Hammer A3-26, A3-31, A3-41 User Manual

User Manual
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
Keep this manual handy and in good condition for continual reference
Dok.ID: 504010-901_02 • Englisch • 2011-02-09
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
Note: Year of construction The machine number of this machine will be printed on this operating manual The final two digits of the machine number show the year of construction of this machine e.g. XXX.XX.XXX.10 -> Year of manufacture 2010
Attention! The machine must be inspected immediately upon arrival. If the machine has been damaged during transport, or if any parts are missing, a written record of the problems must be submitted to the forwarding agent and a damage report compiled. Also be sure to notify your supplier immediately.
For the safety of all personnel, it is necessary to conscientiously study this manual before assembly and operation. This manual must be kept in good condition, and should be considered as part of the machine. Furthermore, the manual must be kept to hand and within the vicinity of the machine so that it is accessible to operators when using, maintaining or repairing the machine.
A product of the FELDER GROUP
© Felder KG
KR-FELDER-STR.1 A-6060 Hall in Tirol
Tel.: +43 (0) 5223 / 45 0 90 Fax.: +43 (0) 5223 / 45 0 99
E-Mail: info@hammer.at Internet: www.hammer.at
Planer-Thicknesser A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
Table of contents
Table of contents
1 General ......................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Symbol legend ...............................................................................................................6
1.2 Information about the manual ..........................................................................................6
1.3 Liability and warranty .....................................................................................................7
1.4 Copyright ......................................................................................................................7
1.5 Warranty notice .............................................................................................................7
1.6 Spare parts ...................................................................................................................7
1.7 Disposal ........................................................................................................................8
2 Safety ............................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Intended use ..................................................................................................................9
2.2 Manual contents ............................................................................................................9
2.3 Making changes and modifications to the machine.............................................................9
2.4 Responsibilities of the operator .......................................................................................10
2.5 Personnel requirements ..................................................................................................10
2.6 Work safety ................................................................................................................10
2.7 Personal protective equipment ........................................................................................11
2.8 Machine hazards .........................................................................................................11
2.9 Other risks ..................................................................................................................12
3 Declaration of Conformity ............................................................................. 13
4 Technical specifications .................................................................................. 14
4.1 Dimensions and weight .................................................................................................14
4.2 Electrical connection .....................................................................................................14
4.3 Drive motor .................................................................................................................15
4.4 Chip extraction ............................................................................................................15
4.5 Operation and storage conditions ..................................................................................15
4.6 Particle emission ..........................................................................................................15
4.7 Noise emission ............................................................................................................16
4.7.1 Surface planing ......................................................................................................16
4.7.2 Thickness planing ....................................................................................................16
4.8 Cutterblock ..................................................................................................................17
4.9 Planer unit ...................................................................................................................17
4.10 Thicknesser unit ..........................................................................................................17
4.11 Drilling unit ...............................................................................................................17
5 Assembly ..................................................................................................... 18
5.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................18
5.2 Accessories .................................................................................................................19
5.3 Data plate ...................................................................................................................21
5.4 Safety devices .............................................................................................................22
5.4.1 Safety break switches ..............................................................................................22
5.4.2 Bridge guard ..........................................................................................................22
5.4.3 Rear cutterblock cover ..............................................................................................23
5.4.4 Kickback guards .....................................................................................................23
5.4.5 Drilling chuck guard ................................................................................................23
5.5 Operation and display elements.....................................................................................24
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
Table of contents
6 Transport, packaging and storage ................................................................. 25
6.1 Safety instructions ........................................................................................................25
6.2 Transport .....................................................................................................................25
6.3 Transport inspection ......................................................................................................27
6.4 Packaging ...................................................................................................................27
6.5 Storage .......................................................................................................................27
7 Setup and installation ................................................................................... 28
7.1 Safety instructions ........................................................................................................28
7.2 Setup ..........................................................................................................................28
7.3 Chip extraction ............................................................................................................30
