Haier FlexFit Series Single Specification Manual

31-5000407 Rev. 0 06-19 GEA
2 31-5000407 Rev. 0
OUTDOOR UNIT DIMENSIONS ....................................................................................4
INDOOR UNIT DIMENSIONS ......................................................................................5
DUCTED UNIT DIMENSIONS ......................................................................................6
CASSETTE UNIT DIMENSIONS ....................................................................................7
Part 1: General ......................................................................................................9
Part 2: Performance and Operating Range ...........................................................................9
Part 3: Installation Requirements ...................................................................................13
Part 4: Electrical Requirements .....................................................................................13
Part 1: General .....................................................................................................14
Part 2: Installation .................................................................................................14
Part 3: Components ...............................................................................................14
WALL MOUNT INDOOR UNIT .....................................................................................15
Part 1: General .....................................................................................................15
Part 2: Installation Requirements ...................................................................................15
Part 3: Electrical Requirements .....................................................................................15
Part 4: Components ...............................................................................................16
Part 1: General .....................................................................................................17
Part 2: Installation Requirements ...................................................................................17
Part 3: Electrical Requirements .....................................................................................17
Part 4: Components ...............................................................................................18
Part 5: Supply and Return Air Panels ................................................................................18
Part 1: General .....................................................................................................19
Part 2: Installation Requirements ...................................................................................19
Part 3: Electrical Requirements .....................................................................................19
Part 4: Components ...............................................................................................20
Part 1: PB-700IB 2x2 Compact Cassette Panel ......................................................................20
Part 2: PB-950KB 3x3 Large Cassette Standard Panel ................................................................21
Part 3: PB 950MB 3x3 Large Cassette Panel with Intelligent Eye ......................................................21
Part 1: Wireless Control ............................................................................................22
Part 2: Wired Controllers ...........................................................................................22
Part 3: QAWF01A WiFi Adapter .....................................................................................23
Part 4: WK-B Interface Kit ..........................................................................................23
LIMITED WARRANTY ........................................................................................... 25
31-5000407 Rev. 0 3
21 1/4 (540)
27 1/8 (688)
30 3/4 (780
31 7/8 (810)
9 5/8 (245
11 3/8 (288)
37 3/8(950)
23 5/8(600)
15 5/8(396)
15 7/8(404) 21 1/4(450)
37 3/8(950)
53 1/8(1350)
15 5/8(396
37 3/8(950)
23 5/8(600)
15 5/8(396)
15 7/8(404) 21 1/4(450)
23 5/8(600)
15 7/8(404) 17 3/4(450)
4 31-5000407 Rev. 0
13 1/8 (332
33 5/8 (855
39 1/4 (997
13 1/4(336)
8 (204)
43 7/8(1115)
9 5/8(243)
14 3/8(365)
9 1/4 (235)
51 3/4(1316)
10 7/8(275)
31-5000407 Rev. 0 5
16 1/2 (420)
14 1/2 (369)
air flow
7 1/4 (184)
34 3/4 (880)
33 1/2 (850)
30 3/4 (780)
air flow
25 1/4 (640) 35 1/8 (892)
3 1/2
1 1/4
47 3/4(1213)
46 1/8(1170)
43 1/4(1100)
air flow
2 3/4(70)
2 3/4(70)
6 (152)
25 3/4(653)
air flow
9 7/8(251)
28 3/8(720)
56 1/2(1435)
air flow
50 5/8(1286) 61 514(1556)
56 1/2(1435)
6 5/8(168)
air flow
9 1/4(235)
16 1/2(420)
14 1/2 (369)
air flow
7 1/4(185)
17 3/4 (450)
23 1/2 (595)
air flow
37 3/4(960)
3 1/2(90)
1 1/8(30)
41 3/8 (1050)
39 (990) 33 1/2(849)
air flow
air flow
air flow
25 3/4(653)
50 5/8(1286)
61 514(1556)
air flow
9 7/8(251)
28 3/8(720)
6 5/8(168)
air flow
9 1/4(235)
31 3/8 (797)
air flow
9 7/8 (250)
28 3/8 (720)
37 5/8 (957)
5 7/8 (148)
air flow
8 7/8 (226)
6 31-5000407 Rev. 0
More than 59 (1500) to wall on all sides
10 1/4 (260)
1 (25)
1 inch recess between ceiling surface and bottom of unit without panel on.
Suspending Rods 22 7/16(570)
Ceiling Opening 23-23 7/8 (585-605)
11 1/4 (285)
6 7/8 (175)
less than 1/2 (12)
No object closer than 39 (1000)
Unit Body 22 7/8 (580)
Panel 24 3/8 (620)
22 7/8 (580)
Ø 4 (100)
3/4 (20)3/4 (20)
8 1/4 (210)
less than 1/2 (12)
More than 59 (1500) to wall on all sides
4 3/8 (110)
7 (179)
1 (25)
1 inch recess between ceiling and bottom of unit without panel on.
3 1/2 (90)
5 (126)
8 (204)
Ceiling Opening 34 1/4 - 35 (870-890)
3 1/2 (90)
Less than 1 (25)
No object closer than 39 (1000)
Suspending Rods 30 1/8 (765)
Unit Body 33 1/8 (840)
Panel 37 3/8 (950)
33 1/8 (840) 1 3/4 (45)1 3/4 (45)
2 5/8 (68)
Ø 3 (75)
4 3/8 (110)
3 1/2 (90)
Less than 1 (25)
31-5000407 Rev. 0 7
(Appearance may vary)
This picture is for reference only, as your product may look different. Read your manual before installation. Explain the operation of the unit to the user according to this manual.
more than 4in.
more than
Attention must be paid to
the pitch of drain hose
1 ft.
Thedistancebetween theindoorunitandthe ĥòor should be more than 6 feet.
more than 24in.
more than 4in.
more than 6in.
more than 4in.
more than 6in.
> 6 in
5 ft.
5 ft.
