Haier HWS42DGAU1 User Manual

Cave à vin
Manuel d'Utilisation
Cantinetta per vini
Manuale utente
Bodega de vinos
Manual del Usuario
Chłodziarka do winnika
Podręcznik użytkownika
Cave de Vinho
Manual do Utilizador
Návod na použitie
Vinný sklípek
Uživatelská příručka
Safety information
WARNING:Risk of re/flammable mate-
since fl ammable materials are used. Take care
WARNUNG: Brandgefahr/ brennbares
Material. Das Symbol weist auf Brandge-
fahr hin, da brennbare Materialien verwen­det werden. Verhindern Sie die Entstehung von Bränden, die durch entfl ammbare Materialien verursacht werden.
ATTENTION: Risque d’incendie ou de mati ères infl ammables.
Le symbole montre qu’il y’a le risque de maté riaux infl ammables sont utilisés. Prendre soin d’éviter de provoquer un incendie en ingérant des matières infl ammables.
ATTENZIONE: Rischio di incendio/materiale infi ammabile. Il
simbolo indica il rischio di incendio nel caso di utilizzo di materiali in-
ADVERTENCIA: Riesgo de incendio o mate rial infl amable. El
símbolo indica que existe riesgo de incen dio, dado que se utilizan materiales infl amables. Se debe procurar evitar incendios medi ante la combustión de materiales infl amables.
ADVERTÊNCIA:Risco de incêndio/material inflamável. O sím-
bolo indica que existe um risco de incêndio uma vez que são usados materiais infl amáveis. Ter cuidado para evitar provocar um incêndio por acender material infl amável.
WAARSCHUWING: Brandrisico / brandbaar materiaal. Het sys-
teem geeft aan dat er een brandrisico bestaat aangezien brandbaar materiaal wordt gebruikt. Zorg ervoor dat er geen brand wordt ver­oozaakt door brandbaat materiaal te ont steken.
OSTRZEŻENIE:Ryzyko pożaru/materiał łatwopalny. Symbol
wskazuje, że istnieje ryzyko pożaru, ponieważ używane materiały
łatwopalne. Dbaj o to, aby uniknąć pożaru poprzez zapale nie łatwopalnego materiału.
VAROVÁNÍ: Nebezpečí Požáru/ Hořlavého Materiálu. Symbol
označuje riziko požáru, protože byly použity hořlavé materiály. Dbejte na to, aby nedošlo ke vzniku požáru zapálením hořlavého materiálu.
Safety information
FIGYELEM: Tűz / gyúlékony anyag veszélye. A szimbólum azt
jelzi, hogy zveszély áll fenn, mivel gyúlékony anyagokat használnak. Ügyel jen arra, hogy ne tegyen rá zveszélyes gyú lékony anyagot.
ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Κίνδυνος φωτιάς/εύφλεκτο υλικό. Το σύμβολο υποδεικνύει ότι υπάρχει κίνδυνος φωτιάς επειδή χρησιμοποιούνται εύφλεκτα υλικά. Προσέχετε να αποφεύγετε την πρόκληση φωτιάς από ανάφλεξη εύφλεκτου υλικού.
ВНИМАНИЕ:Опасност от пожар / запалим материал. Символът
показва, че има риск от пожар, тъй като се използват запалими материали. Внимавайте да не се предизвика пожар чрез попадане на запалим материал.
SK VÝSTRAHA: Nebezpečenstvo požiaru/ horľavý materiál. Symbol
označuje nebez-pečenstvo požiaru, pretože sa používajú horľavé materiály. Dávajte pozor, aby ste zabránili vzniku požiaru vznietením horľavého materiálu.
CZ VAROVÁNÍ: Nebezpečí požáru/hořlavý materiál. Tento symbol
signalizuje, že hrozí nebezpečí požáru kvůli použití hořlavých materiálů. Dejte pozor, abyste zamezili způsobení požáru zapálením hořlavého materiálu.
User Manual
Wine Cellar
Thank You
Thank you for purchasing a Haier Product.
