Hameg HM8012 Service Manual

4¾-Digit Multimeter
General information regarding the CE marking
Hersteller HAMEG Instruments GmbH KONFORMITÄTSERKLÄRUNG Manufacturer Industriestraße 6 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Fabricant D-63533 Mainhausen DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE
Die HAMEG Instruments GmbH bescheinigt die Konformität für das Produkt The HAMEG Instruments GmbH herewith declares conformity of the product HAMEG Instruments GmbH déclare la conformite du produit
Bezeichnung / Product name / Designation: Multimeter / Multimeter / Multimètre Typ / Type / Type: HM8012 mit / with / avec: – Optionen / Options / Options:
mit den folgenden Bestimmungen / with applicable regulations / avec les directives suivantes
EMV Richtlinie 89/336/EWG ergänzt durch 91/263/EWG, 92/31/EWG EMC Directive 89/336/EEC amended by 91/263/EWG, 92/31/EEC Directive EMC 89/336/CEE amendée par 91/263/EWG, 92/31/CEE
Niederspannungsrichtlinie 73/23/EWG ergänzt durch 93/68/EWG Low-Voltage Equipment Directive 73/23/EEC amended by 93/68/EEC Directive des equipements basse tension 73/23/CEE amendée par 93/68/CEE
Angewendete harmonisierte Normen / Harmonized standards applied / Normes harmonisées utilisées
Sicherheit / Safety / Sécurité EN 61010-1:2001 (IEC 61010-1:2001) Überspannungskategorie / Overvoltage category / Catégorie de surtension: II
Verschmutzungsgrad / Degree of pollution / Degré de pollution: 2 Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit / Electromagnetic compatibility / Compatibilité électromagnétique
EN 61326-1/A1 Störaussendung / Radiation / Emission: Tabelle / table / tableau 4; Klasse / Class / Classe B.
Störfestigkeit / Immunity / Imunitee: Tabelle / table / tableau A1.
EN 61000-3-2/A14 Oberschwingungsströme / Harmonic current emissions / Émissions de courant harmonique: Klasse / Class / Classe D.
EN 61000-3-3 Spannungsschwankungen u. Flicker / Voltage fl uctuations and fl icker / Fluctuations de tension et du fl icker.
Datum /Date /Date
22.07.2004 Unterschrift / Signature /Signatur
G. Hübenett Produktmanager
General information regarding the CE marking
HAMEG instruments fulfi ll the regulations of the EMC directive. The conformity test made by HAMEG is based on the actual generic- and product standards. In cases where different limit values are applicable, HAMEG applies the severer standard. For emission the limits for residential, commercial and light industry are applied. Regarding the immunity (susceptibility) the limits for industrial environment have been used.
The measuring- and data lines of the instrument have much infl uence on emmission and immunity and therefore on meeting the acceptance limits. For different applications the lines and/or cables used may be different. For measurement operation the following hints and conditions regarding emission and immunity should be observed:
1. Data cables For the connection between instruments resp. their interfaces and external devices, (computer, printer etc.) suffi ciently screened cables must be used. Without a special instruction in the manual for a reduced cable length, the maximum cable length of a dataline must be less than 3 meters and not be used outside buildings. If an interface has several connectors only one connector must have a connection to a cable. Basically interconnections must have a double screening. For IEEE-bus purposes the double screened cables HZ72S and HZ72L from HAMEG are suitable.
3. Infl uence on measuring instruments. Under the presence of strong high frequency electric or magnetic fi elds, even with careful setup of the measuring equipment an infl uence of such signals is unavoidable. This will not cause damage or put the instrument out of operation. Small deviations of the measuring value (reading) exceeding the instruments specifi cations may result from such conditions in individual cases.
HAMEG Instruments GmbH
2. Signal cables Basically test leads for signal interconnection between test point and instrument should be as short as possible. Without instruction in the manual for a shorter length, signal lines must be less than 3 meters and not be used outside buildings. Signal lines must screened (coaxial cable - RG58/U). A proper ground connection is required. In combination with signal generators double screened cables (RG223/U, RG214/U) must be used.
