Hammond Power Solutions INDUSTRIAL CONTROL TRANSFORMERS General Product Line Information

Th e H P S I m per a tor Se r ies
machine tool control transformers
are specifically designed for high inrush applications requiring reliable output voltage stability. Designed to meet industrial applications where electromagnetic devices such as relays, solenoids, etc. are used, the HPS Imperator series transformers ma ximi ze inrush capa bility and ou tput volt age regulatio n when electromagnetic devices are initially energized.
To select the proper transformer, three characteristics of the load circuit must first be determined. They are total steady-state (sealed) VA, total inrush VA, and inrush load power factor.
1 (A). The total steady state
“sealed” VA is the amount of VA
that the transformer must supply to the load circuit for an extended length of time. Simply add the total
steady-state VA of all devices in your control circuit. The operating VA data of these components is available from the manufacturers.
1 (B). The total inrush VA is th e amoun t of VA that the transformer must supply for all components in the control circuit which are energized together.
Some consideration to the start-up sequence may be required. Inrush VA should be obtained from the device manufacturer.
1 (C). The inrush load power
factor is difcult to determine without
detailed vector analysis of all the control circuit components. Such information is not generally available.
Therefore, HPS is recommending that a value of 40% power factor be utilized. Although some other control transformer manufacturers still recommend a power factor of only 20%, HPS, through recent tests conducted on many popular brands of control devices has determined that the 40% power factor value is more accurate.
Once the above circuit variables have been determined, transformer selection is a six (6) step process.
1. Determine what your Primary
(supply) and Secondary (output) voltage requirements are, as well as your required frequency (i.e. 60 Hz)
2. Calculate the Total Sealed VA
of your circuit. (See Step A)
3. Now ca lculate the Inrush
VA by add ing the inru sh VA of all components being energized together. Remember to add the sealed VA of all components that do not have inrush VA, (lamps, timers etc.) as they do however present a load to the transformer during maximum inrush. If the inrush for the components in your circuit are not known, assume a 40% Inrush Power Factor.
4. Calculate the Total Inrush VA
using one of the two methods:
A. Total Inrush VA =
(VA sealed)2 + (VA inrush)
B. Total Inrush VA = VA Sealed + VA Inrush
Note: method B will result in a slightly
larger transformer being selected.
For VA sealed denition please refer to 1 (A). For VA inrush denition please refer to 1 (B).
5. If the nominal supply voltage
does not uctuate more than 5%,
then reference the 90% secondary voltage column in the Regulation Data Table for the correct VA rating.
If th e supp l y voltage varies upwards of 10%, the 95% secondary voltage column should be used to size the transformer.
C u r re n t s ta n d ar d s r eq u i re electromagnetic devices to operate rel i ably at a minimum of 85% of their rated voltage. However, contact life may be affected with continuous start-ups at that voltage level. Therefore, the minimum 85% secondary voltage column should only be used as a reference.
6. Using the regulation data tables
below, select the appropriate VA rated transformer:
A) With a continuous VA rating that is equal to or greater than the value in Step 2. B) With a maximum inrush VA equal to or greater than the value obtained in Step 4.
To determine the correct HPS Transformer and its Catalog Number, just refer to the tables in this catalog for the voltage ratings, frequency and corresponding VA required.
Continuous VA Inrush VA @ 40% Power Factor Transformer 85% 90% 95%
Nameplate Secondary Secondary Secondary Rating Voltage Voltage Voltage
50 75
150 250 350 500 750
2000 3000
It is recommended that a Control Transformer be sized at a 40% Power Factor. Some components in a circuit, such as electromagnetic devices, typically operate at that level due to their inherently lower power factor. Selecting a transformer at 40% Power Factor will more than adequately size the unit for all the various loads in the circuit.
895 1596 2464 3939 6422 9842
12797 17833 37406 55629
259 258 467
699 1229 1889 2854 4778 7102 9018
12656 26217 38788
192 170
1345 1819
4530 5489 7865
© Hammond Power Solutions Inc.
Data subject to change without notice.
HPS ImperatorTM Series Control Transformer - Applications
The Perfect Solution
The HPS Imperator series of machine tool industrial
control transformers are specically designed to meet the
high inrush industrial applications where electromagnetic components such as relays, solenoids etc. are used.
With 11 standard voltage groups, a VA range from 50VA to 5000VA and available with standard secondary and optional primary fuse kits, the HPS Imperator series from HPS provides the perfect solution for any applications.
Superior Quality and Value
The HPS Imperator series design, utilizing superior insulation systems and being constructed with high quality silicon steel laminations for optimum performance, will meet or exceed cUL and CE standards.
Backed by an industry leading LIFETIME warranty, the HPS Imperator industrial control transformer line offers superior
performance, quality and value.
Innovative Design
The HPS Imperator series is a unique, fresh and innovative compact design that provides the ideal solution for any industrial control application and will change the way the industrial machine tool industry looks at the control transformer.
The HPS Imperator’s unique terminal block design (patent pending) allows for the quick and easy installation of standard secondary or optional primary 13/32” x 1 1/2” midget/type CC fuse clips on every unit. This is the simplest and most inexpensive fusing installation provided on any industrial control transformer in the market today.
The windings and internal terminations of the HPS Im­perator are encapsulated, which protects them from mois­ture, dirt and other airborne contaminants. The custom
molded coil covers with their unique ‘n shaped’ design
combine superior transformer cooling properties with a clean bold look.
The HPS Imperator utilizes custom serrated terminals, in combination with standard SEMS washer screws making assembly easier and quicker to install; and provides supe­rior connection strength when connecting with bare, solid or stranded wire. It also allows for ring or spade termina­tion connectors.
HPS Industrial and Machine Tool Control and Instrument Transformers meet or exceeds the standards established by UL, IRC, ANSI, NEMA.
Standard File # VA Size
UL (ANSI/UL 506) E50394 All PH
IEC 61558 All PH (excluding PH***AJ & PH***AR)
NEMA (ST-1) All PH
At HPS, we rate the VA capacity of our transformers at the output ..... where it counts.
Other transformer manufacturers rate their capacity on the input side of the
transformer, which can result in a 5% to 20% lower actual VA at the output.
© Hammond Power Solutions Inc.
Data subject to change without notice.
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