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Print Version: 3.0
Date: 22 September 2003
This manual should accompany:
IBM compatible PC software v7.08
Firmware Series 10
Firmware Version 8
Congratulations on your decision to install a Haltech Engine Management System on your
vehicle. Haltech EFI systems have been successfully installed on thousands of vehicles such
as power offshore boats, twin-turbo Ferraris, py lon racing aircraft, jet skis and snowmobiles.
Many motor sport enthusiasts have discovered that the Haltech computer is easy to use and
gets the job done correctly. The Haltech ECU enables y ou to precisely control fuel-air
mixtures that lead to consistent horsepower and torque from an engine. Precise mixture
cont rol also leads to excellent drivability and fuel e conomy, something that is often lacking in
high-performance carburettor engines.
Haltech users have discovered that the flexibility of the Haltech Electronic Control Unit
(ECU) and PC based programming software leads to easy installation on everything from
traditional pushrod V8s to high performance turbocharged racing motorcycles. We are proud
of t he fact that some of the most resp ect ed professional racers and sup er-car builders in the
world use Haltech equip ment for t he same reasons that Halt ech is pop ular wit h performance
enthusiasts: it is flexible and friendly ; is installed e asily; and you can tune your Halt ech
simply, without having to make the project a major research effort.
Installation Overview
The Haltech F10 sy stem uses a sp ecial-purp ose p rogrammable microcomput er desi gned for
engine management. The F10 system includes the ECU, engine sensors, a special wiring
harness to connect t hem, programmin g software and cable for y ou to tune the syst em. In the
course of the installation, you will mount four electronic engine sensors, two for temperature,
one for throttle position, and one to sense vacuum/pressure. You will run t he wiring harness
through the vehicle, connecting the 12V, ground and signal wires, and plug the harness
connectors into the engine sensors and fuel injectors. An ignition outp ut module will b e
mounted in the engine bay and connected to the harness. Finally, y ou will mount and connect
the ECU itself. The engine must already be configured with intake manifold and suitable
injectors, a fuel rail with pressure regulator, and a high-pressure pump. If your vehicle lacks
one or more of these components, your Haltech dealer can help you obtain them.
With the Haltech system installed, y ou tune it by connecting the ECU to an IBM compatible
PC via the supplied communications cable. The Haltech Pro grammin g software allows y ou to
configure and modify the fuelling data stored in t he ECU: it's as simple as adjusting the
heights of the bar graphs displayed on your PC screen. Collectively, the bar graphs form the
"M aps" that instruct the ECU how to inject fuel under different conditions. The programming
software has been designed to be functional, "friendly" and intuitively easy to use.
When t he time comes to st art your engine, the base fuel map already lo aded in the sy stem
could get you going immediately, if not, a little alteration with some assistance from this
manual should get your vehicle running. Once the engine is running it is time to work on
fine-tuning your maps to suit your engine exactly, an air-fuel ratio meter and a dyno make
tuning easiest, but many people use the traditional method of "seat of the pants" feel and
tuning by ear, possibly checking sp ark plug colour as an indication of fuel mixture.
Whichever method you use, you will find t hat the abilit y to instant ly change mixtures by the
stroke of a key, or the twist of a knob, will make tuning your Halt ech system far easier than
tuning a carburettor or mechanical injection system, and with much better results.
Before You Begin...
At the very least, you should read Section One of the manual, and any of the Appendices that
are relevant to your installation. The greater your knowledge of the op eration of the Haltech
syst em, the easier y ou will find it t o understand what you are doing, and why. Throughout the
manual are Warnin gs and Not es that will help y our installation run smoothly and indic at e t he
dangers that can exist for you the installer and the Haltech ECU.
2) Read any additional material accompanying this manual that updates the document since it
was written.
3) You may need special parts or additional tools or test equipment in order to complete
installation. Make sure you have these items on hand before you begin to avoid frustration.
Contact y our Haltech dealer if you have difficulty.
4) Don't do the minimum work p ossible. Carelessness in t he early stages of installation can
cause you major headaches later on, be it in a few days' or a few months' time. Carelessness
will cost y ou money and frustration in finding and fi xing unnecessary problems. You have the
opportunity to make sure your Haltech system's operation is extremely dependable and easy
to use by doing it right the first time.
