A. Wing Set HAN2976
B. Fuselage HAN2977
C. Tail Set HAN2978
D. Painted Canopy HAN2981
E. Cowling HAN2979
F. Fiberglass Belly Pan HAN2985
Required Radio and Engine
Small Parts:
/4" Wheels HAN2385
1. 3
2. Fuel Tank HAN1987
3. Engine Mount HAN2033
4. Tailwheel Assembly HAN2980
Items Not Shown:
Plastic Wheel Wells HAN2984
P-47 Mechanical Retracts HAN2983
Decal Set HAN2987
Pushrod Set HAN2986
Cockpit Detail HAN2982
Radio Equipment
• 5-channel radio system (minimum)
• 5 standard servos (JRPS537 recommended
or equivalent)
• Low-Profile Retract Servo (JRPS791)
• 12" Servo Extension (JRPA098) (2)
• 18" Servo Extension (JRPA099) (2)
• Large Servo Arms w/Screw (JRPA212)
• Radio Switch (JRPA003)
• 900mAh receiver battery (minimum)
Recommended Engines
• .61 2-stroke
• 1.00 4-stroke
Evolution .61NT
Recommended JR® Systems
• XF421EX
• XP6102
• XP662
• X-378
• XP9303
• 10X
Saito 1.00 FA-AAC
JR XF631
JR XP9303
Additional Required Tools and Adhesives
• Hobby scissors
• Drill
• Drill bits: 1/16", 5/64", 3/32", 1/8", 9/64",
5/32", 1/4"
• Felt-tipped pen
• Flat blade screwdriver
• Foam: 1/4"
• Hex wrench: 9/64", 3/16"
• Hobby knife
• Phillips screwdriver (small)
• Pliers
• Sandpaper
• Socket wrench: 11/32"
• Square
• T-pins
• 6-Minute Epoxy (HAN8000)
• 30-Minute Epoxy (HAN8002)
• Thin CA (PAAPT07)
• Medium CA (PAAPT01)
• CA Remover/Debonder (PAAPT16)
• Masking Tape (MMM20901)
• Canopy glue (Formula 560)
Other Required Items
• Epoxy Brushes (DUB345)
• Fuel tubing
• Mixing Sticks for Epoxy (DUB346)
• Paper towels
• Rotary tool w/sanding drum
• Rubbing alcohol
• Ruler
• String
• Wax paper
An RC aircraft is not a toy! If misused, it can cause serious bodily harm and damage to property. Fly only in open areas,
preferably at AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) approved flying sites, following all instructions included with your
radio and engine.
Covering Colors
• Black HANU870
• White HANU874
• Silver HANU881
Before Starting Assembly
Before beginning the assembly of the P-47, remove each part from its bag for inspection. Closely inspect the
fuselage, wing panels, rudder, and stabilizer for damage. If you find any damaged or missing parts, contact the place
of purchase.
If you find any wrinkles in the covering, use a heat gun or covering iron to remove them. Use caution while working
around areas where the colors overlap to prevent separating the colors.
HAN100 – Heat Gun
HAN150 – Covering Glove
HAN101 – Covering Iron
HAN141 – Sealing Iron
Using the Manual
This manual is divided into sections to help make assembly easier to understand and to provide breaks between
each major section. In addition, check boxes have been placed next to each step to keep track of them as they’re
completed. Steps with two boxes indicate that the step will require repeating, such as for a right or left wing panel,
two servos, etc. Remember to take your time and follow the directions.
Warranty Information
Horizon Hobby, Inc. guarantees this kit to be free from defects in both material and workmanship at the date of
purchase. This warranty does not cover any parts damaged by use or modification. In no case shall Horizon Hobby’s
liability exceed the original cost of the purchased kit. Further, Horizon Hobby reserves the right to change or modify
this warranty without notice.
In that Horizon Hobby has no control over the final assembly or material used for the final assembly, no liability
shall be assumed nor accepted for any damage of the final user-assembled product. By the act of using the product,
the user accepts all resulting liability.
