Hameg HM8118 User Manual

HM8118 Programmable LCR-Bridge
User Manual
General information concerning the CE marking
concerning the CE marking
General remarks regarding the CE marking
Hameg measuring instruments comply with the EMI norms. Our tests for conformity are based upon the rele­vant norms. Whenever different maximum limits are optio­nal Hameg will select the most stringent ones. As regards emissions class 1B limits for small business will be ap­plied. As regards susceptibility the limits for industrial en­vironments will be applied. All connecting cables will inu­ence emissions as well as susceptability considerably. The cables used will differ substantially depending on the ap­plication. During practical operation the following guide­lines should be absolutely observed in order to minimize emi:
1. Data connections
Measuring instruments may only be connected to external associated equipment (printers, computers etc.) by using well shielded cables. Unless shorter lengths are prescri­bed a maximum length of 3m must not be exceeded for all data interconnections (input, output, signals, control). In case an instrument interface would allow connecting several cables only one may be connected. In general, data connections should be made using double-shielded cables. For IEEE-bus purposes the double screened cable HZ72 from HAMEG is suitable.
2. Signal connections
In general, all connections between a measuring instru­ment and the device under test should be made as short as possible. Unless a shorter length is prescribed a maxi­mum length of 1m must not be exceeded, also, such con­nections must not leave the premises. All signal connec­tions must be shielded (e.g. coax such as RG58/U). With signal generators double-shielded cables are manda­tory. It is especially important to establish good ground connections.
3. External inuences
In the vicinity of strong magnetic or/and electric elds even a careful measuring set-up may not be sufcient to gu-
ard against the intrusion of undesired signals. This will not cause destruction or malfunction of Hameg instruments, however, small deviations from the guaranteed specica­tions may occur under such conditions.
HAMEG Instruments GmbH
HAMEG Instruments GmbH Industriestraße 6 · D-63533 Mainhausen
The HAMEG Instruments GmbH herewith declares conformity of the product:
Product name:
Programmable LCR-Bridge
Type: HM8118 with: HO820 Option: HO880
complies with the provisions of the Directive of the Council of the European Union on the approximation of the laws of the Member States
relating to electrical equipment for use within dened voltage limits
(2006/95/EC) [LVD]
relating to electromagnetic compatibility (2004/108/EC) [EMCD]relating to restriction of the use of hazardous substances in
electrical and electronic equipment (2011/65/EC) [RoHS].
Conformity with LVD and EMCD is proven by compliance with the following standards:
EN 61010-1: 04/2015 EN 61326-1: 07/2013 EN 55011: 11/2 014 EN 61000-4-2: 12/2009 EN 61000-4-3: 04/2011 EN 61000-4-4: 04/2013 EN 61000-4-5: 03/2015 EN 61000-4-6: 08/2014 EN 61000-4-11: 02/2005 EN 61000-6-3: 11/2012
For the assessment of electromagnetic compatibility, the limits of radio interference for Class B equipment as well as the immunity to interference for operation in industry have been used as a basis.