There is another reason to exercise care during this installation. You will be dealin g with
exp losive fuel under pressure, electricity and considerable heat. Inside the combustion
chamber, this is a happy combination. In the garage, they are not. The same kind of danger
exists when working underneath a jacked-up car. Please be careful.
5) Electromagn etic interference (EMI) from unsuppressed spark plugs and leads can cause the
ECU to fail. Please do not use them.
6) In hot climates, or with turbocharged engines, you may need to employ heat shielding to
prevent heat soak and damage to electrica l and fuel parts. Use t he coolest surfaces of the
chassis as a heat sink for components and use thermally conductive brackets where
app rop riate.
7) We recommend having your system tuned by professionals. An exhaust gas analyser and
fuel pressure meter make tuning easier and help avoid potentially disastrous lean conditions
that could destroy your engine. Should you wish to tune this unit yourself, make sure you
have some reliable means of determining whether your engine is running lean, Haltech offer
the Haltuner for this purpose. The Haltuner is an inexpensive air-fuel ratio indicator that
gives a full-scale deflection from rich to lean over a disp lay of 30 bar segments. It is
compatible with all O xygen Sensors that output a 0-1V and can be configured upon request
for other sensor ranges. If used in conjunction with a Haltech O xygen Sensor, the Haltuner
will p rovide air-fuel indication for a range of 11.5:1 to 17:1.
Note: In this manual, reference will be made to M AP
Pressure - as in MAP sensor) and the fuel maps stored in the ECU. Both are
common industry terms, with entirely different meanings.
(Manifold Absolute
Tool/Supply Requirements
Installation of this system can be easily carried out by p rofessional mechanics and most
exp erienced home mechanics if t he followin g tools and comp onents are availabl e:
Voltmeter or Test Light
A selection of screwdrivers and spanners
Soldering Iron and solder (we recommend soldering all connections)
Wire Cutters and Pliers
Crimping Tool and assorted terminals
Drill wit h assorted drill bits
3/8" NPT Tap
14mm x 1.5 Tap
Electrical Tape or Heat Shrink tubing
Teflon pipe sealing tape
Ny lon cable ties
Jeweller’s file (may be needed for mounting Throttle Position Sensor)
Mounting hardware for ECU and relays (mounts/bolts/screws)
IBM-PC compatible computer (preferably laptop) with at least 640kb, one disk drive and
an RS232 serial port.
How It Works
While the technology involved with electronic fuel injection is complex, the underlying
principles of its operation are really quite straightforward. The object of any fuel delivery
system in a gasoline engine is to determine the amount of air being drawn by the engine, and
supply the appropriate quantity of fuel to "burn" all the oxy gen in that mass of air.
A carburettor uses primarily only one parameter to determine fuel metering: air speed. High er
air speeds through the carburettor result in larger pressure drop s across the venturis, and thus
more fuel is sucked through the jets.
Electronic fuel injection revolves around the use of solenoid-actuated injectors. These devices
employ a coil att ached to a valve. When the coil is energised, the valve op ens and fuel is
allowed to flow. As long as the p ressure between the fuel and t he air in front of the injector
noz z le is held constant, the rate of fuel flow will remain the same. By accurately cont rollin g
the length of time the injector remains op en, precise quantities of fuel can be metered to the
Since we have no convenient means of directly measuring the amount of air entering the
engine to determine the amount of fuel to deliver, we use a number of engine parameters to
determine an injection opening time. We build a table that breaks the engine's operation into a
series of rp m ranges. At each ran ge, we consider t he load on the en gin e, using either the
position of the throttle or the manifold pressure as a reference to the load on the engine.
Collectively, the ranges in this table (also called a look-up table), form a map of the
volumetric efficiency for the engine. Our standing assumption, therefore, is that for any
combination of engine sp eed and load, we have a direct reference to the amount of air that is
being drawn into the engine by means of this map.
The Haltech F10 uses a digital microcomputer to measure engine speed and load, and uses
them to access the base fu el map. The base fuel map is a look-up table of injector opening
times stored in non-volatile memory i.e. when power is switched off, the contents of the
memory are retained. By using the programming software, the contents of this memory can be
chan ged so that y ou can match inje ct or op ening times to t he injectors y ou are using, and to
suit the requirements of your engine.
