies correctement, peuvent entraîner des dégâts matériels ET des
blessures graves.
REMARQUE: Procédures qui, si elles ne sont pas suivies correctement, peuvent entraîner des dégâts matériels ET
éventuellement un faible risque de blessures.
AVERTISSEMENT: Lisez la TOTALITÉ du manuel d’utilisation afi n de vous familiariser avec les caractéristiques du
produit avant de le faire fonctionner. Une utilisation incorrecte du produit peut entraîner sa détérioration, ainsi que des risques de dégâts matériels, voire de blessures graves.
Ceci est un produit de loisirs sophistiqué. Il doit être manipulé avec prudence et bon sens et requiert des aptitudes
de base en mécanique. Toute utilisation irresponsable de ce produit ne respectant pas les principes de sécurité peut provoquer des blessures, entraîner des dégâts matériels et endommager le produit. Ce produit n’est pas destiné à être utilisé par des enfants sans la surveillance directe d’un adulte. N’essayez pas de modifi er ou d’utiliser ce produit avec des composants incompatibles hors des instructions fournies par Horizon Hobby, LLC. Ce manuel comporte des instructions relatives à la sécurité, au fonctionnement et à l’entretien. Il est capital de lire et de respecter la totalité des instructions et avertissements du manuel avant l’assemblage, le réglage et l’utilisation, ceci afi n de manipuler correctement l’appareil et d’éviter tout dégât matériel ou toute blessure grave.
Ce manuel est divisé en sections pour vous aider à comprendre plus facilement l’assemblage.
Lisez et suivez toutes les instructions relatives à la sécurité avant utilisation. Une utilisation inappropriée peut entraîner un incendie, de graves blessures et des dégâts matériels.
Utilisez uniquement des composants compatibles. Si vous avez des questions concernant la compatibilité, référez-vous à ce manuel ou contactez le service technique Horizon Hobby.
Le vol
Volez uniquement dans des zones dégagées pour un maximum de sécurité. Il est recommandé d’utiliser les pistes des clubs d’aéromodélisme. Consultez votre mairie pour connaître les sites autorisés.
P-51D Mustang 20cc
Tutte le istruzioni, le garanzie e gli altri documenti pertinenti sono soggetti a cambiamenti a totale discrezione di
Horizon Hobby, LLC. Per una documentazione aggiornata sul prodotto, visitare il sito www.horizonhobby.com e fare clic sulla sezione Support per questo prodotto.
Signifi cato dei termini particolari
In tutta la documentazione relativa al prodotto sono utilizzati iseguenti termini per indicare vari livelli di potenziale
pericolo durante il funzionamento:
AVVERTENZA: Procedure che, se non debitamente seguite, espongono alla possibilità di danni alla proprietà fi sica
opossono omportare un’elevata possibilità di provocare ferite superfi ciali. Ulteriori precauzioni per la sicurezza e avvertenze.
ATTENZIONE: Procedure che, se non sono seguite correttamente, possono creare danni materiali E possibili gravi
AVVISO: Procedure che, se non sono seguite correttamente, possono creare danni materiali E nessuna oscarsa
possibilità di lesioni.
AVVERTENZA: Leggere TUTTO il manuale di istruzioni e prendere familiarità con le caratteristiche del prodotto, prima
di farlo funzionare. Un utilizzo scorretto del prodotto può causare danni al prodotto stesso, alle persone oalle cose, provocando gravi lesioni.
Questo è un prodotto di hobbistica sofi sticato e NON un giocattolo. È necessario farlo funzionare con cautela e
responsabilità e avere conoscenze basilari di meccanica. Se questo prodotto non è utilizzato in maniera sicura e responsabile potrebbero verifi carsi lesioni odanni al prodotto stesso oad altre proprietà. Non è un prodotto adatto aessere utilizzato dai bambini senza la diretta supervisione di un adulto. Non usare componenti non compatibili o alterare il prodotto in nessuna maniera al di fuori delle istruzioni fornite da Horizon Hobby, LLC. Questo manuale contiene le istruzioni per un funzionamento e una manutenzione sicuri. È fondamentale leggere e seguire tutte le istruzioni e le avvertenze del manuale prima di montare, confi gurare ofar funzionare il Prodotto, al fi ne di utilizzarlo correttamente e di evitare danni olesioni gravi.
Questo manuale è diviso in sezioni per rendere più facile la comprensione del montaggio.
Prima dell’uso leggere attentamente tutte le istruzioni e le precauzioni per la sicurezza. In caso contrario si potrebbero procurare incendi, danni o ferite.
Usare solo componenti compatibili. Se ci fossero dubbi riguardo alla compatibilità, è opportuno far riferimento alle istruzioni relative al prodotto o ai componenti oppure rivolgersi al reparto Horizon Hobby di competenza.
Per sicurezza volare solo in aree molto ampie. Meglio se in campi volo autorizzati per modellismo. Consultare le ordinanze locali prima di scegliere luogo dove volare.
Tenere gli oggetti liberi (vestiti, penne, cacciaviti, ecc.) lontano dall’elica, prima che vi restino impigliati. Bisogna fare attenzione anche con le mani perché c’è il rischio di ferirsi anche gravemente.
Quando si maneggiano o si utilizzano le batterie, bisogna attenersi alle istruzioni del costruttore; il rischio è di procurare incendi, specialmente con le batterie LiPo, con danni e ferite serie.
Piccole parti
Questo kit comprende delle parti di piccole dimensioni e non lo si può lasciare incustodito se c’è la presenza di bambini che li possono inghiottire e rimanere soffocati o intossicati.
• Controllare attentamente il modello prima di ogni volo per accertarsi che sia idoneo.
• Essere consapevoli che un altro utente della frequenza in uso, potrebbe procurare delle interferenze.
• Essere sempre cortesi e rispettosi nei confronti degli altri utilizzatori dell’area in cui ci si trova.
• Scegliere un’area libera da ostacoli e abbastanza ampia da permettere lo svolgimento del volo in sicurezza.
• Prima del volo verifi care che l’area sia libera da amici e spettatori.
• Stare attenti alle altre attività che si svolgono in vicinanza della vostra traiettoria di volo, per evitare possibili confl itti.