8 ft. Over
> 12 in
> 12 in
Air Flow
> 12 in
8 31-5000407 Rev. 0
Part 1: General
1.1 Description A. The Haier Flexfit Single heat pump air conditioner shall be a variable capacity, mini-split type system
comprised of a single outdoor and a single indoor unit.
1.2 Toxicity A. The heat pump system shall participate in RoHS compliance and listed in the directory.
Part 2: Performance and Operating Range
2.1 Operating Range A. The heat pump unit shall provide cooling temperature range of 0°~115°F (-18°C~46°C). B. The heat pump system shall be capable of providing greater than 70% capacity at -22°F (-30°C) outdoor
ambient temperature.
C. The heat pump system connected to 1U24LP2VHA, 1U36LP2VHA or 1U48LP2VHA outdoor shall be capable of
providing 100% cooling capacity at 0°F (-18°C) outdoor ambient temperature.
D. The heat pump shall operate normally with voltages between 187~253V.
2.2 Performance The system shall perform within the specified operating window found on the following table.
A. Cooling performance rating shall be verified following AHRI 210/240 standards of 80°F DB/67°F WB (27°/19°C)
indoor temperature and 95°F DB/75°F WB (35°/24°C) outdoor temperature.
B. Heating performance rating shall be verified following AHRI 210/240 standards of 70°F DB/60°F WB (21°/16°C)
indoor temperature and 47°F DB/43°F WB (8°/6°C) outdoor temperature.
31-5000407 Rev. 0 9
Model Name and operating
System Type Wall Mount
Outdoor 1U12LC2VHA 1U18LC2VHA 1U24LP2VHA 1U36LP2VHA
Indoor AW12LC2VHB AW18LC2VHB AW24LP2VHA AW36LP2VHA Cooling °F(°C) 0~115(-18~46) 0~115(-18~46) 0~115(-18~46) 0~115(-18~46) Heating °F(°C) 5~75(-15~24) 5~75(-15~24) -4~75(-20-24) -4~75(-20-24)
Power Supply Voltage, Cycle, Phase V/Hz/- 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1
Wire Size between ID and OD 14/4 AWG Stranded 14/4 AWG Stranded 14/4 AWG Stranded 14/4 AWG Stranded
Maximum Fuse Size A 15 20 25 30
Minimum Circuit Amp A 14 17 21 26
Cooling Rated Capacity Btu/hr 12,000 17,000 24000 35000
Capacity Range Btu/hr 4,780-13,300 5,100-19,000 6800-30700 8500-37500
Rated Power Input W 1,180 1,530 2,182 3,500
SEER 18.0 18.0 17.0 17.0
EER 10.5 11.0 10.0 8.6
Moisture Removal Pt./h 3.38 4.23 4.10 5.1
Heating "Rated Heating Capacity
Outdoor Unit Outdoor Noise Level dB 53 54 47 52
Indoor Unit Indoor Sound dB (Turbo/ High/Med/
Airflow (Turbo/High/Med/Low/
Maximum Line Length Ft / m 50/15 83/25 165/50 165/50
"Heating Capacity Range
Rated Power Input W 1,200 1,485 2700 3700
HSPF 9.5 9.0 10.0 10.0
Dimension: Height in (mm) 21 1/4 (540) 27 (688) 38 (965) 38 (965)
Dimension: Width in (mm) 30 3/4 (780) 31 7/8 (810) 37 3/8(950) 37 3/8(950) Dimension: Depth in (mm) 9 5/8 (245) 11 5/16 (288) 14 5/8(370) 14 5/8(370)
Weight (Ship/Net)- lbs (kg) 75.4/68.8 (34.2/31.2) 100.3/94.8 (45.5/43) 202.8/ 176.4 (92/80) 207.2/180.7 (94/82)
Quiet) CFM
Dimension: Height in (mm) 11(280) 12 3/4 (322) 13 1/4(336) 14 3/8(365)
Dimension: Width in (mm) Dimension: Depth in (mm) 8 1/16 (204) 9 1/4 (235) 9 9/16(243) 10 7/8(275) Max. Ext. Static in.W.G (Pa) NA NA NA NA
Drainpipe Size O.D. in NA NA NA NA
Internal Condensate Pump NA NA NA NA
Max. Drain-Lift in (mm) NA NA NA NA
Grill Model NA NA NA NA
Grill Size: H×W×D in (mm) NA NA NA NA
Weight (Ship/Net)-lbs (kg) 26.9/22.05 (12.2/10) 35.3/28.7 (16/13) 45.4/37.5(20.6/17) 55.1/46.3(25.5/21)
Connections Flare Flare Flare Flare
Liquid/Suction O.D. in 1/4 3/8 1/4 1/2 3/8 5/8 3/8 5/8
Factory Charge Oz 42.3 45.9 88.2 88.2
Maximum Height Ft / m 33/10 50/15 100/30 100/30
13,500 18,000 27000 37000
5,120-13,990 5,400-20,400 6800-34100 8500-41000
41/40/34/27/23 46/45/40/35/25
353/294/277/259/230 636/530/483/430/383 710/650/560/440/410 720/660/570/450/420
33 5/8 (855) 39 1/4 (997) 43 7/8(1115) 51 13/16(1316)
49/47/42/36/34 50/48/44/38/36
10 31-5000407 Rev. 0
name and
Cooling Rated Capacity Btu/hr 11,000 16,000 24000 35000 47000
Heating "Rated Heating Capacity
Indoor Unit Indoor Sound dB (Turbo/
System Type Slim Duct High Static Duct
Outdoor 1U12LC2VHA 1U18LC2VHA 1U24LP2VHA 1U36LP2VHA 1U48LP2VHA
