Hameg hm8021 User Manual

Universal Counter
General information regarding the CE marking
Hersteller HAMEG Instruments GmbH KONFORMITÄTSERKLÄRUNG Manufacturer Industriestraße 6 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Fabricant D-63533 Mainhausen DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE
Die HAMEG Instruments GmbH bescheinigt die Konformität für das Produkt The HAMEG Instruments GmbH herewith declares conformity of the product HAMEG Instruments GmbH déclare la conformite du produit
Bezeichnung / Product name / Designation:
Compteur Universel Typ / Type / Type: HM8021-4 mit / with / avec: HM8001-2 Optionen / Options / Options:
mit den folgenden Bestimmungen / with applicable regulations / avec les directives suivantes
EMV Richtlinie 89/336/EWG ergänzt durch 91/263/EWG, 92/31/EWG EMC Directive 89/336/EEC amended by 91/263/EWG, 92/31/EEC Directive EMC 89/336/CEE amendée par 91/263/EWG, 92/31/CEE
Niederspannungsrichtlinie 73/23/EWG ergänzt durch 93/68/EWG Low-Voltage Equipment Directive 73/23/EEC amended by 93/68/EEC Directive des equipements basse tension 73/23/CEE amendée par 93/68/CEE
Angewendete harmonisierte Normen / Harmonized standards applied / Normes harmonisées utilisées
Sicherheit / Safety / Sécurité EN 61010-1:2001 (IEC 61010-1:2001) Überspannungskategorie / Overvoltage category / Catégorie de surtension: II
Verschmutzungsgrad / Degree of pollution / Degré de pollution: 2 Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit / Electromagnetic compatibility / Compatibilité électromagnétique
Universal Zähler / Universal Counter /
EN 61326-1/A1 Störaussendung / Radiation / Emission: Tabelle / table / tableau 4; Klasse / Class / Classe B.
Störfestigkeit / Immunity / Imunitee: Tabelle / table / tableau A1.
EN 61000-3-2/A14 Oberschwingungsströme / Harmonic current emissions / Émissions de courant harmonique: Klasse / Class / Classe D.
EN 61000-3-3 Spannungsschwankungen u. Flicker / Voltage fl uctuations and fl icker / Fluctuations de tension et du fl icker.
Datum /Date /Date
22.07.2004 Unterschrift / Signature /Signatur
G. Hübenett Produktmanager
General information regarding the CE marking
HAMEG instruments fulfi ll the regulations of the EMC directive. The conformity test made by HAMEG is based on the actual generic- and product standards. In cases where different limit values are applicable, HAMEG applies the severer standard. For emission the limits for residential, commercial and light industry are applied. Regarding the immunity (susceptibility) the limits for industrial environment have been used.
The measuring- and data lines of the instrument have much infl uence on emmission and immunity and therefore on meeting the acceptance limits. For different applications the lines and/or cables used may be different. For measurement operation the following hints and conditions regarding emission and immunity should be observed:
1. Data cables For the connection between instruments resp. their interfaces and external devices, (computer, printer etc.) suffi ciently screened cables must be used. Without a special instruction in the manual for a reduced cable length, the maximum cable length of a dataline must be less than 3 meters and not be used outside buildings. If an interface has several connectors only one connector must have a connection to a cable. Basically interconnections must have a double screening. For IEEE-bus purposes the double screened cables HZ72S and HZ72L from HAMEG are suitable.
3. Infl uence on measuring instruments. Under the presence of strong high frequency electric or magnetic fi elds, even with careful setup of the measuring equipment an infl uence of such signals is unavoidable. This will not cause damage or put the instrument out of operation. Small deviations of the measuring value (reading) exceeding the instruments specifi cations may result from such conditions in individual cases.
HAMEG Instruments GmbH
2. Signal cables Basically test leads for signal interconnection between test point and instrument should be as short as possible. Without instruction in the manual for a shorter length, signal lines must be less than 3 meters and not be used outside buildings. Signal lines must screened (coaxial cable - RG58/U). A proper ground connection is required. In combination with signal generators double screened cables (RG223/U, RG214/U) must be used.
Subject to change without notice
Declaration of Conformity 2
General information regarding the CE-marking 2
4¾ Digit P
rogrammable Multimeter HM8021-4 4
Specifi cations 5
Control elements 6
Adjustment 7
Circuit and layout diagrams 8
Subject to change without notice
1.6 GHz Universal Counter HM8021-4
Frequency range 0 Hz to 1.6 GHz
10 MHz time base with 0.5 ppm stability (TCXO)
Input A: Input impedance 1 MΩ, maximum sensitivity 20mV
Input C: Input impedance 50 Ω, maximum sensitivity 30 mV
Time interval resolution up to 10ps
Offset mode over the entire measurement range
Gate input (in combination with HO801)
Mainframe HM8001-2 required for operation
Option HO801
Mainframe HM8001-2
Option HO85, a high-stability oscillator with a stability of ± 5x10
per day
Subject to change without notice
1.6 GHz Universal Counter HM8021-4
Valid at 23 °C after a 30 minute warm-up period
Measurement functions
Frequency A/C, Period A; Totalize A; Pulse width :L / L: (averaged); Totalize A during ext. gate
Input characteristics (Input A)
Frequency range:
0 – 150 MHz: DC-coupled
10 Hz – 150MHz: AC-coupled
Sensitivity: (normal triggering)
DC – 80 MHz 20mV
(sine wave)
80 mV (pulse)
80 MHz – 150MHz 60 mV
(sine wave)
20 Hz – 80MHz (auto trig.) 50 mV
(sine wave)
Minimum pulse width: 5ns Input noise: 100 μV (typ.) Coupling: AC or DC (switchable) Input impedance: 1 MΩ II 40pF Attenuator: x 1, x 20 (switchable) Max. input voltage:
0 to 440 Hz: 400 V (DC + AC
1 MHz: decreasing to 8V
Input characteristics (Input C)
Frequency range: 100MHz – 1.6 GHz Sensitivity:
to 1.3 GHz: 30 mV (typ. 20mV) to 1.6 GHz: 100 mV (typ. 80 mV)
Input impedance: 50 Ω nominal Coupling: AC Max. input voltage: 5 V (DC + AC
Input characteristics (external gate)
Input impedance: 4.7 kΩ Max. input voltage: ±30 V High/low level: › 2V/‹ 0.5V Min. pulse duration: 50 ns Min. effective gate time: 150 μs
Frequency measurement (Input A)
LSD: (2.5x10-7s x freq.)/measurement time Resolution: ±1 or 2 LSD
Period duration measurement
Range: 10000 sec to 66.6 ns LSD: (2.5 x 10-7s x period)/measurement time Resolution: ±1 or 2 LSD
Totalize (manual / external gated)
Range: DC to 20 MHz Min. pulse duration: 25 ns LSD: ±1 count Resolution: LSD Ext. gate error:
in manual mode only 100 ns
Time interval (averaged)
LSD: 100 ns to 10ps Resolution: 1 or 2 LSD
Range: covers the entire measurement range
Gate time
(Gate time cannot be less than 1 period.)