• Pianifi care attentamente il volo prima di lanciare il modello.
• Rispettare sempre scrupolosamente le regole stabilite dall’associazione locale.
• Togliere tutti i pezzi dalla scatola.
• Verifi care che la fusoliera, l’ala e i piani di coda non siano danneggiati.
• Se si trovano parti danneggiate, contattare il negozio da cui è stato acquistato.
• Caricare il trasmettitore e la batteria di volo.
• Centrare stick e trim sul trasmettitore.
• Con una radio computerizzata creare una nuova memoria per questo modello.
• Facendo riferimento alle istruzioni del radiocomando, connettere (bind) trasmettitore e ricevitore.
IMPORTANTE: Ripetere la procedura di connessione una volta regolate le corse, per evitare che i servi vadano a fi ne corsa. Garantirà anche che le impostazioni di inversione del servo vengano salvate nel sistema radio.
Durante l’assemblaggio noi consigliamo di appoggiare le varie parti su di una superfi cie morbida come un asciugamano di spugna per evitare ammaccature al rivestimento.
Use the 3-view drawing at the back of this manual to determine the amount of space required to transport and store your model. The model can be disassembled, so the amount of room necessary can vary. We recommend the use of a wing bag to help protect these surfaces during transport and storage. The control horns and linkages can also cause damage to nearby surfaces even when placed in storage bags. Always place surfaces so the tops are together to prevent damage from the control horns and linkages.
• The covering used on your model has the coloring and markings printed directly on the covering.
• The covering has a self-adhesive backing, and it is not recommended to use heat as it may damage the covering.
• Use only mild cleaning agents on the printed fi nish. Denatured alcohol is the most aggressive agent we recommend, but test on an inconspicuous area fi rst. Prolonged use will remove the paint.
• Use tape with care. Anything other than low-tack tape can remove the fi nish, particularly on edges.
• Avoid contact with raw fuel, especially alcohol-based fuels containing nitro methane.
• Remove exhaust residue as soon as practical to avoid staining or damaging of the fi nish.
It is possible to remove wrinkles from the covering. Use a covering on low heat, and place a piece of paper between the iron and covering to help disperse the heat from the iron to avoid damaging the covering. Always start with low heat and work toward a hiogher heat to avoid damaging the covering.
A section of covering has been provided if there is a need to make any repairs to the covering.
Mit der Zeichnung aus drei Ansichten am Ende des Handbuchs lässt sich ermitteln, wie viel Platz zum Transport und zur Lagerung des Modells benötigt wird. Das Modell kann demontiert werden, daher ist der erforderliche Platz variabel. Die Empfehlung einer Flügeltasche wird empfohlen, um diese Oberfl ächen bei Transport und Lagerung zu schützen. Die Steuerhörner und Gestänge können zudem Schäden an benachbarten Oberfl ächen verursachen, auch wenn sie in Taschen gelagert sind. Oberfl ächen stets so platzieren, dass die Oberseiten aneinander liegen, um Schäden durch Steuerhörner und Gestänge zu vermeiden.
• Bei der bei diesem Modell verwendeten Abdeckung sind Farben und Markierungen direkt auf die Abdeckung gedruckt.
• Die Abdeckung ist selbstklebend, und ein Erwärmen wird nicht empfohlen, da die Wärme die Abdeckung beschädigen könnte.
• Verwenden Sie nur milde Reiniger für die bedruckte Folie. Als aggressiver Reiniger der noch zu empfehlen ist, empfehlen wir denaturierten Alkohol. Prüfen Sie vorher unbedingt an unauffälliger Stelle die Verträglichkeit. Wiederholte / verlängerte Anwendung entfernt die Farbe.
• Verwenden Sie Klebeband nur mit äußerster Vorsicht. Bis auf Kreppband entfernt alle Klebebänder die Farbe. Dieses gilt insbesondere für die Kanten.
• Vermeiden Sie den Kontakt mit Kraftstoff, insbesondere Alkohol-basierte Kraftstoffe mit Nitromethan.
• Entfernen Sie Abgasrückstände schnellstmöglich um ein Verfärben oder Beschädigen der Bespannung zu vermeiden.
Es ist möglich, die Falten von der Abdeckung zu entfernen. Ein Heißsiegelgerät bei schwacher Hitze verwenden und ein Stück Papier zwischen das Gerät und die Abdeckung legen, um die Hitze vom Heißsiegelgerät zu verteilen und so Schäden an der Abdeckung zu vermeiden. Immer bei mit geringer Hitze beginnen und auf eine höhere Hitze gehen, um die Abdeckung nicht zu beschädigen.
Ein Stück Abdeckung wurde bereitgestellt, falls Reparaturen an der Abdeckung erforderlich sind.
Utilisez le schéma à 3 vues à l’arrière de ce manuel pour déterminer l’espace nécessaire pour transporter et stocker votre maquette. La maquette peut être démontée, l’espace nécessaire peut donc varier. Nous vous conseillons d’utiliser un sac à ailes pour protéger ces surfaces lors du transport et du stockage. Les renvois de commande et tringleries peuvent également endommager les surfaces proches même si rangés dans des sacs de rangement. Placez toujours ces surfaces de manière à ce que les sommets soient ensemble pour prévenir tout dommage causé par les renvois de commande et les tringleries.
• L’entoilage utilisé sur votre maquette a les couleurs et les marquages imprimés directement sur l’entoilage.
• L’entoilage a un endos autocollant, et il n’est pas recommandé d’utiliser de la chaleur car cela peut endommager l’entoilage.
• Utilisez uniquement des produits de nettoyage doux sur la surface du fi lm. L’alcool dénaturé est le produit le plus agressif que vous pouvez utiliser, mais nous vous conseillons de procéder d’abord à un essai sur une partie de surface non visible. Une utilisation fréquente endommagera la peinture présente sur le fi lm.
• Utilisez du ruban adhésif avec précautions. Tout autre adhésif que de l’adhésif de masquage endommagera la décoration, surtout au niveau des angles.
• Evitez le contact avec du carburant brut, surtout les carburants à base d’alcool contenant du nitrométhane.
• Essuyez les résidus de carburant immédiatement après le vol afi n d’éviter d’endommager la fi nition.