Indoor AD12SL2VHB AD18SL2VHB AM24LP2VHA AM36LP2VHA AM48LP2VHA Cooling °F(°C) 0~115(-18~46) 0~115(-18~46) 0~115(-18~46) 0~115(-18~46) 0~115(-18~46) Heating °F(°C) 5~75(-15~24) 5~75(-15~24) -4~75(-20-24) -4~75(-20-24) -4~75(-20-24)
Voltage, Cycle, Phase V/
Wire Size between ID and OD14/4 AWG Stranded 14/4 AWG Stranded 14/4 AWG Stranded 14/4 AWG Stranded 14/4 AWG Stranded
Maximum Fuse Size A 15 20 25 30 40
Minimum Circuit Amp A 14 17 21 26 35
Capacity Range Btu/hr 4,000~12,000 5,000~18,000 6800-30700 8500-37500 11900-54500
Rated Power Input W 1,200 1,700 2,182 3,500 4,476
SEER 16.0 15.0 17.0 17.0 17.0
EER 9.0 9.0 11.0 10.0 10.5
Moisture Removal Pt./h 2.65 3.85 5.1 6.8 11.0
"Heating Capacity Range
Rated Power Input W 1,400 1,600 2,089 3,283 4,407
HSPF 8.2 9.5 11.0 10.5 10.0
Outdoor Noise Level dB 53 54 47 52 53
Dimension: Height in (mm)
Dimension: Width in (mm) 30 3/4 (780) 31 7/8 (810) 37 3/8(950) 37 3/8(950) 37 3/8(950) Dimension: Depth in (mm) 9 5/8 (245) 11 5/16 (288) 14 5/8(370) 14 5/8(370) 14 5/8(370)
Weight (Ship/Net)- lbs (kg) 75.4/68.8 (34.2/31.2) 100.3/94.8 (45.5/43) 202.8/ 176.4 (92/80) 207.2/180.7 (94/82) 260.1/231.5 (118/105)
Airflow (Turbo/High/Med/
Low/ Quiet) CFM
Dimension: Height in (mm) 7 5/16 (185) 7 5/16 (185) 9 7/8 (250) 9 7/8 (250) 9 7/8 (250)
Dimension: Width in (mm) Dimension: Depth in (mm) 16 9/16 (420) 16 9/16 (420) 25 3/4 (655) 28 3/8 (720) 28 3/8 (720) Max. Ext. Static in.W.G (Pa) 0.16 (40) 0.16 (Pa) 0.6(150) 0.6(150) 0.6(150)
Drainpipe Size O.D. in 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4
Internal Condensate Pump Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Max. Drain-Lift in (mm) 27 9/16 (700) 27 9/16 (700) 27 9/16(700) 27 9/16(700) 27 9/16(700)
Grill Model NA NA NA NA NA
Grill Size: H×W×D in (mm) NA NA NA NA NA
Weight (Ship/Net)-lbs (kg) 47.2/36.8 (21.4/16.7) 62.4/51.4(28.3/23.3) 81.1/68.8 (36.8/31.2) 130.1/121.3 (59/55) 132.3/114.6 (60/52)
Connections Flare Flare Flare Flare Flare
Liquid/Suction O.D. in 1/4 3/8 1/4 1/2 3/8 5/8 3/8 5/8 3/8 5/8
Factory Charge Oz 42.3 45.9 88.2 88.2 131.0
Maximum Line Length
Ft / m
Maximum Height Ft / m 33/10 50/15 100/30 100/30 100/30
208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1
12,000 17,000 26500 37500 52000
5,000 ~ 13,000 6,000~19,000 6800-34100 8500-41000 13600-64800
21 1/4 (540) 27 (688) 38 (965) 38 (965) 53 1/8 (1350)
38/35/29/26/23 31/29/23/29/25 38/35/32/29 32/28/25/23 41/36/33/31
400/353/282/247/218 540/500/447/365/306 845/670/530/470 1100/950/735/675 1350/1150/930/765
33 7/16 (850) 46 1/16 (1170) 37 5/8 (957) 59 (1500) 59 (1500)
50/15 83/25 165/50 165/50 230/75
31-5000407 Rev. 0 11
name and
Cooling Rated Capacity Btu/hr 11,000 16,000 24000 35000 45000
Heating "Rated Heating Capacity
Indoor Unit Indoor Sound dB (Turbo/
System Type Compact Cassette Large Cassette
Outdoor 1U12LC2VHA 1U18LC2VHA 1U24LP2VHA 1U36LP2VHA 1U48LP2VHA
Indoor AB12SC2VHA AB18SC2VHA AL24LP2VHA AL36LP2VHA AL48LP2VHA Cooling °F(°C) 0~115(-18~46) 0~115(-18~46) 0~115(-18~46) 0~115(-18~46) 0~115(-18~46) Heating °F(°C) 5~75(-15~24) 5~75(-15~24) -4~75(-20-24) -4~75(-20-24) -4~75(-20-24)
Voltage, Cycle, Phase V/
Wire Size between ID and OD14/4 AWG Stranded 14/4 AWG Stranded 14/4 AWG Stranded 14/4 AWG Stranded 14/4 AWG Stranded
Maximum Fuse Size A 15 20 25 30 40
Minimum Circuit Amp A 14 17 21 26 35
Capacity Range Btu/hr 4,000~12,000 5,000~18,000 6800-27000 8500-37500 11900-52800
Rated Power Input W 1,150 1,690 2,087 3,500 4,286
SEER 16.0 16.0 17.0 17.0 17.0
EER 10.0 9.0 11.5 10.0 10.5
Moisture Removal Pt./h 2.65 3.85 5.1 6.3 11.0
"Heating Capacity Range
Rated Power Input W 1,400 1,600 2,281 3,253 4,533
HSPF 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.3 10.5
Outdoor Noise Level dB 53 54 47 52 53
Dimension: Height in (mm)
Dimension: Width in (mm) 30 3/4 (780) 31 7/8 (810) 37 3/8(950) 37 3/8(950) 37 3/8(950) Dimension: Depth in (mm) 9 5/8 (245) 11 5/16 (288) 14 5/8(370) 14 5/8(370) 14 5/8(370) Weight (Ship/Net)- lbs (kg) 75.4/68.8 (34.2/31.2) 100.3/94.8 (45.5/43) 202.8/ 176.4 (92/80) 207.2/180.7 (94/82) 260.1/231.5 (118/105)
Airflow (Turbo/High/Med/
Low/ Quiet) CFM
Dimension: Height in (mm) 10 1/4 (260) 10 1/4 (260) 9 5/8 (246) 9 5/8 (246) 11 3/8 (288)
