Hall Research
Technologies, Inc
1163 Warner Ave
Tustin, CA 92780
Phone: (714) 641-6607
Fax: (714) 641-6698
Oppeerraattiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
Projector Controller
Programmable Serial
Projector Controller Programmable Serial Device
Table of Contents
DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 4
FEATURES .................................................................................................................... 4
OPERATION ................................................................................................................. 5
HOW TO CREATE COMMAND STRINGS .......................................................... 6
UPLOADING COMMANDS TO THE URA-RS232.............................................. 7
CONNECTING THE URA-RS232 TO THE SERIAL DEVICE ......................... 8
SPECIAL CONNECTION INFORMATION:......................................................... 8
FRONT PANEL STATUS INDICATOR.................................................................. 9
WARRANTY ...............................................................................................................10
LIMITED LIABILITY............................................................................................... 10
Model URA-RS232
The Model URA-RS232 is a standard VGA-plus-Audio over Cat5
Receiver with the added feature of having a programmable RS-232
serial device port for the control & automation of a Projector, LCD,
or any other device with serial port.
The URA-RS232 has a discrete input that senses a dry contact
closure (or Voltage Level)
“High-To-Low” transitions of the ‘EXT CTRL’ input and issues
corresponding commands out the serial port of the URA-RS232 to
the serial device (projector).
The commands can be any ASCII (or non-ASCII) data with
programmable delays embedded in the string. The commands can
also be complex multi-part strings typical of many modern
Hall Research provides a powerful Windows® based application
(available on-line) that is used to create the data files and upload it
to the URA-RS232, via a supplied cable.
. It detects both “Low-To-High” and
9 Compact, Reliable, and Economical
9 2 user-programmable Command Strings
9 Allows multiple instances of user-defined delays within
each string
9 Intuitive Operation
9 Windows™ software for programming available on-line
9 Made in USA
9 Dual color front panel LED status indicator