Il est possible de retirer les faux-plis de l’entoilage. Utilisez un entoilage à feu doux et placez un morceau de papier entre le fer à repasser et l’entoilage pour aider à disperser la chaleur du fer à repasser pour éviter d’endommager l’entoilage. Commencez toujours à feu doux et augmentez la chaleur pour éviter d’endommager l’entoilage.
Une partie de l’entoilage a été fournie, au cas où il faudrait effectuer des réparations sur l’entoilage.
Fare riferimento al trittico riportato sul retro di questo manuale per determinare lo spazio necessario al trasporto e all’immagazzinaggio del modello. Il modello può essere smontato e, di conseguenza, lo spazio necessario può variare. È consigliabile usare delle borse alari per proteggere queste superfi ci durante il trasporto e l’immagazzinaggio. Squadrette e rinvii possono danneggiare le superfi ci circostanti anche all’interno delle borse. Per prevenire questo problema, sistemare sempre le superfi ci facendo combaciare le superfi ci superiori.
• Colori e marcature di questo modello sono stampati direttamente sul rivestimento.
• Il retro del rivestimento è autoadesivo e non è quindi consigliabile avvicinarvi fonti di calore che potrebbero danneggiarlo.
• Usare solo detergenti delicati sulla fi nitura stampata. L’alcol denaturato è il detergente più aggressivo che noi consigliamo, però conviene sempre provarlo prima su di un’area del rivestimento che è poco visibile. Un uso prolungato potrebbe rimuovere la vernice.
• Usare il nastro adesivo con attenzione. Qualsiasi cosa che sia di più di un nastro a bassa adesività, potrebbe staccare la fi nitura specialmente sui bordi.
• Evitare il contatto con del combustibile, specialmente se a base di alcol e contenente nitrometano.
• Togliere i residui dello scarico appena possibile per evitare la formazione di macchie o il danneggiamento della fi nitura.
È possibile rimuovere le increspature dal rivestimento. Utilizzare un ferro da stiro a bassa temperatura e posizionare un pezzo di carta tra il ferro e il rivestimento per migliorare la dispersione di calore dal ferro ed evitare di danneggiare il rivestimento. Iniziare sempre con una temperatura bassa e aumentare gradualmente la temperatura per evitare di danneggiare il rivestimento.
È stata fornita una sezione di rivestimento nel caso sia necessario effettuare eventuali riparazioni al rivestimento.
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P-51D Mustang 20cc
1. Remove the fl aps and aileron from the wing panel.
2. Locate the two fl ap control horns. When installed, the concave
portion of the horn (as indicated in the drawing) will face toward the top of the fl aps.
3. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to remove any
paint from the hole in the fl ap control horn for the clevis. Prepare all the control horns at this time.
4. Use medium-grit sandpaper to remove any paint from the
fl ap control horn where it fi ts into the fl ap. Clean the sanded area using a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol to remove any debris or oils. Removing the paint provides the surface texture necessary for the epoxy to bond to.
5. Remove the fl ap from the wing. Run your fi nger down
the leading edge of the fl ap to locate the area for the fl ap control horn. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the covering, exposing the slot for the control horn. Use 15-minute epoxy to glue the fl ap control horn in position. Remove any excess epoxy using a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol.
6. Run your fi nger down the lower surface leading edge of the
fl ap to locate the areas for the fl ap hinges. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the covering, exposing the holes for the fl ap hinges. Test fi t the hinges to the fl ap. Do not use any adhesives now. Slide the hinge into position. Position as shown, checking to make sure it can move freely.
7. Run your fi nger down the lower surface trailing edge of the
wing to locate the areas for the fl ap hinges. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the covering, exposing the holes for the fl ap hinges. Check the fi t of the fl ap to the wing. The top of the fl ap will align to the top of the wing. It will also line up with the aileron. The fl ex point of the hinges will align with the hinge line of the fl aps when installed properly. Test the operation of the fl ap to make sure the hinges are properly aligned and the fl ap movies freely.
8. Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the fl ex point of
the hinge to prevent epoxy from entering the hinge.
 Use care to only apply the petroleum jelly to the flex
point. If applied to the hinge portion, it could cause the epoxy
not to adhere to the hinge, resulting in a poor glue joint.
 The flaps must be positioned to the wing before the
epoxy begins to cure. Make sure to read through all the steps
before mixing any epoxy. Glue only one flap at a time to
allow enough working time to properly install the hinges.
 Use 15-minute or 30-minute epoxy to allow
enough working time during the hinge installation.
9. Remove the fl ap from the wing and remove the hinges. Apply
epoxy into each of the holes in the fl ap.
 Do not use an excessive amount of epoxy when gluing the
hinges so that it expels from the hinge. Also make sure to use
enough epoxy so it securely adheres the hinge to the surfaces.
10. Apply epoxy to each hinge where it will be inserted into the
fl ap. Insert the hinges as shown in Step 6.
15. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill a hole
in the center of each hinge slot. Drill the hole 1/4-inch (6mm) deep into the wood.
11. Apply epoxy to each hinge where it will be inserted into the
16. Place a T-pin in the center of each of the three hinges.
12. Apply epoxy into each of the holes in the wing. 17. Slide the hinges into position in the aileron with the T-pin
resting against the edge of the control surface. The slot in the hinge must align with the hole drilled in the aileron.
13. Fit the fl ap to the wing as shown in Step 7. Check that the
fl ap can move freely and the hinges are all aligned properly. Use low-tack tape to hold the fl ap in position until the epoxy fully cures.
18. Hold the aileron to the wing. Use a felt-tipped pen to mark the
center of the hinges on the wing. Use a pin vise and 1/16­inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill the holes in the wing.
14. Use a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol to remove any
excess epoxy before it can fully cure. Use care not to get epoxy in the moving part of the hinge or between the fl ap and wing. Continue once the epoxy has fully cured for both sets of fl ap hinges.
 Repeat this section for the remaining flap installation.
19. Check the gap between the wing tip and aileron.
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P-51D Mustang 20cc
15/16 inch
20. Check the gap between the fl ap and aileron. The gaps in
Steps 19 and 20 must be equal before applying CA to the hinges.