Dimension: Width in (mm) Dimension: Depth in (mm) 22 7/16(570) 22 7/16(570) 33 1/8(840) 33 1/8(840) 33 1/8(840) Max. Ext. Static in.W.G (Pa) NA NA NA NA NA
Drainpipe Size O.D. in 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1 1
Internal Condensate Pump Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Max. Drain-Lift in (mm) 47.2(1200) 47.2(1200) 39 3/8 (1000) 39 3/8 (1000) 39 3/8 (1000)
Grill Model PB-700IB PB-700IB PB-950KB PB-950KB PB-950KB
Grill Size: H×W×D in (mm) 2 3/8 × 27 9/16 × 27 9/16(60×700×700) 2 × 37 3/8 × 37 3/8 (50×950×950)
Weight (Ship/Net)-lbs (kg) 61.3/47 (27.8/21.3) 61.3/47.0 (27.8/21.3) 79.4/68.3 (36/31) 79.4/68.3 (36/31) 83.8/70.5 (38/32)
Connections Flare Flare Flare Flare Flare
Liquid/Suction O.D. in 1/4 3/8 1/4 1/2 3/8 5/8 3/8 5/8 3/8 5/8
Factory Charge Oz 42.3 45.9 88.2 88.2 131.0
Maximum Line Length
Ft / m
Maximum Height Ft / m 33/10 50/15 100/30 100/30 100/30
208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1 208-230/60/1
12,000 16,000 27300 36500 49000
5,000 ~ 13,000 6,000~19,000 6800-30500 8500-38500 13600-61000
21 1/4 (540) 27 (688) 38 (965) 38 (965) 53 1/8 (1350)
42/40/36/32/25 45/42/40/36/32 36/33/29/26 45/42/38/34 41/36/33/31
410/365/305/265/205 470/410/365/295/252 740/630/480/400 990/900/776/700 1147/941/847/705
22 7/16(570) 22 7/16(570) 33 1/8(840) 33 1/8(840) 33 1/8(840)
50/15 83/25 165/50 165/50 230/75
12 31-5000407 Rev. 0
Part 3: Installation Requirements
3.1 Lineset A. The connecting refrigerant lines between the indoor and outdoor units are to be supplied by the installer. B. The tubing must be annealed ACR-type copper, meeting ASTM B280 standards. C. The connecting tubing between the outdoor and indoor units shall be continuous in all possible situations. D. The tubing ends must be reamed inside and out, and must be flared using a 45° flaring tool approved for
E. Connections to the indoor and outdoor units shall be made with flare nuts that are supplied with the individual
F. The flare nuts must be attached to indoor and outdoor units using a torque wrench and
back-up wrench.
Pipe Size Torque A (inch) Flare Shape
1/4 12 lb/ft 16.3 Nm 0.327-0.343 3/8 27 lb/ft 36.6 Nm 0.472-0.488 1/2 40 lb/ft 54.2 Nm 0.488-0.654 5/8 50 lb/ft 67.8 Nm 0.732-0.748 3/4 80 lb/ft 108.5 Nm 0.902-0.917
G. Each tube must be insulated with a minimum of 1/2 inch (12.7mm) closed-foam insulation that is UV resistant
and meets ASTM Standard E84 25/50 flame spread/smoke development.
H. The lineset between the indoor and outdoor must not exceed the listed maximum length and maximum height
difference. See chart below.
System Models Liquid Vapor Minimum Length Maximum Length Maximum Height Difference
1/4 in 3/8 in 6ft (1.8m) 66ft (20m) 50 ft (15 m) 1/4 in 3/8 in 6ft (1.8m) 66ft (20m) 50 ft (15 m) 1/4 in 3/8 in 6ft (1.8m) 66ft (20m) 50 ft (15 m) 1/4 in 1/2 in 6ft (1.8m) 83ft (25.3m) 50 ft (15 m) 1/4 in 1/2 in 6ft (1.8m) 83ft (25.3m) 50 ft (15 m) 1/4 in 1/2 in 6ft (1.8m) 83ft (25.3m) 50 ft (15 m) 3/8 in 5/8 in 6ft (1.8m) 165ft (50m) 100 ft (30 m) 3/8 in 5/8 in 6ft (1.8m) 165ft (50m) 100 ft (30 m) 3/8 in 5/8 in 6ft (1.8m) 165ft (50m) 100 ft (30 m) 3/8 in 5/8 in 6ft (1.8m) 165ft (50m) 100 ft (30 m) 3/8 in 5/8 in 6ft (1.8m) 165ft (50m) 100 ft (30 m) 3/8 in 5/8 in 6ft (1.8m) 165ft (50m) 100 ft (30 m) 3/8 in 5/8 in 6ft (1.8m) 230ft (75m) 100 ft (30 m) 3/8 in 5/8 in 6ft (1.8m) 230ft (75m) 100 ft (30 m)
I. The lineset connected to 1U24LP2VHA and 1U36LP2VHA shall be capable of being up to 165ft (50m) long. J. The lineset connected to a 1U48LP2VHA shall be capable of being up to 230ft (70m) long.
Part 4: Electrical Requirements
4.1 Electrical Supply A. The operating electrical requirements shall be 208/230 volts AC, single-phase, 60 hertz. Voltage supplied to
the outdoor unit must be between 187-253 volts.
B. Power supply must be installed in accordance to NEC standards.
4.2 Connecting Wire to Indoor A. Connecting cable between the indoor unit(s) must be made with 4 conductor - 14 AWG stranded copper wire. B. Connecting wire must be continuous (without break) unless local code requires power disconnect next to
indoor unit. See indoor electrical section 3.1 for the specification.
