HAIER BD-103GC User Manual

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Instruction for use
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Chest Freez er
Instructions pour l' emploi
Gongélateur coffre
Istruzioni per l'uso
Congelatore orizzontale
Instrucciones de uso
Manual de instruções
Arca congelador
Instruction for use
Directions for use
In the following, you will find all the important information for the use of your appliance. The instructions for use apply to several models, which is why details of the information may differ according to the type of the appliance.
1 Installation (Choice of position for installation)
Strictly avoid high ambient temperatures and direct sunlight. We advise you to place your appliance in a cool, well aired, dry room. Installation in the immediate vicinity of a heat source (heating, oven etc.) is highly inappropriate (increased compressor performance would be necessary and, as a result, power consumption would be considerably higher).
If the installation near a heat source cannot be avoided, a suitable insulation plate must be fitted between the appliance and the heat source (do not use asbestos), or the following minimum distances must be observed:
from gas or electric cooker
from radiator or oven
from a wall, piece of furniture or
another appliance
3 cm 5 cm
2 cm
Never obstruct the ventilation grille
Larger chest freezers are equipped with a ventilation grille (F) located below on one side. These appliances can be placed directly against a wall or a piece of furniture but not with the side protected with the ventilation grille.
Freezers without ventilation grille
Leave sufficient space between the rear of the appliance and the wall to ensure that outward flow of warm air is able to escape.
Omit any mechanical influence on the cooling system, especially on the following accessible parts in the compressor chamber
Rear wall condenser or skin condenser (R)
Compressor (P)
Capillary tube (Q)
Drying filter (N)
Interventions on the cooling system must be carried out by professional and authorised personnel only.
Escaping refrigerant can injure your eyes. In the event of eye contact with the refrigerant, wash your eyes instantly under plenty of running water and call/consult an eye specialist immediately.
2 Rating plate
The rating plate (with technical data) is located on the housing (D) at the rear of the appliance.
Take a note of the technical data
Copy the technical data from the rating plate to here so that it is at any time readily available, without having to move the appliance
Model/Type …………….…………………………
Net capacity ………………….……………litres Operating voltage ………………….……...…...V-50Hz Maximum absorbed power(W)..……………….Watt
Safety (A) ……………….....………………......Amp
Power consumption………………………….....kWh/24h
Freezing capacity…………………………….....kg/24h
3 Connection to power supply
The appliance must be placed horizontally and on a levelled base. Only this way can an impeded circuit of the refrigerant and optimum function be ensured.
Leave the appliance stand in the final position for at least 2 hours before switching it on, so that the refrigerant circuit stabilises and no operating problems occur.
The odour which is typical of all new appliances is easy to remove. Thoroughly clean the interior compartment with a mixture of
lukewarm water and vinegar
Do not use washing liquids, sharp or granular cleaning implements, or any cleaning products containing soda.
Before connecting the appliance, make sure that the inner area – especially the corners – is absolutely dry.
Danger warning
Depending on its composition, the refrigerant is easily inflammable. The refrigerant circuit is hermetically sealed and the
has been subject to repeated tests. An improper intervention can cause acute fire hazard.
Your appliance must be connected to a power socked with grounded connection, which is conform to the respective standards and has been installed by an authorised specialist. Before you connect the plug of the appliance with the power socket, make absolutely sure that the voltage (V) on the appliance’s data-plate corresponds with that of your mains. If the voltage differs, notify the after-sales-service or your dealer immediately, and do not on any account connect the appliance to the mains.
4 temperature selection
(Thermostat) (FIG.4)
To prevent temperature being accidentally modified, the control is intentionally resistant to turning. To vary the setting, we recommend to use a coin or screwdriver.
To switch on:
Turn the control to the right
adjust temperature to the level you require, between:
(slight cooling) and
. (lowest temperature)
Instruction for use
Temperature settings must be according to:
ambient temperature of the appliance
quantity of stored foodstuff
frequency of opening
We recommend a medium setting. You will soon learn which is the most suitable setting for your requirements.
5 Indicator-lights
If your appliance is equipped with indicator-lights, the following guide explains what is meant by each light up:
green =
The appliance is under current
control light
must always be on
when the appliance is connected to the mains and switched on. It is very important to pay attention to this, because in the event of a power failure, the red and yellow lights stop operating and do no longer provide a warning.
- red =
Interior temperature too high
If the red indicator-light goes on, there may be several reasons for this, namely:
First start-up of appliance
Restart after defrosting
Filling freezer with fresh food
In these cases it is normal that the red indicator-light goes on. It goes off automatically when the interior temperature reaches approximately –15°C.
Switch on the SUPER FREEZE SWITCH (if equipped with)
(switch off again not more than 24 hours
later or when the red light has gone off).
Reopen the appliance, if possible, only after the red light has gone off.
If the red control light nevertheless stays on after 12 to 24 hours, there may be serious problems.