 When the flap is lowered and the aileron is in the
full down position, there may be some interference
between the flap and aileron. In flight, the aileron will
not deflect far enough to interfere with the flap.
25. Run your fi nger along the bottom of the aileron to locate the
area for the fl ap control horn. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the covering, exposing the slot for the control horn.
22. Allow the CA to cure for 10 to 15 minutes. Gently pull on the
fi xed surface and control surface to make sure the hinges are glued securely. If not, apply additional CA to secure each of the hinges.
27. Test fi t the aileron control horn to the aileron. Place tape
around the slot in the aileron for the aileron control horn.
21. Apply thin CA to the top of each of the hinges. Make sure to
fully soak the hinges so the CA can wick into the hinge and bond to the surrounding wood.
 Use thin CA so it wicks into the hinge. A thicker CA
will not wick into the hinge properly. Do not to allow the
CA to run over the covering on the wing and aileron.
26. Locate the two silver aileron control horns. Use medium-grit
sandpaper to remove any paint from the bottom of the control horn where it fi ts into the aileron.
23. Move the aileron through its range of travel to break in the
24. Check both the up and down movement of the hinges before
28. Check that the horn is 90-degrees to the surface of the
aileron. If not, lightly trim the hole in the aileron to reposition the control horn.
29. Remove the aileron control horn from the aileron. Apply epoxy
to the area of the control horns that fi ts into the slots. Use enough epoxy so the control horns will be fully bonded to the fi xed surfaces.
30. Remove the control horns from the control surfaces. Apply
epoxy to the slot in the aileron and fl ap. Make sure the epoxy gets into the slot for a good bond between the surfaces and control horn.
31. Before the epoxy fully cures, remove the tape from around
the control horn. This will allow the epoxy to fl ow around the control horn, creating a small fi llet between the control horn and surface for a fi nished look and secure bond.
 Repeat this section for the remaining aileron installation.
32. Use a hobby knife or other sharp tool to puncture the covering
at the screw holes that will secure the cover to the wing. Also remove the covering for the aileron servo arm in the cover.
33. Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade to remove the covering
for the aileron servo arm in the cover.
34. Place the cover back into position. Use a pin vise and 1/16-
inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill the mounts for the servo covers. Use care not to drill through the covering on the top of the wing.
35. Thread an M2 x 10 sheet metal screw into each hole
using a #1 Phillips screwdriver. Remove the screws before proceeding.
36. Apply a small amount of thin CA to harden the threads
made in the previous step. Allow the CA to fully cure before installing the aileron servo cover.
 Prepare the flap servo covers at this time as well.
37. Use a pin vise and 5/32-inch (2mm) drill bit to drill the
holes for the servo mounting screws. Make sure to harden the holes using the technique outlined in Steps 30 and 31. Use the screws provided with the servo and a #1 Phillips screwdriver when installing the screws.
38. Secure the servo to the cover using a #1 Phillips screwdriver
and the screws provided with the servo.
39. Secure a 12-inch (300mm) servo extension to the servo using
a commercially available fastener (SPMA3054).
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P-51D Mustang 20cc
5/8 inch (16mm)
40. Center the servos, then secure the servo arm so it is
perpendicular to the servo centerline. Use side cutters to remove any arms that do not protrude to the outside of the cover.
41. When attaching the linkage to the aileron servo arm, use the
hole in the arm that is 5/8-inch (16mm) from the center of the arm.
 The suggested measurements will result in a scale roll
rate. A longer servo arm can be used for a faster roll rate.
42. Tie or tape the string located inside the wing to the end of the
servo lead.
43. Use the string to pull the servo lead through the wing and out
at the root.
44. Secure the servo to the wing using four M2 x 10 sheet metal
screws. Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to tighten the screws.
45. Slide a silicone tube on the clevis. Thread the clevis on the
/16 inch (100mm) pushrod. Allow 1/16 inch (1.5mm) of the threads on the pushrod protrude between the forks of the clevis.
46. Attach the clevis to the inside hole on the aileron control horn.
47. Center the aileron servo using the radio system. With the
aileron centered, use a felt-tipped pen to mark the pushrod where it crosses the outer hole of the servo arm.
48. Remove the clevis from the control horn. Use pliers to bend
the pushrod at the mark made in the previous step. Use side cutters to cut the end of the pushrod so the inside dimension measures 1/4 inch (6mm).
49. Insert the pushrod into the outer hole on the servo arm.
5/8 inch (16mm)
50. Slide the pushrod keeper on the pushrod wire.
51. Slide the keeper tightly against the servo arm. Use pliers to
snap the keeper on the pushrod wire.
52. Check the operation of the aileron using the radio system.
Trim the servo cover if the keeper or pushrod wire hits the cover during the operation of the aileron. Slide the clevis retainer over the forks of the clevis. Apply a drop of threadlock on the threads near the clevis, then tighten the nut against the clevis using pliers.
 Repeat this section for the remaining
aileron servo installation.
54. Use a pin vise and 5/32-inch (2mm) drill bit to drill the
holes for the servo mounting screws. Make sure to harden the holes using the technique outlined the aileron servo installation. Use the screws provided with the servo and secure the servo to the cover. Center the fl ap servo using the radio system. Attach the servo arm to the servo using the hardware included with the servo. Remove any arms that may interfere with the operation of the servo.
55. When attaching the linkage to the aileron servo arm, use the
hole in the arm that is 5/8-inch (16mm) from the center of the arm.
56. Check the fi t of the M3 x 10 pan head screws through the fl ap
mount. Measure the length protruding from the mount. If this measures more than 5/32 inch (4mm), use washers under the head of the screw to prevent the screw from penetrating through the wing sheeting.
57. Mount the fl ap servo in the wing using the M3 x 14 pan head
sheet metal screws and a #2 Phillips screwdriver.
 We recommend installing and removing the flap servo, then
hardening the screw holes in the wing with thin CA. This will help
reduce the change of puncturing the wing using only the screws.
58. Slide a silicone tube on the clevis. Thread the clevis on the
/16 inch (100mm) pushrod. Allow 1/16 inch (1.5mm) of the threads on the pushrod protrude between the forks of the clevis.