31-5000407 Rev. 0 13
Part 1: General
1.1 Outdoor Unit A. The Haier Flexfit Single outdoor unit shall be comprised of a condenser coil with all components and controls
necessary to perform the rated operation.
1.2 Warranty A. The outdoor unit shall be covered by a manufacturer's parts warranty. See Appendix for details.
1.3 Sound Pressure Rating
Model Sound Pressure Rating dB (A) 1U12LC2VHA 53 1U18LC2VHA 54 1U24LP2VHA 47 1U36LP2VHA 52 1U48LP2VHA 53
Part 2: Installation
2.1 Condensate A. The installer must adhere to local building codes for managing condensate water produced by the outdoor unit.
2.2 Clearances A. The installer must follow the recommended clearances provided in the Installation Manual.
Part 3: Components
3.1 Coil
B. Coils shall be helium pressure tested at the factory within a range of 600 - 650 PSI. C. Outdoor unit shall be factory charged with R-410A refrigerant for 25 feet of lineset.
3.2 Fan Motor A. The outdoor fan motor shall be a brushless, variable speed DCV motor type. B. The fan motor shall be molded with heat-hardened resin. C. The fan motor shall have permanently lubricated SRC bearings.
3.3 Fan Blade A. The outdoor fan blade shall be a UL flame rated plastic-resin design.
3.4 Compressor A. The compressor shall be a DC rotary type and A-PAM inverter-driven for stable operation in lower and higher
B. The compressor shall be vairable speed, variable capacity. C. The compressor shall have an internal overload protection device. D. The compressor shall use PVE (FV50S) refrigerant oil for better anti-wear effectiveness, superior resistance to
3.5 4WV A. The outdoor unit shall contain a four-way reversing valve (4WV) to change system mode from cool to heat.
3.6 EEV A. The refrigerant flow shall be regulated by an electronic expansion valve (EEV). B. The outdoor control shall monitor the refrigerant flow through the EEV using a pulse-operated coil. C. The EEV shall maintain the target of 10°F (5.5°C) of superheat.
3.7 Base Pan A. The base pan shall be constructed of commercial grade DC51/DC52 hot-dip galvanized steel with coating. B. The outdoor unit shall ship with a drain port adapter sized for 1/2 inch tubing to manage condensate run off.
A. The outdoor coil shall be made with a blue colored hydrophilic coating on the aluminum fins and packed with internally
shorter defrost cycles (approx. 29%.)
B. The fan blade shall be factory balanced in quiet performance and enhanced velocity.
capillary tube blockage and no hydrolysis compared to POE oil.
14 31-5000407 Rev. 0
Part 3: Components (continued)
3.9 Copper Piping A. All internally connected copper tubing shall conform to ASTM B280 tubing tolerances.
3.10 Outdoor Enclosure Materials A. The outdoor cabinet shall be constructed of commercial grade DC51/DC52 hot-dip galvanized steel with coating.
3.11 Defrost A. The outdoor unit shall have a reverse-cycle (hot gas) defrost system to maximize heat pump operation and minimize
energy consumption.
3.12 Accumulator A. The accumulator shall be connected to the compressor return line to prevent liquid refrigerant from entering the
compressor during operation.
Part 1: General
1.1 Description A. The wall mounted indoor section completes the system when connected to the matching outdoor unit and
field-supplied piping and wiring.
1.2 Warranty A. The wall mounted indoor unit shall be covered by a manufacturer's parts warranty. See Appendix for detail.
1.3 Sound Pressure Rating
Model Blower Pressure Sound Rating dB(A)
(Turbo/High/Medium/Low/Quiet) AW12LC2VHB 41/40/34/27/23 AW18LC2VHB 46/45/40/35/25 AW24LP2VHA 49/47/42/36/34 AW36LP2VHA 50/48/44/38/36
Part 2: Installation Requirements
2.1 Condensate A. The wall mouted indoor shall be shipped with a insulated polyethylene condensate tubing (5/8" ID) attached from the factory. B. The wall mounted indoor unit shall ship with a 6.5 ft (2m) corrugated drain tube that connects to the insulated drain tube. C. The wall mounted indoor unit shall be a gravity drain.
2.2 Clearances A. The installer must follow the minium clearances illustrated in the Installation Manual when installing the indoor unit.
2.3 Mounting A. The wall mounted indoor unit shall ship with a galvanized metal wall bracket. B. The wall bracket shall have multiple anchor points to provide the installer with many options to firmly attach the wall
mounted indoor unit to the wall.
C. The field-supplied mounting hardware must be sufficient to adequately support the indoor unit.
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Part 3: Electrical Requirements
3.1 Electrical Disconnect A. Connecting wire must be continuous (without break) unless local code requires a disconnect at the indoor unit.
Model Fan Motor Rating (HP) AW12LC2VHB 0.054 AW18LC2VHB 0.054 AW24LP2VHA 0.094 AW36LP2VHA 0.094
B. If a disconnect is required by local code, it must be a 3-pole, single-throw type.
Part 4: Components
4.1 Coil A. The indoor coil shall be made with a blue colored hydrophilic coating on the aluminum fins and packed with internally
grooved copper tubing, to increase the effective heat exchange surface area by 25%. B. Copper tubing shall have inner micro-grooves to increase effective heat transfer capabilities. C. Coils shall be pressure tested at 600~650 PSI using helium leak detection. D. The coil shall be charged with dry nitrogen for shipping at 70~100 PSI.
4.2 Fan Motor A. The fan motor shall be a sealed DC multiple-speed resin-packed motor B. The fan motor shall have permanently lubricated bearings. C. The AW12LC2VHB shall have an optimized fan motor and blower design to enable up to 40 feet of air flow. D. The AW18LC2VHB, AW24LP2VHA and AW36LP2VHA models shall have an optimized fan motor and blower design to
enable up to 60 feet of air flow.
