haas HL- 96-8710 Service Manual

Haas Technical Publications
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any other party automatically voids the factory warranty.
June 6, 2013
HL-Series Service Manual 96-8710 English June 1997
โ€ข This content is for illustrative purposes.
โ€ข Historic machine Service Manuals are posted here to provide information for Haas machine owners.
โ€ข Publications are intended for use only with machines built at the time of original publication.
โ€ข As machine designs change the content of these publications can become obsolete.
โ€ข Only authorized personnel with the proper training and certi๎šฟcation should do many repair procedures.
WARNING: Some mechanical and electrical service procedures can be
extremely dangerous or life-threatening. Know your skill level and abilities.
All information herein is provided as a courtesy for Haas machine owners for reference and illustrative purposes only. Haas Automation cannot be held responsible for repairs you perform. Only those services and repairs that are provided by authorized Haas Factory Outlet distributors are guaranteed.
Only an authorized Haas Factory Outlet distributor should service or repair a Haas machine that is protected by the original factory warranty. Servicing by
June 1997


This section is intended for use in determining the solution to a known problem. Solutions given are intended to give the individual servicing the machine a pattern to follow in, first, determining the problem๎š’s source and, second, solving the problem.
The troubleshooting tips are organized in this section according to the area of the machine that may be giving sign of a problem. (Ex.: Out-of round circles in drilling will be found under the heading General Machine Operation - Accuracy).
If the problem you are experiencing cannot be found under the heading you expect, please try several other possible headings. If the problem is still not found, contact Haas Automation for further details.
Many problems are easily overcome by correctly evaluating the situation. All machine operations are composed of a program, tools, and tooling. You must look at all three before blaming one as the fault area. If a bored hole is chattering because of an overextended boring bar, don๎š’t expect the machine to correct the fault. Don๎š’t suspect machine accuracy if the vise bends the part. Don๎š’t claim hole mis-positioning if you don๎š’t first center-drill the hole.
Many mechanics tear into things before they understand the problem, hoping that it will appear as they go. We know this from the fact that more than half of all warranty returned parts are in good working order. If the spindle doesn๎š’t turn, remember that the spindle is connected to the spindle motor, which is driven by the spindle drive, which is connected to the I/O BOARD, which is driven by the computer. The moral here is don๎š’t replace the spindle drive if the belt is broken. Find the problem first; don๎š’t just replace the easiest part to get to.
There are hundreds of parameters, wires, switches, etc., that you can change in this machine. Don๎š’t start randomly changing parts and parameters. Remember, there is a good chance that if you change something, you will incorrectly install it or break something else in the process. Consider for a moment changing the processor๎š’s board. First, you have to download all parameters, remove a dozen connectors, replace the board, reload and reconnect, and if you make one mistake or bend one tiny pin it WON๎š’T WORK. You always need to consider the risk of accidentally damaging the machine anytime you work on it. It is cheap insurance to double-check a suspect part before physically changing it. The less work you do on the machine the better.
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ยด Machine cannot be powered on.
l Check input voltage to machine. l Check main circuit breaker at top right of electrical cabinet; switch must be at the on position. l Check overvoltage fuses. l Check wiring to POWER OFF button on front control panel. l Check wiring to AUTO OFF relay to IOPCB. l IOPCB may need replacement. l POWER PCB may need replacement.
ยด Machine can be powered on, but turns off by itself.
l Check settings #1 and #2 for Auto Off Timer or Off at M30. l Check alarm history for OVERVOLTAGE or OVERHEAT shutdown. l Check AC power supply lines for intermittent supply. l Check wiring to POWER OFF button on front control panel. l Check Parameter 57 for Power Off at E-STOP. l IOPCB may need replacement. l MOTIF PCB may need replacement.
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ยด Machine turns on, keyboard beeps, but no CRT display.
l Check for green POWER LED at front of CRT. l Check for power connections to CRT from IOPCB. l Check video cable (760) from VIDEO PCB to CRT. l Replace CRT.
ยด Any LED on Microprocessor PCB goes out (except HALT).
l Replace Microprocessor PCB. l Replace VIDEO PCB. l Replace MOTIF PCB.
ยด Machine turns on, CRT works, but no keyboard keys work.
l Check keyboard cable (700) from VIDEO to KBIF PCB. l Replace keypad. l Replace KBIF PCB.
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Vibration is a subjective evaluation with perceptions varying among individuals, making it difficult to determine in mild cases if there is an actual problem. In obvious cases, it is a matter of determining the source which is not easy, since all parts rotate together and sound can be transferred readily. Vibrations also need to be distinguished from noise such as a bad bearing. We will assume that vibrations would be something that could be felt by putting your hand on the spindle ring. One crude method of measurement would be to take an indicator on a magnetic base extended 10 inches between the turret and spindle ring and observe the reading of the indicator. A reading of more than .001 would indicate excessive vibration. The two common sources of noise are the spindle and axis drives. Most complaints about vibration, accuracy, and finish can be attributed to incorrect machining practices such as poor quality or damaged tooling, incorrect speeds or feeds, or poor fixturing. Before concluding that the machine is not working properly, ensure that good machining practices are being observed. These symptoms will not occur individually (Ex. A machine with backlash may vibrate heavily, yielding a bad finish.). Put all of the symptoms together to arrive at an accurate picture of the problem.
ยด Machine vibrates while spindle is on and is not cutting. Sometimes only at
specific RPM.
If the spindle alone causes vibration of the machine this is usually caused by the belt/pulley drive system.
ยด Machine vibrates while jogging the axis with the jog handle.
The HAAS control uses very high gain accelerations curves. This vibration as you jog is simply the servos quickly trying to follow the handle divisions. If this is a problem, try using a smaller division on the handle. You will notice the vibration more at individual clicks than when you are turning the handle faster. This is normal.
ยด The machine vibrates excessively in a cut.
This is a tough one to call because machining practices come into play. Generally speaking, the least rigid element of a cut is the tool because it is the smallest part. In order to eliminate the machine as the source of the problem, you need to check the spindle and the backlash of the axes as described in the following sections. Once machining practices have been eliminated as the source of vibration, observe the machine in both operation and ๎š“cutting air.๎š” Move the axes (individually) without the spindle turning and then turn the spindle without moving the axes. Isolate whether the vibration comes from the spindle head or from an axis.
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Before you complain of an accuracy problem, please make sure you follow these simple do๎š’s and don๎š’ts:
l Ensure that the machine has been sufficiently warmed up before cutting parts. This will eliminate
mispositioning errors caused by thermal growth of the leadscrews (see "Thermal Growth" section).
l Don๎š’t use a wiggler test indicator for linear dimensions. They measure in an arc and have sine/cosine
errors over larger distances.
l Don๎š’t use magnetic bases as accurate test stops. The high accel/decel of the axis can cause them to
l Don๎š’t attach test points to the sheet metal of the spindle head. l Don๎š’t check for accuracy/repeatability using an indicator with a long extension. l Ensure that test indicators and stops are absolutely rigid and mounted to machined casting surfaces. l Check a suspected error with another indicator or method for verification. l Ensure that the indicator is parallel to the axis being checked to avoid tangential reading errors. l Center drill holes before using jobber length drills if accuracy is questioned. l Once machining practices have been eliminated as the source of the problem, determine specifically
what the machine is doing wrong.
ยด Diameters are out of round
l Check that tooling and machining practices are correct. Bores will be out of round due to tool
deflection much more frequently than due to spindle bearing problems.
June 1997
ยด Diameters are incorrect in X-axis
l Ensure the tool probe is set up correctly (settings, etc.). l Ensure tool offsets are correct. Note that the coordinate system (FANUC, YASNAC, HAAS) must
be selected before setting tools.
l Ensure Parameter 254, Spindle Center, is set correctly. l Check for thermal growth of the X-axis leadscrew (see "Thermal Growth" section).
ยด Center holes are malformed
l Ensure tooling is tight. l Ensure Parameter 254, Spindle Center, is set correctly. l Check spindle to turret pocket alignment. It may be out of alignment due to a crash or misadjustment. l Check for thermal growth of the X-axis leadscrew (see "Thermal Growth" section).
ยด Part faces are conical
l Wedge may be out of alignment due to a crash. l Check tooling setup. Turning long, unsupported parts may cause conical part faces. l Check for thermal growth of the leadscrews (see "Thermal Growth" section).
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ยด Bores are tapered
l Check that tooling and machining practices are correct. Bores will be tapered if the tooling is
inappropriate, the speeds and feeds are incorrect, or coolant is not getting to the cutting tool when required.
l Although it is rare, the spindle may be out of alignment due to a crash.
ยด Outside diameter (O.D.) is tapered
l Check tooling setup. Turning long, unsupported parts can cause a tapered O.D. l Check tailstock setup. Excessive hold pressure on the tailstock can distort parts. l Tailstock may not be aligned to spindle center. l Spindle to Z-axis may be out of alignment (not parallel).
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ยด Material left after facing a part
l Ensure tooling is correct. l Ensure turret is aligned to X-axis travel. l Ensure Parameter 254, Spindle Center, is set correctly.