Holger Asmussen General Manager
1 Important Notes ....................... 40
1.1 Symb o l s ..................................40
1.2 Unpacking .................................40
1.3 Setting Up the Instrument ....................40
1.4 Safet y ....................................40
1.5 Intended Operation ..........................40
1.6 Ambient Conditions .........................41
1.7 Warranty and Repair .........................41
1.8 Maintenance ...............................41
1.9 Line fuse ..................................41
1.10 Power switch ..............................41
1.11 Batteries and Rechargeable Batteries/Cells .......41
1.12 Product Disposal ............................42
2 Description of the Operating Elements .....43
3 Introduction ..........................45
3.1 Requirements ..............................45
3.2 Measurement of a capacitor ..................45
3.3 Measurement of an inductor ..................45
4 First-Time Operation .................... 46
4.1 Connecting the instrument ....................46
4.2 Turning on the instrument ....................46
3.4 Measurement of a resistor ....................46
4.3 Line frequency .............................47
4.4 Measurement Principle .......................47
4.5 Measurement Accuracy ......................48
5 Setting of Parameters ..................49
5.1 Selecting Values /Parameters ..................49
6 Measurement Value Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6.1 Relative Measurement Value Deviation ∆ %
(#, %)
6.2 Absolute Measurement Value Deviation ∆ ABS (#) .50
5.2 Selecting the Measurement Function ...........50
6.3 Reference Value (REF_M, REF_S) ...............51
6.4 Selecting the Measurement Range .............51
6.5 Circuit Type ................................52
7 Instrument Functions ................... 52
7.1 SETUP Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
7.1.1 Measurement Frequency FRQ
7.1.2 Voltage LEV ...............................53
7.1.3 Preload/ Bias Current BIAS ...................53
7.1.4 Measurement Range RNG ....................54
7.1.5 Measurement Speed SPD ....................54
7.1.6 Triggering TRIG ............................55
7.1.7 DELAY Function ............................55
7.1.8 Average Value AVG ..........................55
7.1.9 Display of Test Signal Level Vm (Measurement Vol­tage) / Im (Measurement Current):
7.1.10 Guarding GUARD ...........................55
7.1.11 Dev i a tion DEV_ M ...........................56
7.1.12 Ref erence REF_M ...........................56
7.1.13 Dev i a tion DEV_ S ............................56
7.1.14 Ref erence REF_S ...........................56
7.1.15 CONSTANT VOLTAGE CST V ..................56
7.2 CORR Menu ...............................57
7.3 Menu Function SYST ........................58
7.4 Saving / Loading of Settings ..................59
7.5 Factory Settings ............................59
8 Measuring Equipment ..................60
8.1 4-Wire Test Adapter HZ181 (Including Short Circuit
Board) ....................................60
8.2 Kelvin-Test Lead HZ184 ......................61
8.3 4-wire Transformer Test Lead HZ186 ............61
8.4 4-Wire SMD Test Adapter HZ188 ...............63
8.5 Sorting Components with Option HO118 Binning Interface
9 Remote Control .......................66
8.1 RS -232 ....................................66
8.2 USB / VCP .................................67
8.3 IEEE-488 (GPIB) ............................67
10 Command Reference ...................68
.1 Setting Up the Command Structure ............68
.2 Supported Command and Data Formats .........68
.3 Command List Binning Interface ...............71
11 Technical Data ........................72
Important Notes
1 Important Notes
1.1 Symbols
(1) (2) (3)
Symbol 1: Caution, general danger zone –
Refer to product documentation Symbol 2: Risk of electric shock Symbol 3: Ground terminal
1.2 Unpacking
While unpacking, check the package contents for com­pleteness (measuring instrument, power cable, product CD, possibly optional accessories). After unpacking, check the instrument for mechanical damage occurred during transport and for loose parts inside. In case of transport damage, please inform the supplier immediately. The in­strument must not be operated in this case.
1.3 Setting Up the Instrument
Two positions are possible: .
According to Fig. 1 the front feet are folded down and are used to lift the instrument so its front points slightly up­ward (approx. 10 degrees). If the feet are not used (Fig. 2) the instrument can be stacked safely with many other HA­MEG
instruments. In case several instruments are stak­ked (Fig. 3) the feet rest in the recesses of the instrument below so the instruments can not be inadvertently mo­ved. Please do not stack more than 3 instruments. A hig­her stack will become unstable, also heat dissipation may be impaired.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
1.4 Safety
This instrument was built in compliance with VDE 0411 part 1, safety regulations for electrical measuring instru­ments, control units and Iaboratory equipment. It has been tested and shipped from the plant in safe condition. It is in compliance with the regulations of the European standard EN 61010-1 and the international standard IEC 61010-1. To maintain this condition and to ensure safe op­eration, the user must observe all instructions and warn­ings given in this operating manual. Casing, chassis and all measuring ports are connected to a protective earth conductor. The instrument is designed in compliance with the regulations of protection class 0.