Having determined the base injection time, the microcomputer then performs a number of
adjustments to this value. Corrections for air temperature and barometric pressure are app lied,
since these variab les affect the density of air. Extra injection time is also add ed, when
necessary, for transient throttle movement and the temperature of the engine. At the end of all
these calculations, the final injection t ime is det ermined: the t ime for which the injectors are
actually held open.
Inject ion p ulses usually occur one or more t imes per en gine cy cle. T he ECU uses a trigger
signal lo cked to en gine sp eed in order to determin e when to inject. When it receives an
app rop riate trigger, t he ECU ap p lies a magnet isin g current to the injector coils for p recisely as
long as the final computed injection time, providing an extremely accur at e delivery of fuel
that will exactly suit the engine's ne eds.
The F10 and F10A
The F10 offers a basic fuel injection sy st em with limit ed functionality for simp le applications,
the F10A offers optional outputs such as: Idle Speed Control and O2 Closed Loop fuel control
which are dedicated outputs and four programmable outputs. The optional outputs available
wit h the F10A allow the feat ures availab le on mod ern cars such as idle control and t hermofans be run by the F10A ECU. The F10 has no optional outputs.
(Refer Chapter 16 PWM Outputs, 72).
Engine Suitability
• Up to 16,000 rpm
• 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1 0, 12 cy l i nder s (1-2 rot o rs)
• 2 or 4 stroke
• Normally aspirated or supercharged up to 200 kPa (30psi) - Higher boost pressure MAP sensors
available by s peci al arrangem ent
• Load sensing by throttle position or manifold pressure
• Multipoint, batch-fire or staged
Power Re qui reme nts
•••• Power S ou rce
8.6 to 16 Volts DC
•••• Consumption
Haltech ECU: 270 mA at 12 Volts
Injector Load:Dependent on injector type
approx. proportional to injector duty cycle
(typically 0.6 Amps per injector)
Increase and sustain paramet ers
Coolant enrichment factor
T hree speed ranges
F10A and F10A-8 Only
• Idle Sp eed Con trol
T arget Idle Speed
Cold Idle-up Rpm
Post-start Rpm setting
F10A and F10A-8 Only
• Closed Loop Control
With both cruise and idle settings
F10A and F10A-8 Only
• Programmable Output Options
Miscel l ane ous
• Data logging
Engine data information logged at a nominal rate of 10 times per second Stored to memory or disk
Limited only by available memory (approx. 11k/minute).
• Map Storage and Retrieval
Maps may be stored to disk and re-used.
• Real Time Programming
Instant, hesitation free adjustment while engine is running.
• Rugged Aluminium Casing
Black anodised with integral cooling fins and mounting brackets.
• US or Metric Units.
•••• Optional Boost Control Solenoid.
•••• Optional Dual Hall Effect Sensor Kit.
•••• Optional Extra Injector Driver Kit.
•••• Optional Four Wire Heated Oxygen Sensor.
•••• Optional Fully Terminated and Sheathed Wiring Harness
In Lieu of Flying Wire Lead Harn ess.
•Optional Haltuner
Inexpensive dash mounted Air-Fuel Ratio Meter.
F10A and F10A-8 Only
•Optional Idle Air Control Motor Housing.
F10A and F10A-8 Only
•••• Optional Id le Air Control Motor.
•••• Optional Mix tu re / Boost Trim Modul e
Provides ±12½% or ±50% adjustment for fast tuning
Provides ±100% adjustment.