7.4 Electrical connection .....................................................................................................31
7.4.1 Alternating-current motor ..........................................................................................31
7.4.2 Three-phase alternating current motor ........................................................................31
8 Making adjustments and preparations ........................................................... 32
8.1 Safety instructions ........................................................................................................32
8.2 Adjusting the depth of cut ..............................................................................................32
8.3 Adjusting the joint ........................................................................................................33
8.4 Adjusting the planer fence .............................................................................................34
8.4.1 Adjusting the angle .................................................................................................34
8.4.2 Sliding ...................................................................................................................34
8.5 Adjust the thicknessing height ........................................................................................35
8.6 Adjusting the drilling support .........................................................................................36
8.7 Retooling from a planer to a thicknesser ..........................................................................37
8.8 Retooling from a thicknesser to a planer ..........................................................................38
8.9 Retooling to the drilling unit ...........................................................................................39
8.9.1 Mounting the mortising support .................................................................................39
8.9.2 Clamp the drilling tool .............................................................................................39
8.10 Retooling from a drilling operation to a planer or a thicknesser operation ..........................40
9 Operation .................................................................................................... 41
9.1 Safety instructions ........................................................................................................41
9.2 Switching on the machine .............................................................................................42
9.3 Switching off the machine / EMERGENCY-STOP ..............................................................42
9.4 Surface planing ...........................................................................................................43
9.4.1 Working position ...................................................................................................43
9.4.2 Workpiece dimensions ............................................................................................43
9.4.3 Authorised and prohibited work techniques ................................................................43
9.4.4 Surface planing - Workpieces up to 75 mm thick ........................................................44
9.4.5 Surface planing - Workpieces over 75 mm thick ..........................................................45
9.4.6 Jointing ..................................................................................................................46
9.4.7 Bevelling/Chamfering ..............................................................................................47
9.4.8 Tapering/beveling small workpieces ..........................................................................48
9.5 Thickness planing .........................................................................................................48
9.5.1 Workpiece dimensions ............................................................................................48
9.5.2 Authorised and prohibited work techniques ................................................................48
9.5.3 Work place/work position .......................................................................................49
Planer-Thicknesser A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
Table of contents
9.6 Drilling .......................................................................................................................50
9.6.1 Work place/work position .......................................................................................50
9.6.2 Workpiece dimensions ............................................................................................50
9.6.3 Authorised and prohibited work techniques ................................................................50
9.6.4 Drilling with/without a depth fence............................................................................51
9.6.5 Mortising ...............................................................................................................51
10 Service ....................................................................................................... 52
10.1 Safety instructions ......................................................................................................52
10.2 Maintenance schedule ................................................................................................52
10.3 Maintenance work .....................................................................................................53
10.3.1 Checking/cleaning the kickback guards...................................................................53
10.3.2 Cleaning the feed rollers ........................................................................................53
10.3.3 Greasing the height spindle (thicknesser planing table) ..............................................54
10.3.4 Retensioning the drive belt ......................................................................................54
10.3.5 Replacing the drive belt..........................................................................................55
10.3.6 Checking/greasing the chain (transmission) ..............................................................56
10.3.7 Checking/changing the friction wheel (transmission) ..................................................56
10.3.8 Greasing the height spindle (drilling support) ............................................................57
10.3.9 Cleaning the guides (drilling support) ......................................................................57
11 Faults ......................................................................................................... 58
11.1 Safety instructions ......................................................................................................58
11.2 What to do if a fault develops .....................................................................................58
11.3 What to do after rectifying the fault ..............................................................................58
11.4 Faults, causes and repairs ...........................................................................................59
11.5 Resharpen or replace the planer knife ...........................................................................60
11.5.1 Reversing/replacing the system planer blades ...........................................................61
11.5.2 Sharpening/changing the standard planer knives .....................................................62
11.6 Correcting the angle of the planing fence ......................................................................63
12 Index ......................................................................................................... 66
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
1 General
1.1 Symbol legend
Important technical safety instructions in this manual are marked with symbols. These instructions for work safety must be followed.
Warning! Risk of injury or death
This symbol marks instructions that must be followed in order to avoid harm to one›s health, injuries, permanent impairment or death.