ยด Machining yields a poor finish.
l Check the condition of the tooling and the spindle. l Ensure turret is clamped. l Ensure tooling is tight. l Check tooling for chatter or lack of rigidity. l Check the balance of the chuck, part, and fixture. l Check for backlash. l Check turret alignment.
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A possible source of accuracy and positioning errors is thermal growth of the leadscrews. As the machine warms up, the leadscrews expand in both linear axes (X and Z), causing accuracy and positioning errors. This is especially critical in jobs that require high accuracy.
NOTE: Thermal growth will be more noticeable in the X-axis, since errors will be doubled when cutting a diameter.
NOTE: The leadscrew will always expand away from the motor end.
There are a number of ways to verify the problem. The following procedure will verify thermal growth of the X-axis leadscrew in a machine that has not been warmed up:
1. Home the machine. In MDI mode, press POSIT and PAGE DOWN to the OPER page.
2. Jog to an offset location. Select the X axis and press the ORIGIN key to zero it.
3. Press the OFSET key, then scroll down to G110 (or any unused offset). Cursor to X and press the PART
ZERO SET key. This will set X0 at this position.
4. Enter a program that will start at the new zero position, rapid a certain distance in the X direction, feed the final .25 inches slowly, and then repeat the X movement.
5. In order to set up the indicator, run the program in SINGLE BLOCK mode, and stop it when X is at the end of it's set travel. Set the magnetic base on the spindle retainer ring or other rigid surface, with the indicator tip touching the turret in the X-axis, and zero it.
6. Exit SINGLE BLOCK mode, and run the program for a few minutes. Enter SINGLE BLOCK mode again, stop the program when X is at the end of it's set travel, and take a final reading on the indicator. If the problem is thermal growth, the indicator will show a difference in the X position.
NOTE: Ensure the indicator setup is correct as described in "Accuracy" section. Errors in setup are common, and often incorrectly appear to be thermal growth.
7. A similar program can be written to test for thermal growth in the Z-axis.
Since there are many variables that affect thermal growth, such as the ambient temperature of the shop and program feed rates, it is difficult to give one solution for all problems.
Thermal growth problems can generally be eliminated by running a warm-up program for approximately 20 minutes before machining parts. The most effective warm-up is to run the current program, at an offset Z position before the part. This will allow the leadscrews to warm up to the correct temperature and stabilize. Once the machine is at temperature, the leadscrews won't expand any further, unless they're allowed to cool down. A warm-up program should be run after each time the machine is left idle.
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ยด Spindle not turning.
l If there are any alarms, see "Alarms" section. l Check that the spindle turns freely when machine is off.
ร˜ If spindle drive does not light the RUN LED, check forward/reverse commands from IOPCB. ร˜ Check that the drawtube piston is not bound against the spindle shaft.
l Check the wiring of analog speed command from MOTIF PCB to spindle drive (cable 720). l If spindle is still not turning, replace MOTIF PCB. l Disconnect the drive belt. If the spindle will not turn, it is seized and must be replaced.
NOTE: Before using the replacement spindle, the cause of the previous failure must be determined.


Most noises attributed to the spindle actually lie in the motor or drive belt of the machine. Isolate the sources of noise as follows:
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ยด Excessive noise coming from the spindle head area.
l Remove the left end covers and check the machine๎š’s drive belt tension. l Run the motor with the drive belt disconnected. If the noise persists, the problem lies with the motor.
If it disappears, go on to the next step.
l Check for the correct amount of lubrication to the spindle bearings (1cc per hour) in an air mist
lubricated spindle.
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The transmission cannot be serviced in the field and must be replaced as a unit. Never remove the motor from the transmission, as this will damage the transmission and void the warranty.


ยด Excessive or unusual noise coming from transmission.
Operate the machine in both high and low gears. Monitor for noise in both gear positions, and determine if the noise varies with the motor or output shaft speed.
l If the noise only occurs in one gear throughout the entire RPM range of that gear position, the
problem lies with the transmission, and it must be replaced.
l If the noise occurs in both gear positions, disconnect the drive belts (see "Transmission" section,
Mech. Service) and repeat the previous step. If the noise persists, the transmission is damaged and must be replaced.
l Disconnect the drive belts (see "Transmission" section, Mech. Service) and run the machine in high
gear. Command a change of direction and listen for a banging noise in the transmission as the machine slows down to zero RPM and speeds back up in reverse. If the noise occurs, the motor has failed and the transmission must be replaced.


