What The World Comes Home To _
RoomAir Conditioner
E ,AM_) , ESA3055
(ESAM055/ESA3055 Only)
LifeIesinsfructia_savanfdeprecedera I'indailafi©_.
P_orroutesquestionsco_rernantlospi_(esetI'eatretien,_omposezle 1-877-337-3639.
Ll_tnenosal 1-877-337-3639slfichepreguntassobrerepuesfoso serv_cios

Thank You for buying a dependable, energy saving and easy to operate
HALERroom air conditioner. This manual contains usefulinformalion [or
you to maintain, operate, inslall and safely use your room air conditioner.
Your air condi'rioner cleans, cools and dehumidifies the air in you," room to
provide you with the ultimate level of comfort.
Please read instructions care[_lly before using the product. Also, do not
forgetto fillout and mail the Product Registration Card.
Record Your Model and Serial Number.
For all your service callsduring the warranty period the following
information will be needed. Attach the sales receipt to this guide and keep
for future reference. This information can be obtained from the serial plate,
which is on your air conditioner. This is either on the cabinet (side or back)
or you may have to remove the frollt grille to locale it.
Model Number: ..............................................................
Serial Number: ...............................................................
Dale of Purchase: ...........................................................
Dealer's Name: ..............................................................
Dealer's Address: ............................................................
Dealer's Phone Number: ...................................................
RATE D VOLTS ¶ 25/60 250/60
AM_ 15 20 15 2,0 _9
FUSE SIZE 15 20 _ 15 20" 30
(_r €ircuit braker) Plug Plug PJ_

WARNING: Following these basic precautions will reduce the
risk of fire, electrical shock, injury or death
when using your air conditioner,
1) Air conditioner must be connected to proper eledrical outlet with the
correct electrical supply, lsee table)
Proper grounding must be ensured to reduce the risk of shockand fire.
not have a three-prong electric receptacle outlet in the wall, have a
certified electrician install the proper receptacle. The wall receptacle
MUST be properly grounded.
Do not use if power cord is frayed or otherwise damaged_
Also avoid using it iFthere are cracks or abrasion damage
along the leng_, plug or connector.
When installing your air conditioner in a window, make sure lhe window
is strong enough to hold the weight of the air conditioner.
You also want to secure and correctly install your air conditioner properly
to prevent it from falling. Extra brackets and or support may be required
depending on your window.
6) Do not block airflow inside or outside the air conditioner with blinds,
drapes, protective covers, shrubs or bushes.
7) Be careful oFsharp edges on the front and rear fins of the unit lhat could
cut and cause serious injury.
8) Be careful when lifting the air conditioner to install or remove the unit.
Always useIwo or more people Forthis.
9) Always unplug the air condilioner be_Coreservicing it or moving ik

A Word From Haler .................................................................. 1
Product Registration 1
Safety Precautions 2
Warnings 4
Electrical Safety 4
Tips 5
Energy Saving Guide 5
Features ................................................................................... 6-7
Operating Guide ................................................................. 8-13
Normal Operating Sounds 8
Operating Instructions 8-1 3
Installations ......................................................................... 14-18
Parts Supplied 15
Tools........................................................................................... 15
Sfeps for Insfallation .................................................................. 16-I 8
Clean and Care Guide ......................................................... 19-20
Troubleshooting ................................................................. 20-21
Warranty Information

Following the sa_:etymessages is very important.
These messages can save you from being injured or killed.
Warning symbols alert you to be careful and means Danger. Always
followinstructions to be safe and reduce chances of iniury or death.
Warning and Danger signs w;ll precede safety messages.
Adapter Plug:
This room air conditioner must be grounded.
Grounding reduces the risk of el_tric shock by
providing an escape wire for the electric current.
The power cord has a grounding wire with a
grounding plug. Plugit into an outlet that is
properly installed and grounded.
Improper useol:the grounding
plug can result in a risk oFelectric shock,
Call a qualified eledrician il:you don't understand
the grounding instructions or if you are nol
sure if the air conditioner is properly grounded.
If thewall outlet is not grounded, please contact an
eledrician to have it replaced with a properly
grounded outlet.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the
third (ground) prong from the power cord.
We strongly advise against using an adapter plug.
Test power plug before each use:
1. Prcss "resel "bullon.
2, Press "test "buffon, unit should trip,
3, Press "reset" button again [or use
Do no1 use it above tesl [all,
In the event this device trips, the cause of the rnalfunction is to
be corrected before further use o"[ the device .

