HAMPTON BAY HB1203R Owner's Manual

F _ _A UAL
Please read the operating instructions and safety precautions
care,_lly and thoroughly before installinig and operating your room air _nditioner.
Veuitlez Iiire attentivement et en entier ce guide, d'utiHsation et lies mesures de securit:6 ci-incluses avant de proc6der & Hnstallation
Pot favor lea las instrucciones de operaci6n y las precauciones de
seguridad ,cuidadosa y totalmente antes de instalar y operar su a_ndiicionado, r die aiire de ventana.
Ma:nufa_ured by LG El,_tronics
Your Records
Write the _! and serial numbers here:
Mode! #
Serial #
You can find them on a,label on the,sideof each unit
_alet's Nsme
_te Purcha_d
This Manual
Inside you will find many helphu_hints on _w to use
and maZn_in your air conditioner properly: Just a liHle preventive care on your part can save you a great
deal elf time and money over the fife of your air conditioner_
You'll find many answers to common problems m the
chart'of troubieshootit_ tips, ff you review our _afl' o,f
Troubleshooting _ps first, you may not n_ to call for se_ice at all,,
Center theauthorizied _P_I_, technician for re_ir
or maintenance of this unit'.
,,Contact the installer for instaHatbnoilthis unit.
The air conditioner is not intended for u_ by young chik_re,nor invalids without supe_'isio,n
Yeu_ chiffon should _ su_,_sed to ensure that
theydo not play with the air _idoner.
Topre,ve_injuryandprope_yd_age followthe_ instruction,
Incorredoperationduet.oignoringinstructionsmightcauseh_mord_age, these,riousn_is, o.fwhich is
indicated by #_efollowing symbols.
[] The foiiowing _:emsare classified bythese symbols,
Operating the air conditioner inthe presence of gas va_rs can lead to explosions and fife
,,_3ing so may cause, failure or electric shock
' They are sharp and may cause oWater may enter the unit a_qd
_grade the insulation It a!so may cause :anele_ric shock.
Sincet_'_fan rotatesat highspeed
This could injure the pet or plant
duringo_ration, it may_use inju_ if actiivatedwhi_ecleaning
Oper_ion 'with'windowso_kqed may cause we_ing of:indoor and
Improper h_d_ing may cause electj-icshock or damage.
soaking d household furniture.
, Doing so may cause failure of
appliance or accident°
if the previous airconditioner damaged _e console, _ere is;a
risk oftrie new unit falling.
An ,oxygenshortage may otherwise occur.
Itmay causedamage of animals or vegetables ,orloss of property.
Doing so can prolong the life of the product
Operation without filters will cause failure°
, _he,r,_, tt}epr_uc_ap_tance may
bedamag_duetochancreofp_u,ct _l,ororscratchingef_ _#ace°
Treeing the power cord c_elessly poses a danger of fire
or electric sh_k.
* This could damage your hea_th
Itcontains contaminants _at would make you sick.
Contactaninstallationspec:ialistforinstallaSon Piugin_epowerplugproperly,
_Do notshare_e sameoutletwi_o_erappliances
Donotuseanextension_rd Donotsta_'stopoperationbyp_ugging/unp_uggingthe_wercord,
_lf cordipllugis,damaged,replaceonlywithanauthorizedpart
Beingex_sedtodirect_fflowforanextendedperiodoftimecouldbehazardoustoyourhealthDonot exposeoccupants,,_t:s,orplan'tstodirectaidlowforexfend,_periodsof:time,
Duetothe_ssibi_ityofoxygendeficiency,ventil_e_e roomwhenusingt_ethetwithstovesorother
Donot:usethisair_nditionerfor_qomspecifiedspecialpurposes(e.gpresewngprecisiondevices, food,,pets,plants,andaRobiects).Usageinsuchaman_qer_uldharmsuchproperty.
Do not usewater to clean inside the air conditioner° Exposureto water can destroy the insula'_on°leading to possible electric shock:.
When cleaning the unit, first make,sure thatthe power andbreaker _e turned ,off: The fan rotates at a
very high speed during o_ration. There is;_ possibility of iniu_ ifthe unff's _wer is accidiental_y
Sqggeredon while c_eaninginner'parts ofthe unit,
For repair and maintenance contact your authoriz_ ser,4ce deaier,
The remote control and control panel wifl look like those r_m_nted in the following pictur_o
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