General information regarding the CE marking
Hersteller / Manufacturer / Fabricant / Fabricante:
HAMEG Instruments GmbH · Industriestraße 6 · D -63533 Mainhausen
Die HAMEG Instruments GmbH bescheinigt die Konformität für das Produk t
The HAMEG Instruments GmbH herewith declares conformity of the product
HAMEG Instruments GmbH déclare la conformite du produit
HAMEG Instruments GmbH certifi ca la conformidad para el producto
Bezeichnung: LCR-Meter
Product name: LCR meter
Designation : LCR mètre
Descripción : Medidor de LCR
Typ / Type / Type / Tipo: HM8018
mit / with / avec / con: HM80 01-2
Optionen / Options /
Options / Opciónes: –
mit den folgenden Bestimmungen / with applicable regulations /
avec les directives suivantes / con las siguientes directivas:
EMV Richtlinie 89/ 336/EWG ergänzt durch 91/263 /EWG, 92 /31/EWG
EMC Directive 89/ 336/EEC amended by 91/263/ EWG, 92/ 31/EEC
Directive EMC 89/ 336/CEE amendée par 91/263/EWG, 92/31/ CEE
Directiva EMC 89/ 336/CEE enmendada por 91/263 /CEE, 92 /31/CEE
Niederspannungsrichtlinie 73/23 /EWG ergänzt durch 93/68 /EWG
Low-Voltage Equipment Directive 73/23 /EEC amended by 93 /68/ EEC
Directive des equipements basse tension 73 /23/ CEE amendée par 93/68/CEE
Directiva de equipos de baja tensión 73 /23/ CEE enmendada por 93 /68/ EWG
Angewendete harmonisierte Normen / Harmonized standards applied /
Normes harmonisées utilisées / Normas armonizadas utilizadas:
Sicherheit / Safety / Sécurité / Seguridad:
EN 61010-1: 1993 / IEC (CEI) 1010-1: 1990 A 1: 1992 / VDE 0 411: 1994
Überspannungskategorie / Overvoltage category / Catégorie de surtension /
Categoría de sobretensión: II
Verschmutzungsgrad / Degree of pollution / Degré de pollution / Nivel de
polución: 2
Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit / Electromagnetic compatibility /
Compatibilité électromagnétique / Compatibilidad electromagnética:
EN 61326 -1/A1: Störaussendung / Radiation / Emission: Tabelle / table /
tableau 4; Klasse / Class / Classe / classe B.
Störfestigkeit / Immunity / Imunitee / inmunidad:
Tabelle / table / tableau / tabla A1.
EN 61000-3 -2/A14: Oberschwingungsströme / Harmonic current emissions
/ Émissions de courant harmonique / emisión de corrientes armónicas:
Klasse / Class / Classe / clase D.
EN 61000-3 -3: Spannungsschwankungen u. Flicker / Voltage fl uctuations
and fl icker / Fluctuations de tension et du fl icker / fl uctuaciones de tensión
y fl icker.
Datum / Date / Date / Fecha
22.07.2004 Unterschrift / Signature / Signatur / Signatura
General information regarding the CE marking
HAMEG instruments fulfi ll the regulations of the EMC directive. The
conformity test made by HAMEG is based on the actual generic- and
product standards. In cases where different limit values are applicable,
HAMEG applies the severer standard. For emission the limits for
residential, commercial and light industry are applied. Regarding the
immunity (susceptibility) the limits for industrial environment have
been used.
The measuring- and data lines of the instrument have much infl uence
on emmission and immunity and therefore on meeting the acceptance
limits. For different applications the lines and/or cables used may
be different. For measurement operation the following hints and
conditions regarding emission and immunity should be observed:
1. Data cables
For the connection between instruments resp. their interfaces and
external devices, (computer, printer etc.) suffi ciently screened cables
must be used. Without a special instruction in the manual for a reduced
cable length, the maximum cable length of a dataline must be less than
3 meters and not be used outside buildings. If an interface has several
connectors only one connector must have a connection to a cable.
Basically interconnections must have a double screening. For IEEE-bus
purposes the double screened cables HZ72S and HZ72L from HAMEG
are suitable.
