Hameg HMO3000, HMO3054, HMO3052, HMO3044, HMO3042 Overview

Product Overview
300 MHz | 400 MHz >>> 500 MHz
The HMO3000 series is future-proof due to bandwidth upgrade option HOO352 / 354 and HOO452 / 454
4 GSa /s real time, low noise flash A /D conver ter 8 MPts memory, oom up to 200,000:1 MSO functionalit y included as standard
(HO3508/HO3516 logic probe with 8/16 channel s required)
Automatically or manually adjustable memory depth
2 GSa/s real time, low noise flash A/D conver ter 2 MPts memory, oom up to 50,000:1 MSO functionalit y included as standard
(HO3508 logic probe with 8 channels required)
Component tester for capacitors, inductors
and semiconductors
All HMO Oscilloscopes Feature:
HMO ser ies at a glance:
HMO3000 Series HMO Compact Series
5 00 M Hz 4 00 M Hz 3 00 M Hz 2 00 M Hz 1 50 M Hz 10 0 MH z 7 0 MH z
Model: 4 channel 2 channel
HMO3054 HMO3052
HMO3044 HMO3042
HMO3034 HMO3032
HMO2024 HMO2022
HMO15 24 HMO15 22
HMO1024 HMO1022
HMO724 HMO722
Sampling rate (per analog channel)
2 GSa/s 1 GSa/s
Maximum sampling rate
4 GSa/s 2 GSa/s
Memor y depth per channel
4 M Pt s . 1 M Pt s .
Maximum memory
8 M Pt s . 2 M Pt s .
Max number of logic channel s
16 8
Input impedance
1 MΩ / 50 Ω 1 MΩ / 50 Ω 1 M Ω
@ 1 MΩ
1 mV/div. to 5 V/div. 1 mV/div. to 10 V/div.
@ 50 Ω
1 mV/div. to 1 V/div. 1 mV/div. to 1 V/div. n/a
± 0,2V to ± 50V ± 0,2V to ± 100V
Component tester
Vertical sensitivity up to 1 mV/div. Trigger modes: slope (A/B), pulse width, video, logic,
serial buses (optional), hold-off*
Serial bus trigger and hardware accelerated decode incl. list view.
Options: I
C + SPI + UART/RS-232 (HOO10/HOO11), CAN + LIN (HOO12)
28 auto-measurement parameters plus statistics, for mula editor,
ratio cursor
6-digit hardware counter
FFT with up to 64kPts (dBm, dBV, V
) Pass/fail test based on masks Automatic search for user-defined events Display: 12 div. x-Axis, 20 div. y-Axis
(Vir tualS creen)
*HMO3 000 model s only
500 MHz | 400 MHz | 300 MHz 200 MHz | 150 MHz | 100 MHz | 70 MHz
HMO3000 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes HMO Compact Series
*HMO3 00x, HMO202x , HMO152x only
Product of the Year
No. 1 in Category
Test + Measurement
Hardware accelerated trigger ing and decoding in real-time
Display data in ASCII, binary, decimal or hexadecimal format
Power ful tr igger to isolate specific data packages
Detailed oom also available for serial bus analysis
Color-coded displ ay of decoded bus signals
Directly export analyzed data to USB flash drive
Add ser ial bus options to all HMO oscilloscopes with sof tware licence
keys at any time
Analysis of I
C, SPI and UART/RS-232 signals on analog and logic channels.
Two buses can be analyzed at the same time.
Analysis of I
C, SPI and UART/RS-232 signals on all analog channel s.
Only one bus available for analysis.
Analysis of CAN and LIN signals on analog and logic channels for two buses.
Frequency range: 100 kHz to 1.6 GHz / 3 GHz HMS1010/HMS3010 with tracking generator:
Frequency range: 5 MHz to 1.6 GHz / 3 GHz
Output level: -20 dBm to 0 dBm Unlock preamplifier option via licence key upgrade (HO3011)* Spectral purity greater than -100 dBc/Hz (at 100 kHz) SWEEP from 20 ms to 1000 s Detectors: auto-, min.- / max.-peak, sample, RMS, average, quasi-peak* Miscellaneous marker/Δmarker and peak functions Directly export to USB flash drive, RS-232/USB dual interface for
remote control Fanless design and fast boot time (less than 8s)
*not av ailable fo r HMS1000E
This unit is used to measure the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and reflection coefficient of a device under test with an impedance of 50 Ω.
Frequency range: 100 kHz to 3 GHz Impedance: 50 Ω Directivity: >28 dB (100 kHz to 300 kHz)
>35 dB (300 kHz to 1 GHz) >30 dB (1 GHz to 3 GHz)
Reflec tion loss at DUT port: >2 0 d B Insertion loss IN t OUT: 20 dB (100 kHz to 300 kHz) IN t OUT: 18 dB (300 kHz to 3 GHz) IN t DUT: 1.7 dB DUT t OUT: 16 dB Max. Power Dissipation: +26 dBm Connectors: N (female) Accessories supplied: HZ525 (termination 50 Ω 1 W), N male to N male
(2 pcs.), carrying case
HOO10 | HOO11 | HOO12 Serial Bus Analysis for all HMO Series Oscilloscopes
HMS Series Spectrum Analyzers
HZ547 VSWR Bridge 3 GHz
Trigger to START condition of I2C data package
HEX decoded CAN bus signal
HMS ser ies
model overview:
HMS300 0/3010, HMS1000/1010 HMS1000E
Amplitude measure­ment range
-114 dBm to +20 dBm -104 dBm to +20 dBm
Displayed average noise level
-124 dBm
(-135 dBm with HO3011)
-1 04 dB m
Resolution bandwidth
100 Hz to 1 MHz, 20 0 kHz (-3 dB),
200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, 1 MHz (-6 dB)
10 kHz to 1 MHz, 200 kHz (-3 dB)
Video bandwidth
10 Hz to 1 MHz 1 kHz to 1 MHz
Logic probe HO3508 fits to all HMO series
oscilloscopes (also available as
double pack HO3516) No hardware lock to a specific device 8 logic channels available on each logic probe Signal threshold adjustable for each logic pod
HO3508 | HO3516 Logic Probe
HMS3000 | HMS3010 - 3 GHz Models
HMS1000 | HMS1010 | HMS1000E - 1.6 GHz Models
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