Attention! Risk of material damage!
This symbol marks instructions which, if not observed, may lead to material damage, functional failures and/or machine breakdown.
Warning! Danger! Electric current!
This symbol warns of potentially dangerous situations related to electric current. Not observing the safety instructions increases the risk of serious injury or death. All electrical repairs must be carried out by a qualified electrician.
This symbol marks tips and information which should be observed to ensure efficient and failure-free operation of the machine.
In all these particular cases, special attention must be paid in order to avoid accidents, injury to persons or material damage.
1.2 Information about the manual
This manual describes how to operate the machine properly and safely. Be sure to follow the safety tips and instructions stated here as well as any local accident prevention regulations and general safety regulations. Before beginning any work on the machine, ensure that the manual, in particular the chapter entitled “Safety” and the respective safety guidelines, has been read in its
entirety and fully understood. This manual is an integral part of the machine and must therefore be kept in the direct vicinity of the machine and be accessible at all times. If the machine is sold, rented, lent or otherwise transferred to another party, the manual must accompany the machine.
Planer-Thicknesser A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
1.3 Liability and warranty
The contents and instructions in this manual were compiled in consideration of current regulations and state-of-the-art technology as well as based on our know­how and experience acquired over many years. This manual must be read carefully before commencing any work on or with this machine. The manufacturer shall not be liable for damage and or faults resulting from the disregard of instructions in the manual. The texts and images do not necessarily represent the delivery contents. The images and graphics are not depicted on
1.4 Copyright
This manual should be handled confidentially. It is designated solely for those persons who work on or with the machine. All descriptions, texts, drawings, photos and other depictions are protected by copyright and other commercial laws. Illegal use of the materials is punishable by law. This manual, in its entirety or parts thereof, may not be transferred to third parties or copied in any way or
a 1:1 scale. The actual delivery contents are dependent on custom-build specifications, add-on options or recent technical modifications and may therefore deviate from the descriptions, instructions and images contained in the manual. Should any questions arise, please contact the manufacturer. We reserve the right to make technical modifications to the product in order to further improve user-friendliness and develop its functionality.
form, and its contents may not be used or otherwise communicated without the express written consent of the manufacturer. Infringement of these rights may lead to a demand for compensation or other applicable claims. We reserve all rights in exercising commercial protection laws.
1.5 Warranty notice
A separate warranty notice, which conforms to the speci­fic regulations of the respective country, is enclosed.
1.6 Spare parts
Attention! Risk of material damage! Non genuine, counterfeit or faulty spare parts may result in damage, cause malfunction or complete breakdown of the machine.
If unauthorised spare parts are fitted into the machine, all warranty, service, compensation and liability claims against the manufacturer and their contractors, dealers and representatives shall be rejected.
Note: The original spare parts that have been authorised for use are listed in a separate spare parts cata-
logue, enclosed in the documentation package supplied with the machine.
Use only genuine spare parts supplied by the manufacturer.
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
1.7 Disposal
If the machine is to be disposed of, separate the components into the various materials groups in order to allow them to be reused or selectively disposed of. The whole structure is made of steel and can therefore be dismantled without difficulties. This material is also easy to dispose of and does not
Attention! Used electrical materials, electronic components, lubricants and other auxiliary substances must be treated as hazardous waste and may only be disposed of by specialised, licensed firms.
pollute the environment or jeopardise public health. Always comply with international environmental regulations and local disposal laws.
