Haier Telecom 1411HW-W717 User Manual

Haier W717
User Manual
Android 4.4 is the Operating System for your Touch
Screen Smartphone –Haier-W717.
Thanks for choosing the Ha ier W717, Dual SIM Android smart phone based on 1.2 G Hz Dual Core Processor. This smart p hone is running on Android OS, v 4.4. If you ’d like your phone to live a long and fruitful life, pleas e read this guide carefully and keep it for future reference. You never know when you might need it.
And don’t worry if the pictures we use t o demonstrate your phone’s functions look a little different from what you see on its screen. It’s the functions that matter.
* The Manufacturer reserves the right for the changes in the manual without advanced notice.
SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
Please read through the following briefings carefully, and act in accordance with these rules,
so as to prevent causing any dange r or violating any law.
Use cell phone when the signal strength is good. Keep your calls sho rt or instead use headset o r send a text message. This advice applies especially to children, ado lescents and pregnant women.
If you are using a Bluetooth headset device, please make sure it has a low power emitter.
Caution: risk of explosion if ba ttery is replaced by an incorrect type.
Dispose of used batteries according to the instructio ns.
For pluggable e quipment, the socket-outlet shall be
installed nea r the equipment and shall be easily accessible.
UUssiinngg yyoouurr pphhoonnee ssaaffeellyy
On The Road
Using a phone while driving is illegal in many countries. Please follow local laws a nd drive safely at all times.
Near Sensitive Electronics
Don’t use your phone near sensitive electronic equipment – particularly medical devices such as pacemakers – as it could cause them to malfunction. It can also interfere with the o peration of fire dete ctors and other automatic-control equipment.
For more information about how your phone affects pacemakers or other electronic equipment, please contact the manufacturer or your local distributor.
Your phone may cause interference when used near T Vs,
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