Haier E225249 User Manual

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Tablet of Contents
Safety Precautions ..................................................................................................... 2
FCC Statement …………………………………………………………………………...5
Product Overview ....................................................................................................... 6
Connecting To Your Wireless Network ................................................................... 10
Applications Screen ................................................................................................. 1 0
Warranty ................................................................................................................... 23
Service & Support………………………………………………………………………..24
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Safety Precautions
x Do not drop tablet or subject to severe impact. x Do not use the tablet in extreme hot, cold, dusty or damp conditions. Do not
expose it to direct sunlight.
x Avoid using the tablet near strong magnet ic fiel ds. x Normal functioning of the product may be disturbed by ESD. If so, simply
reset and restart the tablet following the instruction manual. During file trans mis s i on, pleas e h and le with car e an d op erate in a static-free envir on ment .
x Keep the tabl et away from w at er an d other liqu ids . In th e ev ent that w at er or
other liquids enter the tablet, power off the product immediately and clean.
x Do not use chemicals to clean the tablet in order to avoid corrosion. Clean
with a dr y cl oth.
x Do not install the tablet in a confined space such as a book case or similar
unit. The ventilation should not be impe ded by covering the ventilation openings with items such as newspaper, table-cloths, curtains etc.
x No naked flame sources, such as lighted cand les, should be placed on or
near the tablet.
x Attention shoul d b e dr awn t o en vironm ent al as p ect s of b attery dis posal. x Use the tablet in moderate climates. x The manufacturer is not responsible for damage or lost data caused by
misus e, or m odif i cati on of th e t abl et / b att er y rep lacement.
x Do not attempt to disassemble, repai r or modify the tablet. Th is wil l void the
manufacturer’s warrant y.
x If the tablet w ill not b e us ed f or an ext end ed p er i od of tim e, pl ease charge
the batt ery at least once p er mon t h t o mai ntain battery life.
x Charge the battery if :
The batt ery level ic on dis plays an em pty battery The tabl et p ow ers of f automatically wh en r es t ar t ed. There is no response when pressing keys with keys unlocked and
battery full.
x Do not interrupt the connection when the tablet is being formatted or
transferring files. Interruption of this process may cause data to be lost or corrup t ed.
x When the tablet is used as a portable HD device, please use only per the
instructions. Permanent data loss can occur if used improperly.
x Please use and inst all d ata using the attach m ents /access or i es pr ovided an d
only according to the manufacturer’s instruction.
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x Please refer to the information on the bottom of the tablet for electrical and
safet y informat i on b ef or e ins t alling d ata or op er at in g th e t ab l et.
x To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this tablet to rain or
moisture. The tablet should not be exposed to dripping/splashing liquids. Never pl ace obj ects fill ed with liquid, suc h as vases, glasswar e, etc . on the tablet.
x The battery shou ld n ot be expos ed t o exc es s ive heat such as sun lig ht, fir e or
the like.
x Please follow responsible procedures for battery disposal. x If the power adapter is disconnected from tablet, the tablet will remain
operable as long as the battery has sufficient charge.
x The power adapter is a C LAS S II ap p aratus wi th d ou ble insul at i on, and no
external ground is provided.
x The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is
intended to alert the user to the presence of non-insulated “dangerous
voltage” within the product’s enc losure that may be of sufficient magnitude to
constitute a risk of electric shoc k.
x To reduce the risk of electric shock, do n ot remove th e cover (or back) as
there are no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified pers onn el.
x The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the
user to th e pr esenc e of imp or t ant operati ng and m ai ntenance instru c t i ons in the User Guide pro-vided with the tablet.
x Correct Disposal of This Product. This marking indicates that this product
should n ot b e dis p os ed of w ith other household waste. To preven t p os s ibl e harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material res ourc es . T o disp os e of your us ed tablet, pl ease use th e return and collect ion syst ems avail ab le in your ar ea or c ontact the r et ail er w h ere th e product was purchased. They can take this product for safe environmental recycling.
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Listening Precautions
x This product respects the current regulations for limiting the output volume of
consumer audio devices to a safe level. By listening to your device with headphones or ear bu ds at hig h vol umes, you run t h e risk of per m anent damag e t o you r ear s . E v en if you g et us ed t o list ening at hi gh v ol umes and it seems n or m al to you, you sti ll r is k th e pos s ibilit y of dam- aging your hearing. Reduce the volume of your devic e to a reasonable level to av oi d perman ent heari ng d am ag e . If you hear ri n gi ng in your ears, red uce the vol u m e or sh ut off your device. Other types of headphones may produce higher volume levels. (At full p ow er, the prol onged lis t eni ng of th e Walk m a n c an d am ag e the ear of the use
x Maximum output volt age<= 15 0m v x Do not use whi l e op er at in g a motoriz ed vehicl e. It ma y cr eate a traffic haz ard
and is illeg al in man y areas .