53. Check the fi t of the fl ap servo mount in the wing. There is a
right and left mount and will only fi t in the correct wing panel.
59. Attach the clevis to the fl ap control horn.
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P-51D Mustang 20cc
60. Pull the fl ap servo extension through the wing so it exits near
the aileron servo lead.
61. Place the fl ap in the MID fl ap position according to the control
throws in this manual.
62. Use the radio system to move the servo to the MID fl ap
position. Use a felt-tipped pen to mark the pushrod where it crosses the outer hole in the servo arm.
 Set the throw of the flap servo to 0% in both the
UP and DOWN positions to center the servo. The flap
throw can be adjusted by increasing these values.
63. Remove the clevis from the control horn. Use pliers to bend
the pushrod at the mark made in the previous step. Use side cutters to cut the end of the pushrod so the inside dimension measures 1/4 inch (6mm). Slide the pushrod keeper on the pushrod wire. Slide the keeper tightly against the servo arm. Use pliers to snap the keeper on the pushrod wire.
64. Check the operation of the fl ap using the radio system. Set
the switch to the UP fl ap position. Adjust the linkage or radio system as necessary to set the throw.
65. Check the operation of the fl ap using the radio system. Set
the switch to the FULL fl ap position. Adjust the linkage or radio system as necessary to set the throw.
66. Secure the fl ap servo cover in position using four M2 x 10
sheet metal screws. Make sure the holes for the fl ap servo covers screws have been prepared before installing the cover.
67. Slide the gear door linkage mount on the landing gear strut.
The fl at area on the mount will face the wheel mount arm.
68. Slide a #10 washer on the 10-32 x 1
/4 inch socket head cap
69. Slide the screw through the wheel, then slide the plastic
spacer on the screw.
70. Thread the screw into the wheel mount arm. Make sure not
to overtighten the screw, preventing the wheel from rotating. Use an M3 x 4 setscrew and 1.5mm hex wrench to secure the screw to the arm. Use a drop of threadlock on both the screw and setscrew before tightening.
71. Place the gear door linkage mount near the indentation on the
gear door. Transfer the locations for the mounting screws to the gear door.
72. Use a pin vise and 1/8-inch (3mm) drill bit to drill the holes
for the linkage mount in the door. Make sure the holes are centered vertically in the indentation.
73. Mount the linkage mount to the gear door using two M2.5 x 5
button head cap screws and 2mm hex wrench.
74. Attach the linkages to the linkage mount using two M2.5 x 8
button head cap screws and a 2mm hex wrench. Make sure the linkages can move freely when attached to the mount.
 Skip this section when planning retract
installation in the P-51D Mustang.
75. Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade to remove the covering
exposing the mounts for the fi xed landing gear.
76. Slide the strut mounting stud into the landing gear mount.
Use an M3 x 6 setscrews and 2mm hex wrench to secure the stud in the mount. Tighten the setscrew onto the fl at area on the stud. The end of the stud will protrude 1/16 inch (1.5mm) from the end of the mount. Use threadlock on the setscrew to prevent it from vibrating loose.
77. Secure the landing gear mount using four M3 x 20 socket
head cap screws. Make sure to place a drop of threadlock on each screw before placing them in position. Use a 3mm hex wrench to tighten the screws.
78. Slide the strut on the landing gear wire. Use three M3 x 3
setscrews and a 1.5mm hex wrench to temporarily attach the strut to the stud..
79. Check that there is a slight amount of toe-in (approximately
1-degree). Adjustments can be made by loosening the three setscrews on the strut near the mount using a 1.5mm hex wrench.
 The amount of toe-in shown has been
exaggerated so it can be seen clearly in the photo.
 Always use threadlock on metal-to-metal fasteners.
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P-51D Mustang 20cc
80. Test fi t the gear door hinge in the slot near the landing gear
mount. Once the fi t has been checked, use a small amount of 5-minute epoxy to glue the hinge in the slot. Allow the epoxy to fully cure before proceeding.
81. Attach the gear door linkages to the mount on the strut using
two M3 x 8 button head screws and 2mm hex wrench.
82. Slide the mount on the strut until there is maximum clearance
between the door and wheel. Use an M3 x 3 setscrew and
1.5mm hex wrench to secure the mount to the strut.
 Repeat this section for the remaining fixed gear installation.
 Skip this section of the manual if the fixed
gear has been installed on your model.
83. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the covering from
the retract openings in the wing. Trim the covering inside the opening.
85. Secure a 9-inch (230mm) servo extension to the servo using
a commercially available fastener (SPMA3054).
86. Guide the servo lead through the wing. We recommend
removing the fl ap servo cover to make the installation easier.
87. The retract lead will exit the wing root with the fl ap and
aileron servo leads.
 Make sure to mark each lead for easier connection
when assembling the model before flight.
88. Secure the retract in the wing using the hardware included
with the retract. Place a drop of threadlock on each of the screws before installing them in the retract. Use a 2mm hex wrench to tighten the screws.
 It may be necessary to use the spacers included with
the retracts to make sure there is no torsional stress on the
retract frame when tightened into position. Torsional stress can
sometimes cause intermittent operation of the retract unit.
89. Slide the retract strut into the retract frame.84. Remove the wire strut and bushing from the retract frame.
90. Check that there is a slight amount of toe-in (approximately
1-degree). Adjustments can be made by loosening the setscrews using a 1.5mm hex wrench.
 The amount of toe-in shown has been
exaggerated so it can be seen clearly in the photo.
91. Retract the landing gear. Use a 2mm hex wrench to tighten
the setscrews, securing the strut in the retract frame.
 Always use threadlock on metal-to-metal fasteners.
92. Test fi t the gear door hinge in the slot near the landing gear
mount. Once the fi t has been checked, use a small amount of 5-minute epoxy to glue the hinge in the slot. Allow the epoxy to fully cure before proceeding.
93. Attach the gear door linkages to the mount on the strut using
two M3 x 8 button head screws and 2mm hex wrench. Do not over-tighten the screws, as the linkages must move freely for the gear door to operate properly.
95. Use a 1.5mm hex wrench to tighten the setscrew in the gear
door mounts. Check the operation of the retract and door. Adjust the position of the mount as necessary so the gear door fully closes, yet does not restrict the operation of the retract.
