No regrese este proclucto a kl tienckl
Si t_eee ¢_g_ prob_em_ toe es_e prodgcto, par f_vor ¢ont_¢te el "Centro _e Servklo _
Co_sgm_dor _e H_er" _ _=_77=337=3639 (Vat,do soJo e_ E°UoA)_
1_S% 60 _z
Fc_brlq_ ee ¢hi_e
Hecho e_ ¢h_e_
What The _ff'or_d Come_ Home To '_
issued: September 01
Hoier Amerko
Hew York, HY _00_ 8
Printed in Chi_

What The _orld Cemes Heme To'"
M_ud D@est
De Des@_ge_ M_®dme_te
(featuresmay varyper model)
@_dedeFU_g%deuro Mod_o_
([e_ caract_dstiquespe_ve.t
v_rlere. fo.#io, dumodde)
_d Jd Ss_yb o
([as funclonespueden
v_rlor _etl,@d moddo)

Read all of the instructions before using this applianceo
When using this appliance, al_ays e×er_:ise basic safety
precautions, including the 4:oHo_ing:
1) Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this use
and care guide.
2) This freezer must be properly installed in accordance with the
installation instructions before it is used.See grounding instructions in the
installation section.
3) Never unplug your freezer by pulling on the power cord. Always grasp
the plug firmly and pull straight out from the outlet.
4) Repair or replace immediately, all electric service cords that have become
frayed or otherwise damaged. Do not usea cord that shows cracks or
abrasion damage along its length, the plug or the connector end.
5) Unplug your freezer before cleaning or before making any repairs.
Note: if for any reason this product requires service, we strongJy
recommend that a certified technician performs the service.
6) Do not use any electrical device or any sharp instrument in defrosting
your freezer.
7) If your old freezer is not being used, we recommend that you remove the
doors. This will reduce the possibilib, of danger to children.
8) After your freezer is in operation, do not buch the cold surfaces in the
freezer compartment, particularly when hands are damp or wet. Skin may
adhere to these extremely cold surfaces.
9) Do not refreeze foods, which have been thawed completely. The United
cream shouldbe discarded_ If the odor or color of any food is poor or
questionable, discard iL The food may be dangerous to eaL"
refrozen foods as soon as possible, to save as muchof its eating qualib/
as you can_ _

1O) This freezer should not be recessedor buiIHn an enclosed cabineL It is
designed for freestanding installation only,
] ]) Do not operate your freezer in the presence of explosive fumes.
Thank you for using our Haier
producL This easy-b-use manual will
guide you in getting the best use of
your freezer.
Remember b record the model and
serial numben They are on a label in
back of the freezer.
Staple your receipt to your manual, Yo_ wiJJ need it to obtain
warranty service.
Model number
Serial number
Dateof purchase

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii {i ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii !! !ii .....
Jn4db_g Your Freezer ................................................................ 5
Unpacking Your Freezer ...................................................................... 5
Adiusting Your Freezer ........................................................................ 5
Proper Air Circulation ......................................................................... 5
Electrical Requirements ....................................................................... 6
Freezer Features and Use .......................................................... 7
Operating Your Freezer ...................................................................... 7
General Features................................................................................ 7
Fast Freeze ........................................................................................ 8
Food Sbrage Basketand Removable Divider ........................................ 8
Defrosting And Drdning ...................................................................... 9
Temperature Alarm System .................................................................. 9
LockAnd Key .................................................................................. ] 0
Food Storage Information .................................................................. ] 0
Normal Operating Sounds ................................................................ ] O
Proper Freezer (:are and Cleaning ........................................ 11
Cleaning and Maintenance .............................................................. ] 1
Power Interruptions ..........................................................................] 2
Vacation and Moving Care .............................................................. ]
#oubleshooting ..........................................................................13
Warranb/Information .............................................................. 15

1, I Removable Divider
2. Interior Drain Plug (see insert}
3. Lockand Key
4, Temperature Control Adjustment
5. White Temperature Alarm Switch
6_ Fast Freeze Switch (orange switch)
7. Power-On hdicator (green switch}
8_ Casters
9. Exterior Drain Plug
10_Vinyl Coated Wire Basket
(quantity may vary per model}