ยด Machine will not execute a gear change.
l Check the voltage to the gear shifter motor. The voltage between pins 2 and 3 should beapproximately
+28V when high gear is commanded and -28V when low gear is commanded. If these voltages are correct, the gear shifter motor has failed and the transmission must be replaced. If these voltages are incorrect, the cabling or transmission power supply is at fault.


ยด Spindle speed is not consistent with selected gear.
l Monitor the discrete inputs and outputs SP HIG and SP LOW on the Diagnostics display while
commanding high and low gear. The output SP HIG should be 1 when high gear is selected, and SP LOW should be 1 when low gear is selected. The inputs SP HIG and SP LOW should be 0 when that gear is engaged, and should both be 1 when the transmission is between gears. These inputs should never read 0 at the same time.
If any of these inputs/outputs are incorrect, either the gear change limit switches or the wiring to the I/O PCB is at fault. The limit switches are located inside the transmission, and cannot be replaced.
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All problems that are caused by servo motor failures should also register an alarm. Check the alarm history to determine the problem๎š’s cause before any action is taken.
ยด Servo motor is not functioning.
l Check the power cable from rear electrical cabinet to ensure connection is tight. l Encoder is faulty or contaminated (Alarms 139-142, 153-156, 165-168, 182-185). l Open circuit in motor (Alarms 139-142, 153-156, 182-185). l Motor has overheated, resulting in damage to the interior components (Alarms 135-138, 176). l Wiring is broken, shorted, or missing shield (Alarms 153-156, 175, 182-185). l Motor has overheated; no damage to the interior components. OVERHEAT alarm has been
triggered. After thorough check of motor (DO NOT DISASSEMBLE!), take necessary steps to eliminate the problem and alarm to resume operation. If motor is still inoperable, replace motor assembly.
l Check for broken or loose coupling between the servo motor and the lead screw. l Check for a damaged lead screw.
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NOTE: If a lead screw fails, it is most often due to a failed bearing sleeve.


Lead screw noise is usually caused by a lack of lubrication and is usually accompanied by heating. Other causes are misalignment, bearing sleeve damage, or ball nut damage. Check the alarm history of the machine and look for axis overcurrent and following error alarms.
NOTE: Do not replace lead screws or bearing sleeves without due consideration; they are extremely durable and reliable. Verify that customer complaints are not due to tooling, programming, or fixturing problems.
ยด Servo motor noise.
l Noise is caused by bearings. Rolling, grinding sound is heard coming from the motor. l If motor noise is caused by motor bearings, replace motor.
ยด Lead screw noise.
l Ensure oil is getting to the lead screw through the lubrication system. l Check for damage to the bearing sleeve. l Disconnect the servo motor from the lead screw and rotate the lead screw by hand. If the noise
persists, the lead screw may need replacing.
l Run the axis back and forth. The motor will get very hot if the bearing sleeve is damaged. If so,
turn the axis by hand and feel for roughness in the lead screw. Loosen the clamp nuts at both ends of the lead screw. If the symptom disappears, replace the bearing sleeve. Be certain to check for damage to the lead screw shaft where the bearing sleeve is mounted.
ร˜ If the noise persists, the lead screw is damaged and must be replaced. When replacing the
lead screw in an older machine, always replace the bearing sleeve with the current angular contact design bearing sleeve.
l Check the lead screw for misalignment.
Misalignment in the lead screw itself will tend to cause the lead screw to tighten up and make excessive noise at both ends of the travel. The ballnut may get hot. Misalignment radially at the yoke where the lead screw
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ball nut mounts is indicated by heating up of the ball nut on the lead screw, and noise and tightness throughout the travel of the lead screw. Misalignment at the yoke where the ball nut mounts is indicated by noise and tightness at both ends of the travel of the lead screw. The ball nut may get hot.


Accuracy complaints are usually related to tooling, programming, or fixturing problems. Eliminate these possibilities before working on the machine.
ยด Poor Z-axis accuracy.
l Check for backlash in the lead screw as outlined below. l Check for a loose encoder on the servo motor. Also, ensure the key in the motor or the lead screw is in
place and the coupling is tight.
Initial Preparation-
Turn the lathe ON. ZERO RET the machine and move the carriage to the approximate center of its travel in the Z-axis. Move the turret to the approximate center of the X-axis travel.
1. Place a dial indicator and base on the spindle retaining ring with the tip of the indicator positioned on
the outside diameter of the turret, as shown in Fig. 4-1.
Fig. 4-1. Dial indicator in position to check X-axis.
2. Set dial indicator and the ๎š“Distance to go๎š” display in the HANDLE JOG mode to zero as follows:
l Zero the dial indicator. l Press the MDI button on the control panel. l Press the HANDLE JOG button on the control panel.
The ๎š“Distance to go๎š” display on the lower right hand corner should read: X=0 Z=0
3. Set the rate of travel to .001 on the control panel and jog the machine .010 in the positive (+) X
direction. Jog back to zero (0) on the display. The dial indicator should read zero (0) ยฑ .0001.
4. Repeat Step 3 in the negative (-) direction.
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An alternate method for checking backlash is to place the dial indicator as shown in Fig. 4-1 and manually push on the turret in both directions. The dial indicator should return to zero after releasing the turret. NOTE: The servos must be on to check backlash by this method.
1. Place a dial indicator and base on the spindle retaining ring with the indicator tip positioned on the face
of the turret as shown in Fig. 4-2.
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Fig. 4-2 Dial indicator in position to check Z-axis.
2. Set dial indicator and the ๎š“Distance to go๎š” display in the HANDLE JOG mode to zero as follows:
l Zero the dial indicator. l Press the MDI button on the control panel. l Press the HANDLE JOG button on the control panel. The ๎š“Distance to go๎š” display on the lower
right hand corner should read: X=0 , Z=0
3. Set the rate of travel to .001 on the control panel and jog the machine .010 in the positive (+) Y
direction. Jog back to zero (0) on the display. The dial indicator should read zero (0) ยฑ .0001.
4. Repeat Step 3 in the negative (-) direction.
An alternate method for checking backlash is to place the dial indicator as shown in Fig. 4-2 and manually push on the turret in both directions. The dial indicator should return to zero after releasing the turret. NOTE: The servos must be on to check backlash by this method.
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ยด Excessive servo motor vibration.
l Check all Parameters of the suspected axis against the Parameters as shipped with the machine. If
there are any differences, correct those and determine how the Parameters were changed. PARAMETER LOCK should normally be on.
l A bad motor can cause vibration if there is an open or short in the motor. A short would normally cause
a GROUND FAULT or OVERCURRENT alarm; check the ALARMS. An ohmmeter applied to the motor leads should show between 1 and 3 ohms between leads, and over 1 megohm from leads to chassis.