Subject to change without notice
Declaration of Conformity 2
General information regarding the CE-marking 2
4¾ Digit Programmable Multimeter HM8012 4
Specifi cations 5
Control elements 6
Function test 7
Calibration 8
Circuit and layout diagrams 9
Subject to change without notice
4 -digit display with 50,000 counts, basic accuracy 0.05%
Automatic and manual range selection
Max. resolution 10 μV, 0.01 dBm, 10 nA, 10 mΩ, 0.1 °C/°F
Offset function / relative value measurement in basic measurement functions
Input impedance ›1 GΩ (0.5 V and 5 V DC range)
RS-232 interface
PC software for control and data logging
Mainframe HM8001-2 required for operation
4 -Digit Programmable Multimeter HM8012
WDM8012 Software (included)
HZ15 (included)
WDM8012 Software (included)
Subject to change without notice
4 -Digit programmable Multimeter HM8012
Valid at 23 °C after a 30 minute warm-up period
DC voltage
Measurement ranges: 500mV, 5V, 50 V, 500V, 600 V Resolution: 10 μV, 100μV, 1m V, 10mV, 100m V Accuracy:
5 V, 500 V, 600V: ±(0.05 % of reading +0.002 % of full scale) 500 mV, 50 V: ±(0.05% of reading + 0.004 % of full scale)
Overload protection:
V/Ω/T°/dB/ to COM and to chassis:
850 V
at max. 60 Hz or 600 V
COM against chassis: 250 V
at max. 60 Hz or 250 V
Input resistance:
50 V, 500 V, 600V: 10 MΩ II 90 pF 500 mV, 5 V: › 1GΩ II 90 pF
Input current: 10 A CMRR1): 100 dB (50 /60Hz ± 0.5 %) SMRR2): 60 dB (50/60 Hz ± 0.5%)
dB Mode
Accuracy: ±(0.02 dB+2 digits) (display › -38.7 dBm) Resolution: 0.01 dB above 18 % of rating
DC current
Measurement ranges: 500μA, 5 mA, 50 mA, 500mA, 10 A Resolution: 10 nA, 100nA, 1 μA, 10μA, 1 mA Accuracy:
0.5-500 mA: ±(0.2 % of reading + 0.004 % of full scale) 10 A: ±(0.3 % of reading + 0.004 % of full scale)
Voltage drop:
10 A range: 0.2 V max. 500 mA range: 2.5 V max. other ranges: 0.7 V max.
AC voltage
Measurement ranges: 500mV, 5 V, 50 V, 500V, 600 V Resolution: 10 μV, 100 mV, 1mV, 10 mV, 100mV Accuracy 0.5-50 V:
40 Hz-5 kHz: ± (0.4 % of reading + 0.07 % of full scale) 20 Hz-20 kHz: ± (1 % of reading + 0.07 % of full scale)
Accuracy 500 V and 600 V:
40 Hz-1 kHz: ± (0.4 % of reading + 0.07 % of full scale) 20 Hz-1 kHz: ± (1 % of reading + 0.07 % of full scale)
Overload protection:
V/Ω/T°/dB/ to COM and to chassis:
850 Vpat max. 60 Hz or 600 V
COM against chassis: 250 V
at max. 60 Hz or 250 V
Input impedance
AC mode: 1 MΩ II 90pF AC + DC mode: 10 MΩ II 90 pF
Bandwidth at –3 dB: 80 kHz typical dB mode: 20 Hz - 20 kHz Accuracy
–23.8 dBm to 59.8 dBm: ±0.2 dBm
Resolution: 0.01 dB above 9 mV CMRR1): 60 dB (50/60 Hz ± 0.5%) Crest factor: 7 max.