Please read these instructions carefully before using this appliance. The instructions con­tain important information which will help you get the best out of the appliance and ensure safe and proper installation, use and maintenance.
Keep this manual in a convenient place so you can always refer to it for the safe and proper use of the appliance.
If you sell the appliance, give it away, or leave it behind when you move house, make sure you also pass this manual so that the new owner can become familiar with the appliance and safety warnings.
Warning – Important Safety information
General infor mation and tips
Environmental information
Help protect the environment and human health. Put the packaging in applicable containers to recycle it. Help to recycle waste of electrical and electronic ap­pliances. Do not dispose appliances marked with this symbol with the household waste. Return the product to your local recycling facility or contact your municipal o ce.
Risk of injury or suff ocation!
Refrigerants and gases must be disposed of professionally. Ensure that the tubing of the refrigerant circuit is not damaged before being properly disposed of. Disconnect the appliance from the mains supply. Cut o the mains cable and dispose of it. Remove the trays and drawers as well as the door catch and seals, to prevent children and pets to get closed in the appliance.
Old appliances still have some residual value. An environmentally friendly method of dis­posal will ensure that valuable raw materials can be recovered and used again.
Cyclopentane, a  ammable substance not harmful to ozone, is used as an expander for the insulationg foam.
By ensuring this product is disposed of corectly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused.
For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local council, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the pro­duct, handled by the professionals.
1- Safety information ..................................................................................................................... .4
2- Safety tips...................................................................................................................................... 7
3- Maintenance ..............................................................................................................................11
5- Product description .................................................................................................................14
6- Installation ..................................................................................................................................15
7- Use ................................................................................................................................................18
8- Energy saving tips .....................................................................................................................21
9 - Equipment .................................................................................................................................22
10- Care and cleaning ...................................................................................................................23
11- Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................................24
12- Technical data .........................................................................................................................27
13- Customer Service ..................................................................................................................28
14- Wine bottle stacking...............................................................................................................29
Safety information
This appliance is intended to be used exclusively for the storage of wine.Before switching on the appliance for the fi rst time read the following safety hints:
Before fi rst use
Make sure there is no transport damage. Remove all packaging and keep out of children´s reach and dis-
pose them in an environmentally friendly manner.
▶ Wait at least two hours before installing the appliance in order to
ensure the refrigerant circuit is fully ecient.
▶ Handle the appliance always with at least two persons because
it is heavy.
▶ The appliance should be placed in a well-ventilated place.Ensure
a space of at least 10 cm above and around the appliance.
WARNING: Keep ventilation openings, in the appliance enclo-
sure or in the built-in structure, clear of obstruction.
▶ Never place the appliance in a damp area or location where it
might be splashed with water.Clean and dry water splashes and stains with a soft clean cloth.
▶ Do not install your wine cellar in any location not properly insulat-
ed or heated e.g. garage etc. Your wine cellar was not designed to operate in ambient temperature below 10 °C.
▶ Do not install the appliance in direct sunlight or in the near of
heat sources(e.g.stoves,heaters).
▶ Install and level the appliance in an area suitable for its size and
▶ Make sure that the electrical information on the rating plate
agrees with the power supply.If it does not,contact an electri­cian.
▶ The appliance is operated by a 220-240 VAC/50 Hz power sup-
ply.Abnormal voltage uctuation may cause the appliance to fail to start,or damage to the temperature control or compressor,or there may be an abnormal noise when operating.In such case,an automatic regulator shall be mounted.
Do not use multi-plug adapters and extension cables.
▶ WARNING: Do not locate multiple portable socket outlets or
portable power supplies at the rear of the appliance.
WARNING: When positioning the appliance, ensure the supply
cord is not trapped or damaged.
Do not step on the power cable. Use a separate earthed socket for the power supply which is
easy accessible. The appliance must be earthed.
Only for UK: The appliance´s power cable is tted with 3-cord
(grounding) plug that ts a standard 3-cord (grounded) socket. Never cut o or dismount the third pin (grounding). After the appliance is installed, the plug should be accesible.
▶ WARNING: Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.
Daily use
▶ This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and
above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the ap­pliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved.
Children shall not play with the appliance. Children aged from 3 to 8 years are allowed to load and unload
refrigerating appliances, but not allowed to clean and install the refrigerating appliances.
▶ Keep away children under 3 years of age from the appliance un-
less they are constantly supervised.
▶ Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children with
out supervision.
The appliance must be positioned so that the plug is accessible. If coal gas or other inammable gas is leaking into vicinity of the
appliance,turn o the valve of the leaking gas, open the doors and windows and do not unplug the power cable of the appliance .
▶ Wait at least 7 minutes to reconnect the power after the power
has been disconnected.
Do not lift the appliance by its door handles. The keys must be kept out of the reach of children and not in the
vicinity of the appliance to prevent children from being locked in­side the appliance.
Safety information
Safety information
▶ Notice that the appliance is set for operation at the secic am-
bient range between 10 and 38°C. The appliance may not work properly if it is left for a long period at a temperature above or below the indicated range.
▶ Do not place unstable articles(heavy objects,containers lled
with water) on top of the appliance,to avoid personal injury caused by falling or electric shock caused by contact with water.
▶ Open and close the door only with the handles.The gap between
the door and the cabinet is very narrow.Do not put your hands in these areas to avoid pinching your ngers.Open or close the appliance doors only when there are no children standing within the range of door movement.
▶ Do not store or use inammable,explosive or corrosive materi-
als in the appliance or in the vicinity.
▶ Do not store explosive substances such as aerosol cans with a
ammable propellant in this appliance.
▶ Do not store medicines, bacteria or chemical agents in the ap-
pliance.This appliance is a household appliance.It is not recom­mended to store materials that require strict temperatures.
▶ Do not set unnecessarily low temperature in the wine cabinet
compartment. Minus temperatures may occur at high settings. Attention: Bottles can burst
▶ Do not touch the inside surface of the appliance compartment
when in operation,especially with wet hands,as your hands may freeze onto the surface.
For proper wine cooling,do not overload the appliance. Unplug the appliance in the event of a power interruption or be-
fore cleaning.Allow at least 7 minutes before restarting the ap­pliance, as frequent starting may damage the compressor.
WARNING: Do not use electrical devices inside the appliance,unless
they are of the type recommended by the manufacturer. To avoid risks a damaged power cord must be replaced by the customer service(see warranty card).
To prolong the service life of the appliance, avoid turning it o. Never place the appliance horizontally on the ground.After tilting
the appliance more than 45°,wait for 24hours before plugging it in.
Maintenance / cleaning
▶ Make sure children are supervised if they carry out cleaning and
▶ Disconnect the appliance from the electrical supply before un-
dertaking any routine maintenance. Allow at least 7 minutes be­fore restarting the appliance, as frequent starting may damage the compressor.
Hold the plug, not the cable, when unplugging the appliance. Do not clean the appliance with hard brushes, wire brushes, de-
tergent powder, petrol, amyl acetate, acetone and similar organic solutions, acid or alkaline solutions. Please clean with special re­frigerator/freezer detergent to avoid damage. Eventually use warm water and baking soda solution - about a tablespoon of baking soda to a litre/quart of water. Rinse thoroughly with wa­ter and wipe dry. Do not use cleaning powders or other abrasive cleaners. Do not wash removable parts in a dishwasher.
WARNING: Do not use mechanical devices or other means to ac-
celerate the defrosting process, other than those recommended by the manufacturer.
▶ If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manu-
facturer, its service agent or similarly qualied persons in order to avoid a hazard.
▶ Do not try to repair, disassemble or modify the appliance by your-
self. In case of repair please contact our customer service.
▶ If the illuminating lamps are damaged, it must be replaced by the
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualied persons in or­der to avoid a hazard.
▶ Eliminate the dust on the back of the unit at least once in the year
to avoid hazard by re, as well as increased energy consumption.
Safety Tips
Safety Tips
Do not spray or  ush the appliance during cleaning. Do not use water spray or steam to clean the appliance. Do not clean the cold glass door with hot water. Sudden temper-
ature change may cause the glass to break.
▶ If you leave your appliance out of use for an extended period, leave
it open to prevent odour and unpleasant smells building up inside.
Refrigerant gass information
The appliance contains the  ammable refrigerant ISOBUTANE (R600a). Make sure the refrigerant circuit is not damaged during transportation or installation. Leaking refrigerant may cause eye injuries or ignite. If a damage has occurred, keep away open  re sources, thoroughly ventilate the room, do not plug or unplug the power cords of the appliance or any other appliance. Inform the customer service.
In case of eyes get into contact with the refrigerant, rinse it imme­diately under running water and call immediately the eye specialist.
WARNING: The refrigeration system is under high pressure. Do not tamper with it. Since the  ammable refrigerants are used, please, install, handle and service the appliance strictly according to the in­struction and contact the professional agent or our after-sales ser­vice to dispose of the appliance.
Intended use
This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar ap­plications such as
- sta kitchen areas in shops, oces and other working environ-
- farm houses and by clients in hotels, motels and other residen-
tial type environments;
- bed and breakfast type environments;
- catering and similar non-retail applications.
To ensure the safe preservation of wine, please comply with this
instruction for use.
▶ The details on the most appropriate part in the compartment of
the appliance where specic types of food shall be stored, con­sidering the distribution of temperature that can be present in the dierent compartments of the appliance are in the other part of the manual.
Changes or modications to the device are not allowed. Unin­tended use may cause hazards and loss of warranty claims.
Safety Tips
Safety Tips
The this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative con­sequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this prod­uct. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city o ce, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
Since the  ammable insulation blowing gases are used, please con­tact the professional agent or our after-sale service to dispose of the appliance.
Risk of injury of suffocation!
Refrigerants and gases must be disposed of professionally. Ensure that the tubing of the refrigerant circuit is not damaged before be­ing properly disposed of. Disconnect the appliance from the mains supply. Cut o the mains cable and dispose of it. Remove the trays and drawers as well as the door catch and seals to prevent children and pets to get closed in the appliance.
symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that
WARNING: Disconnect the appliance from the power supply be-
fore cleaning.
▶ Do not clean the appliance with hard brushes, wire brushes,
detergent powder,petrol,amyl acetate,acetone and similar organic solutions,acid or alkaline solutions. Please clean with special refrigerator detergent to avoid damage.
▶ Clean the appliance when only little or no wine is stored.It is only
necessary to clean it when it is dirty.
▶ Clean the inside and housing of the ap-
pliance with a sponge damped in warm water and neutral detergent
▶ Rinse with clean warm water and dry
with soft cloth.
▶ Do not clean any of the parts of the ap-
pliance in a dishwasher.
▶ Allow at least 7 minutes before re-
starting the appliance as frequent starting may damage the compresssor.
Clean the door gasket:
▶ The door gaskets should be cleaned every 3 months to assure a
proper seal. As below : Remove: Grasp the door gasket and pull it out according to the direction of ar­row to remove the whole door gasket in order. Dip the brush with water or food grade alcohlo,clean up the door gasket groove rstly by pulling back and forth the brush. Then wipe door gasket sur­face with a towel dipped with water or food grade alcohol. Finally,wash the door gasket clean and wipe it dry with a clean towel.
Installation door gasket after cleaning:
Before installation, make sure that there is no water on the door gasket. Insert the door gasket into the groove , and press the door gasket tightly from the top to the bottom by hand until the whole door gasket is inserted into the groove.
Cleaning the shelves:
All shelves can be taken out for cleaning. Take out all bottles. Lift each shelf a little and take it out. Clean the shelf with a soft towel. Wait until the shelves are dry before putting them back in.
Wait at least 7 minutes to reconnet the power after the power has been disconnected.
Check the accessories and literature in accordance with this list: without isolation.
HWS77GDAU1 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 2
HWS42GDAU1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2
Small shelf
Hinger Cover
Left cam
of door manual
Product description
Picture of appliance
1. Fan
2. Shelf
3. Middle partition
4.Active charcoal filter
5. Adjustable feet
6. Lock
7. Door
8. LED lamp
9. Display (on front of the door)
1. Unpacking
Take the appliance out of the packaging. Remove all packaging materials including the foam base and all adhesive tape hold-
ing the accessories.