SECTION 1 Getting Started
1.1 Overvie w
The Haltech F10 sy stem comp rises the following components
Haltech Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
Coolant Temperature Sensor
Inlet Air Temperature Sensor
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
Manifold Absolute Pressure (M AP) Sensor
(1,2 or 3 Bar Sensor - purchased separately to main kit at extra cost) Main Wiring Harness
Haltech F10 system Instruction M anual
Programming Cab le
Programming Disk
Optional Items
Fuel Mixture / Boost Trim Control
Driver Box
F10A and F10A-8 Only
Exh aust Gas Oxygen Sensor
Idle Sp eed Control M otor
Other components not supplied as p art of the F10 system include:
Inlet M anifold
Throttle body
Throttle linkages
Velocity stacks
Injector M ounts
Fuel injectors
High-pressure fuel pumps
Inlet Air Cleaners
Performance ignit ion sy stems
Trigger System
Haltuner Air/Fuel Ratio M eter
1.2 Installation Summary
- M ount M anifold Absolute Pressure Sensors
- M ount Coolant Temperature Sensors
- M ount Inlet Air Temperature Sensors
- M ount Throttle Position Sensors
- M ount optional Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (if used)
- Route M ain Wiring Harness and connect sensors
- M ount and connect Power Relays
- M ount Fuse Block
- M ount ECU inside passenger co mp art ment
- Locate and connect flying wires:
RED + 12 volts battery
GREY Ignition on 12 volts
BLACK Chassis ground
ORANGE (2 wires) Fuel Pump Circuit
- Connect Trigger signal
- Connect ECU and test.
F10A and F10A-8 Only
- Install and connect the optional Idle Speed Motor
- Install and connect any Optional Outputs
1.3 Expanded Installation Guide
1.3.1. Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor
The MAP sensor is used to convert the manifold pressure into an electrical signal for the F10
ECU to use. The sensor works in absolute p ressures, thus its calibration is not affected by
changes in barometric pressure. The vacuum and, in the case of forced air induction engines,
the pressure under boost, is proportional to the load under which the engine is op erating and
the ECU uses the electrical signa l as a lo ad refer ence.
There are three types of M AP sensors that can be used with F10 sy stem. Which sensor is
required depends on the engine set-up.
1 Bar Sensor (Part No. 039 4070)
(-100kPa to 0 kPa) Normally Aspirated Engines
2 Bar Sensor (Part No. 886 3189)
(-100kPa to 100kPa) Turbo or Supercharged
Engines up to 100kPa boost
(15 p si , 1 atmosphere)
3 Bar Sensor (Part No. 749 3169)
(-100kPa to 200kPa) Turbo or Supercharged
Engines up to 200kPa boost
(30 Psi, 2 atmospheres)
Note: M ake sure you have the correct M AP sensor for your engine. The first
three digits of the p art number are stamped on the sensor housing.
If the engine is running in Throttle Position mode, a 1 Bar M AP sensor (left
open to atmosphere) is used to measure the barometric pressure.
If the engine is running in Manifold Pressure M ode, at least one M AP sensor
must be used. The first MAP sensor must be connected to the M AP Input p lug
on the wiring loom and provides an indication of the engine load.
The second MAP sensor (1 Bar MAP sensor left open to atmosphere) is used
to measure barometric pressure can be fitted. It connects to the Spare Input
plug near the M ain Connector.
The MAP sensor is usually mounted high on the engine bay firewall or inner guard using two
screws and with the hose nipp le facing outwards. Connect the sensor to the inlet manifold via
a short length of vacuum hose and fasten with either hose clamps or nylon cable ties. Connect
the sensor to the main wiring harness using the appropriate plug. (For 1 Bar sensors the plug
is green, for 2 and 3 Bar sensors the plug is orange). Avoid mounting the sensor below the
level of the fuel injectors, because fuel may collect in the vacuum hose and run down into the
sensor. The sensor assembly is weatherproof but it is good practice to mount the sensor in a
protected p osit ion away from moisture and heat .
1.3.2. Coolant Temperature Sensor
The coolant temp erature is used to determine t he fuel mixture corrections requir ed when not
at op erating temp erature.
The coolant temp erature sensor has a solid brass t emp erat ure sensing tip . Refer to the diagram
below for technical details of the sensor. The coolant sensor supplied is an industry standard
component and some engines may already have provision for this type of sensor.
The coolant temperature sensor is designed to screw into a threaded hole and protrude into the
engine coolant stream. For air-cooled engines, the sensor can be embedded directly into the
engine block or used to sense oil temperature.