For safety reasons, the instrument may only be operated with authorized safety sockets. The power cord must be plugged in before signal circuits may be connected. Never use the product if the power cable is damaged. Check reg­ularly if the power cables are in perfect condition. Choose suitable protective measures and installation types to en­sure that the power cord cannot be damaged and that no harm is caused by tripping hazards or from electric shock, for instance.
If it is assumed that a safe operation is no longer possible, the instrument must be shut down and secured against any unintended operation.
Safe operation can no longer be assumed:
If the measuring instrument shows visible damageIf the measuring instrument no longer functions properlyAfter an extended period of storage under unfavorable
conditions (e.g. outdoors or in damp rooms)
After rough handling during transport (e.g. packaging that
does not meet the minimum requirements by post ofce,
railway or forwarding agency).
In case of doubt the power connector should be checked according to DIN VDE 0100/610:
❙ Only qualied personnel may open the instrument ❙ Prior to opening the instrument must be disconnected
from the line and all other inputs/outputs.
1.5 Intended Operation
The measuring instrument is intended only for use by per­sonnel familiar with the potential risks of measuring elec­trical quantities. For safety reasons, the measuring instru­ment may only be connected to properly installed safety socket outlets. Separating the grounds is prohibited. The power plug must be inserted before signal circuits may be connected. The product may be operated only under the
operating conditions and in the positions specied by the
manufacturer, without the product’s ventilation being ob-
structed. If the manufacturer’s specications are not ob­served, this can result in electric shock, re and/or serious
personal injury, and in some cases, death. Applicable local
It is prohibited to disconnect the earthed protective
connection inside or outside the instrument!
Important Notes
or national safety regulations and rules for the prevention of accidents must be observed in all work performed.
The measuring instrument is designed for use in the fol­lowing sectors: Industry, residential, business and com­mercial areas and small businesses.
The measuring instrument is designed for indoor use only. Before each measurement, you need to verify at a known source if the measuring instrument functions properly.
1.6 Ambient Conditions
The allowed operating temperature ranges from +5°C to +40 °C (pollution category 2). The maximum relative hu-
midity (without condensation) is at 80%. During storage
and transport, the temperature must be between -20 °C and +70 °C. In case of condensation during transportation or storage, the instrument will require approximately two hours to dry and reach the appropriate temperature prior to operation. The measuring instrument is designed for use in a clean and dry indoor environment. Do not operate with high dust and humidity levels, if danger of explosion exists or with aggressive chemical agents. Any operating position may be used; however adequate air circulation must be maintained. For continuous operation, a horizontal or inclined position (integrated stand) is preferable.
The maximum operating altitude for the instrument is
2000 m. Specications with tolerance data apply after a
warm up period of at least 30 minutes at a temperature of
23 °C (tolerance ±2 °C). Specications without tolerance
data are average values.
1.7 Warranty and Repair
Our instruments are subject to strict quality controls. Prior to leaving the manufacturing site, each instrument under­goes a 10-hour burn-in test. This is followed by extensive functional quality testing to examine all operating modes
and to guarantee compliance with the specied technical
data. The testing is performed with testing equipment that is calibrated to national standards. The statutory warranty provisions shall be governed by the laws of the country in which the product was purchased. In case of any com­plaints, please contact your supplier.
Use the measuring instrument only with original HAMEG measur­ing equipment, measuring cables and power cord. Never use in­adequately measured power cords. Before each measurement, measuring cables must be inspected for damage and replaced if necessary. Damaged or worn components can damage the instru­ment or cause injury.
To disconnect from the mains, the low-heat device socket on the back panel has to be unplugged.
The product may only be opened by authorized and
qualied personnel. Prior to working on the product or
before the product is opened, it must be disconnected from the AC supply network. Otherwise, personnel will be exposed to the risk of an electric shock.