Planer-Thicknesser A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
2 Safety
At the time of its development and production, the machine was built in accordance with prevailing technological regulations and therefore conforms to industry safety standards. However, hazards may arise should the machine be operated by untrained personnel, used improperly or employed for purposes other than those it was designed for. The chapter entitled “Safety” offers an overview of all the important safety considerations necessary to
2.1 Intended use
The planer-thicknesser HAMMER A3-26, A3-31, A3-41 has been designed solely for surface planing, thickness planing and mortising wood and similarly machinable materials. Machining materials other than wood is
Attention! Any use outside of the machine‘s intended purpose shall be considered improper and is there­fore not permitted. All claims regarding damage resulting from improper use that are made against the manufacturer and its authorised representatives shall be rejected. The operator shall be solely liable for any damage that results from improper use of the machine.
optimise safety and ensure the safe and trouble-free operation of the machine. To further minimise risks, the other chapters of this manual contain specific safety instructions, all marked with symbols. Besides the various instructions, there are a number of pictograms, signs and labels affixed to the machine that must also be heeded. These must be kept visible and must not be removed.
only permitted with the express written consent of the manufacturer. Operational safety is guaranteed only when the machine is used for the intended purposes.
The term “proper use” also refers to correctly observing the operating conditions as well as the specifications and instructions in this manual.
The machine may only be operated with original manufacturer parts and accessories.
2.2 Manual contents
All those appointed to work on or with the machine must have fully read and understood the manual before commencing any work. This requirement must be met even if the appointed person is familiar with the operation of such a machine or a similar one, or has been trained by the manufacturer. Knowledge about the contents of this manual is a
prerequisite for protecting personnel from hazards and avoiding mistakes so that the machine may be operated in a safe and trouble free manner. It is recommended that the operator requests proof from the personnel that the contents of the manual have been read and understood.
2.3 Making changes and modifications to the machine
In order to minimise risks and to ensure optimal performance, it is strictly prohibited to alter, retrofit or modify the machine in any way without the express consent of the manufacturer. All the pictograms, signs and labels affixed to the
machine must be kept visible, readable and may not be removed. Pictograms, signs and labels that have become damaged or unreadable must be replaced promptly.
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
2.4 Responsibilities of the operator
This manual must be kept in the immediate vicinity of the machine and be accessible at all times to all persons working on or with the machine. The machine may only be operated if it is in proper working order and in safe condition. The general condition of the machine must be controlled and the machine must be inspected for visible defects every time before it is switched on. All instructions in this manual must be strictly followed without reservation. Further to the safety advice and instructions stated in this manual, it is necessary to consider and observe
2.5 Personnel requirements
Only authorised and trained personnel may work on and with the machine. Personnel must be briefed about all functions and potential dangers of the machine. “Specialist staff“ is a term that refers to those who – due to their professional training, know-how, experience, and knowledge of relevant regulations – are in a position to assess delegated tasks and recognise potential risks. If the personnel lack the necessary knowledge for working on or with the machine, they must first be trained. Responsibility for working with the machine (installation, service, maintenance, overhaul) must be clearly defined and strictly observed. Only those persons who can be expected to carry out their work reliably may be given permission to work on or with the machine. Personnel
local accident prevention regulations, general safety regulations and current environmental stipulations that apply to the operational range of the machine. The operator and designated personnel are responsible for the trouble-free operation of the machine as well as for clearly establishing who is in charge of installing, servicing, maintaining and cleaning the machine. Machines, tools and accessories must be kept out of the reach of children.
must refrain from working in ways that could harm others, the environment or the machine itself. It is absolutely forbidden for anyone who is under the influence of drugs, alcohol or reaction-impairing medication to work on or with the machine. When appointing personnel to work on the machine, it is necessary to observe all local regulations regarding age and professional status. The user is also responsible for ensuring that unauthorised persons remain at a safe distance from the machine. Personnel are obliged to immediately report any irregularities with the machine that might compromise safety to the operator.
2.6 Work safety
Following the safety advice and instructions given in this manual can prevent bodily injury and material damage while working on and with the machine. Failure to observe these instructions can lead to bodily injury and damage to or destruction of the machine. Disregard of the safety advice and instructions given in this manual
as well as the accident prevention regulations and general safety regulations applicable to the operative range of the machine shall release the manufacturer and their authorised representatives from any liability and from all compensation claims.
Planer-Thicknesser A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
2.7 Personal protective equipment
When working on or with the machine, the following must be strictly observed:
Persons with long hair who are not wearing a hairnet are not permitted to work on or with the machine!