Locate a suitable p osition on the en gine which will allow the hole and t hread t o be machined,
and which gives access to the coolant stream. The sensor should be mounted after the engine
and before the thermostat in the coolant circuit. Since most engines have existing temperature
sensor holes, it is often p ossible to mount the Haltech sensor in one of these holes. A thread
adapter is sometimes necessary. In some engines only one temperature sensor hole exists and
is used for the dashboard gauge sender. It is usually possible to install a tee-piece to allow
both the dashboard sender and the Haltech sender to share access to t he same t hreaded hole.
If it is necessary t o drain t he coolant from the vehic le t o fit the t emp erature sensor t hen the
factory manual for the engine should be consulted for the correct p rocedure to restore the
coolant and purge the cooling sy stem of air.
1.3.3. Inlet Air Temperature Sensor
The air t emp erat ure sensor is used to compensate for changes in air density due to air
temperat ure. Cold air is denser than warm air and t herefore requires a great er volume of fuel
to maint ain the same air/fuel ratio. This effect is most not iceable in forced induction engines.
The Haltech F10 will automat ical ly comp ensat e using the signal received from the a ir
temperature sensor.
The sensor should be mounted to provide the best representation of the actual temperature of
the air enterin g the combust ion cha mber, i.e. aft er any turbo or supercharger, and intercooler,
and as close to the head as p ossible. T he sensor needs to be in the moving air stream to give
fast response times and reduce heat-soak effects.
Note: The Haltech air t emp erature sensor will read temperat ures up to 120° C
and temperatures above this will be int erpret ed as a fault condition. The air
temperat ure aft er some turbos and sup erchargers can exceed t his. If this occurs
with your engine you should consider fitting an intercooler to reduce air
temperat ure and increase char ge density . If t his is not possible then the air
temperature sensor should be p laced upstream of t he turbo or supercharger t o
monit or ambient air temp erature.
Once a suitable position has been located for the air temperature sensor a hole should be
drilled and tapped t o accept the sensor. Remove the manifold or inlet tract from the en gine
before machining the sensor mount. Do not allow any metal particles to enter the inlet
manifold of the engine as these will be drawn int o the engine and damage it. Wash all
components before reassembly.
1.3.4. The Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
The throttle position sensor is mounted to the throttle butterfly shaft to measure its rotation. A
TPS is common on many late model engines and the Haltech sensor should attach with little
or no modification. The throttle shaft must protrude from the side of the throttle body. This
may require the machining of the throttle body or the manufacture of a new throttle shaft. The
inner mechanism of the sensor rotates with the shaft. If the shaft is round then file a flat
surface on the shaft so that it will p ass through the sensor assembly . The TPS should be
mounted against the side of the throttle body, using two screws, such that the throttle shaft
and t he sensor mechanism can rotate freely. The absolute range of sensor movement is not
important as the sensor can be calibr at ed using the programmin g software.
Your engine may have a Throttle position sensor already fitted and it is often possible to make
use of this TPS. The Haltech supplied TPS has a resistance value ranging from 0 to 10kΩ.
The resistance value of t he installed TPS does not have to be the same since the ECU uses a
throttle calibration function to determine the position of the throttle based on the signal
receiv ed from the TPS. Be sure to wire t he TPS so that the ECU sees a closed valu e when the
throttle is closed, the Engine data page field “throttle position” should read “closed” or “0%”
when the t hrott le is closed.
Note: M ake sure that the axis of rotation of the shaft is exactly aligned with the
axis of rotation of the sensor. Also, do not use the TPS as a throttle stop. In
either case, t he TPS will be damaged.
F10A and F10A-8 Only
1.3.5. Mount Optional Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
The optional exhaust gas oxygen sensor must be mounted in the exhaust pipe near the exh aust
header or e xtractors, usually aft er the collector. The sensor uses the exhaust gas to detect if
the engine is lean or rich. M any late model engines already have provision for an exhaust gas
oxygen sensor and the sensor provided should fit any standard exhaust mount. Some exh aust
systems have the sensor mount up to around half a meter (2 feet) down stream from the
exh aust headers.
If the exhaust system does not have an existing sensor mount then a new mount will have to
be welded to the exh aust system.
When rout ing the elect rical conn ect ions to the exhaust gas oxygen sensor do not allow the
harness to t ouch the exhaust p ip e as t he heat will damage them.
See Chapter 15 [15.3] for more information on exhaust gas oxygen sensors.