Range: 100 ms – 10s in 3 steps External gate time: min. 150 μs
Frequency: 10 MHz clock
10 MHz crystal
Accuracy (between 10° C and 40°C):
±5 x 10
Aging: ±3 ppm/15 years
General information
Display: 8-digit 7-segment LED display with
7.65 mm digit height, sign and exponent
Power consumption: approx. 7 Watt Operating temperature: +10°C to +40° C Max. relative humidity: 10 % – 90%
(without condensation), 5 % – 95 % RH
Dimensions (W x H x D): 135 x 68 x 228 mm Weight: approx. 0.6kg
Accessories supplied: Operator’s Manual Optional accessories: HZ33/HZ34 BNC Test Cable, HZ24 Attenuators, HZ20
BNC banana adapter, HO85 OCXO, HZ10 Silicone test leads
HM8021-4E/140705/ce · Subject to alterations · © HAMEG Instruments GmbH · ® Registered Trademark · DQS-certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000, Reg.-No.: DE-071040 QM
HAMEG Instruments GmbH · Industriestr. 6 · D-63533 Mainhausen · Tel +49 (0)6182 800 0 · Fax +49 (0)6182 800 100 · www.hameg.com · info@hameg.com
A Rohde & Schwarz Company
Subject to change without notice
Control elemtents
Control elements
This LED is lit when an over fl ow ocurs. This depends on the se-
lected gate time and on the frequency of the signal applied.
GT (Gate Open; LED)
The gate indicator is lit when the gate is open for measure-
ments. This time equals the preselected gate time and a synchronization time. The gate cannot be open for a time smaller than 1 period of a signal.
GATE TIME (Gate time selector; pushbutton + LEDs)
The gate time is selectable in steps of 0.1s, 1s, 10s.
EXT. (LED) In the gate external mode, the counter will expect an ex ter-
nal control signal, and will not measure until such a signal is supplied.
DISP. HOLD (pushbutton + LED)
Depressing the DISP. HOLD pushbutton sets the display
time to infi nity and freezes the last measurement result. A new measurement can be initiated using the reset pushbut­ton. Measuring will restart when Display Hold is switched off. Display Hold starts and stops counting in the TOTALIZE function mode.
Function indicators (LEDs)
FUNCTION (pushbuttons) The § and ¨ pushbuttons select the desired function. The
appropriate LED is lit when a function is selected. The def­ault value when switching power on is FA (Frequency A).
OFFSET (pushbutton + LED)
The displayed value becomes the reference value. (Not
available with the TOTALIZE function).
is activated, depressing RESET shows the reference value (which is the actual offset). Reset is active as long as the button is de pressed.
INPUT C (BNC-connector)
Frequency range: 100 MHz to 1.6 GHz Input impedance: 50 Ω
Attention! Do not apply more than 5 V (DC+AC
) to this
input terminal.
DC (pushbutton)
Selection of AC or DC coupling of the signal input A. The
bandwidth for low frequencies is as low as 10 Hz (3 dB) when the input is AC coupled. Input C has a fi xed AC coupling.
DC coupling = button depressed
1:20 (pushbutton)
Selection of input signal attenuation. Pressing this button
attenuates the input signal by 26 dB before it is applied to the input amplifi er.
AUTO (pushbutton)
With Auto Trigger active the counter triggers in the middle
of the input signal. Auto Trigger always uses AC-coupling. AC = pushbutton depressed.
INPUT A (BNC connector)
Signal input with a sensitivity of 20 mV up to 80 MHz and
60 mV up to 150 MHz. The input is protected against over­voltage up to 400 V (DC+AC
Input impedance: 1 MΩ II 40 pF.
TRIGGER (adjusting knob)
Continuously adjustment of trigger level.
TRIGGER (LED) Trigger indicator. The LED fl ashes when triggering is cor-
rect. The LED lights when the trigger level is above the in­put signal level, it is not activated when the trigger level is below the input signal level.
RESET (pushbutton + LED)
Stops a measurement and clears the display in normal
measurement mode. When depressing the button in display hold-mode the counter performs a single measurement (one shot) on release of the button. When the offset-mode
Subject to change without notice
8 digit display (7 segment LEDs, 7.65mm high)
for the measuring result (8 digit max. + exponent)
Hz (LED): Indicates the measurement of a frequency
s (LED): Indicates the measurement of time
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