Rat ing
Des cript ion
E Exe mpt: In clude s news, s ports , docum ents an d other i nform ation
pro gramm ing: ta lk show s, musi c video s, and va riety p rogra mming .
C Chi ldren : Inten ded for y ounge r child ren und er the ag e of 8 year s.
Pay s caref ul atte ntion t o theme s that co uld thr eaten t heir se nse o f
sec urity and wel l-bei ng.
C8+ C hildr en over 8 y ears ol d: Cont ains no p ortra yal of vi olenc e as the
pre ferre d, acce ptabl e, or onl y way to re solve c onfli ct; nor e ncour age
chi ldren t o imita te dang erous a cts whi ch they m ay see on t he scre en .
G Gen eral: C onsid ered ac cepta ble for a ll age gr oups, Ap pro priat e
vie wing fo r the ent ire fam ily, con tai ns ve ry litt le viol ence, p hysic al,
ver bal or em otion al.
PG Pa renta l Guida nce: In tende d for a gen eral au dienc e, but ma y not be
sui table f or youn ger chi ldren ( under t he age of 8 ) becau se it cou ld
con tain co ntrov ersia l theme s or issu es.
14+ O ver 14 Years: Co uld c ont ain t hemes w here vi olenc e is one of t he
dom inant e lemen ts of the s toryl ine, bu t it must b e integ ral to th e
dev elopm ent of pl ot or cha racte r. Langu age u sage co uld be pr ofane
and n udity, p res ent wit hin t he co nte xt of the t hem e.
18+ Ad ults: I nte nde d f or vi ewe rs 18 y ears an d older a nd migh t conta in
dep ictio ns of vio lence , which w hil e rel ate d to the de vel opm ent o f
plo t, ch ara cte r or them es, are i ntend ed for ad ult vie wing. C ould
conta in grap hic lan guage a nd port rayal s of nudi ty.
2).Canada French: switch the French-rating control
level: E, G,8ANS+,13 ANS+,16ANS+,18ANS+.
Rat ing
Des cript ion
E Exe mpt pro gramm ing
G Gen eral: Al l ages an d chi ldr en, c ontai ns mi nim al di rect viole nce ,
but m ay be int egrat ed into t he plot i n a humor ous or un reali stic
man ner .
8an s+ Gene ral but i nadvi sable f or youn g child ren: Ma y be view ed by a
wid e publi c audie nce, bu t could c ontai n scene s distu rbing t o
chi ldren u nder 8 wh o canno t disti nguis h betwe en imag inary a nd
rea l situa tions . Recom mende d for vie wing wi th pare n . tal g uidan ce
13a ns+ Ove r 13 year s: Coul d conta in scen es of fre quent v iolen t scene s
and i ntens e viole nce.
16a ns+ Ove r 16 year s: Coul d conta in freq uent vi olent s cenes a nd viol ence.
18a ns+ Ove r 18 year s: Only f or adul t viewi ng. Cou ld cont ain fre quent
vio lent sc enes an d extre me viol ence.
Reset RRT: Press , and the screen
shown below will be
RRT se tt in g: i n ATSC digital TV mode, this option
could can be adjusted
Sel ect
Adj ust
Men u
Exi t
Are y ou sure ?
Pre ss ENTE R Key To Sele ct
3.2 Tim er
You can adjust the sleep timer and time related settings here.
Press to select, press to adjust, press MENU
to exit.
Sleep Timer: You can set the sleep timer.
Tim e zo ne , DS T and Clock are available in ATSC ,
and the Clock can't be adjust .
Sel ect
Adj ust
Men u
Exi t
Sle ep time r
Time z one
Clo ck
199 9/12/ 31 04:0 3PM
Pac ific
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2): Option: You can edit the closed caption options.
Press , and the screen shown below will be displayed.
NOTE: Only available in AT SC m od e.
1): Advanced selection: only ATSC mode.available in
3.3 Closed Caption: switch the closed caption mode.
Press to select Closed Caption, press , and the
screen shown below will be displayed.
Sel ect
Adj ust
Men u
Exi t
CC Mo de
Bas ic Sele ction
Adv anced S elect ion
Opt ion
Ser vice 1
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Sel ect
Adj ust
Men u
Exi t
Mod e
Fon t style
Cus tom
Def ault
Fon t size Def ault
Fon t Edge st yle Def ault
Fon t Edge co lor Defau lt
FG co lor Def ault
BG co lor Defa ult
FG op acity Defau lt
BG op acity Def ault
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