1.3.6. Route Wiring Harness and Connect Sensors
Lay the main wiring harness out in the engine bay with the sensors mounted to ascertain the
best fit for the harness. Pass the wiring loom through a hole in the engine bay firewall and
into t he passenger compartment where the ECU will be mounted. Either use an existing hole
or cut a new hole to suit. Use a rubber grommet or similar device to p rotect the harness from
being damaged by rubbing on the sharp edge of the hole.
Note: Be neat. Run the harness in a tidy fashion. Try to run the harness along
paths used by original wiring. Use nylon cable ties to secure the harness in
place, but do not stress the wiring or connectors.
Once the harness is fit ted, connect all the sensors to their app ropriat e p lugs.
1.3.7. Power Relays
There are two relays used with the Haltech F10, the Main Power Relay (with a grey wire) and
the Fuel Pump Relay (two orange wires). These relays are identical parts so it is not important
which relay go es in what connector.
These relays should be mounted on the firewall or an inner guard. Do not mount the relays
such that they could catch and collect splashed water. Residual water inside the relay housing
will cause t hem to fai l. Mount them with the tab upwards as shown in the diagram.
1.3.8. Fuse Block Assembly
The fuse block assembly holds the fuses that protect the various components of the Haltech
F10 system.
The fuse block is supplied from the factory with fuses installed. The fuse ratings are shown in
the diagram and should not be changed as these have been selected for best protection.
Altering the fuse ratings could cause severe damage to the F10 system.
The fuse block should be positioned so that it can be easily accessed in case of fuse f ailure.
Do not mount the fuse block where it could be exposed to water. M ount via the two screws
holes in t he block. Ensure that vibration will not cause t he screws to vibrate loose.
Connect the Fuse Block assembly to the M ain Harness.
1.3.9. Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
The Haltech F10 is not designed to be waterproof. It is desirable that the ECU be given as
much protection from the environment as possible. It is recommended that the ECU be
mounted inside the passenger compartment, either on the firewall, under the dashboard or
under the passenger seat.
The ECU has four mounting holes that allow it to be mounted to most flat surfaces. In
extreme cases of vibration, the ECU should be mounted on rubber anti-vibration pads. When
mounting the ECU remember that the communications connector on the loom should remain
accessibl e for ease of programmin g.
1.3.10. Flying Leads
Locate and conn ect the following flying leads.
Black (Ground)
Locate a good chassis ground point and connect the black wire.
Re d
(Battery Supply +12V) Locate a source of continuous +12 volts and connect the red
wire. Connecting direct to the positive battery terminal is suggested.
(Ignition Switched +12V) The grey wire is used to control the operation of the Haltech
F10 power relay. It needs to be connected so that it sees 12V only when the ignition
switch is on and during cranking. This wire does not draw a large amount of current (<
0.5A). Do not connect to the accessory outputs of the ignit ion swit ch.
(Aux In) The green wire is used as the Aux In channel. This is used if you wish to use
the Aux Inp ut for Torque Converter control, a turbo timer, etc (Refer Chapter 16
PWM Outputs, 72).
The two orange wires are used to op erate the fuel p ump. When t he Halt ech F10 ECU
wants t o op erate the fuel p ump it will close t he fuel p ump relay connecting the two
orange wires together. The diagrams show two examples of wiring the fuel p ump. Do
not add extra relays to the fuel pump circuit.
Ex ampl e 1: Connecting to the p ositive si de of the fuel pump.
Ex ampl e 2: Connecting to the n egative side of the fuel pu mp.
Regardless of which e xample is used bot h will operate correctly . Note t hat the orange wires
are connected internally within the loom when the relay is closed. As a result it does not
matter which orange wire is used to connect to the fuel pump.
F10A and F10A-8 Only
1.3.11. Install and connect Optional Idle Speed Motor
If y ou are not using the Idle Speed Cont rol, tie the loom connector back neatly in t he engine
bay . If t he engine has a suitable Id le Sp eed Motor then you may connect it to the wiring loo m,
otherwise y ou can inst all a Haltech supp lied idle air cont rol mot or. For details on how t o
install and plumb the Idle Sp eed Motor, see Chapter 14.