ยด Servo motor overheating.
l If a motor OVERHEAT alarm occurs (ALARMS 135-138), check the Parameters for an incorrect setting.
Axis flags in Parameters 1, 15, or 29 can invert the overheat switch (OVER TEMP NC).
l If the motor is actually getting hot to the touch, there is excessive load on the motor. Check the user๎š’s
application for excessive load or high duty cycle. Check the lead screw for binding.


ยด "Servo Error Too Large" alarms occur on one or more axes sporadically.
l Check motor wiring. l Driver card may need replacement. l Servo motor may need replacement. l Check for binding in motion of lead screw.
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ยด "Low hydraulic pressure" alarm (134).
l Check for any leaks. l Check that the oil level is above the black line. l Check that the oil pressure is within 50-500 psi. If the hydraulic unit needs to be replaced,
see "Hydraulic Unit Removal/Installation" section.
l Check that the temperature is less than 150 degrees. If the hydraulic unit needs to be replaced,
see "Hydraulic Unit Removal/Installation" section.
l Phasing changes cause the hydraulic unit to change directions resulting in alarm 134.


ยด Chuck won't clamp/unclamp.
l Check for alarm condition. l Check display for "Low Hydraulic Pressure" alarm (134). l Check that the oil pressure gauge is within 50-500 psi. l Check that the oil filter gauge is less than 20 psi. l Use a voltage meter to check the solenoid circuit breaker.
ร˜ Replace solenoid valve if faulty.
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ยด Hydraulic power unit noise.
NOTE: Noise in hydraulic unit should decrease a few minutes after start up.
l Check for leaks in hose. l Check that the oil level is above the black line. l Check for loose pieces/hardware. l Check for debris in motor/cooling fins.


ยด Tailstock pulsates as it moves.
l Check operating pressure. (Minimum operating pressure is 120 psi) l Check for leaks at hydraulic cylinder. l Check for leaks at hose fittings.
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CAUTION! Before working on any electrical components, power off the machine and wait approximately 10 minutes. This will allow the high voltage power on the brushless amplifiers to be discharged.


ยด Axis Drive Fault Alarm
l Blown amplifier - indicated by a light at bottom of amplifier when power is on. Replace amplifier. l Amplifier or MOCON is noise sensitive. If this is the case, the alarm can be cleared and the axis will
run normally for a while.
To check an amplifier, switch the motor leads and control cables between the amplifier and the one next to it. If the same problem occurs with the other axis, the amplifier must be replaced. If the problem stays on the same axis, either the MOCON or control cable. The problem could also be the axis motor itself, with leads either shorted to each other or to ground, which is very rare.
l Amplifier faulting out for valid reason, such as overtemp, overvoltage, or +/-12 volt undervoltage
condition. This usually results from running a servo intensive program, or unadjusted 12 volt power supply. Replace amplifier.
Overvoltage could occur if regen load is not coming on, but this does not usually happen. The problem could also be the axis motor itself, with leads either shorted to each other or to ground, which is very rare.
ยด Axis Overload
l The fuse function built into the MOCON has been overloaded, due to a lot of motor accel/decels, or
hitting a hard stop with the axis. This safety function protects the amplifier and motor, so find the cause and correct it. If the current program is the cause, change the program. If the axis hits a hard stop, the travel limits may be set wrong.
ยด Phasing Error
l The MOCON did not receive the proper phasing information from the motors. DO NOT RESET the
machine if this alarm occurs. Power the machine down and back up. If the problem persists, it is probably a broken wire or faulty MOCON connectors.
ยด Servo Error Too Large
l This alarm occurs when the difference between the commanded axis position and the actual position
becomes larger the the maximum that is set in the parameter.
This condition occurs when the amplifier is blown, is not receiving the commands, or the 320 volt power source is dead. If the MOCON is not sending the correct commands to the amplifier, it is probably due to a broken wire, or a PHASING ERROR that was generated.
ยด Axis Z Fault or Z Channel Missing
l During a self-test, the number of encoder counts was found to be incorrect. This is usually caused
by a noisy environment, and not a bad encoder. Check all shields and grounds on the encoder cables and the motor leads that come into the amplifiers. An alarm for one axis can be caused by a bad grounding on the motor leads of another axis.
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ยด Axis Cable Fault
l During a self-test, the encoder cable signals were found to be invalid. This alarm is usually caused
by a bad cable, or a bad connection on the motor encoder connectors. Check the cable for any breaks, and the encoder connectors at the motor controller board. Machine noise can also cause this alarm, although it is less common.
ยด Alarm 101, "MOCON Comm. Failure"
l During a self-test of communications between the MOCON and main processor, the main processor
does not respond, and is suspected to be dead. This alarm is generated and the servos are stopped. Check all ribbon cable connections, and all grounding. Machine noise can also cause this alarm, although it is less common.
ยด Alarm 157, "MOCON Watchdog Fault"
l The self-test of the MOCON has failed. Replace the MOCON.


ยด Remove low voltage cable from Video & Keyboard PCB.
l Processors LED's are normal. l Runs fine and the CRT is Normal. l No keypad beep.
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ยด Remove low voltage cable from MOTIF PCB.
l Processors LED's are normal then RUN goes out. l No screen.
ยด Remove the Data & or Address buss from the Video & Keyboard PCB.
l Processors LED's Normal - then Run goes out.
ยด Remove the Data & or Address buss from the MOTIF PCB.
l Processors LED's Normal - then Run goes out.
ยด Remove the Data & or Address buss from the Micro Processor PCB.
l Processors LED's - CRT and Run are out.
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The following is an example of how to troubleshoot the keypad:
NOTE: Keypad Diodes 1-24 correspond to chart numbers 1-24
Example: 1. Pressing the RESET button will cause diodes 1 and 17 to conduct.
l With the POWER OFF read across diode 1. l A typical reading is between .400-.700 ohms, note your reading.
2. Press and hold the RESET button. If the diode is conducting, the reading should drop about .03 ohms.
l If your reading was .486 and it dropped to .460 for a difference of .026; the
diode is good.
l The same will hold true for diode 17 in this example. If the reading stays the
same or there is no change, the diode is not conducting. Pull P2 and read between pins 1 and 17.
l Press and hold <RESET>. The meter should read a short (0 ohms); if not, the
keypad is bad.
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Any time an alarm is present, the lower right hand corner of the screen will have a blinking ๎š“ALARM๎š”. Push the ALARM display key to view the current alarm. All alarms are displayed with a reference number and a complete description. If the RESET key is pressed, one alarm will be removed from the list of alarms. If there are more than 18 alarms, only the last 18 are displayed and the RESET must be used to see the rest. The presence of any alarm will prevent the operator from starting a program.
The ALARMS DISPLAY can be selected at any time by pressing the ALARM MESGS button. When there are no alarms, the display will show NO ALARM. If there are any alarms, they will be listed with the most recent alarm at the bottom of the list. The CURSOR and PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN buttons can be used to move through a large number of alarms. The CURSOR right and left buttons can be used to turn on and off the ALARM history display.
Note that tool changer alarms can be easily corrected by first correcting any mechanical problem, pressing RESET until the alarms are clear, selecting ZERO RET mode, and selecting AUTO ALL AXES. Some messages are displayed while editing to tell the operator what is wrong but these are not alarms. See the editing topic for those errors.
The following alarm list shows the alarm numbers, the text displayed along with the alarm, and a detailed description of the alarm, what can cause it, when it can happen, and how to correct it.
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101 MOCON Comm. Failure During a self-test of communications between the MOCON and main
processor, the main processor does not respond, and is suspected to be dead. Check cable connections and grounding.
102 Servos Off Indicates that the servo motors are off, the tool changer is disabled, the
coolant pump is off, and the spindle motor is stopped. Caused by EMER GENCY STOP, motor faults, tool changer problems, or power fail.
103 X Servo Error Too much load or speed on X-axis motor. The difference between the Too Large motor position and the commanded position has exceeded a parameter.
The motor may also be stalled, disconnected, or the driver failed. The servos will be turned off and a RESET must be done to restart. This alarm can be caused by problems with the driver, motor, or the slide being run into the mechanical stops.
104 Y Servo Error same as 103.
Too Large
105 Z Servo Error same as 103.
Too Large
106 A Servo Error same as 103.
Too Large
107 Emergency Off EMERGENCY STOP button was pressed. Servos are also turned off.
After the E-STOP is released, the RESET button must be pressed at least twice to correct this; once to clear the E-STOP alarm and once to clear the Servos Off alarm.
108 X Servo Overload Excessive load on X-axis motor. This can occur if the load on the motor
over a period of several seconds or even minutes is large enough to exceed the continuous rating of the motor. The servos will be turned off when this occurs. This can be caused by running into the mechanical stops but not much past them. It can also be caused by anything that causes a very high load on the motors.
18 96-8710
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109 Y Servo Overload same as 108. 110 Z Servo Overload same as 108. 111 A Servo Overload same as 108.
112 No Interrupt Electronics fault. Problem in the Microprocessor assembly (68030, Video,
or MOCON boards).
113 Turret Unlock Fault The turret took longer to unlock and come to rotation position than allowed
for in Parameter 62. The value in Parameter 62 is in milliseconds. This may occur if the air pressure is too low, the tool turret clamp switch is faulty or needs adjustment, or there is a mechanical problem.
114 Turret Lock Fault The turret took longer to lock and seat than allowed for in Parameter 63.
The value in Parameter 63 is in milliseconds. This may occur if the air pressure is too low, the tool turret clamp switch is faulty or needs adjust ment, or there is a mechanical problem.
115 Turret Rotate Fault Tool motor not in position. During a tool changer operation the tool turret
failed to start moving or failed to stop at the right position. Parameters 62 and 63 can adjust the time-out times. This alarm can be caused by anything that jams the rotation of the turret. A loss of power to the tool changer can also cause this, so check CB5 and relays 1-8, 2-3, and 2-4.
116 Spindle Orientation Fault Spindle did not orient correctly. During a spindle orientation function, the
spindle is rotated until the lock pin drops in; but the lock pin never dropped. Parameters 66, 70, 73, and 74 can adjust the time-out times. This can be caused by a trip of circuit breaker CB4, a lack of air pressure, or too much friction with the orientation pin.
117 Spindle High Gear Fault Gearbox did not shift into high gear. During a change to high gear, the high
gear sensor was not detected in time. Parameters 67, 70 and 75 can adjust the time-out times. Check the solenoids circuit breaker CB4, and the spindle drive.
118 Spindle Low Gear Fault Gearbox did not shift into low gear. During a change to low gear, the high
gear sensor was not detected in time. Parameters 67, 70 and 75 can adjust the time-out times. Check the solenoids circuit breaker CB4, and the spindle drive.
119 Over Voltage Incoming line voltage is above maximum. The servos will be turned off and
the spindle, tool changer, and coolant pump will stop. If this condition remains for 4.5 minutes, an automatic shutdown will begin.
120 Low Air Pressure Air pressure dropped below 80 PSI for a period of time defined by
Parameter 76. Check your incoming air pressure for at least 100 PSI and ensure that the regulator is set at 85 PSI.
121 Low Lub or Way lube is low or empty or there is no lube pressure or too high a pressure.
Low Pressure Check tank at rear of machine and below control cabinet. Also check
connector on the side of the control cabinet. Check that the lube lines are not blocked.
122 Control Overheat The control internal temperature is above 150 degrees F. This can be caused
by almost anything in the control overheating. But is usually caused by overheat of the two regen resistors for servos and spindle drive. This alarm will also turn off the servos, spindle drive, coolant pump, and tool changer. One common cause of this overheat condition is an input line voltage too
96-8710 19
high. If this condition remains for 4.5 minutes, an automatic shutdown will begin.
123 Spindle Drive Fault Overheat or failure of spindle drive or motor. The exact cause is indicated
in the LED window of the spindle drive inside the control cabinet. This can be caused by a stalled motor, shorted motor, overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, overheat of motor, or drive failure.
124 Low Battery Memory batteries need replacing within 30 days. This alarm is only
generated at power on and indicates that the 3.3 volt Lithium battery is below 2.5 volts. If this is not corrected within about 30 days, you may lose your stored programs, parameters, offsets, and settings.
125 Tool Turret Fault Turret has not seated itself properly. There may be something obstructing
the turret between the housing and the turret itself.
126 Gear Fault Gearshifter is out of position when a command is given to rotate the spindle.
This means that the two speed gear box is not in either high or low gear but is somewhere in between. Check the air pressure, the solenoids circuit breaker CB4, and the spindle drive.
127 Door Fault The control failed to detect a high at the A DOOR input after an M85 was
commanded and the A DOOR input was not received before a certain period of time. The units are in milliseconds.
June 1997
129 M Fin Fault M-Fin was active at power on. Check the wiring to your M code interfaces.
This test is only performed at power-on.
130 Chuck Unclamped The control detected that the chuck is unclamped. This is a possible fault
in the air solenoids, relays on the I/O Assembly, or wiring.
132 Power Down Failure Machine did not turn off when an automatic power-down was commanded.
Check wiring to POWIF card on power supply assembly, relays on the IO assembly, and the main contactor K1.
133 Spindle Locked Shot pin did not release. This is detected when spindle motion is com
manded. Check the solenoid that controls the air to the lock, relay 2-8, the wiring to the sense switch, and the switch.
134 Low Hydraulic Hydraulic pressure is sensed to be low. Check pump pressure and
Pressure hydraulic tank oil level.
135 X Motor Over Heat Servo motor overheat. The temperature sensor in the motor indicates
over 150 degrees F. This can be caused by an extended overload of the motor such as leaving the slide at the stops for several minutes.
136 Y Motor Over Heat same as 135. 137 Z Motor Over Heat same as 135. 138 A Motor Over Heat same as 135.
139 X Motor Z Fault Encoder marker pulse count failure. This alarm usually indicates that the
encoder has been damaged and encoder position data is unreliable. This can also be caused by loose connectors at P1-P4.
140 Y Motor Z Fault same as 139. 141 Z Motor Z Fault same as 139.
20 96-8710
June 1997
142 A Motor Z Fault same as 139.
143 Spindle Not Locked Shot pin not fully engaged when a tool change operation is being per
formed. Check air pressure and solenoid circuit breaker CB4. This can also be caused by a fault in the sense switch that detects the position of the lock pin.
144 Time-out- Time allocated for use prior to payment exceeded. Call your dealer.
Call Your Dealer
145 X Limit Switch Axis hit limit switch or switch disconnected. This is not normally possible
as the stored stroke limits will stop the slides before they hit the limit switches. Check the wiring to the limit switches and connector P5 at the side of the main cabinet. Can also be caused by a loose encoder shaft at the back of the motor or coupling of motor to the screw.
146 Y Limit Switch same as 145. 147 Z Limit Switch same as 145.
148 A Limit Switch Normally disabled for rotary axis.
149 Spindle Turning Spindle not at zero speed for tool change. A signal from the spindle drive
indicating that the spindle drive is stopped is not present while a tool change operation is going on.
150 I Mode Out Of Reload control software. Check the status of the Processor board.
152 Self Test Fail Control has detected an electronics fault. All motors and solenoids are shut
down. This is most likely caused by a fault of the processor board stack at the top left of the control. Call your dealer.
153 X-axis Z Broken wires or encoder contamination. All servos are turned off. This can
Ch Missing also be caused by loose connectors at P1-P4.
154 Y-axis Z same as 153.
Ch Missing
155 Z-axis Z same as 153.
Ch Missing
156 A-axis Z same as 153.
Ch Missing
157 MOCON Watchdog The self-test of the MOCON has failed. Replace the MOCON.
158 Video/Keyboard Internal circuit board problem. The VIDEO PCB in the processor stack is
PCB Failure tested at power-on. This could also be caused by a short in the front
panel membrane keypad. Call your dealer.
159 Keyboard Failure Keyboard shorted or button pressed at power on. A power-on test of the
membrane keypad has found a shorted button. It can also be caused by a short in the cable from the main cabinet or by holding a switch down during power-on.
160 Low Voltage The line voltage to control is too low. This alarm occurs when the AC
line voltage drops below 190 when wired for 230 volts or drops below 165 when wired for 208 volts.
96-8710 21
161 X-Axis Drive Fault Current in X servo motor beyond limit. Possibly caused by a stalled or
overloaded motor. The servos are turned off. This can be caused by running a short distance into a mechanical stop. It can also be caused by a short in the motor or a short of one motor lead to ground.
162 Y-Axis Drive Fault same as 161. 163 Z-Axis Drive Fault same as 161. 164 A-Axis Drive Fault same as 161.
165 X Zero Ret This alarm will occur if the home/limit switches move or are misadjusted.
Margin Too Small This alarm indicates that the zero return position may not be consistent
from one zero return to the next. The encoder Z channel signal must occur between 1/8 and 7/8 revolution of where the home switch releases. This will not turn the servos off but will stop the zero return operation.
166 Y Zero Ret Same as 165.
Margin Too Small
167 Z Zero Ret Same as 165.
Margin Too Small
June 1997
168 A Zero Ret Not normally enabled for A-axis.
Margin Too Small
169 Spindle Direction Problem with rigid tapping hardware. The spindle started turning in the
Fault wrong direction. System wired incorrectly.
170 Phase Loss L1-L2 Problem with incoming line voltage between legs L1 and L2. This usually
indicates that there was a transient loss of input power to the machine.
171 Phase Loss L2-L3 Problem with incoming line voltage between legs L2 and L3.
172 Phase Loss L3-L1 Problem with incoming line voltage between legs L3 and L1.
173 Spindle Ref The Z channel pulse from the spindle encoder is missing for rigid tapping
Signal Missing synchronization. Bad encoder or wiring.
174 Tool Load The tool load monitor option is selected and the maximum load for a tool
Exceeded was exceeded in a feed. This alarm can only occur if the tool load monitor
function is installed in your machine.