4.3 Fan Blade A. The fan blade shall be a corrosion-resistant cross-flow blower. B. The fan shall be designed with optimized diameter and surface area to deliver quiet and even air flow.
4.4 Copper Piping A. The coil shall be connected to a length of insulated annealed copper. B. The ends of the tubing shall have male flare connections.
4.5. Air Louvers A. The supply air shall be distributed by horizontal and vertical motorized louvers. B. Air Louvers shall provide wide angle of operation for both horizontal (120°) and vertical (90° from top to down) airflow
movement to provide room comfort for each corner.
4.6 Display A. The wall mounted indoor unit shall have a 4.5 x 1.1-inch backlit temperature display capable of showing set or room
temperatures. B. The display shall also have colored icons representing set mode. C. The display can be turned off from the wireless remote control.
4.7 WiFi A. The wall mounted indoor unit shall be capable of connecting to WiFi using an adapter.
4.8 Filter A. The wall mounted indoor unit shall have removable air filters. B. The air filters shall be washable and reusable.
4.9 Control A. The wall mounted indoor unit shall ship with a hand-held infrared remote control (YR-HG). B. The wall mounted indoor unit shall be compatible with YR-E17, YR-E16B and QACT17A wired controls. The adapter,
WK-B, shall be used with the indoor unit when connected to a wired controller.
4.10 Installation Clip A. The wall mounted indoor unit shall have a built-in clip that swings out and acts as a kick stand to allow for easier
access to the rear of the unit during installation repair.
16 31-5000407 Rev. 0
Part 1: General
1.1 Description A. The ducted indoor unit completes the system when connected to the matching outdoor unit and field-supplied
piping and wiring.
1.2 Warranty A. The ducted indoor unit shall be covered by a manufacture parts warranty. See appendix for full warranty detail.
1.3 Sound Pressure Rating
Model Blower Pressure Sound Rating dB(A)
(turbo/high/medium/low/quiet) AD07SL2VHB 35/33/29/26/21 AD09SL2VHB 35/33/29/26/22 AD12SL2VHB 38/35/29/26/23 AD18SL2VHB 31/29/23/29/25 AM24LP2VHA 38/35/32/29/-­AM36LP2VHA 32/28/25/23/-­AM48LP2VHA 41/36/33/31/--
Part 2: Installation Requirements
2.1 Condensate A. The ducted indoor unit shall ship with an insulated drain tube adapter that is sized for 3/4-inch PVC on one end. B. The ducted indoor unit shall have gravity drain ports on both sides of the unit.
2.2 Clearances A. The installer must follow the minimum clearances illustrated in the installation manual when installing the
indoor unit.
2.3 Mounting A. The ducted indoor unit shall have 4 hanging brackets that are sized for 3/8 threaded rod. B. The installer must use 3/8 threaded rod to suspend the ducted indoor unit from the building structure. C. The installer must install the unit upright and level in all directions.
Part 3: Electrical Requirements
3.1 Electrical Disconnect A. Connecting wire must be continuous, without break, unless local code requires power disconnect next to
indoor unit.
Model Fan Motor Rating (HP) AD07SL2VHB 0.066 AD09SL2VHB 0.066 AD12SL2VHB 0.085 AD18SL2VHB 0.114 AM24LP2VHA 0.362 AM36LP2VHA 0.617 AM48LP2VHA 0.617
B. If a disconnect is required by local code, it must be a 3-pole, single-throw type.
31-5000407 Rev. 0 17
Part 4: Components
4.1 Coil A. Coil shall be painted with a hydrophilic coating to increase airflow efficiency. B. Copper tubing shall have inner micro grooves to increase effective heat transfer capabilities. C. Coils shall be pressure tested at 600~650 PSI using Helium leak detection. D. The coil shall be charged with dry nitrogen for shipping at 70~100 PSI dwelling pressure.
4.2 Fan Motor A. The ducted fan motor shall be a sealed DC resin-packed motor. B. The fan motor shall have permanently lubricated bearings
4.3 Fan Blade A. The fan blade shall be a noncorrodible centrifugal fan blower.
4.4 Copper Piping A. The coil shall be connected to a length of insulated annealed copper. B. The ends of the tubing shall have female flare connections.
4.5 Filter A. The ducted indoor unit shall have removable air filters. B. The air filters shall be washable and reusable.
4.6 Control A. The ducted indoor unit shall ship with a wall mountable control (YR-E17). B. The ducted indoor unit shall be compatible with YR-E17, YR-E16B and QACT17A wired controls.
Part 5: Supply and Return Air Panels
5.1 Supply Grille Panel A. For models AD07SL2VHB, AD09SL2VHB, AD12SL2VHB shall be compatible with the air supply panel
PAD0890SA. B. The PAD0890SA air supply shall be distributed by horizontal and vertical motorized louvers. C. For AD18SL2VHB shall be compatible with the air supply panel PAD1210SA. D. The PAD1210SA air supply shall be distributed by horizontal and vertical motorized louvers.
5.2 Return Grille Panel A. For models AD07SL2VHB, AD09SL2VHB, AD12SL2VHB shall be compatible with the air return panel
PAD0890RA. B. The PAD0890SRA air return panel shall have a customer removable air filter that can be washed and reused. C. For AD18SL2VHB shall be compatible with the air supply panel PAD1210RA. D. The PAD1210RA air return panel shall have a customer removable air filter that can be washed and reused.
18 31-5000407 Rev. 0
Part 1 General
1.1 Description A. The cassette indoor unit completes the system when connected to the matching outdoor unit and field-
supplied piping and wiring.
1.2 Warranty A. The cassette indoor unit shall be covered by a manufacture parts warranty. See appendix for full warranty detail.