Any adjustments, replacements of parts, maintenance and repair may be carried out only by authorized technical per­sonnel. Only original parts may be used for replacing parts relevant to safety (e.g. power switches, power transform­ers, fuses). A safety test must always be performed after parts relevant to safety have been replaced (visual inspec­tion, PE conductor test, insulation resistance measurement, leakage current measurement, functional test). This helps ensure the continued safety of the product.
1.8 Maintenance
The display may only be cleaned with water or an appropriate glass cleaner (not with alcohol or other cleaning agents). Follow this step by rubbing the display down with a dry, clean and lint-free cloth. Do not allow
cleaning uid to enter the instrument. The use of other
cleaning agents may damage the labeling or plastic and lacquered surfaces.
1.9 Line fuse
The instrument has 2 internal line fuses: T 0.8 A. In case of a blown fuse the instrument has to be sent in for repair. A change of the line fuse by the customer is not permitted.
1.10 Power switch
The instrument has a wide range power supply from 105
V to 253 V, 50 Hz or 60 Hz ±10 %. There is hence no line
voltage selector.
Fuse type:
Size 5 x 20 mm; 250V~, C; IEC 127, Bl. III; DIN 41 662 (pos­sibly DIN 41 571, Bl. 3). Slow-blow (T) 0,8A.
1.11 Batteries and Rechargeable Batteries/Cells
1. Cells must not be disassembled, opened or crushed.
2. Cells and batteries may not be exposed to heat or re.
Storage in direct sunlight must be avoided. Keep cells and batteries clean and dry. Clean soiled connectors using a dry, clean cloth.
Clean the outer case of the measuring instrument at regular in­tervals, using a soft, lint-free dust cloth.
Before cleaning the measuring instrument, please make sure that it has been switched off and disconnected from all power sup­plies (e.g. AC supply network).
No parts of the instruments may be cleaned with chemical clean­ing agents (such as alcohol, acetone or cellulose thinner)!
If the information regarding batteries and rechargeable batteries/ cells is not observed either at all or to the extent necessary, prod­uct users may be exposed to the risk of explosions, re and/or se­rious personal injury, and, in some cases, death. Batteries and re­chargeable batteries with alkaline electrolytes (e.g. lithium cells) must be handled in accordance with the EN 62133 standard.
Important Notes
3. Cells or batteries must not be short-circuited. Cells or
batteries must not be stored in a box or in a drawer where they can short-circuit each other, or where they can be short-circuited by other conductive materials. Cells and batteries must not be removed from their original packaging until they are ready to be used.
4. Keep cells and batteries out of reach of children. Seek
medical assistance immediately if a cell or battery was swallowed.
5. Cells and batteries must not be exposed to any me-
chanical shocks that are stronger than permitted.
6. If a cell develops a leak, the uid must not be allowed
to come into contact with the skin or eyes. If contact occurs, wash the affected area with plenty of water and seek medical assistance.
7. Improperly replacing or charging cells or batteries can
cause explosions. Replace cells or batteries only with the matching type in order to ensure the safety of the product.
8. Cells and batteries must be recycled and kept separate
from residual waste. Cells and batteries must be recy­cled and kept separate from residual waste. Recharge­able batteries and normal batteries that contain lead, mercury or cadmium are hazardous waste. Observe the national regulations regarding waste disposal and recycling.
1.12 Product Disposal
The Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act implements the following EG directives:
2002/96/EG (WEEE) for electrical and electronic
equipment waste and
2002/95/EG to restrict the use of certain hazardous
substances iin electronic equipment (RoHS directive).
Once its lifetime has ended, this product should be dis­posed of separately from your household waste. The dis­posal at municipal collection sites for electronic equip­ment is also not permitted. As mandated for all manufac­turers by the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (Ele­ktroG), ROHDE & SCHWARZ assumes full responsibility for the ecological disposal or the recycling at the end-of-life of their products.