It is prohibited to wear gloves while working on or with the machine!
When working on or with the machine, the following must always be worn by personnel:
Protective clothes
Sturdy, tight-fitting clothing (tear-resistant, no wide sleeves).
Protective footwear
that protect the feet from heavy falling objects and prevent sliding on slippery floors
Hearing protection
To protect against loss of hearing
2.8 Machine hazards
The machine has undergone a hazard analysis. The design and construction of the machine are based on the results of this analysis and correspond to state-of-the-art technology. The machine is considered operationally safe when used
properly. Nevertheless, there are some remaining risks that must be considered. The machine runs with high electrical voltage.
Warning! Danger! Electric current: Electrical energy can cause serious bodily injury. Damaged insulation materials or defective individual components can cause a life-threatening electrical shock.
Before carrying out any maintenance, cleaning and
repair work, switch off the machine and ensure that it can not be accidentally switched on again.
When carrying out any work on the electrical
equipment, ensure that the voltage supply is completely isolated.
 Do not remove any safety devices or alter them to
prevent them from functioning correctly.
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
2.9 Other risks
Warning! Risk of injury! Even if the safety measures are complied with, there are still certain associated risks that must be conside­red when working on the machine:
Risk of injury when changing the planer knives
Risk of injury through accidental contact with the rota-
ting cutterblock
Risk of injury due to ejected workpieces
Risk of injury from workpiece kickback. (when surface
Hearing damage as a result of high noise levels
Health impairments due to the inhalation of airborne
particles, especially when working with beech and oak wood.
Planer-Thicknesser A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
Declaration of Conformity
3 Declaration of Conformity
EG-Declaration of Conformity
according to Machine Guidelines 2006/42/EG
We hereby declare that the machine indicated below, which corresponds to the design and construction of the model we placed on the market, conforms with the health and safety requirements as stated by the EC.
Manufacturer: Felder KG KR-FELDER-STR.1 A-6060 Hall in Tirol
Product designation: Abricht-Dickten-Hobelmaschine
Model designation: A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
The following EC guidelines were applied: 2006/42/EG
2006/95/EG 2004/108/EG
The following harmonised norms were applied: EN 861
The prototype test was carried out by: Fachausschuss Holz
Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle im BG-Prüfzert Vollmoellerstraße 11 D-70563 Stuttgart NB 0392
Conformity with the EC Machine Guidelines certified by: EG-Design Test Certificate No. HO 101055
This EC Declaration of Conformity is valid only if the CE label has been affixed to the machine.
Modifying or altering the machine without the express written agreement of the manufacturer shall render the warranty null and void.
The signatory of this statement is the appointed agent for the compilation of the technical information
Hall in Tirol, 1.1.2010
Johann Felder, Managing Director FELDER KG KR-FELDER-STR.1 • A-6060 Hall in Tirol
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
4 Technical specifications
4.1 Dimensions and weight
Technical specifications
Fig. 4-1: Dimensions
Machine A3-26 A3-31 A3-41 Total length (A) 1255 mm 1535 mm 1933 mm Overall width (B) 740 mm 790 mm 890 mm Working height - Planer tables (C) 850 mm 850 mm 850 mm Total planer table length (D) 1120 mm 1400 mm 1800 mm Surface planing width (E) 260 mm 310 mm 410 mm Weight 195 kg 240 kg 295 kg
Machine including packaging A3-26 A3-31 A3-41
Length 1160 mm 1410 mm 1810 mm
Width Height 1090 mm 1090 mm 1090 mm Weight 255 kg 300 kg 355 kg
540 mm 580 mm 770 mm
The transport width measures under 800 mm. This makes it possible to transport the machine through doorways.
4.2 Electrical connection
Mains voltage 230/400 ±10% V Safeguarding 16 A triggering characteristic C
Planer-Thicknesser A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
Technical specifications
4.3 Drive motor
The actual values can be found on the data plate. Alternating-current motor Three-phase current motor Motor voltage 1x 230 V 3x 400 V Motor frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Motor power A3-26 S6-40 % Motor power A3-31 S6-40 % Motor power A3-41 S6-40 % System of protection IP 55 IP 55
S6 = 10 minute operation under load and intermittent service; 40% = relative operating factor, i.e. the motor may be run at the
nominal capacity for 4 minutes and afterwards must run idle for 6 minutes.
