Hallicrafters S-19R Sky Buddy
Two versions
Hallicrafters low-priced 6 tube transformer-operated receiver. General coverage of 545KHz to
44MHz in 4 bands. Price was $29.50 according to the full-page introductory ad on the back cover
of the March 1939 Radio News, "Now with 10 Meter Band and Electrical Bandspread". It
replaced the S-19 which had a single tuning control, using mechanical bandspread rather than
electrical. The S-19 was last advertised in Radio News in the January 1939 issue.
A later variation of the S-19R (below) uses a toggle switch for the standby-receive function
instead of a slide switch. The later version also swapped the double ended 6K7 and 6Q7 (tubes
with grid caps) for the single ended 6SK7 and 6SQ7. Other tubes used in both versions were 80
rectifier, 41 audio output, 76 for BFO, and 6K8 for oscillator- mixer. The "meter" in the center is
the bandspread scale.