2. Signal cables
Basically test leads for signal interconnection between test point and
instrument should be as short as possible. Without instruction in the
manual for a shorter length, signal lines must be less than 3 meters
and not be used outside buildings.
Signal lines must screened (coaxial cable - RG58/U). A proper ground
connection is required. In combination with signal generators double
screened cables (RG223/U, RG214/U) must be used.
3. Infl uence on measuring instruments.
Under the presence of strong high frequency electric or magnetic fi elds,
even with careful setup of the measuring equipment an infl uence of
such signals is unavoidable.
This will not cause damage or put the instrument out of operation. Small
deviations of the measuring value (reading) exceeding the instruments
specifi cations may result from such conditions in individual cases.
HAMEG Instruments GmbH
G. Hübenett
Product Manager
Subject to change without notice
Declaration of Conformity 2
General information regarding the CE-marking 2
3½-Digit LCR-Meter HM8018 4
Specifi cations 5
Alignment procedure 6
Circuit and layout diagrams 7
Subject to change without notice
Measurement functions: L, C, R
3 -digit display with 2,000 counts, basic accuracy 0.5%
4-wire measurement
Max. resolution: 0.1 pF, 0.1 μH, 10 mΩ, 0.01 μS
Internal bias for electrolytic capacitors selectable
Offset adjustment of cable capacity for the “Kelvin test lead“
AC voltage signal at rear-panel BNC connector proportional
to value shown in the display (with Option HO801 only)
Mainframe HM8001-2 required for operation
Option HZ18 Kelvin test lead
Option HO801
Mainframe HM8001-2
3 -Digit LC Meter
Subject to change without notice
3 -Digit LC Meter HM8018
Valid at 23 °C after a 30 minute warm-up period
Operating modes
C measurement
L measurement
Series inductance L, Shunt capacitance C
Series resistance R, Parallel conductance G
Measurement ranges
L: 200 μH-200 H (7 ranges)
Rs: 20 Ω-200 kΩ (5 ranges)
C: 200 pF-200 μF (7 ranges)
G: 20 μS-200 mS (5 ranges)
Max. resolution: 0.1 pF
0.1 μH
0.01 Ω
0.01 μS
Measurement frequencies: (sine wave signal)
~160 Hz, 1.6 kHz, 16kHz
(ω = 103, 104,105s-1)
Measurement voltage: max. 1 V
Measurement current: max. 36 mA (eff.)
Power output to device under test:
max. 3.2 mW
Measurement accuracy: ± [0.5 % of reading
+(3 digit s + 0.5pF /0.5 μH /10 mΩ/0.01 μS)]
Measurement error resulting from separation of the real and imaginary part
≤1 % at tanϕ≥1
31/2-digit 7-segment LED display
Sampling rate: 2 measurements per second
Type of measurement: 2- or 4-wire measurement
Inputs are short-circuit-proof and overvoltage protected up to 100 V with a
maximum energy consumption of 10mJ (∧= capacitor 2 μF, charged to
100 V).
Polarization voltage for C measurement: 2V
Zero point correction for display
Compensation of probe capacitance (HZ18)
AC voltage signal at rear-panel BNC connector proportional to value
shown in the display (HM8001 with option HO801)
Power supply +5V/200mA
(from mainframe): -13 V/130 mA
+13V/130 mA
(∑ = 4.5 W)
Operating temperature: + 10° C to +40° C
Max. relative humidity: 80 % (without condensation)
Dimensions (W x H x D) (without 22-pole flat plug):
135 x 68 x 228 mm
Weight: approx. 0.65kg
Accessories supplied: Operator’s Manual
Optional accessories: HZ18 Kelvin test lead
HM8018E/140705/ce · Subject to alterations · © HAMEG Instruments GmbH · ® Registered Trademark · DQS-certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000, Reg.-No.: DE-071040 QM
HAMEG Instruments GmbH · Industriestr. 6 · D-63533 Mainhausen · Tel +49 (0) 6182 800 0 · Fax +49 (0)6182 800 100 · www.hameg.com · info@hameg.com
A Rohde & Schwarz Company
Subject to change without notice