1,9 kW
3,0 kW 3,0 kW
3,0 kW 4,0 kW
4.4 Chip extraction
A3- 26 A3-31 / A3-41 Drilling unit Extractor port diameter 100 mm 120 mm 120 mm Air speed 20 m/s 20 m/s 20 m/s Vacuum, min. 740 Pa 740 Pa 855 Pa Volume flow, min. (at 20 m/s) 565 m³/h 814 m³/h 814 m³/h
4.5 Operation and storage conditions
Operating/room temperature +10° to +40° C Storage temperature –10° to +50 °C
Attention! Risk of material damage! Only operate the machine in ambient temperatures from +10° to +40° C. If the instructions are not followed, damage may occur during storage.
4.6 Particle emission
The machine was tested for particle emissions according to DIN 33893. The Wood Authority ascertained, according to the “Principles for Testing Particle Emissions” (workplace-related particle concentrations) of
woodworking machines, that the particle emission values for this machine are notably below the currently valid atmospheric limit of 2.0 mg/m³. This is certified by the blue label “BG Wood Particle Tested”.
4.7 Noise emission
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
Technical specifications
The specified values are emission values and therefore do not represent safe workplace values. Even though a relationship exists between particle emission and noise emission levels, an inference cannot be made about whether additional safety measures need to be implemented. Factors which can significantly affect the emission level that presently exists at the workplace include duration of the effect, characteristics
Ear protection must always be worn; however, such protection cannot be considered a substitute for properly sharpened tools.
In order to keep noise emission to a minimum, be sure to always use sharpened planer knives.
of the workspace, and other ambient influences. The permissible workplace values may also differ from country to country. Nevertheless, this information is provided to help the operator better assess hazards and risks. Depending on the location of the machine and other specific conditions, the actual noise emission values may deviate significantly from the specified values.
An allowance must be made to compensate for toleran­ces with the specified emission values K= 4 dB (A).
4.7.1 Surface planing
Acoustic power level according to EN ISO 3746
Idle 89,3 dB (A) Working 100,0 dB (A)
Emission values at the workplace according to EN ISO 11202
Idle 84,7 dB (A) Working 90,3 dB (A)
4.7.2 Thickness planing
Acoustic power level according to EN ISO 3746 Working position 1 (feeder-side)
Idle 89,3 dB (A) Working 98,5 dB (A)
Emission values at the workplace according to EN ISO 11202 Working position 1 (feeder-side)
Idle 75,2 dB (A) Working 89,8 dB (A)
Working position 2 (receiver-side)
Idle 71,5 dB (A) Working 89,0 dB (A)
Planer-Thicknesser A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
Technical specifications
4.8 Cutterblock
Cutterblock diameter (knife flight)-Ø 72 mm Number of knives 3 Speed 50/60 Hz 5000/6000 min
4.9 Planer unit
A3-26 A3-31 A3-41 Maximum depth of cut 4 mm 4 mm 4 mm Surface planing width 260 mm 310 mm 410 mm Planer table length 540 mm 628/730 mm 880 mm Total planer table length 1120 mm 1400 mm 1800 mm Length of surface planer fence 150 x 750 mm 150 x 1100 mm 150 x 1100 mm Planer fence, tiltable from 90° to -45°
4.10 Thicknesser unit
A3-26 A3-31 A3-41 Thicknessing width 254 mm 304 mm 404 mm Thicknesser table length 540 mm 540 mm 600 mm Thicknessing height, min./max. 4/225 mm 4/225 mm 4/225 mm Feeder 6,5 m/min 6,5 m/min 6,5 m/min
The maximum depth of cut is directly related to the following factors:
• Panel width Panel intensity
• Type of wood (hardwood or softwood
• Wood dampness
• Feed rate
• Planer knives (SS, HS, HW)
• The motor power of your machine
4.11 Drilling unit
2-jaw drilling chuck 1–16 mm
Mortising table
Height adjustment Longitudinal adjustment Depth adjustment
135 mm
200 mm
130 mm
Measured from the middle of the cutterblock/drilling tool and the front edge of the drilling chuck guard.