AC current
Measurement ranges: 500μA, 5 mA, 50 mA, 500mA, 10 A Resolution: 10 nA, 100nA, 1 μA, 10μA, 1 mA Accuracy:
0.5 - 500 mA: ±(0.7 % of reading + 0.07 % of f.s.)40 Hz - 5 kHz 10 A: ±(1 % of reading + 0.07 % of full scale)
AC + DC measurements
As shown for AC + 25 digits
Measurement ranges: 500Ω, 5 kΩ, 50 kΩ, 500kΩ, 5 MΩ, 50 MΩ Resolution: 10 mΩ, 100 mΩ, 1Ω, 10 Ω, 100Ω, 1 kΩ Accuracy:
500 Ω to 500 kΩ: ±(0.05% of reading + 0.004% of f.s.+50 mΩ) 5 MΩ to 50 MΩ: ±(0.3% of reading + 0.004 % of full scale) Input protection max. 300V
Measurement current: 500 Ω-5kΩ range: 1 mA
50 kΩ range: 100 μA 500 kΩ range: 10 μA 5-50 MΩ range: 100 nA
Measurement voltage: 10V typical for open inputs, depending on the
value of resistance to be measured. Negative polarity of measurement voltage is across common terminal.
2-wire resistance measurement with linearization for PT100 sensors as per standard EN60751
Range: –200° C to +500° C Resolution: 0.1° C Measurement current: approx. 1mA Display: in ° C, ° F Accuracy: ± 0.1°C from – 200° C to + 200° C
± 0.2° C from 200° C to 500° C (exception: sensor tolerance)
Temperature coefficient: (reference 23°C)
V = 500 mV, 50 V 30 ppm/° C
600 V range 80 ppm/° C other ranges 20 ppm/° C
V ~ 600 V range 80 ppm /° C
other ranges 50 ppm/° C mA all ranges 200 ppm/° C mA~all ranges 300 ppm/° C Ω 5MΩ, 50 MΩ ranges 200 ppm/° C
other ranges 50 ppm/° C
Power supply (from mainframe):
+ 5 V 300 mA
~26 V 140 mA
Operating temperature: + 10°C to + 40° C Max. relative humidity: 80 % (without condensation) Dimensions ( W x H x D) (without 22-pole flat plug):
135 x 68 x 228 mm
Weight: approx. 0.5kg
Common mode rejection ratio
Serial mode rejection ratio
Accessories supplied: Operator’s Manual, HZ15 PVC test leads, HM8012: + Software CD and interface cable Optional accessories: HZ10 Silicone test leads, HZ812 PT100 Temperature Sensor
HM8012E/140705/ce · Subject to alterations · © HAMEG Instruments GmbH · ® Registered Trademark · DQS-certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000, Reg.-No.: DE-071040 QM
HAMEG Instruments GmbH · Industriestr. 6 · D-63533 Mainhausen · Tel +49 (0)6182 800 0 · Fax +49 (0)6182 800 100 · www.hameg.com · info@hameg.com
A Rohde & Schwarz Company
Subject to change without notice
Control Elements
Control Elements
DISPLAY (7-segment LED + LED)
The digital display shows the measurement value with 4¾ digit resolution, in which the largest fi gure is used up to “5”. It will also display various warning messages. The measurement value will be displayed with decimal points and polarity sign. For DC measurement, a minus sign will appear in front of the gures when the positive polarity of the measured value is connected to the COM input
Indicator denoting validation of the audible continuity test si­gnal. When used as an ohmmeter, the audible signal triggers when the measured resistance value is less than 0.1% of the range or 50 counts. For other functions, the indicator is hid­den.
BEEP (pushbutton)
Pushbutton for activating the audible signal.
A (safety terminal for 4 mm banana plugs) Connection (high potential) for DC and AC current measure­ments in the 10 A range in conjunction with the COM input (low potential).
Current in excess of 10 A (max. 20 A) must not be
applied for a period exceeding 30 s, otherwise the internal measurement resistor thermal device will blow.
mA (safety terminal for 4 mm banana plugs)
Connection (high potential) for DC and AC current measure­ments up to 500 mA in conjunction with COM input tential). The input is fuse-protected.
HOLD (LED) Indicator denoting that the displayed value has been frozen. The function can be activated using key pressing the HOLD/OFFSET key.
