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Technical Data Sheet
HMD200 230V Spindle Mixer Series E-F
What is new with the Series E-F?
Series E introduces a more robust toggle switch and grounding wire for the toggle
switch. The Series F Introduces replaceable motor brushes.
Troubleshooting guide
- Symptom: During normal cycle the unit stops spinning.
- Cause: The unit has over heated and needs to cool down. If cooling does not cure the problem go to the
repair guide.
- Symptom: Upper button falls down.
- Cause: There is too much drag on the upper button from the contents in the cup. This is usually caused
by the use of hard ice cream. See agitators in the next section.
- Symptom: Container guide falls out of unit.
- Cause: Lock Block is worn or weakened. Replace lock block.
Repair Guide
Housing Disassembly
- Turn off the unit and unplug it from the electrical socket.
- Loosen the three screws that hold the top cover in place. Note: The screws have keepers to prevent the
screws from coming out of the cover.
- Carefully remove cover from unit.
- The motor, toggle switch, speed switch and can all be checked or changed from here. To change the
internal switch the back of the unit will also need to be removed. These instructions follow.
- Remove the four feet,
- Remove the screw holding the back on the unit.
- Carefully remove the rear housing.
- Reassemble is reverse order.
4421 Waterfront Drive
Glen Allen, VA 23060
ENG-FRM-RIC-4.32, Rev. E
Revision Descr
Request Number: DOC3782 Revision Date: 07/28/13 Approved by: DOC3782
Issue Code(s): Page:
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Document #:

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS NOTICE This document and all information contained within it is the property of Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc. (HBB). It is confidential and proprietary
and has been provided to you for a limited purpose. It must be returned or destroyed upon request. Disclosure, reproduction or use of this document and any information
contained within it, in full or in part, for any purpose is forbidden without the prior written consent of HBB. No photographs may be taken of any article fabricated or assembled
from this document without the prior written consent of HBB.
Technical Data Sheet
Figure 1 HMD200 Open Cover
Changing the Motor
- Remove the top cover per the instruction in the previous section.
- Unplug the modular plug connecting the motor to the wiring harness.
- Lift the motor out of the machine paying attention to how it is oriented with the housing.
- To install the new motor reverse the process.
- Gently lower the new motor into the housing in the same orientation as the old motor.
- Plug the modular plug back into the wiring harness.
- If the rubber motor mount has come loose from the top of the new motor in the process put it back in
place. The cutout goes over the ground screw and the protrusion aims at the center rear of the machine.
- Carefully put the top back in place.
- Be careful not to pinch any wires.
- Gently tighten the screws, rotate your efforts so you do not apply too much pressure in one spot at once.
- Plug the machine in and test it.
2 of 6
Document #:
4421 Waterfront Drive
Glen Allen, VA 23060
ENG-FRM-RIC-4.32, Rev. E
Revision Descr
Request Number: DOC3782 Revision Date: 07/28/13 Approved by: DOC3782
Issue Code(s): Page: