Functions and Control
Domestic Air Conditioner
temperature will be raised for 1 centigrade after 1 hour’s operation and will be raised for 1 centigrade
1 hour later. The system will keep this status for 6 hours and then close.
2.2 Under the heating mode, after the setting of the dormant operation, the et temperature will fall 2
centigrades after 1 hour’s operation and will fall 2 centigrades 1 hours later. 3 hours after the
preceding operations, the set temperature will be raised for 1 centigrade and the system will keep this
status for 3 hours and then close down.
2.3 During the dormant time, except the change of the system mode or a new press on the dormant
setting keys, the timing of the 8 hours dormancy will take the first timing as the start time, any presses
on other keys will not affect the original timing.
2.4 Indoor fan control under the dormant operation.
If the indoor fan is at the high speed before the dormant operation setting, the speed will be turned to
medium after the setting. If the fan is at the medium speed before the dormant setting, the speed will
be turned to low after the setting. If the fan is at the low speed before the dormant setting, the speed
will not change.
5.1.9 Urgent on/off input
Press the urgency button the buzzer will ring. The system will enter the automatic mode if you don’t
press the button for more than 5 seconds.
Under the system off mode, if you press the urgency key for 5 to 10 seconds, the system will start the
test operation.
Under the system off mode, If you press the urgency key for 10 to 15 seconds, the display screen will
show the resume of the last malfunction.
If the system is under operation, the press on the urgency key will stop it.
Under the system off mode, the display screen will show automatic running sign.
Under the system off mode, the system will not receive the remote control signal if the press on the
urgency key doesn’t last for 15 seconds or if the key is loosened.
Urgency operation: If you press the urgency key for less than 5 seconds, the buzzer will ring when you
press the on/off key. The system will enter the urgency operation when the urgency key is loosened.
The urgency operation is fully automatic.
Test operation.
The inlet temperature sensor doesn’t work, the indoor fan and the indoor air direction board motor
works synchronically. High speed airflow, cooling, outdoor system on, etc, will send the ambient
temperature 30 centigrade and coil temperature 16 centigrade information to the outdoor system.
Test operation
The defrost protection of the evaporator doesn’t work.
The temperature control doesn’t work.
The test operation will be finished in 30 minutes.
The test operation can be stopped by the relative commands from the remote control.
5.1.10 Low load protection control
In order to prevent the frosting of the indoor heat interaction device, the outdoor system will be
stopped if the indoor heat interaction temperature is below zero centigrade for 5 minutes, but the fan