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
5 Assembly
5.1 Overview
Fig. 5-1: Overview
! Housing with drive motor and gearbox " Thicknesser unit # Vacuum hood with vacuum connector $ Bridge guard % Planer table, receiver-side & Combination fence (with rear cover for the cutter-
/ Planer table, feeder-side ( Cutterblock with thread for mortising chuck ) Switching point
Planer-Thicknesser A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
5.2 Accessories
System handwheel
Art. No. 12.1.311
Fig. 5-2: Digital clock
Digital clock
Art. No. 01.1.202 (Display in “mm”) Art. No. 01.2.202 (Display in “inch”)
The digital display is built into both the thicknessing height adjustment system handwheel and the drilling height adjustment system handwheel (drilling support is an add-on option). Exact adjustments to one tenth of a millimeter are possib­le with the digital display (See assembly instructions „Digital clock“)
! Digital clock " System handwheel
2-jaw drilling chuck
Art. No. 500-118
The drilling chuck is mounted onto the cutterblock. The mortising chuck holds the mortising tools (See assembly instructions „Drilling chuck and coupler unit“)
Fig. 5-3: 2-jaw drilling chuck
Fig. 5-4: Drilling chuck and coupler unit
! 2-jaw drilling chuck " Cutterblock
Mortising table / Coupler unit
Art. No. 501-117
The coupler unit is mounted onto the machine frame. Hang the mortising support into the coupling device and secure it (See assembly instructions „Drilling chuck and coupler unit“ and „Mortising table“)
! Mortising table
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
Fig. 5-5: Rolling carriage
Rolling carriage
Art. No. 503-134
Mount the rolling carriage onto the machine housing. The rolling carriage facilitates the task of positioning the machine (See assembly instructions „Rolling carriage“)
Fig. 5-6: Lifting bar
Lifting bar
Art. No. 500-149
Hook the lifting bar under the rolling carriage coupling (Accessory). The lifting bar and the rolling carriage facilitate the task of maneouvring the machine in the most confined space. (See assembly instructions „Lifting bar“)
HAMMER Mounting rail for table extension
Art. No. 500-157 (260 mm) Art. No. 500-102 (310 mm) Art. No. 500-151 (410 mm)
Table extension
500-101 (400x150 mm) 500-151 (800x150 mm)
Fig. 5-7: Table extension
Mount the table extension onto the planer tables. The table extension is a safe support for longer workpieces The table can be extended by 400 or 800 mm (See assembly instructions „Table extension“)
! Table extension " Mounting Rail for Table Extension
A - 6060 HALL in Tirol
Tel.: 0043 (0)5223 / 45 0 90
Tax.: 0043 (0)5223 / 45 0 99
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NR. :
info@hammer.at / www.hammer.at
Planer-Thicknesser A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
5.3 Data plate
Fig. 5-8: Layout of the data plate
The data plate is found on the back of the machine.
! Data plate
Fig. 5-9: Data plate
The data plate displays the following specifications:
• Model designation
• Machine number
• Voltage
• Phases
• Frequency
• Power
• Power supply
• Year of construction
• Manufacturer information
A3-26 / A3-31 / A3-41
5.4 Safety devices
5.4.1 Safety break switches
The cutter block will only run when the safety switch is deactivated by the planer tables or extraction hood.
! Break switch for the planer tables
Fig. 5-10: Safety break switches
5.4.2 Bridge guard
Fig. 5-11: Bridge guard
Note: Instructions to adjust the bridge guard are given in the respective working techniques descriptions.
The bridge guard covers the cutterblock when surface planing.
! Setscrew (Height adjustment) " Bridge guard arm # Protective rail $ Clamping screw (Width adjustment)
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