1.Removeall packaging material. This indudes the foam base and a/
adhesive tape homing the freezer accessories inside and outside.
2. Inspect and remove any remains of packing, tape or printed materials
before powering on the freezer.
AdiustiHg Year freezer
" Your freezer is designed for freestanding installation only. It shodd not
be recessedor built-in.
®Place the freezer on a floor strong enough to support it fully loaded.
When moving the freezer, never tilt it more than a 45-degree angle.
This could damage the compressor and the sealed system.
®If the freezer is @ted let it stand in an upright position for at [east 24
hours prior to plugging. This is to allow the refrigerant to settle.
Proper Air Cir¢ l tioH
®To assure your freezer works at the maximum efficiency it was designed
for, you should instal it in a location where there is proper air
circulation, plumbing and electrical connections.
The following are recommended clearances around the refrigerator:
Sides............... 4" (102ram}
Top.................... 4" (102ram}
Back.................. 4" ( 102ram}

E_ectri_e_ Req_ise_eHt
Make sure there is a suitable power Outlet (] ] 5 volts, "[5 amps outlet}
with proper grounding to power the freezer.
" Avoid theuse of three plug adaptersor cuttingoff the third grounding in
order to accommodatea two plug outlet.Thisisa dangerouspractice
sinceit providesno effectivegrounding for the freezerand may resultin
Do not instal[ your freezer in any location not properly insulated or
heated eg. garage etc. Your freezer was not designed to operate in
temperature settings below 55 ° Fahrenheit.
Select a suitable location for the freezer on a hard even surface away
from direct sunlight or heat source e.g. radiators, baseboard heaters,
cooking appliances etc. Any floor unevenness should be corrected.

©Oemting Your Freezer
®Once the freezer is in its proper place, plug it in an e]edrical outlet
having 115 vdts and 15 amps.
" Set the temperature, on the temperature controJ knob. "1" being the
warmest and "6" being the cddest, hitiaJJy setthe temperature on "3".
PJacefood inside the freezer (green JightwiJJcome on indicating that the
freezer is in operation}. After using the freezer for 24 hours set the
freezer to ),'our desired setting.
®Hncase you unpJug your freezer or experience an dectricaJ outage,
dJow 5 minutes before pJugging it back in.
AdjnstabJe temoeratnre allah
Your freezer will automaficdJy maintain
the temperature level you seJect.The
temperature controJ did has 6 settings
pJusOFF. "1" is the warmest, "6" is the
coMesL Turning the did to OFF stops
coding the freezen Set the did to "3"
and allow 24 hours to pass before
adjusting the temperature to your needs.
(see fig. # 1)
(Note: Jf the freezer has been
pJaced in a horizontoJ or
tJJted position for ony period
of time woit 24 hoots before
pJngging the nnit in.)

Fest Freez÷
(see fig. # 1)
® Your freezer is equipped with a Fast Freeze switch (orange switch),
which will allow you to quickly freeze food when you have added a Jot
of food at one time. Flip the orange Fast Freeze switch on and the
compressor wiJJrun continuoudy. Turn off the Fast Freeze feature once
food has reached desired temperature.
Note: Donot forget to turn off thefastfreezeswitchwhen notrequired.
Doing sowiJJavoid unnecessaryenergy use.
ternperatulecontrol did
fig. # 1
orange fastfreeze switch
Feed Sterege Besket end _e_'_eveb_e Divider
(see fig_# 2)
Your freezer has 1 or 2 baskets depending on the model purchased. The
removable basket alJo',,vsyou to store food more accessabJy or you can
remove it if not needed.
®Theremovabledivider can be removedby lifting it out,in caseyou do
notwant to useit. Thefood divider helpsyou to betterorganize your
fig. # 2

Defresti_g _d Draining tBe Freezer
Defrost whenever the frost becomes 1/4" thick_ Never use a sharp or
metallic instrument to remove the frost as it may damage the cooling
coils. (A punctured coil wiJJvoid the warranty}
Turnthe temperaturecontrolto OFFpositionand unplug theuniL
Removethedrain plug from the inside of thefreezer (seefig. #3a}_
Defrostingusuallytakesa few hours.Todefrostfosterkeepthe
freezerdoor open_
Fordraining, placea tray beneaththeouter drain pJug_Pulloutthe
drain dial (seefig. #3b) and rotateit sothat thearrow points
downwar& Thisw@letthewater flow out in thetray_When done, push
thedrain dial in andturn thearrow to the up position_Re-plugthedrain
plug insidethefreezer compartment Note: monitorthecontainer under
thedrain to avoid overflow_
Wipe the interior of the freezer and replace the electrical plug in the
electrical oufleL
Resetthe temperature control to the desired setting,
Yourfreezercomeswith a hoseadapter in caseyou would like to drain
thedefrostedwater directly to the drain_Thehoseadapterfits in the
outerdrain plug. Threadthe hoseto theadapter.
Note: Thedrain hasto be at a lower levelthanthe hoseadapten
fig_ # 3a fig_ # 3b fig_ # 3c
Temperature A_e_ gys_e_
When poweringon ),'ourfreezer,thetemperature
alarm system(whiteswitch)shouldbe at the "O"
position_Putit in the "-" positiononce the freezer is
on for a period of 24 hours_Ifthe temperatureinthe
freezerrisesabove-60"F,thenthereis a built-in
audible alarm systemtowarn you_ThiswiJJshutoff
onceyou turn off the temperaturealarm switch.
fig_# 4 ternperatulealarmswitchj