 Do not over-tighten the setscrews as this will damage
the gear door mounts or restrict the movement of the strut.
 Repeat this section for the remaining retract installation.
96. Move the canopy latch toward the front of the fuselage. Lift
the canopy hatch from the fuselage at the rear. Slide the hatch back and remove it from the fuselage. Set it aside in a safe location.
97. Install the grommets and eyelets in the servos. Follow any
instructions included with the servo. Prepare both elevator and rudder servos.
98. Install the rudder and elevator servos in the fuselage with the
servo output towards the front of the fuselage. Make sure to prepare the holes as outlined in the aileron servo installation section of this manual.
 The rudder servo is the middle servo.
94. Position the gear door mount 3/4 inch (19mm) below the
scissor mount bracket.
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P-51D Mustang 20cc
99. Secure the receiver in the fuselage using hook and loop tape
and straps. Connect four 9-inch (230mm) extensions for the ailerons and fl aps, and the lead included with the retracts (if retracts have been installed). Connect the rudder, elevator and switch as well.
 Make sure the receiver is securely installed if using
an AS3X-equipped item. Read the instructions included
with the receiver for additional mounting details.
100. Locate the remote receiver(s) based on the instructions
included with the receiver or radio system. The remote receiver(s) was placed as shown.
101. Remove the tray from the fuselage by removing the four
screws using a #1 Phillips screwdriver.
102. Secure the battery in the fuselage using hook and loop tape
and hook and loop straps. The position of the battery can be adjusted to fi t additional components under the tray or to balance the model.
103. Remove the covering from the fuselage side using a hobby
knife and #11 blade. Mount the switch using the hardware provided with the switch.
 It may be necessary to enlarge the opening
to fit larger switches in the fuselage.
104. Hinge the elevators to the stabilizer. The silver control horns
are also be installed. Follow the procedure outlined earlier for the aileron hinges and control horns.
105. Us a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the covering from
the stabilizer opening at the rear of the fuselage.
106. Use a razor saw to remove the portion of the fi n post from the
107. Use medium grit sandpaper to lightly sand the area so
none of the tail post will interfere with the installation of the stabilizer.
108. Slide the wing tube into the wing tube socket.
 The wing tube may be a tight fit in the socket.
Polishing the wing tube with fine sand paper or steel
wool will help ease the installation of the wing tube.
109. Slide the wing into position on the fuselage. Guide the leads
for the ailerons (and retracts) into the fuselage.
 The wing may be a tight fit in the fuselage. Trim the
fuselage as necessary so the wing fits without deforming the
fuselage. Always fuel proof any exposed wood after trimming.
110. Make sure the wing fi ts tightly against the fuselage.
111. Secure the wing to the fuselage using the nylon wing bolt.
 The nylon bolt can be shortened to
make securing the wing easier.
 Repeat the previous steps to attach
the remaining wing panel.
113. Center the stabilizer on the fuselage.
114. Stand back 8-10 feet (2-3 meters) and check that the
stabilizer is aligned with the wing. Lightly sand the stabilizer saddle on the fuselage to correct any misalignment.
112. Slide the stabilizer in the fuselage. Make sure the stabilizer is
fully seated, and the rear edge of the stabilizer aligns with the tail post of the fi n.
116. Use a felt-tipped pen to transfer the fuselage outline onto the
bottom of the stabilizer.
115. Measure from each wing tip to each stabilizer tip. Adjust the
stabilizer so the measurements are the same for both sides.
117. Carefully cut the covering 1/8 inch (3 mm) inside the line
drawn on the bottom of the stabilizer to remove the covering from the center of the stabilizer. Use care not to cut into the underlying wood, weakening the stabilizer.
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P-51D Mustang 20cc
5/8 inch (16mm)
118. Mix 1/2 ounce (15ml) of 30-minute epoxy. Use an epoxy
brush to apply epoxy to the exposed wood on the top and bottom of the stabilizer.
119. Use an epoxy brush to apply epoxy to the stabilizer mounting
surface for the stabilizer.
120. Position the stabilizer back on the fuselage and check its
alignment. Use a paper towel and a small amount isopropyl alcohol to remove any excess epoxy from the fuselage and stabilizer before the epoxy fully cures. Allow the epoxy to fully cure before proceeding.
 Check the position of the stabilizer repeatedly during
the curing process to make sure it has not moved.
121. Remove the nut from one end of the 36-inch (914mm)
elevator pushrod. Slide the pushrod into the pushrod tube associated with the elevator control horn.
123. Slide a silicone tube on a clevis. Thread the nut and clevis on
the elevator pushrod. Attach the clevis to the elevator control horn.
124. Prepare two elevator servo arms by enlarging the hole in the
arm that is 5/8-inch (16mm) from the center of the arm.
127. Repeat the previous steps to install the remaining elevator
122. Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade to remove the covering
from the pushrod exit at the rear of the fuselage.
125. Center the elevator servo using the radio system. Place the
servo arm on the servo so it is 90-degrees to the elevator pushrod. Attach the pushrod to the servo arm 5/8-inch (16mm) from the center of the servo arm using the plastic keeper.
126. Loosen the nuts, then place a drop of threadlock on the
linkage near the clevises. Tighten the nuts over the threadlock and against the clevises. Slide the silicone tube over the forks of the clevis.
5/8 inch (16mm)
5/8 inch (16mm)
128. Slide the metal bushing on the tail wheel wire, then the tail
wheel. Apply thread lock to the M3 setscrew. Secure the tail wheel to the wire using a 3mm wheel collar and M3 setscrew. Tighten the setscrew using a 1.5mm hex wrench.
129. Remove the tail wheel hatch from the fuselage.
 A plastic hatch has been included with this model
for modelers that may install an optional retractable
tail wheel. Installation of a retractable tail wheel is at
the discretion of the modeler and not covered in this
manual. Trimming of the hatch will be required to allow
operation of the tail wheel retract mechanism.
130. Secure the tail wheel mount in the fuselage using M3 x 15
socket head cap screws and M3 washers. Place a drop of threadlock on the screws before installing them in position. Use a 2.5mm hex wrench to tighten the screws.