Please contact your local service partner to dispose of the product.
Fig. 1.4: Product labeling in accordance with EN 50419
Description of the Operating Elements
Fig. 2.1: Front panel of HM8118
2 Description of
the Operating Elements
Front panel of H M 8118
POWER – Turning on/off the instrument
DISPLAY (LCD) – Display of measurement results and
units, ranges, frequencies, level, equivalent circuit, functions and parameters
SELECT – Opening the submenus SETUP, CORR, SYST
and BIN (only with installed Binning Interface HO118)
ENTER – Conrmation of input values
ESC – Cancel the menu function
Rotary knob (Knob/Pushbutton) – Selection of func-
tions and parameters
Arrow buttons – Pushbuttons for parameter
FREQ – Setting of the test signal frequency with rotary
knob 6 or arrow buttons
LEVEL – Setting of the test signal level with rotary knob
and cursor position with arrow buttons
BIAS – Setting of the bias voltage or current with ro-
tary knob
and cursor position with arrow buttons
OPEN – Activating the OPEN calibration
SHORT – Activating the SHORT calibration
LOAD – Activating the LOAD calibration
AUTO – Activating the automatic selection of equiva-
lent circuit
SER – Activating the series equivalent circuit
PAR – Activating the parallel equivalent circuit
AUTO/HOLD – Activating the automatic measurement
range (LED lights up) or the range HOLD function
UP – Range up
DOWN – Range down
L CUR (BNC socket) – Low Current; signal output for
series measurements (signal generator)
L POT (BNC socket) – Low Potential; signal input for pa-
rallel measurement (voltage measurements)
H POT (BNC socket) – High Potential; signal input / out-
put for parallel measurements (measurement bridge)
H CUR (BNC socket) – High Current; signal input for se-
ries measurements (current measurements)
Instrument functions
BIAS MODE/ESC – Activating of internal / external bias
voltage resp. cancelling the editing mode (ESC)
TRIG MODE/ENTER – Changing the trigger mode resp.
conrming an input value
BIAS / – Activating the bias voltage resp. erasing
the last character of an numeric input
TRIG / UNIT – Single trigger in manual trigger mode
resp. selection of a parameter unit
AUTO / 6 – Activating the automatic measurement
function resp. entering numeric value 6
M / – – Selection of the measurement function „Mutual
Inductance“ resp. parameter input of the character „-“.
R-Q / 5 – Selection of the measurement function ‘Resis-
tance‘ R und ‘Quality factor‘ Q resp. entering numeric value 5
1 2 4 3
6 7 9 8 10
12 11 13
15 14 16
18 17 19
22 21
Description of the Operating Elements
Fig. 2.2: Back panel of HM8118
47 48
N-Θ / . – Selection of the measurement function ‘Turns
ratio‘ N and ‘Phase angle‘ Θ resp. parameter input of
the character “. “
C-R / 4 – Selection of the measurement function ‘Ca-
pacitance‘ C and ‘Resistance‘ R resp. entering numeric value 4
G-B / 0 (Pushbutton)
Selection of the measurement function ‘Conductance‘ G and ‘Susceptance‘ B resp. entering numeric value 0
C-D / 3 – Selection of the measurement function ‘Capa-
citance‘ C and ‘Dissipation factor‘ D resp. entering nu­meric value 3
R-X / 9 – Selection of the measurement function ‘Resis-
tance‘ R and ‘Reactance‘ X resp. entering numeric value 9
L-R / 2 – Selection of the measurement function ‘Induc-
tance‘ L and ‘Resistance‘ R resp. entering numeric value 2
Y-Θ / 8 – Selection of the measurement function ‘Ad-
mittance‘ Y and ‘Phase angle‘ Θ resp. entering numeric
value 8
L-Q / 1 – Selection of the measurement function ‘Induc-
tance‘ and ‘Quality factor‘ Q resp. entering numeric value 1
Z-Θ / 7 – Selection of the measurement function ‘Im-
pedance‘ Z and ‘Phase angle‘ Θ resp. entering numeric
value 7
DISPLAY MODE – Toggling the display of measurement
values with / without parameters
RECALL / STORE – Loading/storing of instrument
REMOTE / LOCAL – Toggling between front panel (LO-
CAL) or remote operation (LED lights up); if local lock­out was activated, the instrument can not be operated from the front panel.
