HAMPTON BAY HB1453E, HBLG1453E Owner's Manual

Please read the operating instructions and safety precautions
care_lly and thoroughly before installing and operating your room air _nditioner.
Por favor lea 1as instrucciones de operaci6n y las precauciones de
Manufactured by LG Elledro,nics
Write the m,_el arid s.eria_numbers he_e: Mode,I #
S_rial # You ca_q_find them on a _abel on the side of each un_t.
_aleCs Name Da_ Purc_sed
[] S_apleyou_ receipt 1o_his page ir_the e_e_t y_u r_eed
it to prove date of purc_'}aseor for warranty issues.
Inside you will 'find many i3elpfuI hints on how to use
and maintain your a_r _nd_ioner properly° Just a I_tle preventive _re on your part can save you a great dea_
of time and money over the life of your a_roonditioner, You!_ find many answers to c_mmon prob!ems in the
d_ar"rlOf1:roublesh_ing tips, If you review our chart ,of Troublieshootin 9 Tips t=irs_you may not need to call
for service at all
- O_ct the a_h_ized servi_ technician1_ r_a_ _t_an_ ,ofthis unit,
Contact the instai_r for instal_t:ien of this unit.
_e air condttioa_ is not intended f_ u_ by young chi_ren _ invalids w_hout _vi_
Young children should _ _pervised to ensure that they do not play withthe air conditioner,
, When the power co_d i[s to, _ rep,la_,, rep,l_cement
work sh_ll _ _orm_ by _uth_iz_ _rsennel on_
u_ng _ly genuine rep,la_ part&
_stal_tion work _ _ perforrree in a_o_ian,_ with
e N_tio_l Elec_ic Code by qua_it_ _n_ _hed_ed
pers_ne_ on|y_
To prevent [niury to tihe user or other peop4e a_ _o_ damage, the following instructions, must be fo[!owed
incorrect o_rati,on due to ignoring instruction wi_ _use harm or _mage. The seriousness, is. classified by the foBowing i_iications,
Meanings of s,ym_ls used in this manua_ are as shown below.
I Bo o onot,o°o.
[] Ins llation
No installation maycause fire and electric
shock accident:.
Bie sure to follow the instruction.
° _tmay cause fire and electric shock.
I't may cau_ explos.ion or fire. ° it may cause failure and electric shock.
i Operation
, Otherwise, it wil!_use
ele_dc s_ck or fire due to heat generation_or electric
It will cause electdc _ock or fire due to heat generation.
itwil!lcause eiectric shock or fire due to heat ,get.ration.
, Itwill cause electric shock or
fire due to heat gestation
, I!twill! cause electdc shock or
No groundir,_ may cause etectdc shock (See
installation Manual).
Othe_ise it may cau_ fire and electlic shock accident.
o It may cau_ fire and electdc
lit will _use electdc shock.
Itw[Hcau_ failure of machine or electric s_ck.
[] Installation
It is not designed to ca] _e entire house.
It may _u_se explosion, fire, and burn.
They are sharp and may cause injury.
It may _use injury,
it may cause failure of appliance or accident.
[] Operation
. It may cause electric shock
an damage.
If _eaving appliance damaged, there is concern of damage, due to the falling of produG,
Prevent accidental sta_up ,andthe possibility of injury,.,
. _,ere isdangeroffireor
e]ectdc shock.
. Water may e_,er the unit and
degrade the insulation. It may _use an electric shock,
. Since the fan rotates at high
_ed ,during operation, it: may cause injury.
. Operation 'withoutfilters 'wi[ll
_use failure.
, This _u]d iinjure the _t or
, The ap_arance of tPe air
_ndit[oner may deteriorate, change color, or develop
surfa_ flaws.
. it is an air conditioner, not a
precision refrigeration system.
. litcontains containments and
will[ make you sick./This _u]d damage your h_]th.
_ Contact an installation spec:ialistfor installaSon
Piug in _e power plug properly,
_Do notshare _e same outlet wi_ o_er appliances
Do not use anextension _rd Do not sta_'stop operation by p_ugging/unp_uggingthe _wer cord,
_lf cordipllug is ,damaged,replace only with an authorized part
Being ex_sed to direct _fflow for an extended period of time could behazardous to your health Do not expose occupants,, _t:s, or plan'tsto direct aidlow for exfend,_ periods of:time,
Dueto the _ssibi_ity of oxygen deficiency, ventil_e _e room when using t_ethet with stoves or other
Do not:usethis air _nditioner for _nomspecifiedspecial purposes (e,g presew ng precision devices, food,,pets, plants, and aRobiects). Usage in such a manner _uld harm such property,
Do not:usewater to clean inside the air cond tioner,,Exposure to water can destroy _e insulation, leading to possibie electric:shock,
'¢_en cleaning the unit,first make sure that the power and breaker are turned off The fan rotates at a
very high speed during o_ration, There is a possibility of iniu_ ifthe unit's _wer is accidentally
'tiggered on while c_eaninginner parts of the unit,
For repair and maintenance contact your authoriz_ ser,4ce deaier,
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