7 Start-up
1. Fully unpack the appliance.
2. Remove the polystyrene parts in the compressor chamber (if supplied).
3. Remove documents and any accessories from the inside of the appliance.
4. Clean the interior with a mixture of lukewarm water and vinegar, and dry thoroughly with a cloth.
5. Close the appliance.
6. Insert the plug in the socket
7. Switch on the appliance by turning the temperature control
to the right (For the time being, turn
the controller fully to the right to Max position).
(green and red lights go on).
8. If equipped with a SUPER FREEZE SWITCH, turn it on
yellow light goes on too).
9. Do not open the appliance any more for about 4 hours respectively as long as the red light is on, to allow the temperature in the inner compartment to drop to the necessary level.
10. You can now fill the appliance with any amount of deep frozen food (purchased ready frozen goods). (Consult the following chapter “Maximum stacking height”).
11. Turn off the SUPER FREEZE SWITCH again after 24 hours at the latest.
12. If you wish to freeze fresh, unfrozen food, go on to the following chapter “
Freezing/storage of fresh
Do not store any bottles containing liquids. Liquid expands when frozen and the bottle can explode. Never keep containers with explosive substances (gas lighters, petrol, ether and the like) in the freezer compartment of the appliance. When storing ready frozen food, you must observe the manufacturer’s instructions on the food packaging.
Deep frozen ice-cream and ice lollies must be eaten only a few minutes after being taken from the appliance to avoid injury to lips and tongue (danger of skin detachment). For the same reason, avoid touching the inner walls with wet hands. We advise you to use defrosted or slightly frozen products within short time. As a rule, such products are not suitable for re-freezing.
Consult the Troubleshooting guide “ what is when...” chapter at the end of this operating manual.
yellow =
thermostat function is disabled.
The compressor continues cooling until the SUPER FREEZE switch is turned off again.
6 Warning Buzzer (Acoustic alarm)
If your appliance is supplied with a buzzer, it will sound when the red indicator-light goes on. The buzzer is silenced automatically when you turn on the SUPER FREEZER SWITCH.
8 Freezing / storage of fresh food
Almost all fresh products are suitable for freezing and storage in the appliance. For the most common of these products, we provide a table with instructions on acceptable storage times and the most suitable packing material (see
“storage table”
at the back of this user manual).
the fresh products clearly as they are not easy to identify when deep frozen in transparent freezer-bags. We advise you to use commercially available labels for frozen foods.
Pack fresh products in portions suitable for your household to prevent defrosting of quantities that are too large for consumption in one day in your household.
Instruction for use
Label the portions with at least the following information:
Product name (e.g. beef fillet)
Weight of portion
Quantity (
Freezing date
Use by date (
Then continue as follows
a) We recommend you place fresh foods in the pre­freezing compartment at the side equipped) or on the bottom of the freezer. This is the coldest part.
Avoid to put fresh foods directly in contact with deep frozen food. Deep frozen food could defrost and may not outlast the foreseen storage time.
b) Fill in within 24 hours, only the quantities of fresh
food that are suitable for the freezing capacity of your appliance. See information on the rating plate
c) If available, switch on the SUPER FREEZE
SWITCH filling in already frozen (e.g. deep-frozen food) items.
d) After 24 hours, shift deep-frozen goods from the
freezer bottom or the pre-freeze shelf to a hung basket bottom are available for freezing additional fresh foods.
e) Turn off the SUPER FREEZE SWITCH (yellow
light goes off).
f) Set the temperature control to one of the
appliance’s relevant filling capacities (
“Maximum stacking height”).
g) Keep the temperature in the storage shelf (E)
under control, preferably by placing a thermometer with a scale range of up to –26°C.
temperature must always be at least -18°C.
total of pieces)
consumption date) (see “storage
(not all models are
(XX kg/24h)
(not absolutely necessary when
so that the pre-freeze shelf or freezer
The storage
10 Storage time
The storage time for purchased deep-frozen products varies and depends on the type of product and its packaging. Therefore, strictly observe the producer’s instructions on the packaging. For fresh food that you like to deep freeze, consult the
storage table
After being defrosted, food must be consumed immediately but latest within the next 24 hours.
11 Precautions and advice
Whenever cleaning or defrosting, remove the
power plug.
After closing the freezer lid, do not open it immediately and do not force it open under any circumstances. Any vacuum remaining on the
seal (B) is released after about 1 or 2 minutes, so that the lid can be opened normally once again.
To prevent condensation and ice forming, allow cooked food to cool down to ambient temperature before closing the lid of the dish and before storage.
Leave the freezer lid open as briefly as possible to avoid waste of energy and to prevent an excessive amount of ice forming in the appliance.
ice forming in the appliance.
If the red indicator-light goes on unexpectedly or stays on for a long period, do not open the lid on any account and take the appropriate measures immediately (
back of the this user manual)
Do not use a screwdriver or other metal objects to remove the layer of ice. The interior walls are very delicate and will not tolerate any sharp edges. Use only plastic or wooden scrapers.