175 Ground Fault A ground fault condition was detected in the 115V AC supply. This can be
Detected caused by a short to ground in any of the servo motors, the tool change
motors, the fans, or the oil pump.
176 Overheat Shutdown An overheat condition persisted for 4.5 minutes and caused an automatic
177 Over voltage An overvoltage condition persisted for 4.5 minutes and caused an
Shutdown automatic shutdown.
178 Divide by Zero Software error, or parameters are incorrect. Call your dealer.
179 Low Pressure Spindle coolant oil is low or low pressure condition in lines.
Spindle Coolant
22 96-8710
June 1997
182 X Cable Fault Cable from X-axis encoder does not have valid differential signals.
183 Y Cable Fault Same as 182. 184 Z Cable Fault Same as 182. 185 A Cable Fault Same as 182.
186 Spindle Not Turning Trying to feed while spindle is in the stopped position.
187 B Servo Error Too Large Same as 103. 188 B Servo Overload Same as 108. 189 B Motor Overheat Same as 135. 190 B Motor Z Fault Same as 139. 191 B Limit Switch Same as 145. 192 B Axis Z Ch Missing Same as 153. 193 B Axis Drive Fault Same as 161.
194 B Zero Ret Margin Same as 165.
Too Small
195 B Cable Fault Same as 182.
197 100 Hours Unpaid Bill Call your dealer.
198 Spindle Stalled Control senses that no spindle fault has occurred, the spindle is at speed,
yet the spindle is not turning. Possibly the belt between the spindle drive motor and spindle has slipped or is broken.
199 Negative RPM Internal software error; call your dealer.
201 Parameter CRC Error Parameters lost maybe by low battery. Check for a low battery and low
battery alarm.
202 Setting CRC Error Settings lost maybe by low battery. Check for a low battery and low
battery alarm.
203 Lead Screw CRC Error Lead screw compensation tables lost maybe by low battery. Check for
CRC Error low battery and low battery alarm.
204 Offset CRC Error Offsets lost maybe by low battery. Check for a low battery and low
battery alarm.
205 Programs CRC Error Users program lost maybe by low battery. Check for a low battery and
low battery alarm.
20 6 Internal Program Error Possible corrupted program. Save all programs to floppy disk, delete all, then
reload. Check for a low battery and low battery alarm.
207 Queue Advance Error Software Error; Call your dealer.
208 Queue Allocation Error Software Error; Call your dealer.
209 Queue Cutter Software Error; Call your dealer.
Comp Error
210 Insufficient Memory Not enough memory to store users program. Check the space available
in the LIST PROG mode and possibly delete some programs.
96-8710 23
21 1 Odd Prog Block Possible corrupted program. Save all programs to floppy disk, delete all, then
21 2 Program Integrity Error Possible corrupted program. Save all programs to floppy disk, delete all, then
reload. Check for a low battery and low battery alarm.
213 Program RAM CRC Error Electronics fault. Check for a low battery and low battery alarm. Replace the
Processor board.
214 No. of Programs Indicates that the number of programs disagrees with the internal
Changed variable that keeps count of the loaded programs. Call your dealer.
215 Free Memory PTR Indicates the amount of memory used by the programs counted in the
Changed system disagrees with the variable that points to free memory. Call your
216 Probe Arm Down Indicates that the probe arm was pulled down while a program was
While Running running.
217 X Axis Phasing Error Error occured in phasing initialization of brushless motor. This can be
caused by a bad encoder, or a cabling error.
June 1997
218 Y Axis Phasing Error Same as 217. 219 Z Axis Phasing Error Same as 217. 220 A Axis Phasing Error Same as 217. 221 B Axis Phasing Error Same as 217. 222 C Axis Phasing Error Same as 217.
223 Door Lock Failure In machines equipped with safety interlocks, this alarm occurs when the
control senses the door is open but it is locked. Check the door lock circuit.
224 X Transition Fault Illegal transition of count pulses in X axis. This alarm usually indicates that
the encoder has been damaged and encoder position data is unreliable. This can also be caused by loose connectors at the MOCON or MOTIF PCB.
225 Y Transition Fault Same as 224. 226 Z Transition Fault Same as 224. 227 A Transition Fault Same as 224. 228 B Transition Fault Same as 224. 229 C Transition Fault Same as 224.
231 Jog Handle Transition Same as 224.
232 Spindle Transition Fault Same as 224.
233 Jog Handle Cable Fault Cable from jog handle encoder does not have valid differential signals.
234 Spindle Enc. Cable Fault Cable from spindle encoder does not have valid differential signals.
235 Spindle Z Fault Same as 139.
240 Empty Prog or No EOB DNC program not found, or no end of program found.
241 Invalid Code RS-232 load bad. Data was stored as comment. Check the program being
24 96-8710
June 1997
242 No End Check input file for a number that has too many digits.
243 Bad Number Data entered is not a number.
244 Missing ) Comment must end with a ๎š“ ) ๎š“.
245 Unknown Code Check input line or data from RS-232. This alarm can occur while editing
data into a program or loading from RS-232.
246 String Too Long Input line is too long. The data entry line must be shortened.
247 Cursor Data Base Error Software Error; Call your dealer.
248 Number Range Error Number entry is out of range.
249 Prog Data Possible corrupted program. Save all programs to floppy disk, delete all,
Begins Odd then reload.
250 Program Data Error Same as 249. 251 Prog Data Struct Error Same as 249. 252 Memory Overflow Same as 249.
253 Electronics Overheat The control box temperature has exceeded 145 degrees F. This can be
caused by an electronics problem, high room temperature, or clogged air filter.
257 Program Data Error Same as 249.
258 Invalid DPRNT Format Macro DPRNT statement not structured properly.
259 Bad Language Version Reload control software. Check the status of the Processor board.
260 Bad Language CRC Indicates FLASH memory has been corrupted or damaged.
261 Rotary CRC Error Rotary saved parameters have a CRC error. Indicates a loss of memory - call
your dealer.
262 Parameter CRC Missing RS-232 or floppy read of parameter had no CRC when loading from floppy
or RS-232.
263 Lead Screw CRC Missing Lead screw compensation tables have no CRC when loading from floppy or
264 Rotary CRC Missing Rotary parameters have no CRC when loading from floppy or RS-232.
265 Macro Variable File Macro variables lost maybe by low battery. Check for a low battery and low
CRC Error battery alarm. Reload the macro variable file.
270 C Servo Error Too Large Same as 103. 271 C Servo Overload Same as 108. 272 C Motor Overheat Same as 135. 273 C Motor Z Fault Same as 139. 274 C Limit Switch Same as 145. 275 C Axis Z Ch Missing Same as 153. 276 C Axis Drive Fault Same as 161.
96-8710 25
277 C Zero Ret Margin Same as 165.
Too Small
278 C Cable Fault Same as 182.
302 Invalid R Code Check your geometry. R must be less than or equal to half the distance from
start to end within an accuracy of 0.0010 inches.
303 Invalid X, B, or Z In Check your geometry.
G02 or G03
304 Invalid I, J, or K In Check your geometry. Radius at start must match radius at end of arc
G02 or G03 within 0.0010 inches.
305 Invalid Q In Q in a canned cycle must be greater than zero and must be a valid N number.
Canned Cycle
306 Invalid I, J, K, or Q In I, J, K, and Q in a canned cycle must be greater than zero.
Canned Cycle