F10A and F10A-8 Only
1.3.12. Install and connect any Optional Outputs
If you are planning to use any of the Programmable Op tional Outputs, install and connect
them now. Dep ending on what opt ions y ou are using, the wirin g will b e different .
(Refer SECTION 4 F10 Inputs & Outputs, 61)
1.3.13 Connect the Trigger Sensor
The F10 requires a trigger signal on each spark event in the engine rotation ie. A 4-stroke V8
will have 4 sp ark events per engine rot at ion (or 8 sp ark events p er cam rot ation). The trigger
signal can be one of the following:
Coil Negative:
The F10 can use the switching voltage at the negative terminal of the ignition coil as a
trigger signal in what is called a “coil negative” trigger set-up. To wire the F10 for
this trigger set-up; connect the trigger wire in the Haltech loom to the negative
terminal of the ignition coil.
Tacho Output:
Some popular ignition systems have a tacho output signal which can be used to trigger
the F10. It is necessary to use this output if the ignition system used is a Capacitive
Discharge Ignition system with a multiple spark function.
Hall Effect and Optical Triggers:
The F10 can also accept a signal from Hall Effect and Op tical triggers sy stems. T hese
trigger dev ices genera lly 3 have connections each - ground, p ower and the signal. The
trigger connector on the Main Harness has six pins. These pins and their connections
are shown in the diagram below.
F 13.8 V DC
For more information on the F10 trigger system; (Refer Appendix D Trigger Interface,
1.3.14 Connect the ECU
The ECU can now be connected and tested. Be sure to engage the clip on the main connector,
this will mak e sure the main connector p art s mate correctly and redu ces the m echanical strain
on the connector bodies. The system can now be tested as described in the following chapters.
Now that your Haltech F10 is installed with all the sensors in place the system can be
connected to t he programm in g comp uter. T his will allow the readings from all the sensors to
be displayed on the screen and checked for correct operation.
To connect the PC to t he Halt ech F10 ECU you will need the p rogrammin g cable and
programmin g disk supplied.
2.1 Connecting the Haltech F10 to a Computer
The p rogramming cable supplied with t he Halt ech F10 is a standard seria l link extension
cable. One end of the cable will plug into t he Main Harness PC Interface connector (near the
main connector). The other end should plug into the mating connector at the back of y our
computer. The plug on the computer may be marked "Serial", "Mouse" or "COM". Almost all
laptops will have this plug. If t here is no 9 pin plug which it will connect to, check to see if
there is a 25 p in D-type p lug av ail able (some desk top computers will have this). If this is t he
case, an ap p ropriate cable can be supp lied on request . Alt ernatively , most electronic retailers
will have a 25-p in to 9-pin converter.
Any time you wish to communicate with the F10 ECU it needs to be supplied with power.
This usually involves just turning on the ignition switch. If at any stage power is not on, or the
programmin g cab le is disconnected while attempting to communicate, the programming
software will display t he message RECONNECT HALTECH. To rectify this, reconnect
power and/or the p rogramming cable.
2.2 Ope rating the Software
2.2.1 Computer Requirements
The comp uter required to program the Haltech F10 can be any IBM-PC compatible p ersonal
computer from the XT onwards (i.e. the AT, 386, 486 or Pentium computers). The
requirements are fairly modest. The computer must have at least 640K of RAM (with about
590kb free for executable programs), one 3.5" disk drive and a CGA, EGA, or VGA screen.
(Virtually all reasonably modern laptops running MS-DOS (version 5.00 or higher) will fit
this description).
2.2.2 Installing the Software
The Programming Disk supplied with the Haltech F10 has an installation program that allows
you to install the software onto the PC’s Hard Disk. M ost modern PCs have a hard disk. If
your PC does not have a hard disk, the F10 Program can run directly from the disk supplied.
Installing the soft ware on the Hard Disk will sp eed up t he program and avoid hav in g to fiddl e
around with floppy disks. The installation program need only be run once.
If you do not have a Hard Disk, go to the section titled Running the Software from the Fl oppy Dri ve .
To install the software follow these steps.
Boot up Computer
Turn your PCs power on and boot up M S-DOS as instructed by the computers Users Manual.