132. Thread the nut on the pushrod and prepare the clevis with a
clevis retainer. Attach the clevis to the tail wheel arm. Secure the clevis and retainer.
133. Prepare the rudder servo arm by enlarging the holes 5/8 inch
(16mm) from the center of the servo using a pin vise and 1/8­inch (3mm) drill bit. The rudder and tail wheel pushrods ends will attach to these holes.
134. Attach the pushrod to the rudder servo arm using a pushrod
keeper. Use the hole in the arm that is 5/8-inch (16mm) from the center of the servo arm.
 Use the rudder trim to flight trim your model. Adjust the linkage if your model requires adjustments during taxi.
135. Replace the tail wheel cover on the fuselage.
 There may be a wooden cross bar on the front
inside edge of the tail wheel cover hatch that needs
to be broken away in order for the hatch to fit.
136. Use hobby scissors and a hobby knife with a #11 blade
to trim the tail gear doors. Use medium grit sandpaper to smooth any rough edges
131. Remove the nut from the pushrod and install it into the tube
from inside the fuselage.
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P-51D Mustang 20cc
137. Attach the tail gear doors to the fuselage with epoxy or
silicone adhesive or contact adhesive. Use low-tack tape to hold the doors in position until the adhesive fully cures.
138. Hinge the rudder to the fi n. The top of the rudder will align
with the top of the fi n. The olive drab control horn is also be installed. Follow the procedure outlined earlier for the aileron hinges and control horns.
142. Position the X-mount on the front of the motor box, aligning
it with the centerlines. Use a clamp to hold the mount while marking the mounting holes on the motor box with a felt­tipped pen.
139. Remove the nut from one end of the 36-inch (914mm) rudder
pushrod. Slide the pushrod into the pushrod tube associated with the rudder control horn. Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade to remove the covering from the pushrod exit at the rear of the fuselage. Slide a silicone tube on a clevis. Thread the nut and clevis on the rudder pushrod. Attach the clevis to the rudder control horn.
144. Use a drill and 9/64-inch (3.5mm) drill bit to drill the holes to
attach the motor box to the fi rewall.
140. Center the rudder servo using the radio system. Place the
servo arm on the servo so it is 90-degrees to the rudder servo. Attach the pushrod to the servo arm 5/8-inch (16mm) from the center of the servo arm.
145. Place the mounting template on the fi rewall. Use low-tack
tape to hold the template in position. Use a drill and 7/32-inch (5.5mm) drill bit to drill the four holes in the fi rewall to attach the motor box.
141. Use a felt-tipped pen to extend the centerlines on the front of
the motor box.
146. Use an M4 x 15 machine screw and M4 washer to pull the
M4 blind nuts into the back of the fi rewall.
 Use a large washer between the screw and firewall
to prevent compressing the wood on the firewall.
143. Remove the mount from the motor box. Use a drill and 9/64-
inch (3.5mm) drill bit to drill the holes to attach the X-mount to the motor box.
147. The prongs of the blind nuts will secure them in the back of
the fi rewall. Install all four M4 blind nuts at the time. Once installed, remove the screws from the blind nuts.
148. Prepare the four M4 x 15 machine screws by sliding an M4
lock washer on the screw, then an M4 fl at washer.
150. The motor shaft must be repositioned to allow the installation
of the propeller adapter. Use a 1.5mm hex wrench to remove the setscrew from the collar. Remove the collar and shim from the motor shaft.
149. Attach the motor box to the fi rewall using the four M4 x 15
machine screws prepared in the previous step. Place a drop of threadlock on each screw before their installation, then use a #2 Phillips screwdriver to tighten each screw.
151. Use a 1.5mm hex wrench to remove the two setscrews that
secure the motor shaft to the motor bell housing.
152. Use a press to carefully reposition the motor shaft so it
is fl ush with the face of the bell housing. Apply a drop of threadlock on each of the setscrews. Replace the setscrews and tighten them using a 1.5mm hex wrench.
 Make sure not to damage the motor
when repositioning the shaft.
153. Slide the shim on the motor shaft. Apply a drop of threadlock
on the setscrew. Slide the collar on the shaft and secure it to the motor shaft using the setscrew and a 1.5mm hex wrench.
155. Attach the propeller adapter to the motor. Apply a drop of
threadlock on each of the screws. Use a 2.5mm hex wrench to tighten the screws attaching the adapter to the motor.
154. Attach the X-mount to the motor. Place a drop of threadlock
on each of the screws provided with the motor, then use a #2 Phillips screwdriver to tighten the screws attaching the mount to the motor.
156. Attach the motor to the motor box using four M3 x 15 socket
head cap screws, four M3 washers and four M3 blind nuts. Place a drop of threadlock on each screw before their installation. Tighten each screw using a 2.5mm hex wrench.
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P-51D Mustang 20cc
Motor installation other than the Power 60:
The measurement from the fi rewall to the drive washer should measure 6
/4 inches (159mm). Make any necessary adjustments to
achieve this measurement.
161. Install the battery tray in the fuselage using the screws
removed previously.
157. Use medium CA to glue the speed control mount to the
bottom of the motor box.
 Triangle stock has been provided to reinforce
the corners between the mount and box, as
well as the inside corners of the box.
162. Mount the battery in the fuselage using hook and loop straps
and hook and loop tape.
158. Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade to remove the openings in
the fuselage. A rotary tool with sanding drum can be sued to smooth any rough edges.
 The supplied template is marked for multiple motor
options. Make sure to use the marks that suits the chosen
power option. Other power options than those shown on
the template can also be used on the Hellcat. We suggest
using the template as a dummy firewall to ensure the power
option chosen fits and help align the holes for mounting.
159. Use hook and loop tape to mount the speed control. Connect
the leads from the motor and speed control and secure them using tie wraps so they don’t interfere with the operation of the motor. Use a hobby knife to cut a hole for the speed control wiring to enter the fuselage. Guide the leads for the battery and receiver through the tray.
 A tie wrap or the speed control mount
included with the controller are also recommended
to prevent the ESC from moving.
163. Place the mounting template on the fi rewall. Use low-tack
tape to hold the template in position. Use a drill and 7/32-inch (5.5mm) drill bit to drill the four holes in the fi rewall to attach the motor box.