1.3 Sound Pressure Rating
Model Blower Pressure Sound Rating dB(A)
(turbo/high/medium/low/quiet) AB09SC2VHA 42/40/36/32/25 AB12SC2VHA 42/40/36/32/25 AB18SC2VHA 45/42/40/36/32 AL24LP2VHA 38/35/32/29/-­AL36LP2VHA 45/42/38/34/-­AL48LP2VHA 41/36/33/31/--
Part 2 Installation Requirements
2.1 Condensate A. The cassette indoor unit shall ship with an insulated drain tube adapter that is sized for 3/4-inch PVC on one
B. The cassette indoor unit shall have gravity drain port.
2.2 Clearances A. The installer must follow the minimum clearances illustrated in the installation manual when installing the
indoor unit.
2.3 Mounting A. The cassette indoor unit shall have 4 hanging brackets that are sized for 3/8 threaded rod. B. The installer must use 3/8 threaded rod to suspend the cassette indoor unit from the building structure. C. The installer must install the unit upright and level in all directions.
Part 3 Electrical Requirements
3.1 Electrical Disconnect A. Connecting wire must be continuous, without break, unless local code requires power disconnect next to
indoor unit.
Model Fan Motor Rating (HP) AB09SC2VHA 0.033 AB12SC2VHA 0.033 AB18SC2VHA 0.033 AL24LP2VHA 0.161 AL36LP2VHA 0.161 AL48LP2VHA 0.161
B. If a disconnect is required by local code, it must be a 3-pole, single-throw type.
31-5000407 Rev. 0 19
Part 4 Components
4.1 Coil A. Coil shall be painted with a hydrophilic coating to increase airflow efficiency. B. Copper tubing shall have inner micro grooves to increase effective heat transfer capabilities. C. Coils shall be pressure tested at 600~650 PSI using Helium leak detection. D. The coil shall be charged with dry nitrogen for shipping at 70~100 PSI dwelling pressure.
4.2 Fan Motor A. The cassette fan motor shall be a sealed DC resin-packed motor. B. The fan motor shall have permanently lubricated bearings
4.3 Fan Blade A. The fan blade shall be a noncorrodible axial fan blower.
4.4 Copper Piping A. The coil shall be connected to a length of insulated annealed copper. B. The ends of the tubing shall have female flare connections.
4.5 Panel A. A panel must be ordered separately. B. The cassette must be installed with a 1 inch recess beyond the ceiling surface to allow the panel to properly fit
flush against the ceiling and to allow the panel gasket to seal against the cassette.
4.6 Control A. The compact cassette indoor units with model numbers that start with AB shall ship with a hand-held control
B. The large cassette indoor units with model numbers that start with AL shall ship with a hand-held control (YR-
C. The cassette indoor unit shall be compatible with YR-E17, YR-E16B and QACT17A wired controls.
Part 1 PB-700IB 2x2 Compact Cassette Panel
1.1 General A. The PB-700IB panel must be ordered separately when ordering the indoor cassette unit.
1.2 Compatibility A. The PB-700IB panel shall be compatible with FlexFit Compact Cassette indoor units, AB09SC2VHA,
1.3 Installation A. The cassette must be installed with a 1 inch recess beyond the ceiling surface to allow the panel to properly fit
flush against the ceiling and to allow the panel gasket to seal against the cassette.
1.4 Filter A. The cassette indoor unit shall have a removable air filter. B. The air filters shall be washable and reusable.
1.5 Air Flow Control A. The PB-700IB shall have vertical and horizontal louvers on all side to direct the air flow.
20 31-5000407 Rev. 0
Part 2 PB-950KB 3x3 Large Cassette Standard Panel
2.1 General A. The PB-950KB panel must be ordered separately when ordering the indoor cassette unit.
2.2 Compatibility A. The PB-950KB panel shall be compatible with FlexFit Pro Large Cassette indoor units, AL24LP2VHA,
2.3 Installation A. The cassette must be installed with a 1 inch recess beyond the ceiling surface to allow the panel to properly fit
flush against the ceiling and to allow the panel gasket to seal against the cassette.
2.4 Filter A. The cassette indoor unit shall have a removable air filter. B. The air filters shall be washable and reusable.
2.5 Air Flow Control A. The PB-950KB shall have horizontal louvers on all sides to direct the air flow. B. The PB-950KB shall have individual louver control.
Part 3 PB-950MB 3x3 Large Cassette Panel with Intelligent Eye
3.1 General A. The PB-950MB panel must be ordered separately when ordering the indoor cassette unit.
3.2 Compatibility A. The PB-950MB panel shall be compatible with FlexFit Pro Large Cassette indoor units, AL24LP2VHA,
3.3 Installation A. The cassette must be installed with a 1 inch recess beyond the ceiling surface to allow the panel to properly fit
flush against the ceiling and to allow the panel gasket to seal against the cassette.
3.4 Filter A. The cassette indoor unit shall have a removable air filter. B. The air filters shall be washable and reusable.
3.5 Air Flow Control A. The PB-950MB shall have horizontal louvers on all sides to direct the air flow. B. The PB-950MB shall have individual louver control.
3.6 Intelligent Eye A. The PB-950MB shall have a heat mapping sensor. B. The heat mapping sensor shall map 24.5ft (7.5m) in all directions. C. The PB-950MB shall set the louvers to avoid heat signatures when set to ‘Evade’ when using the YR-HBS01
D. The PB-950MB shall set the louvers to follow heat signatures when set to ‘Follow’ when using the YR-HBS01
31-5000407 Rev. 0 21
Part 1: Wireless Control
1.1 General A. The Haier wireless control, YR-HG, shall be compatible with Haier wall mounted and cassette indoor units. B. The Haier wireless control, YR-HBS01, shall be compatible with Haier large cassette indoor units. C. The wireless control (YR-HG) shall come packaged with wall mounted and compact cassette indoor units. D. The wireless control (YR-HBS01) shall come packaged with large cassette indoor units.