12 Cleaning and maintenance
at the back of this user manual.
see guide “what is when ....” at the
Refilling of fresh food (not frozen)
Make sure that you refill fresh food, in quantities adequate to the freezing capacity (XXkg/24h) earliest 24 hours after the previous filling.
(do not exceed maximum stacking height)
9 Maximum stacking height
To ensure correct storage of frozen food, never fill the storage shelf between the lid and the frozen foods.
Set the temperature control the filling capacity.
To save energy when operating in normal ambient temperature (+18 to + 22°C), we recommend the following settings for the temperature control:
Capacity pos. Full upper 12,00 h Half full medium 10.00 h 1/4 or less lower 08.00 h
up to the edge. Always allow space
strictly according to
Stacking mark Setting
For the upkeep of the external appearance of your appliance, now and again clean with furniture polish or other enamel protecting product (never, on any account, use it in the inside. Clean the seal warm water now and again without using any cleaning product.
If your appliance has a condenser from time to time remove dirt and dust. Dust and dirt impede release of heat from the inner compartment and considerably increases consumption of energy. For best results, use a light brush or duster to remove dust from the condenser on the rear wall.
If you leave your appliance out of use for an extended period (e.g. when on holidays), leave it open to prevent odours building up inside. For appliances with locks: when the chest lid is open, always set the lock in “closed” position and keep the key well away from small children to prevent accidents.
ice and frost layers
When to a certain thickness, they act as an insulation element and prevent the coldness being released from the inner walls. They must be removed from time to time.
in the rear inside,
form on the inner walls up
Instruction for use
In order to receive immediate help, make sure you have ready the following essential data to identify your appliance:
Brand of appliance
Model / Type
Kind of trouble
Date of purchase
Purchased from whom?
17 Guarantee
Please note the general guarantee terms and the guarantee period are stated in the attached guarantee card. If the appliance documentation does not include a guarantee card, please contact your dealer.
18 What is when............
a) No function (appliance not running)
In the event of problems or of a power failure, the insulation of the appliance walls provides 10 to 12 hours storage time after the beginning of such failures. Considerably more time is available in specially insulated appliances. Ask your dealer what is the suitable appliance.
“storage time after problems”
for your
The appliance is exposed to direct sunlight or is installed near a heat source (oven, radiator, etc.)
Protect the appliance against direct sunlight; check the distance to the heat source; place isolating (see “ Installation (Choice of position for installation”)
The filling of food does not correspond with the excess freezing capacity of your appliance (see rating plate: XXkg/24h), or you did fill in too warm food
The manufacturer works constantly at the further development of all products. Please therefore bear this in mind as the form, set up and technology are subject to change, without prior notice.
” Refilling of fresh food”
If it takes longer to eliminate a problem, the frozen food in the appliance begins to defrost. Therefore, take prompt action to eliminate the problem and, if necessary, shift frozen food into another appliance (possibly neighbour).
b) Appliance not cooling sufficiently
Freezing process too long Compressor operating too often
Possible causes/Remedies:
Did you have the appliance t stand for at least 2 hours before switching it on? (stabilise the refrigerant flow-circuit). See
If not: unplug when the chest is closed, lift the chest for a brief moment and then put it back down to its original position. After 2 hours put the plug back in. Do not open the chest during this period and a further 12 hours afterwards, i.e. until the red light goes off.
Is the plug in good condition and is it properly plugged into the socket?
Is the socket under current?
(if necessary, test by connecting a small appliance such as a hand-mixer, etc.).
The lid of the appliance does not close properly. The seal does not firmly press.
Test: place a piece of writing paper between the seal and the edge of the chest, and close the lid. It should be difficult to pull out the paper from any side. If you can pull out the paper without any resistance from one ore more sides, notify your after-sales service centre.
: “Start-up”.
Heavy ice formation on the inner walls.
(see “cleaning and maintenance”)
Fresh food Suitable packaging
Mincemeat > Polyethylene freezer bag > Sausages > Polyethylene freezer bag > Small fish > Polyethylene freezer bag > Heart / liver > Polyethylene freezer bag > Ice cream > Plastic container > Fruit > Plastic container >
Cheese > Polyethylene freezer bag > Bread > Polyethylene freezer bag > Large fish > Polyethylene freezer bag > Cake / biscuits > Glass container >
Pork > Aluminium foil > Beef > Aluminium foil > Rabbit > Aluminium foil > Lamb > Aluminium foil >
approx. storage time in months
2-3 4 6 8 10-12
Mushrooms > Polyethylene freezer bag > Asparagus > Polyethylene freezer bag > Vegetables (cut) > Polyethylene freezer bag > Strawberries > Polyethylene freezer bag > Flans > Aluminium foil >
Chicken > Aluminium foil > Turkey > Aluminium foil > Duck > Aluminium foil > Goose > Aluminium foil >
Cauliflower > Polyethylene freezer bag > Beans > Polyethylene freezer bag > Pepperoni > Polyethylene freezer bag >
Preserves > Glass container > Preserved fruit > Glass container > Ice lollies > Aluminium foil >
+ 42 hidden pages