Ground (4 mm socket) – Ground connector ( ). The so-
cket is directly connected to the mains safety ground!
Back panel of HM8118
TRIG. INPUT (BNC socket) –
Trigger input for external trigger
BIAS FUSE (Fuse holder) –
Fuse for external voltage input ext. BIAS
EXT. BIAS (4 mm safety sockets) –
External bias input (+, –)
INTERFACE – HO820 Dual Interface USB/RS-232 (gal-
vanically isolated) is provided as standard
BINNING INTERFACE (25 pin D-Sub socket) –
Output to control external binning sorters for compo­nents (option HO118)
POWER INPUT (Power Cord Receptacle)
3 Introduction
3.1 Requirements
❙ HAMEG HM8118 LCR measuring bridge with rmware
from 1.37 upwards.
HZ184 Kelvin measurement cables1 x HAMEG 1,000 µF capacitor (not contained in
1 x HAMEG 280 µH inductor (not contained in shipment) ❙ 1 x HAMEG 100 kΩ resistor (not contained in shipment).
First connect the HZ184 cables supplied to the HM8118. The two plugs of the black cable are connected to the ter­minals LCUR and LPOT, the plugs of the red cable to the terminals HCUR and HPOT.
After turning the instrument on, the rst steps are the open
circuit and the short circuit calibration procedures at the preselected frequency of 1.0 kHz because the measure­ment cables HZ184, in conjunction with the terminals, due to their design, show a stray capacity, a residual induc­tance and a residual resistance which impair the accuracy of the measurement results. In order to minimize these in-
uences, the compensation of impedance measurement
errors caused by adapters and cables is necessary.
For the open circuit calibration, position the two clips apart from each other. For the short circuit calibration connect both clips as shown in Fig. 3.1.
Push the button MENU/SELECT
and then the button
in order to enter the CORR menu. Select the menu
item MODE and use the knob
to change the menu entry from SGL to ALL in order to automatically perform the cali­bration at all 69 frequency steps provided. Leave the menu by pushing the button MENU/ESC
The following components are only intended to be used as an ex­ample for a quick introduction to the instrument.
Fig. 3.1: Short circuit calibration with HZ184.
The mode SGL is used to only calibrate at the presently selected frequency; this procedure takes just a few seconds and is desti­ned for measurements in one or a few frequency ranges only.
Now start the open and short circuit calibrations by pushing the buttons ZERO/OPEN
. The instrument will now determine correction factors at all 69 frequency steps valid for the presently connected measurement cables and store them until the instrument is switched off. This procedure will last appr. 2 minutes.
3.2 Measurement of a capacitor
Now connect the capacitor to the terminals of the HZ184. Please observe the polarity of the capacitor and connect the black terminal to the negative terminal of the capacitor, marked with a – (minus).
As the instrument is set to automatic mode, the measure­ment function will be automatically switched to function no. 3 (C-D). Because the measuring frequency of 1.0 kHz was preselected, the capacitor will not be measured in its regular operating mode, so the value displayed of appr.
900 µF will not equal the specied value of 1,000 µF.
Change the measuring frequency to 50 Hz by pushing the button SET/FREQ
and turning the knob until 50 Hz are shown on the display. Now the value displayed will change to appr.1,000 µF depending on its tolerance. The dissipa­tion factor „D“ will be very low at this setting.