If a shell program or menu utility runs automatically when you boot y our computer, exit it
now. You should see something like this:
This is the ‘DOS Prompt’. It is DOS’ way of indicating that it is waiting for a command. The
C: indicates that the C drive is the drive currently selected. If you do not have a hard disk,
your p romp t will p robably look like this :
Select the Drive
To run the INSTALL program, you must insert the supplied disk in the disk drive. If the drive
is t he A drive, then it must be currently selected. T o select the A drive (or B drive if it is the
required drive) type :
The yyyy key is the Enter Key. On some keyboards it may be called the Return key. You should
now see the prompt :
A:\>_ or B:\>_
Run the INSTALL Program
To run the Install program type :
The Install program will now run. Follow the instructions given. The program will suggest
that the software will be placed in t he HALTECH direct ory . You can change t he dest ination
directory, but it is not recommended that you do unless you understand how directories work.
When it is finished, t he installation p rogram will t ell y ou if the installation is successful. If it
was not, consult the trouble shooting section of this manual.
The F10 Program is now ready to run.
Dy or %y
2.2.3 Running the Software from the Hard Disk
Boot your computer up as described earlier. If your computer is already on, make sure the C
drive is currently selected. To change to the HALTECH directory type :
or, if you used a different destination directory, type that path.
To start the program type :
The F10 p rogram will now run. The next section is on running the software from a floppy
drive. You can skip this section and go straight to the section entitled Azerty Keyboards.
2.2.4 Running the Software from the Floppy Disk
To run the software from a floppy drive, boot your computer up as described earlier. Insert the
Programming disk in the disk drive. If t he driv e is t he A drive, then it must be currently
selected. To select the A drive (or B drive if it is the required drive) type :
You should now see the prompt :
A:\>_ or B:\>_
To start the F10 program typ e :
Dy or %y
The F10 program will now run.
2.2.5 Azerty Keyboards
M ost countries use a keyboard where t he first six letter key s across the top row are :
This is called a Qwerty keyboard. Some countries use an alternative, which is called an
Azerty keyboard, where the Q and W keys are swapped with the A and Z keys respectively. If
you have an Azerty keyboard, y ou need to run the software slightly differently. When you
would normally type:
to run the programmin g software (not the installation software), you need to instead type :
The /A tells t he program y ou have an Azerty key board. The program will adjust accordin gly.
2.3 The ONLINE and OFFLIN E Modes
On the F10 system title page, the software asks whether t o op erate in ONLINE or OFFLINE
mode. The OFFLINE mode is very useful to familiarise yourself with the Haltech software,
but cannot be used to make lasting adjustments to the fuel maps except by modifying maps
then saving those maps and re-loading them to the ECU in the on-line mode. Also lasting
changes to the main, fuel and M ain Set-up p ages cannot be made in the OFFLINE mode. Do
not att empt to make lasting changes to the ECU unless there is a special reason for doing so.
If you wish to exp eriment and familiarise yourself with the software press N for OFFLINE
mode, but if the ECU is installed and power is available then we suggest the ONLINE mode
be selected. Press Y to select ONLINE mode.
2.4 Using the System ONLINE
In the ONLINE mode there is a two-way flow of information between the ECU and the
programmin g computer. The communication cable must be installed and power must be
available t o the ECU before the sy stem can communicate. T he ONLINE mode will be used
most frequently. While using the system ONLINE, you can view engine information directly
and make adjustments. Any changes or modifications made on the computer are instantaneous
and will be imm ediately recorded in the ECU. When the p rogrammin g cable is remov ed and
the ignition switched off, the ECU will retain all of its memory. The maps do not need to be
saved, but keeping a copy on disk is always good practice and is recommended. (See 9.1)
Note: If p ower is removed or the communication cable is disconnected or
interfered with, the following message will be displayed on the computer
If this message app ears check all connections and ensure that the communications cable is not
being interfered with. Also be sure that the Haltech F10 unit is receiving power. (i.e.. ignition
switch is turned "on".)
2.5 The Main Menu
When y ou select ONLINE or OFFLINE mode the Halt ech M AIN M ENU bar app ears. T his
menu bar allows access to submenus giving access to maps, file storage/retrieval, engine data
and options.
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