• This Air Conditioner is designed for use in a double hung window.
• While installing unit be sure to tilt air conditioner o degree outward to
have the water drip outside the house.
• Install the unit on the north side as normally that is the shaded side. This
will enhance the operation of your unit.
,_,_ Window has to be strong for installalTon. Extra brackets and or support
may be required depending on your window. (Bracketsand Supports
not included in all models)
• Measure the window before installing, il:the window is too big For the
unit you may require professTonal Tnstallation.
,_• Use correct electric voltage and proper ampere for the unit to run
_I_• Only let a certified electrician do a,ly modifications to your electrical
• Use a dedicated line for the operation of your air conditioner to avoid
the possibility of an electrical surge.
• When installing your air conditioner make sure to seal all areas where
there is a possibility of air leakage.
• Airflow should nol be blocked inside either by curtains, drapes or
furniture or outside by shrubs or bushes.
• Do not needlessly use an electrical light or other appliances that
produce heat.
• Keep the blinds and the drapes drawn on all the other windows.
• While cooking use an exhaust {:anin the kitchen to remove the excess
heat produced.
• Always use the correct BTU size air conditioner to cool the room to
attain optimum efficiency.

easv access filtens
cont-o pDq_
I. Thermostat
Th_s[_lows you i,.>a_iiL,slI['e ernperalu_e o[ Ir1_ []:r.
Th_ Iow_.r th_ s_llirlg. Fie ::o_'_erline _;ii I_lnpf_tatul,g
4Viq this you _:dr_s_l ll'_ I_mp_n:i _lr_ Io _,ou_
desireci c:_'nf_ eYel Y¢_J,:at sol Ihe le'rpe_cl _lre
BMv_een 6 I°k and g6%.
2. fa_ Speed
_u have _ levelsof kar speedtose"ct your
desirec comfo-ed.
3. Functio,.
You _ air condi+:ar'er has 2 kurc_:ors.
He-e -no ar cofleJtJoner wjl operate the cDmp,essar
ard tl'e de_.:ireo -'at speed se" to give ¢o_ d'il ed
cold a;r 'or your corn:art.
b) --on
YOu car ,uq the fan oqy on p_-so qo_arJys. Tqe
ar can be sot -o "u,_ a' 2 saaads as cos:red by ve_.
4. Timer
You,cir condit;cnar cac _o set to go on o, el et
ve_r desire. Ths car oe,done 'dJ Io 24 hoers in
5.2 Way Air Flow
These qir dkcdiona k>u ors k: y_._uconlra In:: ,lircc an
of he d_lk._w in your "acNi'cd d:r_:clio'_.
The _i_llow f_;n [,a di'e_:k;d riah side --laJl sk_a.
6. Window Instoll Kit
:n_bles _,au -o n.ctoll the aPcordtione_ iq o doube
hung wincaw_ F_<tr¢_rcc_ets or ,supoo4 may oe needed
cependiqgon your _v:ndo_v.
7. Remote ¢ontr_l
Tqis :ul Sure" oral _vire ess ,en_o,e allows you to
ape-ate yo_,r air condi<o_ar Iron a distance. Vad
_ce_ '_ot q_vo to 9at u_ "o change -no so÷titus, the
hrC;ers o" to turn the unit or or off.
_. LED Di_pley Eledroni_ Control Panel
The 4 uqclioq LED d:soleys Room -errpe-alare,
Tcrn_c_olure Setlirg0 -imci Sctling ard -;me
R_;'r,'_:nng la Sk;_/S m l ll'e uril. Eec ,eric
Ccr'h_l _m_cl cts yctu sc IF:: lam_x._rolurc: Io Ihe
9, £1ectroslallc Filler (hal dl modcls_
Beirg _:,>rsI-Jcl_d o: tU_h e.ffici_qcy r_cdft:ng
_ec qss alia: aclive cdrbar rlearid olFerrqcl_rioln
't _urifies -I'le air _.ffe,,7vel_. ,s wavv 4ruc,_re
'ncreoses ÷h_ :apaoilty to :ilte_ e.u_ and srnok_
effective y. Due to tFe retertion of tFe active carbon
't nosa high p_rfyirg speeo capob e o:
#rang aiUcw.