2. Environmental conditions
the temperature inside the appliance and its energy consumption. Do not install the appli­ance near other heat-emitting appliances (ovens, refrigerators) without isolation.
3. Space requirements
Required space to open the door (Fig. 3):
in mm
W1 W2 D1 D2 D3 D4
495 630 535 1033 1047 100
Depth in mm
Distance to wall
in mm
4. Ventilation space
For safety and energy reasons, the required ventilation distance of 10 cm in all directions must be observed (Fig. 4).
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
▶ Keep ventilation openings in the appliance or in the in-built structure clear of ob-
5. Aligning the appliance
1. Tilt the appliance slightly backwards (Fig. 5).
2. Set the adjustable front feet to the desired level
by turning them.
3. The stability can be checked by alternately
bumping on the diagonals. The slight swaying should be the same in both directions. Other­wise the frame can warp; possible leaking door seals are the result. A low tendency to the rear facilitates the closing of the door.
max 45°
10 cm
6. Fine tuning of the door
The appliance closes more easily if the levelling feet on the front are used:
Rotate the adjustable feet (Fig. 6) to turn them up or down:
Turning the feet clockwise raises the appliance. Turning the feet counterclockwise lower the appli-
7. Waiting time
The maintenance-free lubrication oil is located in the capsule of the compressor. This oil can get through the closed pipe system during transport if the appli­ance is tilted. Before connecting the appliance to the
24 h
8. Electrical connection
Before each connection check if:
▶ power supply, socket and fusing are appropriate to the rating plate. ▶ the power socket is earthed and no multi-plug or extension.
Connect the plug to a properly installed household socket.
power supply, wait 24 hours (Fig. 7) so that the oil runs back into the capsule.
To avoid risks a damaged power cord must be replaced by the customer service (see warranty card).
9. Door Reversibility
Before connecting the appliance to the power supply you should check, whether the door swing must changed from right (as delivered) to left, if this is required by the installation location and the usability
▶ The appliance is heavy. You need two persons to carry out the door reversibility. ▶ Do not tilt the appliance more than 45 ° to prevent damage of the cooling system.
Assembly steps
1. Provide necessary tool.
2. Unplug the appliance.
3. Open the door, take down the front strip and
side and placed on the right side of the gap.
4. Unplug the connection cable.Pull-out the upper
part of the door seal, and take down the door back strip. (Remove from the left side opening)
5. Remove 2 screws on the upper hinge.
6. Remove cover and hinge, remove axe cover
then assemble to the other side, then install the hinge in the axe.
7. Remove the cam and door holder, move the
door holder to another side of the door. Install the new cam form the gift bag.
8. Cabinet tilted (less than 45°), remove the bot-
tom hinge (3 screws) for backup.
9. Remove the lower hinge cam and hinge shaft.
Install the shaft on the right side of the lower hinge. Take out the cam from the instruc­tion bag and install it on the lower hinge shaft.
10. Install the lower hinge and the bottom foot on
the other side of the cabinet. Lubricate the cam.
the upper hinge with two screws on the cabinet. Fix the signal wires in the middle of the upper hinge groove, and take the hinge cover in the instruction bag and fasten it on the upper hinge.
12. Install the door seal and the door strip on
the door. Insert the pair of door signal wires, move the magnetic switch (12.1) to the right mounting slot (12.2) of the upper beam box, and fasten the front trim of the cabinet.
13. Make sure the door is able to open and close in a
good condition.
1. Before fi rst use
Remove all packaging materials. This includes the foam base and all adhesive tape
holding the wine cellar accessories inside and outside. Keep them out of children’s reach and dispose them in an environmentally friendly manner.
Clean the inside and outside of the appliance with water and a mild detergent before
putting any wine in it.
After the appliance has been levelled and cleaned, wait for at least 2 hours before
connecting it to the power supply. If your wine cellar has been tilted for any reason, wait 24 hours before plugging it in. See section INSTALLATION.
