What Th_ World Comes Home To"
RoomAir Conditioner
ESA3065 ESA3085
• e_ueid'_tiii_etio_
_l_rae_sd 1-877-337-3_9 _ li_n_#r_rl_ s_r_ reppe_s e =_ki_
(ESA3065/ESA3085 Only)
ThankYouFor buyinga dependable,er,ergysavingand easyto operate
HALER_oomair conditionenThismanual cor|tainsusefulinFon,nationfor
you tomain'lain, operate, install and safelyuseyour room air conditioner,
Yourair cor_ditionercleaas,coolsand deh,_midifiestheair in your room1o
provideyouwith the ultimatelevelof comfort.
Pleaseread instructionscarefullybefore usingthe product.Also, do not
Forgelto till out al_dmail tl_eProduct Regislretion Card.
Record Your Model and Serial Number.
Forallyour servicecallsdurin9 thewarranty periodthefollm,_,ing
in}onnationwill be needed.Attachthe salesreceiptto this guide and keep
Forfuturereference.Thisinformation canbe obtainedfror_ theserialplate,
which ison your air conditioner. Thi_i._eider on the _'abir_ (sideor hack)
or you may have toremovethe Frontgrille 1,olocateit.
Mad_l Number:
Serial Number:...............................................................
Dateof Purchase:
RATED V_I,T_ I_/_0 2 _d_/bO
A._ps _ 20 1_ 20 3_
FUSE_ 1._ _0" iS _0" _g
[_r clr_u_ b_:_ plug Plug _lug
WARNING: Following these basic prscautlons will reduce the
risk af fire, electrical shack, injury or death
when using your air conditioner.
1} Air conditioner must be connected to proper electrlcal outlet with the
corr_st electrical supply, lsee table]
Proper grounding must be ensured to reduce the risk oFshock and }ire.
not have a three-prong electric receptacle outlet in the wall, have a
certified electrician install the proper receptacle. The wall receptacle
MUST be properly grounded.
Do not use i[ power cord is frayed or otherwise damaged.
Also avoid using it if there are cracks or abrasion damage
along the length, plug or connector.
When installing yaur air conditioner in a window, make sure lhe window
is strong enough to hold the welghl of the alr conditloner.
You also want to secure and correctly install your air conditioner properly
to prevent it tram falling. Extra brackets and or supporl" may be required
depending on your wlndow.
6) Do not block airflow inside or outside the air conditioner with Blinds,
drapes, protective covers, shrubs or bushes.
7) Be careJul of sharp edges on the Frontand rear fins ot the unit Ihat could
cut and cause serious injury.
8) Be careJul when lilting lhe air conditioner to install or remove the unit.
Always usetwo or more people far this,
9) Always unplug the air conditioner before servicing it or moving it.
A Word From Haier .................................................................. 1
Product Registration .................................................................. 1
Safely Precautions .................................................................... 2
Warnings ................................................................................... 4
Electrical Safely .......................................................................... 4
Tips 5
Energy $_ving Guide 5
Features .................................................................................. 6-7
Operating Guide ................................................................. 8-13
Normal Operoti_g Sounds................................................................ B
Operatir_g Instructions 8=13
Installations ......................................................................... 14-18
Parts Supplied............................................................................... 15
Took........................................................................................... 15
Step_ForInslallation................................................................... 16=18
Clean and Cure Guide ......................................................... 19-20
Troubleshooting ................................................................. 20-21
Warranty Information ............................................................. 22
_gthe saFet/messages is very important.
These messages can save you fiom being injured or killed.
Warning symbols alerl you Io be careful and means Danger. Always
Follow instructions to be saFeand reduce chances of injury or death.
Warning and Danger signs will precede safety messages.
Grounding: Thisroomair conditloner mustbe grounded,
Grounding reducesthe riskof electricshc_ckby
providing an escapewire for theelectriccurrent,
Thepower cord has a grounding wire with a
grounding plug. Plug itinto an outletthat is
properly installed and grounded,
Improper useo| thegrounding
plug can resultin a riskof electric shock,
Calla qualifierJeledrician if you don't understand
the grounding ;nstrucClons or iJ:you are not
sureif the air conditioner isproperly grounded,
IFthewall outlet isnat grounded, plaasecontact an
eleclricianto have it replaccdwith a properly
grounded ouctet.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove tile
third (ground) prong from the power cord.
Adapter Plug:
We stronglyadvise against usingan adapter plug
Important: Tes powe' alug before each use:
1. Press"reset "bul an.
2. Press"esl "oullon, ,,.r_ shoulr_Pip.
3. Press"{esel" b',.Io'_ again fo' use
Do no useis above est fd.
n he evenl lnis device Ilips, P'e cause c,i he malf_,.c ion is Io
::,ecorrecled befo,e fullhel use of P'e dev:ce.
• AirConditionersaredesignedfor usein a double hung window or
through the wall installation only_(As applicable in your model)
• While installing unit be sure to tilt air conditioner 5 degree outward to
have Ihewater drip outside the house.
g Install the unit on the north side as normally that is the shaded side. This
will enhance the operation of your unit.
_,, Window has to be strong for installation. Extra brackets and or support
may be required depending onyour window. (Bracketsand Supports
not _ncludedin all models)
• Measure the window BeForeins_'alllng,if Ihe wlndow is leo b_gfor the
unlt you may requke pro|esslonal installatlon.
_- Use correct electric voltage and proper ampere for the unit to run
_, o Only let a certified electrician do any modifications to your electrical
• Use a dedicated line [or the operation oFyaur air conditioner to avoid
the possibility oF an electrical surge.
• When installing your air conditioner make sure to seal all areas where
there is a possibilily oJair leakage.
° AirJlow should not be blocked inside either by curklins, drapes ar
furniture or outside by shrubs or Bushes.
• Do not needlesslyuse an electrical light or other appliances that
produce heat.
° Keepthe vent closed on Ihe air conditioner when in the cooling function,
• Keep the blinds and the drapes drawn on all the other windows.
° While cooking use an exhaust Fanin the kitchen to remove the excess
heat produced.
• Always usethe correct BTU size air conditioner to cool the room to
attain optin_um efficiency.
4 woy
ESA3065, ESA3085
: _ahles F,u "r, '-_all h_ o, co_di':or _r in o dmsbl_
7'.Re_t_ €or_rol
{un_'o_so"FoF.'I ih¢_unB on o, oq
8. LED Displ_q¢ lele_rani_ (.'ont'rol Panel
Tqe 4 '_icn :1> display_ Room Ter-aer_ur_,,
Ternporcflur¢ _l-ir _, Ti'¢cl" So@"a nnd -it^c,
Re_o:li_€l ic _'op / S'ar,k_ ur".Fl_dronic:
,:a rl_n rlfthts;ac_ leffs:a_
9. Elettro_clatle Filler rr_t =11r_ol_)
_lect'o_a- c o¢-i_ rc,_o_ no" oqd r_hc;, mo;_'iols
ilo_,-*ic,s thr, air e={e,divo y I-_v#_y _rkdurm
ircr_cs#s "Fcropo£il'_/_ f,_:- dus" o_d _'r r,<t_
:_#di e y. I}_e ,_ ¢h_ rc¢c;qF_r o; -_ea,--livecc,._or
il -a_ : liflh oi ,"life _peed _=or,obk: d