Once assembly of the model has been started, you must contact Horizon Hobby, Inc. directly regarding any warranty
question that you have. Please do not contact your local hobby shop regarding warranty issues, even if that is where
you purchased it. This will enable Horizon to better answer your questions and provide service in the event that you
may need any assistance.
If the buyer is not prepared to accept the liability associated with the use of this product, the buyer is advised to
return this kit immediately in new and unused condition to the place of purchase.
Horizon Hobby Service Department
4105 Fieldstone Road
Champaign, Illinois 61822
(217) 355-9511
Section 1: Joining the Wing Halves
Required Parts
• Left and right wing panels • Center wing panel
• Wing joiner • Wing dowels (2)
Required Tools and Adhesives
• Masking tape • 30-minute epoxy
• Epoxy brush • Mixing stick
• Rubbing alcohol • Paper towels
Step 1
Draw a centerline on the wing joiner as shown.
Step 3
Test the fit of the wing joiner into the remaining wing
panel. The joiner should again slide into the panel with
little resistance up to the line drawn on the joiner. Lightly
sand the joiner as necessary to achieve a proper fit.
Step 4
Remove the covering in the leading edge for the wing
dowels. Locate a 1/4" x 1
30-minute epoxy to glue the wing dowels into the wing
panels. The dowels should be inserted so 3/8" of the
dowel is left exposed in front of the leading edge. Repeat
for both wing dowels.
/16" wing dowel. Use
Step 2
Test the fit of the wing joiner into one of the wing panels.
The joiner should slide into the panel with little resistance
up to the line drawn on the joiner. Lightly sand the joiner
as necessary to achieve a proper fit.
Note: The joiner will be angled towards the
top of the wing.
Step 5
Without using any glue, test fit the wing panels together
using the wing joiner. The panels must fit together without
any gaps top or bottom. If any gaps do exist, use a
sanding bar to lightly sand the root ribs of both panels
until the panels fit together perfectly.
Section 1: Joining the Wing Halves
Note: Read through the remaining steps of
this section before mixing any epoxy.
Hint: It is extremely important to use plenty
of epoxy when joining the wing panels. It will
also be helpful to use wax paper under the
wing joint to avoid gluing the wing to your
work surface.
Step 6
Mix approximately 1 ounce of 30-minute epoxy. Using
an epoxy brush, apply a generous amount of epoxy to the
wing joiner cavity of one of the wing panels.
Step 8
Apply epoxy to the exposed portion of the wing joiner and
to both root wing ribs of both panels.
Step 7
Completely coat half of the wing joiner with epoxy. Be sure
to apply epoxy to the top and bottom of the joiner also.
Insert the epoxy-coated side of the joiner into the wing
joiner cavity up to the mark on the joiner. If you have used
enough epoxy, it will ooze out of the cavity as the joiner is
installed. Remove any excess epoxy using a paper towel
and rubbing alcohol.
Section 1: Joining the Wing Halves
Step 9
Carefully slide the wing panels together. Apply enough
pressure to firmly seat the two wing panels together,
causing any excess epoxy to ooze out from between the
panels. Use rubbing alcohol and a paper towel to remove
the excess epoxy. Check to make sure there are no visible
gaps between the panels. Use masking tape to securely
hold the wing panels together. Allow the epoxy to fully
cure before continuing to the next section.
Step 11
Remove the covering 1/16" inside the line drawn using a
sharp hobby knife. Remove the lines from the wing using
rubbing alcohol and a paper towel. Use medium CA to
glue the plate in position.
Step 12
Step 10
Center the wing bolt plate on the bottom of the wing and
trace the placement of the plate onto the wing using a
felt-tipped pen.
Use a 1/4" drill bit and drill through the place for the
wing bolts.
Section 2: Attaching the Wing
Required Parts
• Assembled wing • Fuselage
• 1/4-20 blind nut (2) • 1/4" washer (2)
• 1/4-20 x 1
/2" socket head bolt (2)
• Fiberglass wing fairing
Required Tools and Adhesives
• 30-minute epoxy • Pliers
• Hex wrench: 3/16"
Step 1
Locate the two 1/4-20 blind nuts. Mix a small amount of
30-minute epoxy and apply it to the barbs of the blind nut.