Once you have plugged the unit into an electrical outlet, let the unit run for at least
30 minutes to acclimatize itself before making any adjustments.
The temperature is automatically set to 12 °C. If desired, you can change the tem-
perature manually. Please see TEMPERATURE.
2. Touch keys
The buttons on the control panel are touch keys, which respond when lightly touched with
3. Description for control panel
A Interior light/Wi-Fi button B °C /°Fconvertion button C Temperature adjust button:down D Display
4. Automatically locking function
The control panel automatically locks from any key presses after 30 seconds from being enabled,the is light.To activate keylock press the button for 3 seconds, when locked the back lit LED lights will dim. Button A is not locked .
5. Power button function
When the display is unlocking,press the button H for 5seconds, the wine
cellar power on.When the display is locking,the button H can’t operate.
E Temperature adjust button:up F Temperature zone selection G Lock button H Power button
6.Temperature setting
▶ Once you have plugged the unit into an electrical outlet,let the unit for at least 30
minutes to acclimatize itself before making any adjustments.
▶ When the appliance is switched on after disconnection from the main power supply,it
may take several hours for the correct temperatures to be reached.The exact time varies depending on the environment and the temperature setting.
1. Temperature zone selection In the unlocking state, the " " icon is fully on.if the current display is in the upper
temperature zone, the upper icon is on and the lower icon is off. At this time, press the " " key, the lower icon will be on and the upper icon will be off.
2. Temperature setting In the unlocking state, when the "upper" icon is on, the upper temperature zone temp­erature can be adjusted; Press or when”Upper”light on,to increase or decrease the temperature.When the
desired temperature has reached,press the button.After that the temperature setting is completed and 3seconds. later,the temperature display area will stop flashing,then
the temperature display would show the current temperature. The temperature range is 5 to 20 degree. When the "lower" icon is on, t he temperature in the lower temperature zone can be adjusted
Recommended temperature settings
The following drinking temperatures are recommended for the different types of wine.
Red wine +13°C to +20°C
(+55°F to + 68°C)
White wine +9°C to +12°C
(+48°F to +54°F)
If you store wine for long periods of time, it should be stored at a temperature between +10°C and +12 °C(50°F and +54°F).
The display screen is dimmed automatically 30 seconds. It lights up automatically when any key is touched or the door is opened.
Sparkling wine
+5°C to +8°C
(+41°F to +47°F)
8. Lighting mode setting
Press the up gradually. When pressed the
button. When the lights in the cabinet are on, the lights will be lighted
Influences on temperatures
The temperature inside the appliance is influenced by the following factors:
▶ Ambient temperature ▶ Frequency of door opening
The default setting is 12°C When display stops flashing, it goes back to showing the current temperature inside the wine cellar. It will take some time to reach the set temperature.
9. °C/°F function
Press the button, switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius.
10. Power-Off Memory function
If a power outage, the cellar will automatically save the set temperature. After power recovery, it will run based on the temperature set before the power outage .
11. Low temperature compensation function
The wine cellar has a low temperature compensation function to ensure the stability of the temperature: When the ambient temperature is lower than the set temperature, the wine cellar automatically starts the low temperature compensation function, application.When the temperature in the application reaches the set temperature, the
▶ Amount of stored bottles ▶ The location of the appliance
heating the
12. Door opening alarm
If the door is kept open for over 1 min, buzzer will be beeping to give an alarm till the door is closed or any key on display panel can be operated and then the buzzer will stop beeping.
