2.4 Meaning of the LED’s
The following LED’s are under the transparent sealing plug:
Green LED = RUN LED in accordance with IO-Link:
- off: IO-Link communication not available
- 90% on; 10% off: IO-Link communication available
Orange LED = time stamp function
- off: Process output data consist of control word and target position
- on: Process output data contain time stamp (for an open C/Q-pin)
Yellow LED = Display actuator voltage
- off: no motor voltage present
- Continuous lights: motor voltage present
2.5 Commissioning
After applying the supply voltage the PSx3xxIO may perform no initial reference loop
before the first positioning. A positioning or manual drive order may be commenced
Process of the positioning operation (with loop)
The PSx3xxIO distinguishes between the following cases in a positioning process
(assumption: The direction in which each target position is approached is forwards):
1. New position value is greater than current one: The position is approached
2. New position value is less than current one: There is a reverse of 5/8 rotations
and the exact position is approached in forward motion.
3. New position value is greater than the current one, but was previously a reverse
without loop drive (e.g. a manual drive): Since the loop length > 0, the drive
moves the position in all cases with a forward movement, whose length is at least
the same as the loop length. In order to achieve this, the drive, if necessary,
initially goes in the reverse direction, i.e. in the opposite direction to the desired
direction of travel. The maximum length of this route is the loop length.
After reaching the target position, this position is compared with the internal absolute
encoder position. In the event of a deviation, the status bit "ERROR” is set (Bit 9 in
the status word).
In the delivery condition, the loop length is > 0, i.e. each target position is approached
in forward direction.