1.2 Connection A. The wireless control shall be infrared.
1.3 Compatibility A. The wireless controls shall be compatible with all wall mounted and cassette indoor models.
1.4 Warranty A. The warranty shall also cover all defects in workmanship or material for the unit accessory for a period of 1 year. Haier will
provide a new or refurbished controller, at its sole discretion
1.5 YR-HG Features A. The YR-HG wireless control shall have a power button, individual mode buttons (heat, cool, dehumidify), temperature +/-,
fan speed, vertical and horizontal louver adjust. B. The YR-HG wireless control shall be capable of setting a precise temperature of ±1°F (±0.5°C). C. The YR-HG wireless control shall have a backlight. D. The YR-HG wireless control shall have vertical and horizontal louver control. E. The YR-HG wireless control shall have a child lock function. F. The YR-HG wireless control shall have the ability to turn on/off the indoor unit display. G. The YR-HG wireless control shall have Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature functions.
1.6 YR-HBS01 Features A. The YR-HBS01 wireless control shall have a power button, individual mode buttons (heat, cool, dehumidify), temperature
+/-, fan speed, louver selector and horizontal louver adjust. B. The YR-HBS01 wireless control shall have a large display with clock. C. The YR-HBS01 wireless control shall have an on/off timer control. D. The YR-HBS01 wireless control shall be capable of setting a precise temperature of ±1°F (±0.5°C). E. The YR-HBS01 wireless control shall have a backlight. F. The YR-HBS01 wireless control shall have vertical and horizontal louver control. G. The YR-HBS01 wireless control shall have a child lock function. H. The YR-HBS01 wireless control shall have the ability to turn on/off the indoor unit display. I. The YR-HBS01 wireless control shall have Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature functions.
Part 2: Wired Controllers
2.1 General A. The wired controller shall be a wall-mounted.
2.2 Connection A. The wired controller shall connect to an indoor unit using the supplied cable. B. Two wired controllers can connect to one indoor unit. C. A single wired controller shall be able to connect up to 16 of the same model type of indoor units. The connected units shall
2.3 Compatability
2.4 Warranty A. The warranty shall cover all defects in workmanship or material for a period of 1 year. Haier will provide a new or refurbished
2.5 YR-E17 Features A. The wired controller shall operate power, mode (heat, cool, dry), temperature +/-, fan speed. B. The wired controller shall be capable of setting a precise temperature of ±1°F (±0.5°C). C. The wired controller shall have a backlight. D. The wired controller shall have vertical and horizontal louver control. E. The wired controller shall have a child lock function. F. The wired controller shall display either Fahrenheit or Celsius. G. The wired controller shall have the ability to display indoor ambient temperature. H. The wired controller shall have a Clean Filter reminder. I. The wired controller shall display error codes.
work in unison as a single zone.
A. The wired controller shall be compatible with all Haier indoor units. Connection to a wall mounted unit requires a WK-B adapter. If
multiple indoor units are connected to the controller, a WK-B adapter is required for each indoor unit.
controller, at its sole discretion.
22 31-5000407 Rev. 0
Part 2: Wired Controllers (continued)
2.7 QACT17A Features A. The wired controller shall have large physical buttons for easy operation. B. The wired controller shall have a power button, a mode button (heat, cool, dry), a fan speed button, a temperature up button
C. The wired controller shall be capable of setting a precise temperature of ±1°F (±0.5°C). D. The wired controller shall have a backlight. E. The wired controller shall have vertical and horizontal louver control.
G. The wired controller shall display either Fahrenheit or Celsius. H. The wired controller shall have the ability to display indoor ambient temperature. I. The wired controller shall have a Clean Filter reminder. J. The wired controller shall display error codes. K. The wired controller shall have an infrared receiver that can receive commands from a Haier hand-held remote
2.6 YR-E16B Features A. The controller shall have a color display. B. The wired controller shall have a power button, individual mode buttons (heat, cool, dry), temperature +/-, fan speed, vertical
C. The wired controller shall be capable of setting a precise temperature of ±1°F (±0.5°C). D. The wired controller shall have a backlight.
G. The wired controller shall display either Fahrenheit or Celsius. H. The wired controller shall have the ability to display indoor ambient temperature. I. The wired controller shall have a Clean Filter reminder. J. The wired controller shall display error codes. K. The wired controller shall be able to be programmed for daily or weekly settings.
and a temperature down button.
F. The wired controller shall have a child lock function.
and horizontal louver adjustments.
F. The wired controller shall have a child lock function.
Part 3: QAWF01A WiFi Adapter
3.1 General A. The QAWF01A WiFi adapter shall connect to a smart device app that will provide the user the ability to set mode,
3.2 Connection A. The WiFi adapter shall connect to the indoor wall mounted unit via the USB port. B. The WiFi adapter shall have an app that is compatible with both iOS and Android. C. The WiFi adapter shall be paired with existing 2.4gHz network D. The WiFi adapter shall comply with Part 15 of the FCC rules.
3.3 Compatibility A. The WiFi adapter shall be compatible with all wall mounted indoor units.
3.4 Warranty A
3.5 Features A. The WiFi adapter shall be Google Home compatible. B. The WiFi adapter shall be Amazon Alexa compatible. C. The homeowner shall have the ability to install and configure the WiFi adapter.
temperature, and fan speed of the indoor unit.
The warranty shall cover all defects in workmanship or material for a period of 1 year. Haier will provide a new or refurbished
controller, at its sole discretion.
Part 4: WK-B Interface Kit
4.1 General A. The WK-B adapter shall be used when connecting a wired controller to a wall mounted indoor unit.
4.2 Connection A. The WK-B adapter shall connect to the indoor unit with a supplied 3-wire cable. B. The wired controller shall connect to the WK-B with a supplied 3-wire cable.
4.3 Compatibility A. The WK-B adapter shall be compatible with all Haier mini-split and multi-split wall mounted indoor units. B. The WK-B adapter shall be compatible with YR-E17, YR-E16B, and QACT17A Haier wired controllers.
4.4 Warranty A. The warranty shall cover all defects in workmanship or material for a period of 1 year. Haier will provide a new or
refurbished controller, at its sole discretion.
31-5000407 Rev. 0 23
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