Use pliers or a C-clamp to install the blind nut from the
inside of the fuselage.
Step 3
Measure the distance between a point centered at the
rear of the fuselage and each wing tip. The measurement
will be equal if the wing is aligned correctly. If the
measurement is not the same, slightly oval the hole for the
wing bolts until an equal measurement is achieved.
Note: Make sure no epoxy gets into the
threads of the blind nut.
Step 2
Use the two 1/4 x 1
1/4" washers to attach the wing to the fuselage.
/2" socket head bolts and
Step 4
Position the fiberglass wing fairing onto the wing. Trace
around the fairing using a felt-tipped pen.
Section 2: Attaching the Wing
Step 5
Remove a strip of covering that is 1/8" wide inside the
lines drawn in the previous step. Use care not to
cut into the underlying wood, weakening the
wing structure.
Step 6
Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the fairing to the wing. Use
a covering iron to apply the trim covering along the joint
between the wing fairing and the wing.
Section 3: Installing the Horizontal Stabilizer
Required Parts
• Assembled wing • Fuselage
• Stabilizer • Elevator joiner wire
• 1/4-20 x 2" wing bolt (2)
Required Tools and Adhesives
• Hobby knife • Felt-tipped pen
• Ruler
Step 1
Slide the stab into the fuselage, making sure the
stabilizer is as far forward as possible. Center the stab
in the opening by measuring the distance from the
fuselage to each tip. The stab is aligned when both
measurements are identical.
Step 2
Check the distance from each stab tip to a center point at
the firewall. These measurements must be equal for the
stab to be aligned.
Section 3: Installing the Horizontal Stabilizer
Step 3
Check to make sure the wing and stabilizer are parallel.
If they are not, lightly sand the opening in the fuselage
for the stab until the stab is parallel to the wing.
Step 4
After verifying the alignment of the stabilizer, use a felttipped pen to trace the outline of the fuselage on the stab.
Note: Use care not to cut into the underlying
wood and weaken the structure. Doing so
could cause the stab to fail in flight, resulting
in the loss of your airplane.
Step 6
Slide the elevator joiner wire into the slot for the stabilizer.
Slide the stabilizer partially back into the slot.
Step 5
Remove the stab and use a hobby knife with a new blade
to remove the covering 1/16" inside the lines just drawn.
Use rubbing alcohol and a paper towel to remove the
lines once they are no longer needed.
Step 7
Mix 1/2 ounce of 30-minute epoxy. Apply epoxy to the top
and bottom of the exposed wood of the stabilizer. Slide the
stabilizer the rest of the way into the slot in the fuselage.
Double-check the alignment to verify it’s correct. Remove
any excess epoxy using a paper towel and rubbing
alcohol. Allow the epoxy to fully cure before continuing.
Section 4: Installing the Vertical Stabilizer
Required Parts
• Fuselage assembly • Fin
• Tail wheel wire • Steering control arm
• Tail wheel wire support bracket
Required Tools and Adhesives
• 30-minute epoxy • 6-minute epoxy
• Square • Hobby knife
• Pliers • Ruler
Step 1
Remove the covering from the fuselage for the vertical fin.
Test fit the fin to the fuselage. Slide the fin as far back in
the slot as possible. Trace the outline of the fuselage onto
the fin using a felt-tipped pen. Trace the outline of the
dorsal fin onto the top of the fuselage as well.
Step 2
Remove the fin and use a hobby knife with a new blade
to remove the covering 1/16" below the lines just
drawn. Use rubbing alcohol and a paper towel to remove
the lines once they are no longer needed. Remove the
covering from the bottom of the dorsal fin and the top
of the fuselage.
Note: Use care not to cut into the underlying
wood and weaken the structure. Doing so
could cause the fin to fail in flight, resulting in
the loss of your airplane.
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