The smaller the loss angle, the more the real world com­ponents will come close to the ideal. An ideal inductor has a loss angle of zero degrees. An ideal capacitor also has a loss angle of zero degrees. An ideal electrical resistor, however, has a loss angle of 90 degrees, it has no capaci­tive or inductive components.
3.3 Measurement of an inductor
Before you connect the choke, increase the measuring fre­quency by one decade to 500 Hz by pushing the arrow button 7 above the knob. Disconnect the capacitor and connect the choke to the terminals of the HZ184. The instrument will now automatically switch to the func­tion no. 1 (L-Q) and the inductance of the choke will be dis-
|Z| = 1000
Q = 500 D = 0,002
Q = 500 D = 0,002
D = 500 Q = 0,002
D = Q = 1
D = Q = 1
D = 500 Q = 0,002
Fig. 3.2: HM8118 measurement principle, left: schematic, right: detailled presentation.
Imaginary Axis
below -- 45° = C
above 45° = L
Real Axis
phase angle
played. The value should be appr. 280 µH. As shown in Fig.
3.2, the phase angle of an inductor must be in the range of + 45 to 90°. In order to prove this, leave the automatic
mode by pushing the button „Z-Θ
. The phase angle dis­played will be appr. +70° and depends on the measuring frequency set. For comparison: the phase angle of the capacitor meas­ured before is appr. -87° at 50 Hz.
3.4 Measurement of a resistor
Disconnect the choke and connect the 100 kΩ resistor sup­plied. As the instrument was previously set manually to the
function Z-Θ, the value of its impedance can be directly read (appr. 100 kΩ). As decribed on the page before, an
ideal resistor has no capacitive or inductive components. Hence the phase resp. loss angle of the component con­nected is close to zero degrees.
The HM8118, upon connection of the resistor, automat­ically changed the internal equivalent circuit from series connection SER to parallel connection PAR (LED pushbut­tons
and 16). If the automatic selection of the equivalent
circuit was chosen (pushbutton AUTO
), the LCR meas­uring bridge will automatically select the equivalent circuit which, depending on the component connected, is best suited to yield a precise measurement result. The equiv­alent circuit represents the measurement circuit. Usually, components with a low impedance (capacitors, chokes) will be measured using the series connection equivalent circuit while components with a high impe­dance (e.g. resistors) will be measured using the parallel equivalent circuit.
4 First-Time Ope-
4.1 Connecting the instrument
Prior to connecting the instrument to the mains, check whether the mains voltage conforms to the mains voltage
range specied on the rear panel. This instrument has a
wide-range power supply and hence requires no manual setting of the mains voltage.
The fuse holder of the BIAS FUSE
, i.e. the external BIAS input, is accessible on the rear panel. Prior to exchanging a fuse the instrument must be disconnected from the mains. Then the fuse holder may be removed with a suitable screw driver, using the slot provided. Afterwards the fuse can be removed from the holder and exchanged. The hol­der is spring-loaded and has to be pushed in and turned. It is prohibited to use „repaired“ fuses or to short-circuit the fuse. Any damages incurred by such manipulations will void the warranty. The fuse may only be exchanged by this type:
Fuse with ceramic body, lled with re extinguishing
Size 6.3 x 32 mm; 400 VAC, C; IEC 127, Bl. III; DIN 41 662 (alternatively DIN 41 571, p. 3), (F) 0,5 A
4.2 Turning on the instrument
Prior to operating the instrument for the rst time, ple­ase be sure to observe the safety instructions mentioned previously!
The LCR bridge is switched on by using the power switch
. Once all keys have briey been illuminated, the bridge
can be operated via keys and the knob on the front pa­nel. If the keys and the display do not light up, either the mains voltage is switched off or the internal input line fu­ses are defective. The current measurement results are
Fig. 4.1: Power Input
Fig. 4.2: Rear panel with fuse
First-Time Operation
shown in the right panel and the essential parameters in the left panel of the display. The four BNC sockets located on the front panel can be connected to the component to be measured with the appropriate measuring accessories. Additionally, it is also possible to connect the measuring instrument via ground socket on the front panel
with ground potential. The socket is suitable for a banana plug with a 4 mm diameter.
