Handheld Systems FEX21 User Manual

Getting started with your Husky fex21
Please read these instructions before using your Husky fex21
Contains important safety information
How to adjust the screen contrast How to use the screen backlight How to use the pen How to enter data How to move the cursor How to reset your fex21
How to check the batteries Main battery status How to charge the battery How to replace the battery
AC Power Adapter
European Modem Only (CTR21) USA Modem Only (FCC part 68)
Electromagnetic Compatibility
© Copyright 1999 WPI Husky Technology Limited
All Rights Reserved
The information stored in this document is copyright and may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without prior permission from the copyright holder, WPI Husky Technology Limited.
Whilst every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions neither is any liability assumed for damage resulting from the use of the information contained within this document.
WPI HUSKY TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Eden Road Walsgrave Triangle Business Park Coventry CV2 2TB England
Telephone: 024 76 604040 International: +44 24 76 604040 Facsimile: 024 76 603060 International: +44 24 76 603060 Email: support@husky.co.uk Web: www.wpihusky.com
fex21 is a trademark of WPI H
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A.
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Any other trademarks used in this booklet are acknowledged.
SoftModem is Copyright © 1993-1999, AltoCom, Inc. All rights reserved
Written, designed and illustrated by Derek Watkins & Associates, Coventry. Tel: 024 76 454419
Issue 1.02 HTL Document ID DMA7000-080-02
Read ALL this leaflet before using your fex21. It contains
essential information about setting up your computer and getting started.
This is not intended to be an exhaustive guide to the computer. Refer to the fex21 Developer’s Guide (supplied on CD-ROM) for further information about using and maintaining your fex21.


Your HUSKY fex21 computer is rugged and water resistant. However, we recommend the following precautions to ensure that your fex21 will give you many years of reliable service.
Avoid unnecessarily subjecting the unit to extreme temperatures, such as
bright sunlight in a vehicle.
Avoid leaving it in extremely damp or dusty conditions.
Avoid dropping it or subjecting it to severe impacts.
Do not use hard or sharp objects to touch the display screen.
Do not apply excessive pressure to the display screen.
If you carry it in your briefcase or with other items, make sure it is protected
against scratching and other damage.
Use only a soft, dry cloth to remove dust and dirt.
NEVER use solvents of any kind on the case, the keyboard or the display
Your fex21 will have left our factory without a battery fitted. To set up a new unit for the first time you should carry out the following steps:
1. Fit the battery pack


If your fex21 is supplied for use with Alkaline batteries then they will need to be fitted into the battery pack - you should insert four AA size Alkaline cells into the battery holder, taking care that the polarity of each is correct. If in doubt, check the label fitted to the battery holder.
NOTE: Alkaline batteries are less suitable for use in low temperatures and cannot be recharged.
Rechargeable NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) batteries, if supplied, are in a sealed pack, ready to be fitted into the unit.
Slot the battery pack into your fex21 by locating the two small lugs in the
side of the computer unit and pressing the battery pack firmly in place until the two small catches click into position.
2. Switch the unit on
After fitting the battery, press the TWICE to switch your fex21 on - it may take a few seconds before the screen displays data. To switch off, press the key again. If you have not pressed any keys for a few minutes, your fex21 will automatically switch off to conserve power.
When you switch the unit on for the first time, it will display the Windows CE welcome screen. Tap the screen or press Calibration instructions will be displayed. Read these instructions, then tap the screen again to start the calibration process. A rectangle will be displayed on the screen, with a cross at its centre. More calibration instructions will be displayed above the cross.
Use the pen supplied with your computer and follow these instructions carefully - your fex21 will then automatically start Windows CE.
NOTE: ensure that only the tip of the pen touches the screen during the calibration process.
3. Set the date and time
Once the touch screen calibration is complete, the World Clock dialogue box will be displayed.
If it is not already selected, click on the Home City tab, then select your home city from the drop list that appears when you click on the downward arrow symbol (or by starting to type it in, e.g. “l”, “o” will section London).
key at the top centre of the keyboard
and the Touch Screen
Once you have chosen a city, click on the Date & Time tab and set the correct date on the calendar. Then set the correct time on the left-hand clock by dragging the hour and minute hands on the clock face using the pen, or by typing-in the time.
Finally, click on the N now set to the correct date and time, and to your own home city.
4. Record Personal Information
The Owner Properties box will now be displayed. You can, if you wish, use this to enter your name and contact details (this is optional). Once you have finished, click on the N
Once set-up is complete, follow the on-screen instructions and your fex21 will start Windows CE.
ext tab at the bottom right of the screen. Your fex21 is
ext tab again - this will complete the set-up process.
Contrast Power
The controls on your fex21 are simple and, for the most part, self-explanatory. The only combination of keys you need to remember is that to reset your computer, as detailed below.

How to adjust the screen contrast

To the left of the marked the screen contrast and the key marked
and the other marked
switch, below theúsymbol, there are two keys, one
. Press the key marked
to decrease the screen contrast.
to increase
Pressing the default contrast setting.

How to use the screen backlight

To the right of the marked function slightly differently for colour and mono units.
EL Backlight - for units with a monochrome display
Press the switch it off.
Because the backlight increases the power drain on the batteries, we suggest you use it only when necessary. The backlight switches off automatically after a few minutes if no keys have been pressed.
CCFL backlight - for units with a colour display
Press the
transflective screen, the backlight can be turned off completely. For units with the STN (transmissive) display the backlight can be reduced to low intensity but cannot be switched off.
and the other marked
key to decrease the intensity by one step. For units fitted with a
switch, below theûsymbol, there are two keys, one
key to switch on the screen backlight and the
key to increase the backlight intensity by one step and the
keys at the same time will return the unit to the
. These control the backlight, and
key to
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