160. Use 5-minute epoxy to apply hook and loop tape to the
battery and battery tray. Place two hook and loop straps through the openings in the battery tray.
 Do not cover safety warnings on the
battery with hook and loop tape.
 Apply a small amount of 5-minute epoxy to the straps
to secure them to the battery tray. This will prevent them
from falling through the holes when the battery is removed.
164. Use an M4 x 20 socket head cap screw and M4 washer to
pull the M4 blind nuts into the back of the fi rewall.
 Use a large washer between the screw and firewall
to prevent compressing the wood on the firewall.
165. The prongs of the blind nuts will secure them in the back of
the fi rewall. Install all four M4 blind nuts at the time. Once installed, remove the screws from the blind nuts.
170. Remove the engine from the mounts. Use a drill and
11/64-inch (4.5mm) drill bit to drill the holes for the engine mounting screws.
166. Use a 9/64-inch (3.5mm) drill bit to drill the hole for the
throttle pushrod tube in the fi rewall. Locate the hole at the corner of the protruding tab as shown.
171. Insert the Z-bend of the pushrod wire into the outer hole on
the carburetor arm.
167. Attach the engine mount to the fi rewall using four M4 x
30 machine screws and four M4 washers. Place a drop of threadlock on each screw before their installation. Use a #2 Phillips screwdriver to tighten the screws once both mounts have been positioned correctly on the fi rewall.
172. Slide the throttle pushrod into the opening in the fi rewall. Fit
the engine between the engine mounts. Place an M4 washer on the M4 x 30 machine screws, then slide the screws though the engine mounting fl anges and through the holes in the engine mount.
168. Fit the engine between the engine mounts. Adjust the engine
so the face of the drive washer is 6
/4-inches (159mm) forward of the fi rewall. Use a clamp to hold the engine secure for the following steps.
173. Slide an M4 washer on each screw, the place an M4 locknut
on each screw. Use a #2 Phillips screwdriver and 7mm hex driver to tighten all four screws, securing the engine to the engine mount.
169. Use a felt-tipped pen to mark the location for the four engine
mounting bolts on the engine mount.
174. Secure the ignition module and receiver battery in the
fuselage. Use hook and loop tape and tie wraps to ensure their location. Make any connections using the instructions provided with the engine.
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P-51D Mustang 20cc
175. Use 5-minute epoxy to apply hook and loop tape to the
battery and battery tray. Place two hook and loop straps through the openings in the battery tray.
 Apply a small amount of 5-minute epoxy to the straps
to secure them to the battery tray. This will prevent them
from falling through the holes when the battery is removed.
180. Secure the fuel tank in the fuselage using the hook and loop
176. Install the battery tray in the fuselage using the screws
removed previously.
181. Connect the fuel line to the carburetor. Make sure to use a
fuel fi lter to prevent debris from entering the engine.
177. Cut a piece of fuel tubing that will result in the end of the
clunk being 4
/2-inches (115mm) from the back of the aluminum plate. Secure the tubing to the included clunk and stopper using thin wire. This will keep the tubing from sliding loose inside the tank. Make sure to use the clunk supplied with your engine. The second line will use the clunk included with the engine.
182. Mount the fi ll line in the side of the fuselage using a fuel dot.
The overfl ow can be mounted on the bottom of the fuselage, making sure it will not interfere with the cowling installation. Route the lines as necessary.
 Apply a very small amount of soapy water to the stopper
to make it easier to install the stopper into the tank.
178. Install the stopper fully into the tank. Make sure the clunk(s)
can move freely inside the tank. If not, adjust the tubing as necessary so they can move without binding inside the tank. Once the clunk(s) have been positioned, tighten the screw using a #1 Phillips screwdriver to secure the stopper in the tank.
183. Install the grommets and eyelets in the servos. Follow any
instructions included with the servo. Install the servo in the fuselage with the servo output facing the outside of the fuselage. Make sure to prepare the holes as outlined in the aileron servo installation section of this manual.
179. Secure a 5-inch (127mm) fuel line to the fi ll line of the tank.
The overfl ow line can be attached to the vent, as well as the remaining tubing to the clunk line that will eventually attach to the carburetor. Tie wraps can also be used to secure the fuel lines as well as wire ties.
184. Mount the throttle servo connector in the throttle servo arm
so it is 7/16-inch (11mm) from the center of the servo arm. Place a drop of canopy glue on the M2 nut, then install it on the underside of the arm to secure the connector.
 It may be necessary to enlarge the hole in the servo arm so the connector can rotate freely.
185. Without the servo arm on the servo, switch on the radio
system and center the throttle stick and trim. Install the servo arm on the servo parallel to the servo centerline.
190. Locate the spinner adapters included with the model. Select
the spacer that correctly fi ts your engine or motor shaft.
186. Move the carburetor to the full-throttle position and tighten
the setscrew securing the pushrod to the connector at the servo.
191. Slide the adapter on the shaft and against the drive washer.
187. Check that the carburetor is fully opens. Adjust the settings
in the radio if necessary to fully open the carburetor without binding the servo.
192. Fit the cowling to the fuselage. Slide the spinner spacer on
the drive washer. Multiple spacers have been included to fi t a variety of applications.
188. Check that the carburetor closes fully. Adjust the settings in
the radio if necessary to fully close the carburetor without binding the servo.
Important Information About Your Propeller
 Always ensure the propeller is balanced
before installing it onto the shaft. An unbalanced
propeller may cause poor flight characteristics.
193. Slide the spinner backplate on the engine shaft. Secure the
propeller to the engine. Use low-tack tape to hold the cowling tightly against the spinner spacer.
189. Check that the throttle closes. Adjust the linkage as
 Adjustments can also be made at the radio when
using a computer radio. Make any large adjustment
with the linkage and its position and fine-tune the
operation of the carburetor using the radio features.
194. Use a drill and 3/32-inch (2.5mm) drill bit to drill the holes
for the cowl mounting screws. Indentations in the cowling will properly locate the cowling mounting screws. Remove the propeller, spinner, spinner spacer and tape from the cowl once all four holes have been drilled.
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