ke<k Hey
® Your freezer has a lock and key feature to secure the freezer. Close the
lid and turnkey to lock. Turnkey in oppositedirection
to unlock.
fig. # 5
St@rage I @rm ti@r
Wipe containersbeforestoring toavoid nedJessspills.
®Hot food shouldbe allowed to cod beforestoringin the freezen
Thiswill preventunnecessaryenergy use.
®When storingmeats,keep in theoriginal
packaging or rewrapas necessary.
Properfreezerstoragerequirescorrect packaging. AJJfoods mustbe in
packages,which do notallow theflow of air or moisturein, or ouk
ImproperstoragewiJJresultin odor and tastetransferand wiJJresultin
thedrying out of the improperly packagedfood.
®Followpackageor container instructionsfor proper storage.
Packaging Recommendations:
Plasticcontainerswith air tight lids
Heavyduty aluminumfoil
Plasticwrap made from saran film
Do notrefreezedefrostdithawd foods.
®It is recommendedthatthe freezing date be markedon thepackaging.
N@rm l ©i÷r tiH% S@ur ds He r
® Boiling water) gurgling sounds or" slight vibrations that are the result of
therefrigerantcirculating through thecoding coils,
Thethermostatcontrolwill dick when itcycleson and off.

Warning: To avoid electric shockalways unplug your
freezer before cleaning. Hgnoringthis warning may
result in death or injury_
Before using deaning products, always read and
follow manufacturer's instructions and warnings to avoid
personal injury or product damage.
Prepare a cleaning solution of 3-4 tablespoons of
baking soda mixed with warm waten Usesponge or
soft cloth, dampened with the cleaning solution, to
wipe down ),'our freezer.
" Rinse with clean warm water and dry with a soft cloth.
® Do not use harsh chemicals, abrasives, ammonia,
chlorine bleach,concentrated detergents, solvents or
metal scouring pads. SOME of these chemicals may
dissolve, damage and/or discolor your freezer.
Door Gaskets:
®CJean door gaskets every three months according to
genera[ instructions. Gaskets must be kept dean and
pliable to assure a proper seaJ.
Petrdeum jeJJyappJied lightJy on the hinge side of
gaskets wiJJkeep the gasket pliabJe and assure a good

@wer Hte r i@Hs
'_Occasionally there may be power interruptions due b thunderstorms or
other causes Remove the power cord from AC outlet when a power
outage occurs. When power has been restored, replug power cord to
AC outlet. Hfoutage is for a prolonged period, inspect and discard
spoiled or thawed food in freezer. Clean freezer before reusing.
For long vacations or absences, empty food from freezer, move the
temperature DHALto the OFF position and dean the door gaskets
according to _Genera[ cleaning _ section. Prop doors open, so air can
circuJate inside. When moving always move the freezer
verticaJJy.Do not move with the unit lying down. Possible damage to the
sealed system couJd occun

Freezer Does Not Operate:
Check if thermostat control is not in the "OFF" position,
®Check if freezer is pluggd in.
®Check if there is power at the ac outlet, by checking the circuit breaken
Wait for 30-40 minutes to see whether freezer will start, Compressor
cycle must be complete to operate,
Food temperature appears too warm:
®Frequent door openings,
Allow time for recently added warm food to reach freezer temperature,
®Check gaskets for proper seal,
®Adjust temperature control to colder seffing_
Food temperature is too cokJ:
* If temperature controJ setting is too cold, adjust to a warmer setting
and dlow several hours for temperature to adjust.
Freezer runs too frequentJy:
®Thismay be normalto maintainconstanttemperatureduring high
temperatureand humid days,
Doorsmay have beenopenedfrequentlyor for an extended
period of time,
" Checkgasketfor proper seaJ.
®Checkto seeif doorsare compJeteJyclosd,
®Checkfreezercompartmentfor bJockagefrom
frozen food packages,containers,etc.
®Checkif FastFreezeswitchis on.
Freezer has on odor:
®interior needs cJeaning,
" Foods improperly wrapped or seaJed are giving off odors.