❑ 1. Carefully remove the aileron from the right wing panel.
Note where the hinges and the aileron torque rod fit into
the aileron.
❑ 2. Mix a small amount of 30-minute epoxy, carefully
following the instructions included with the epoxy.
❑ 3. Using a toothpick, apply epoxy into the ailerons’ torque
rod hole. Fill the hole 1/2 full.
❑ 4. Replace the aileron on the right wing half. Make sure
the hinges slide in place and the aileron torque rod
inserts into its respective hole in the aileron. The gap
between aileron and wing should be a constant 1/16”.
❑ 5. Wipe off any excess epoxy using a paper towel and
rubbing alcohol.
❑ 6. Deflect the aileron and apply a small amount of thin CA
glue to each hinge. Make sure that the CA glue
penetrates into the aileron and wing while maintaining a
1/16” aileron gap.
❑ 7. Wipe off any excess CA glue using CA remover and a
paper towel.
❑ 8. Repeat this process for the left wing (Steps 1-7).
After the CA has dried completely, check to ensure that
the hinges are secure by pulling firmly on the ailerons.
The ailerons are fitted in place but not glued in. They
must be correctly glued prior to flying.
Left Wing Panel with Aileron and Hinges
Right Wing Panel with Aileron and Hinges
CA Remover
30-Minute Epoxy
Thin Instant CA Glue
Paper Towels
Rubbing Alcohol
Section 1: Assembling The Wings
Parts Needed Tools Needed