Hammond Manufacturing 1414 PH Series Catalog Page

1414 PH Series Enclosures - NEMA 12, 13
Continuous Hinge, Clamped Cover
Industrial Enclosures
Designed for use as instrument
• enclosures, electric, hydraulic or pneumatic control housings, electrical junction boxes or terminal wiring enclosures. Provides a degree of protection
• from falling dirt, dust, oil and water.
Junction Boxes
UL 508 Type 12, 13
• CSA Type 12, 13
Complies with
NEMA Type 12 and 13
JIC EGP-1-1967 unless marked
IEC 60529, IP54
Body formed from 16 gauge or 14
• gauge steel. Covers are formed from 14 gauge steel. Smooth, continuously welded
• seams without knockouts, cutouts or holes. Welded brackets provide for
• enclosure mounting. Continuously hinged cover is
• secured with stainless steel clamps and plated steel screws.
Oil resistant gaskets are permanently secured. Models larger than 4" x 4" include a
removable 14 gauge inner panel.
Internal threaded weld studs are provided for mounting inner panels.
A bonding stud is provided on the door and a grounding stud is provided in the enclosure.
Cover and enclosure are
• phosphatized and finished in ANSI 61 gray recoatable powder coating. Removable inner panel is finished in
• white powder coating.
Additional inner panels...see page 433
• Breather kits...see page 423
• Door clamping hardware
...see page 427
Filter fans...see page 408-413
• Heaters...see page 418-420
• Louvered ventilating plates
...see page 450
Terminal kit assemblies
...see page 436
Thermostats...see page 421
• Window kits...see page 444
• Swing panel...see page 435
Technical references and DXF downloads available at www.hammfg.com All dimensions in inches unless specified otherwise
© Hammond Manufacturing Canada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030 Data Subject to change without notice
Quality Enclosures. Service Excellence.
1414 PH Series Enclosures - NEMA 12, 13
Continuous Hinge, Clamped Cover
Industrial Enclosures
Part No.
1414PHA 1414PHC11414PHCLP 1414PHG 1414PHGLP 1414PHRG 1414PHRGLP — 1414PHA4 1414PHC411414PHC4LP 1414PHE 1414PHELP 1414PHH4 1414PHH4LP 1414PHI 1414PHILP 1414PHRI 1414PHRILP 1414PHKC4 1414PHKC4LP 1414PHK 1414PHKLP 1414PHRK 1414PHRKLP 1414PHG6 1414PHG6LP 1414PHI6 1414PHI6LP 1414PHJ6 1414PHJ6LP 1414PHL6 1414PHL6LP 1414PHMH6 1414PHMH6LP 1414PHM6 1414PHM6LP 1414PHRM6 1414PHRM6LP 1414PHN6 1414PHN6LP 1414PHO6 1414PHO6LP 1414PHRO6 1414PHRO6LP 1414PHK8 1414PHK8LP 1414PHM8 1414PHM8LP 1414PHO8 1414PHO8LP 1414PHO10 1414PHO10LP
Does not meet JIC requirements
Technical references and DXF downloads available at www.hammfg.com All dimensions in inches unless specified otherwise
Part No. Without Inner Panel
4 4 3.0 4.75 2 2.64 5.5 4.31 4.31 1.5 3 — — — — 2
6 4 3.0 4.88 2.88 2.51 6.75 2 2.64 7.5 6.31 4.31 2.5 3 .31 .31 .56 .56 3 2 8 6 3.5 6.75 4.88 3.01 8.75 4 3.14 9.5 8.31 6.31 1.0 5 .31 .25 .63 .56 6 5 6 8 3.5 4.88 6.75 3.01 6.75 6 3.14 7.5 6.31 8.31 2.5 7 .25 .31 .56 .63 6 5
4 4 4.0 4.75 2 3.64 5.5 4.31 4.31 1.5 3 — — — — 3
6 4 4.0 4.88 2.88 3.51 6.75 2 3.64 7.5 6.31 4.31 2.5 3 .31 .31 .56 .56 4 3 6 6 4.0 4.88 4.88 3.51 6.75 4 3.64 7.5 6.31 6.31 2.5 5 .31 .31 .56 .56 5 4 8 8 4.0 6.75 6.88 3.51 8.75 6 3.64 9.5 8.31 8.31 1.0 7 .31 .25 .63 .56 8 7
10 8 4.0 8.75 6.88 3.51 10.75 6 3.64 11.5 10.31 8.31 1.0 7 .31 .25 .63 .56 10 8
8 10 4.0 6.88 8.75 3.51 8.75 8 3.64 9.5 8.31 10.31 1.0 9 .25 .31 .56 .63 10 8 12 6 4.0 10.75 4.88 3.51 12.75 4 3.64 13.5 12.31 6.31 1.0 5 .31 .25 .63 .56 10 8 12 10 5.0 10.75 8.88 4.51 12.75 8 4.64 13.5 12.31 10.31 1.0 9 .31 .25 .63 .56 13 10 10 12 5.0 8.88 10.75 4.51 10.75 10 4.64 11.5 10.31 12.31 1.0 11 .25 .31 .56 .63 13 12
8 6 6.0 6.75 4.88 5.51 8.75 4 5.64 9.5 8.31 6.31 1.0 5 .31 .25 .63 .56 8 7 10 8 6.0 8.75 6.88 5.51 10.75 6 5.64 11.5 10.31 8.31 1.0 7 .31 .25 .63 .56 12 10 10 10 6.0 8.75 8.88 5.51 10.75 8 5.64 11.5 10.31 10.31 1.0 9 .31 .25 .63 .56 14 12 12 12 6.0 10.75 10.88 5.51 12.75 10 5.64 13.5 12.31 12.31 1.0 11 .31 .25 .63 .56 17 15 14 8 6.0 12.75 6.88 5.51 14.75 6 5.64 15.5 14.31 8.31 1.0 7 .31 .25 .63 .56 12 10 14 12 6.0 12.75 10.88 5.51 14.75 10 5.64 15.5 14.31 12.31 1.0 11 .31 .25 .63 .56 19 17 12 14 6.0 10.88 12.75 5.51 12.75 12 5.64 13.5 12.31 14.31 1.0 13 .25 .31 .56 .63 19 17 16 10 6.0 14.75 8.88 5.51 16.75 8 5.64 17.5 16.31 10.31 1.0 9 .31 .25 .63 .56 18 15 16 14 6.0 14.75 12.88 5.51 16.75 12 5.64 17.5 16.31 14.31 1.0 13 .31 .25 .63 .56 23 21 14 16 6.0 12.88 14.75 5.51 14.75 14 5.64 15.5 14.31 16.31 1.0 15 .25 .31 .56 .63 23 21 12 10 8.0 10.75 8.88 7.51 12.75 8 7.64 13.5 12.31 10.31 1.0 9 .31 .25 .63 .56 18 15 14 12 8.0 12.75 10.88 7.51 14.75 10 7.64 15.5 14.31 12.31 1.0 11 .31 .25 .63 .56 20 18 16 14 8.0 14.75 12.88 7.51 16.75 12 7.64 17.5 16.31 14.31 1.0 13 .31 .25 .63 .56 25 22 16 14 10.0 14.75 12.88 9.51 16.75 12 9.64 17.5 16.31 14.31 1.0 13 .31 .25 .63 .56 26 23
Panel Size
Junction Boxes
Quality Enclosures. Service Excellence.
© Hammond Manufacturing Canada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030 Data Subject to change without notice