13. Humidity display
Press the button for 3seconds
press the other buttons,the display will out humidity .
the display area will show the humidity.Then
14. Wi-Fi mode setting
Frequency Band(s) [MHz]
Maximum power [mW]Band(s) [MHz]
IEE 802.11 b/g/n
Bluetooth v4.2, BR/EDR, BLE
How to activate Wi-Fi module:
•Press the light button for 3 seconds to activate the
•The Wi-Fi module is switched on the Wi-Fi icon starts to blink
•If the wine cellar is enrolled but the Wi-Fi is off the icon will blink
•If the wine cellar is enrolled and connected the Wi-Fi icon is always on
•To reset the Wi-Fi press the light for 3 seconds
Step 1
•Download the hOn app on the stores
Step 2
•Log in or sign up
Step 3
•Add a new appliance selecting the wine cellar from the
Step 4
Scan the QR or insert manually the serial number
Step 5
•Press the light button on the product for 3s to activate the Wi-Fi
Step 6
The wi-fi icon will blink, the pairing process is in progress
You will have 5 minutes to complete the pairing process
•When the process is completed the Wi-Fi icon will stop blinking and it will remain always on
Engergy saving tips
Energy saving tips
▶ Make sure the appliance is properly ventilated (see INSTALLATION). ▶ Do not install the appliance in direct sunlight or in the near of heat sources (e.g.
stoves, heaters).
▶ Avoid unnecessarily low temperature in the appliance. The energy consumption in-
creases the lower the temperature in the appliance is set. ▶ Keep door seals clean so that the door always closes correctly.
1. Shelf
1. The shelves are designed for easy storage and easy removal of the wine.They can be cleaned with a soft towel.
2. Regualr bottles with diameter of 76mm can be stacked.
3. Magnum bottles can be stacked on the bottom shelf.
4. The quantitiy can vary from the depicted number or bottles if they are stacked
Advice for the layout of your wine cellar
We recommend that the number of wine bottles should not exceed two layers on each shelf,and the bearing capacity of the wine shelves should not exceed 20 kg. Before placing
prevent bottles hitting the glass door upon closing.
2.The light
The LED interior light comes on when the door is opened.To turn on the light while the door is closed,touch the
when the wine cellar is not being viewed.
3.The lock
To lock the wine cellar,close the door and put the key in the lock:
▶ Lock the door by turning the key counterclockwise; ▶ Unlock the door by turning the key clockwise.
Care and cleaning
1. Defrosting
The defrosting of the wine cellar is done automatically; no manual operation is needed.
2.Replacing the LED lamp
The lamp uses LED as its light source,featuring low energy consumption and long service life. If there is any abnormality,please contact the customer service.See CUSTOMER SERVICE.
Do not replace the LED lamp yourself. It must only be replaced by either the manufac­turer or the authorised service agent.
Parameters of LED lamp:
Voltage12V; Max power:8W( forHWS77GDAU1) Voltage12V; Max power:5W(forHWS42GDAU1)
3. Non-use for a longer period
Unplug the power cord. Clean the appliance and door gaskets as described above. Keep the door open to prevent the creation of bad odours inside.
4. Moving the appliance
1. Remove all bottles and unplug the appliance.
2. Secure shelves and other moveable parts in the wine cellar with adhesive tape.
3. Do not tilt the wine cellar more than 45° to avoid damaging the refrigerating system.
5. Air exchange with activated carbon filter
The way in which wines continue to mature depends on the ambient conditions.The quality of the air is therefore decisive for preserving the wine. An activated carbon lter has been tted inthe lower area of the rear wall of the appliance to through put remains at an optimum quality.
We recommend that you replace the lter once a year.Fiters can be obtained from your dealer.
Changing the filter:
Take the ter by the handle.Turn it to the left and remove.
Inserting the filter:
Insert with the handle in a vertical position.Turn it to the right and insert.
of a problem please check all shown possibilities and follow below instructions before you contact an after sales service. See CUSTOMER SERVICE.
▶ Before maintenance, deactivate the appliance and disconnect the mains plug from
the mains socket.
improper repairs can cause considerable consequential damages.
▶ A damaged supply should only be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or
Error Code Cause Solution
The appliance gives a high-temper­ature warning when the upper com­partment’s temperature has been higher than 25 °C for 3 hours.
The compressor stops working when the temperature is lower than 0 °C. The low temperature warning is given when the temperature has been lower than 0 °C for 2 hours.
Ambient temperature is too high. The appliance working tempera ture should be between 10°C and 38 °C.
Ambient temperature is too low. The appliance working tempera­ture should be between 10 °C and 38 °C.
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