COM (safety terminal for 4 mm bana plugs) The COM terminal (low potential) is the common connector for
(low po-
. Deactivation is by
all the measurement functions to which the potential close to the ground of the measured quantity will be applied.
For safety reasons, the voltage across this ter-
minal compared to the case (guard wire, ground) shall be 250 V at most.
Indicator denoting that the displayed value is a relative measu­rement. The displayed value corresponds to the input value less the value present on the display during initial action on the HOLD/OFFSET key
. Activate this function by means of a
second press on the HOLD/OFFSET key.
(safety terminal for 4 mm banana plugs) Connection (high potential) for measurements of voltages, resistances, temperatures and diode junctions in conjunction with the COM input
(safety terminal).
For safety reasons, the voltage across this ter-
minal compared to the case (guard wire, ground) shall be 600 V
at most.
HOLD/OFFSET (pushbutton)
Pushbutton for validating the HOLD or OFFSET functions. Pres­sing the key the fi rst time will freeze the front panel display. The HOLD indicator
and keys are inoperative.
then lights up. The AUTO, AC-DC, BEEP,
A second press gives access to the relative mode. The value mem or ized b y the HOLD func ti on is then su btr acted f ro m each measurement before being displayed. The OFFSET indicator
lights up. A third press will freeze the relative value. The HOLD OFFSET
indicators light up. A fourth press will delete the
HOLD and OFFSET mode.
(pushbutton) Pushbutton for changing to a lower range. On each press, the new range is displayed fl eetingly on the display in code form (L1 for lowest range, L2 for second range, etc.).
 (pushbutton) Pushb ut ton fo r changin g to a higher r an ge. Each t ime presse d, the new range will be displayed fl eetingly on the d ispl ay i n code form (L1 for lowest range, L2 for second range, etc.).
Subject to change without notice
Function Test
RS-232 (DB9)
Female DB9 connector intended for serial communication.
Indicator signalling that the multimeter is in AUTOMATIC mode. In this mode, action on keys
and is inoperative.
AUTO (pushbutton) Pushbutton for switching the AUTO range selection to the MA­NUAL range selection and vice versa. In MANUAL mode, the choice of range is left to user initiative using the keys
and .
Unit display zone (LED) This zone contains a display of the measurement units. It al­so identifi es the function selected by pressing the
AC-DC (pushbutton) This key is used for selecting the measurement mode (DC, rms AC or rms AC + DC). Indicators below indicate the measurement mode:
DC: measurement of DC voltages AC: measurement of RMS AC voltages DC + AC: measurement of RMS AC+DC voltages.
Pushbutton for selecting the next function.
a) DC voltage ranges
No. Range Reference Display limits
(+23 °C) 1 500 mV 250 mV 249.85 - 250.15 2 5 V 2.5 V 2.4986 - 2.5014 3 50 V 25. V 24.985 - 25.015 4 500 V 250 V 249.86 - 250.14
5 600 V 550.00 V 549.7 - 550.3
b) AC voltage ranges
No. Range Reference Display limits
(+23 °C) 1 500 mV 250 mV (1) 248.65 - 251.35 (2) 247.15 - 252.85 2 5 V 2.5 V (1) 2.4865 - 2.5135 (2) 2,4715 - 2.5285 3 50 V 25 V (1) 24.865 - 25.135 (2) 24.715 - 25.285 4 500 V 250 V (3) 248.65 - 251.35
(4) 247.15 - 252.85 5 600 V 550 V (3) 547.3 - 552.6 (4) 544.0 - 555.9
(1) = 40 Hz to 5 kHz (2) = 20 Hz to 20 kHz (3) = 40 Hz to 1 kHz (4) = 20 Hz to 1 kHz.
(pushbutton) Pushbutton for selecting the previous function. On startup, the unit switches automatically to the DC voltmeter, MANUAL mode function and 600 voltrange.