x You shoul d use extr em e c aution or temporarily discontinu e use in pot ent ially
hazardous situations created by obstructed hearing.
x Even if your h eadphon es or earphon es ar e th e op en- air type desi g n ed to let
you hear outs i de sounds , do n ot turn up the volu m e so high that you cann ot hear wh at is ar oun d you.
x Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing “comfort level” adapts to
higher volumes of sound. What sounds “normal” can actually be loud and
harmf ul t o your hearin g. G u ard ag ainst this b y sett ing the volum e of y our device at a safe level BEF ORE your hearing adapts.
x Start your vol ume cont rol at a low set ti ng. x Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly
without distortion. Once you have established a comfortable sound level, leave it there.
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FCC Statement
FCC RF Exposure Information and Statement
The SAR li mit of USA (F C C ) is 1.6 W/kg av eraged o ver one g ram of tis s ue. D e vice types H aier t ablets has also been tested against this SAR limit. T he high est S AR value reported under this standard during product certification for use at when prop erl y worn on t he bod y is 0.365W /kg. T his device was test ed for t ypical bod y­worn oper ations with the bac k of the han dset kept 0cm from th e body. T o maintai n compli ance with FC C R F exp osur e req uirem ents , us e acc essories that maint ain a
1.5cm s eparat ion dist ance bet ween th e us er's body an d the bac k of th e hands et. The us e of belt clips, h olsters and simil ar acc essories shoul d not c ontain m etallic components in its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, and should be avoided.
This devi ce co mplies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This d e vice must accept an y interf erence rec ei ved , inclu di ng in terfer ence that
may cause undesired operation.
This equi pment h as been t ested and f oun d to comp ly with the lim its for a Class B digit al device, pursuant to p art 15 of the FC C Rules. Th ese limit s are design ed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation . This equ ip m ent gen erates uses and can r ad i at e r ad io frequency energ y and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmf ul i nterf erenc e t o r adi o c ommu nic ati ons. H ow ever , th er e is no gu arant ee t ha t interf erence wi ll not occur in a particu lar install ation. If this equipme nt does caus e harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of th e following m eas ures:
- Reori ent or r el oc ate the receiving ant enn a.
- Increase the separation between th e equ ip m ent and rec eiver.
- Connect the equi p m ent int o an out l et on a cir c ui t different from that t o whic h the receiver is connected.
- Consult the deal er or an e xp er i enced rad i o/TV technic i an for help.
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipm en t.
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Product Overview
Navigation Buttons
The navigation buttons at the bottom of the tablet can be used as follows:
Return to Previous Screens; Clear Pop Up Menus
Return to The Home Screen From Any Application
Display Individual Application Menu Options
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Charging Your Tablet
Plug the power adapter into an electrical wall outlet; connect the adapter to the ta b l et to fully charge the battery before u se (5 to 6 hrs).
x You can use the tablet while the battery is charging. x You can also charge the battery using a USB cable but the charge t ime
required is longer than when using the AC adapter. Turn off Wi-Fi and reduce screen brightness if you are charging via USB cable.
Turning Your Tablet On / Off
Press and hold the power button for 3 seconds until the splash screen appears, and then wait until the Welcome screen appears.
To turn off the tabl et , pres s and h old the Pow er button until you see the opti on “Power Off”, tap on “Power Off” and then tap on “OK”.
Ti p : For the sake of power saving, this tablet may sleep with the screen display locked when there is no touch action for a while (depending on the actual setting of Display-Sleep). You can briefly press the Power button to wake it up.
Unlocking the Screen
The screen will be locked after the tablet is idle for a few seconds. You need to unlock the screen by dragging the lock icon rightwards before you continue to use the tablet.
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Home Screen
The Home Screen consists of five separate screens for positioning the shortcuts, widgets etc. Slide your finger left or right on the screen to go to the e xtend ed screens.
Customizing Home Screen Items
x To add a Home Screen item (shortcut, widget etc.), you can tap the
applic at i on ic on to displ ay all app licati ons an d wi dg ets . H ol d your tap on an item to pl ac e it on the hom e pag e.
x To move a Hom e Screen item , h old y our finger on t o it t o high li ght, then drag
it to the desired location, and release your finger.
x To remove a Home Screen item, hold your finger onto it to highlight, drag it
to th e recycle bin symbol “X” and then release your finger.
Changing Wallpaper
Hold your tap on the Home screen until a menu appears. Tap on “W allpaper” and
select a pic ture as th e des ktop wallpaper.
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