307 Subroutine Subprogram nesting is limited to nine levels. Simplify your program.
Nesting Too Deep
June 1997
308 Invalid Tool Offset A tool offset not within the range of the control was used.
309 Exceeded Max Feed Rate Use a lower feed rate.
310 Invalid G Code G code not defined and is not a macro call.
311 Unknown Code Possible corruption of memory by low battery. Call your dealer.
312 Program End End of subroutine reached before M99. Need an M99 to return from sub-
313 No P Code In M97, Must put subprogram number in P code.
M98, or G65
314 Subprogram or Macro Check that a subroutine is in memory or that a macro is defined.
Not In Memory
315 Invalid P Code In The P code must be the name of a program stored in memory without a
M97, M98 or M99 decimal point for M98 and must be a valid N number for M99, G70, 71, 72,
and 73.
316 X Over Travel Range X-axis will exceed stored stroke limits. This is a parameter in negative
direction and is machine zero in the positive direction. This will only occur during the operation of a user๎š’s program.
317 Y Over Travel Range same as 316. 318 Z Over Travel Range same as 316.
319 A Over Travel Range Not normally possible with A-axis.
320 No Feed Rate Specified Must have a valid F code for interpolation functions.
321 Auto Off Alarm A fault turned off the servos automatically; occurs in debug mode only.
26 96-8710
June 1997
322 Sub Prog Without M99 Add an M99 code to the end of program called as a subroutine.
324 Delay Time Range Error P code in G04 is greater than or equal to 1000 seconds (over 999999
325 Queue Full Control problem; call your dealer.
326 G04 Without P Code Put a Pn.n for seconds or a Pn for milliseconds.
327 No Loop For M L code not used here. Remove L Code.
Code Except M97, M98
328 Invalid Tool Number Tool number must be between 1 and the value in Parameter 65.
329 Undefined M Code That M code is not defined and is not a macro call.
330 Undefined Macro Call Macro name O90nn not in memory. A macro call definition is in parameters
and was accessed by user program but that macro was not loaded into memory.
331 Range Error Number too large.
332 H and T This alarm is generated when Setting 15 is turned ON and an H code
Not Matched number in a running program does not match the tool number in the
spindle. Correct the Hn codes, select the right tool, or turn off Setting 15.
333 X-Axis Disabled Parameters have disabled this axis. Not normally possible.
334 Y-Axis Disabled same as 333. 335 Z-Axis Disabled same as 333.
336 A-Axis Disabled An attempt was made to program the A-axis while it was disabled
(DISABLED bit in Parameter 43 set to 1).
337 Goto or P Line Subprogram is not in memory, or P code is incorrect.
Not Found
338 Invalid IJK and XYZ There is a problem with circle definition; check your geometry.
in G02 or G03
339 Multiple Codes Only one M, X, Y, Z, A, Q, etc. allowed in any block or two G codes in the
same group.
340 Cutter Comp Begin Select cutter compensation earlier. Cutter comp. must begin on a linear
With G02 or G03 move.
341 Cutter Comp End Disable cutter comp later.
With G02 or G03
342 Cutter Comp Path Geometry not possible. Check your geometry with the HELP page.
Too Small
343 Display Queue A block exists that is too long for displaying queue. Shorten title block.
Record Full
344 Cutter Comp With Cutter comp only allowed in XY plane (G17).
G18 and G19
96-8710 27
345 Diff Step Ratio Parameters 5 and 19 must be same value.
On G17 Plane
346 Diff Step Ratio Parameters 5 and 33 must be same value.
On G18 Plane
347 Diff Step Ratio Parameters 19 and 33 must be same value.
On G19 Plane
348 Illegal Spiral Motion Linear axis path is too long. For helical motions, the linear path must not
be more than the length of the circular component.
349 Prog Stop W/O Cutter compensation has been cancelled without an exit move. Potential
Cancel Cutter Comp damage to part.
350 Cutter Comp Look There are too many non-movement blocks between motions when cutter
Ahead Error comp is being used. Remove some intervening blocks.
351 Invalid P Code In a block with G103 (Block Lookahead Limit), a value between 0 and 15
must be used for the P code.
352 Aux Axis Power Off Aux B, C, U, V, or W axis indicate servo off. Check auxiliary axes. Status from
control was OFF.
June 1997
353 Aux Axis No Home A ZERO RET has not been done yet on the aux axes. Check auxiliary
axes. Status from control was LOSS.
354 Aux Axis Aux axes not responding. Check auxiliary axes and RS-232 connections.
355 Aux Axis Position Mismatch between machine and aux axes position. Check aux axes and
Mismatch interfaces. Make sure no manual inputs occur to aux axes.
356 Aux Axis Travel Limit Aux axes are attempting to travel past their limits.
357 Aux Axis Disabled Aux axes are disabled.
358 Multiple Aux Axis Can only move one auxiliary axis at a time.
359 Invalid I, J, or K In G12 Check your geometry.
or G13
360 Tool Changer Disabled Check Parameter 57. Not a normal condition for the Lathe.
361 Gear Change Disabled Not used.
362 Tool Usage Alarm Tool life limit was reached. To continue, reset the usage count in the
Current Commands display and press RESET.
363 Coolant Locked Off Override is off and program tried to turn on coolant.
364 No Circ Interp Only rapid or feed is allowed with aux axes.
Aux Axis
367 Cutter Comp G01 cannot be done with tool size.
28 96-8710
June 1997
368 Groove Too Small Tool too big to enter cut.
369 Tool Too Big Use a smaller tool for cut.
372 Tool Change In Tool change not allowed while canned cycle is active.
Canned Cycle
373 Invalid Code in DNC A code found in a DNC program could not be interpreted because of
restrictions to DNC.
374 Missing XBZA in G31 skip function requires an X, B, Z, or A move.
G31 or G36
375 Missing Z or H in G37 G37 auto offset skip function requires H code, Z value, and tool offset
enabled. X, B, and A values not allowed.
376 No Cutter Comp In Skip Skip G31 and G37 functions cannot be used with cutter compensation.
377 No Skip in Graph/Sim Graphics mode cannot simulate skip function.
378 Skip Signal Found Skip signal check code was included but skip was found when it was not
379 Skip Signal Not Found Skip signal check code was included but skip was not found when it was
380 X, B, A, or G49 G37 may only specify Z-axis and must have tool offset defined.
Not Allowed in G37
381 G43 or G44 Not Auto work offset probing must be done without tool offset.
Allowed in G36 or G136
382 D Code Required in G35 A Dnn code is required in G35 in order to store the measured tool diameter.
383 Inch Is Not Selected G20 was specified but settings have selected metric input.
384 Metric Is Not Selected G21 was specified but settings have selected inches.
385 Invalid L, P, or R G10 was used to changes offsets but L, P, or R code is missing or
Code In G10 invalid.
386 Invalid Address Format An address A..Z was used improperly.
387 Cutter Comp Not If block buffering has been limited, Cutter comp cannot be used.
Allowed With G103
388 Cutter Comp Not Coordinates cannot be altered while cutter comp is active. Move G10
Allowed With G10 outside of cutter comp enablement.
389 G17, G18, G19 Planes of rotation cannot be changed while rotation is enabled.
Illegal in G68
390 No Spindle Speed S code has not been encountered. Add an S code.
391 Feature Disabled An attempt was made to use a control feature not enabled by a parameter
bit. Set the parameter bit to 1.
96-8710 29
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