If there are undened messages on the display or if the in­strument fails to react to operation of its controls turn it off, wait a minute and turn it on again in order to trigger a reset operation. If the display remains unchanged or ope­ration impossible, turn it off and take it to a qualied ser­vice point (see Safety Instructions).
4.3 Line frequency
Prior to rst measurements, the line frequency setting
must be set to the applied line frequency, 50 or 60 Hz. If the line frequency is not set properly, depending on the measurement range and the line frequency value, insta­bilities may occur e.g. on the display. In order to set the line frequency press the SELECT button
, use the SYST
menu for accessing MAINS FRQ, use the knob
for se-
lecting the correct value.
4.4 Measurement Principle
The LCR meter HM8118 is not a traditional Wien, Maxwell or Thomson measurement bridge. Rather, when connec­ting a test object, the impedance |Z| and the correspon-
ding phase angle Θ (phase between current and voltage) are always determined (see g. 4.3). These measurement
values are frequency dependent and will be determined by means of an AC test signal (which can be set manually between 50mV and 1.5V). The test signal is induced in the test item. This distinguishes a LCR bridge from a multime­ter (DC measurement). Based on the measurement prin­ciple, the measured impedance is always essential. Based on the impedance (X axis) and the phase angel (angle), the instrument is able to determine the missing value of the Y axis. This means that it is not the DC component that is being measured but rather the AC value. The issued values are calculated digitally. This measurement of impedance and phase angle is subject to a certain measurement inac­curacy which will be described on the following pages.
In general, the HM8118 bridge can only determine the ESR, ESC or ESL (= Equivalent Series Resistance / Capa­city / Inductivity) according to the equivalent circuit dia-
The front panel ground connector and the ground contact of the trigger input are directly connected to the mains safety ground potential through the line cord. The outer contacts of the front panel BNC connectors
– 23 (as well as the shields of any co­axial cables attached) are connected to the GUARD potential which has no connection to the safety ground! No external vol­tages may be applied to the BNC connectors! The rear panel in­terfaces
and 48 are galvanically isolated (no connection to
gram of the component and is primarily used to measure individual components. If a circuit with multiple compo­nents is connected to the bridge, the instrument will al­ways determine the ESR, ESC or ESL of the entire circuit / component group. This can potentially skew the measu­rement result. The connected component / circuit is assu­med to be the „Black Box“. These values are available for each component; however, please keep in mind that these always describe the result of multiple, possibly overlapping individual capacities, inductances and impedances. This can easily cause some misunderstandings especially with
coils (magnetic eld, eddy currents, hysteresis, etc.)
Fig. 4.4 shows the link between capacity C
(or resistance
) and various test voltages that can be selected with the
bridge (0.2V
to 1.5 V
). As can be seen in the gure, the
measurement values of C
or Rs are highly dependent on the selected test voltage. Point A shows the test point of the instrument during the measurement of a single com­ponent, point B shows the test point during the measu­rement of a component group (in this case two capaci­ties connected in parallel). In contrast to test point A, with point B the bridge switches the measurement range due to the impedance of the entire component group. As a re­sult, the measurement results for point A and point B are different.
The LCR bridge HM8118 is primarily intended to determine pas­sive components. Therefore, it is not possible to determine test objects which are externally supplied with power.
|Z| = 1000
Q = 500 D = 0,002
Q = 500 D = 0,002
D = 500 Q = 0,002
D = Q = 1
D = Q = 1
D = 500 Q = 0,002
Imaginary Axis
below -- 45° = C
above 45° = L
Real Axis
phase angle
Q = Quality factor D = Loss tangent
D = 1 / Q Q = 1 / D = 1 / tan delta (delta = Opposite angle of the phase angle)
Fig. 4.3: Measurement principle
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