Function Test
This test should help to verify, at certain intervals, the func­tions of HM8012 without any great expenditure in measurement instruments. To achieve thermal balance, the module and the basic instrument, in its case, must be energized for at least 60 minutes before the test begins.
Measurement equipment used
Calibrator AC/DC for instance Fluke 5101B / Fluke 5700A / Rotek 600 Resistors of 5 k J by Vishay Resistors 500 k Vishay.
Test procedure
If one of the indicated calibrators is available or if precision cali­brators are appropriate, all the HM8012 measurements ranges can be checked using the following tables which indicate the limi t v alues. Re ca libr atio n, ho wever, s ho uld o nly be p er fo rm ed if the appropriate precision calibrator is available.
, 50 k , 500 k 0.01% for instance model S102
, 5 M 0.02%, for instance models CNS020 by
c) DC current ranges
Range Reference Display limits
(+23 °C) 1 500 μA 250.00 μA 249.48 - 250.52 2 5 mA 2.5000 mA 2.4948 - 2.5052 3 50 mA 25.000 mA 24.948 - 25.052 4 500 mA 250.00 mA 249.48 - 250.52
5 10 A 1.800 A 1.794 - 1.806
d) AC current ranges (f = 400 Hz)
Range Reference Display limits
(+23 °C) 1 500 μA 250.00 μA 247.9 - 252.1 2 5 mA 2.5000 mA 2.479 - 2.521 3 50 mA 25.000 mA 24.79 - 25.21 4 500 mA 250.00 mA 247.9 - 252.1
5 10 A 1.800 A 1.775 - 1.825
e) Resistor ranges
Range Reference Display limits
(+23 °C) 1 500 200.00 199.83 - 200.17 2 5 k 2.0000 k 1.9989 - 2.0011 3 50 k 20.000 k 19.989 - 20.011 4 500 k 200.00 k 199.89 - 200.11
5 5 M 2.0000 M 1.9939 - 2.0061 6 50 M 20.000 M 19.393 - 20.061
Before any change of ranges, ensure that the signal at HM8012 does not represent an unacceptable load of the object under examination. For the link between the calibrator and HM8012, shielded cables must be used to prevent any unwanted infl u- ence caused by the measurement signal.
Subject to change without notice
Calibration of the HM8012 digital multimeter is performed mainly by software. In order to enter the calibration menu keep both pushbuttons AUTO message CAL is displayed. After the release of both pushbut­tons the fi rst calibr ation step will be indicated. First the unit will be shown then the value of the calibration voltage etc. which has to be applied to the instrument. In this mode the following pushbuttons will function as given:
Pushbutton Action
Corrected value of the range selected if the
LED ding step will be displayed.
Displays not yet calibrated values. The LED
will be on, the value can be changed by pushbut­ton
Change to the following calibration step.
Change to the preceding calibration step.
Saving the calibrated values.
and BEEP depressed until the-
is on, otherwise the input of the prece-
Calibration of frequency compensation
While observing the necessary safet y precautions open the in­strument. Select the 50 V AC range. Apply 25 V AC 15 kHz. Adjust the capacitor CV1 until the display reads 25,000 ±5 digits.
Listing of calibration steps
Calibration procedure
1. Apply the calibration value specifi ed.
2. Press BEEP displayed. The LED
3. Press AUTO value should be displayed.
4. Press play the actual calibration information without moving to another step.)
Please note: In order to guarantee a fully calibrated instrument be sure to perform a complete calibration cycle.
– Pressing the AUTO
pushbutton will display the value resulting from the pre­ceding calibration; in case it is correct no calibration will be necessary. Pressing AUTO strument to the menu. Pressing either or the next or the last calibration step will be accessed.
– For precise resistance calibration it is necessary to connect
the calibration resistors as closely to the input terminals as possible.
– Pressing the AC/DC
. The former not yet corrected value will be
will be on.
to perform the calibration, the corrected
in order to proceed. (Pressing will dis-
pushbutton without the BEEP
again will return the in-
pushbutton will store the calibrated
(*) Wait for complete stabilization of the display.
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Circuit and layout diagrams
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