Güntner GVW Translation Of Original Operation Instructions

W air-cooled condenser – GVW
Translation of Original Operating Instructions
Transportation | Assembly | Operation | Maintenance
Product line: Condenser R134a, R22, R404a,...
Series: GVW
| 2010-09


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1 General safety instructions......................................................... 3
1.1 General instructions...........................................................................3
1.2 Safety instructions............................................................................. 4
2 Technical data............................................................................... 8
2.1 General information on the unit....................................................... 8
2.2 Technical data..................................................................................... 8
2.3 Sound specifications......................................................................... 8
3 Operation....................................................................................... 9
3.1 Definitions........................................................................................... 9
3.2 Fan motor............................................................................................ 9
4 Transportation and storage.......................................................11
4.1 Packaging.......................................................................................... 11
4.2 Transportation and unloading.........................................................11
4.3 Storage...............................................................................................14
4.4 Safety................................................................................................. 14
5 Assembly and installation......................................................... 15
5.1 Installation information....................................................................15
5.2 Installation guidelines......................................................................16
5.3 Assembly........................................................................................... 22
6 Start-up and operation...............................................................25
6.1 Start-up.............................................................................................. 25
6.2 Operation........................................................................................... 25
6.2.1 Normal operation................................................................................ 25
6.2.2 Taking out of service and final shutdown...........................................26
6.2.3 Modifications to the unit and non-permissible operating conditions and
working methods................................................................................ 26
7 Maintenance................................................................................ 27
7.1 General information......................................................................... 27
7.2 Cleaning.............................................................................................27
7.3 Maintenance and repair................................................................... 28
7.4 Water spray system instructions.................................................... 29
8 Güntner - Head office.................................................................30
| 2010-09
© Güntner AG & Co. KG

1 General safety instructions

1.1 General instructions

possible dangers associated with the device during
setup and assembly
commissioning and operation
maintenance (cleaning, maintenance and servicing)
and to reduce such dangers to a minimum for persons, materials and the environment.
Binding regulations
EU Directive 97 / 23 / EG on pressure equipment (pressure equipment directive)
EU Directive 98 / 37 / EG on machines (machine directive)
EN 378; Parts 1 to 4; "Refrigeration systems and heat pumps, technical safety and environmen­tal requirements" (a standard that supports the basic demands of the aforementioned EU Direc­tives in accordance with CEN)
Law on Equipment and Product Safety (GPSG); including ordinances (GPSGV) valid for the Federal Republic of Germany
BGR 500 "Operation of Work Equipment"; Chapter: "Operation of refrigeration systems, heat pumps and cooling equipment"; valid for the Federal Republic of Germany
VDMA standard sheet 24243; Parts 1 to 5; "Impermeability of refrigeration systems and heat pumps; leak test and leak detection"; valid for the Federal Republic of Germany
"Operating Instruction Manual in accordance with EN 378-2; Güntner axial condensers" (see www.guentner.de)
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| 2010-09
© Güntner AG & Co. KG
Adhesive labels on the machine with regulations and indications by the manufacturer: Apart from applying these Operating Instructions, the operator is obliged to observe the informa­tion and requirements outlined in the guidelines referred to above in order to maintain his warranty claims.
These Operating Instructions apply for serial equipment. These Operating Instructions are only con­ditionally valid for custom-made equipment. In this case, the manufacturer must be consulted.
Should defects be detected in the unit, the manufacturer must be informed immediately so that he can contribute to eliminating such defects.
To avoid ensuing damage caused by disruptions of operations, the customer must possess a warning system which immediately indicates any kind of malfunction. Emergency measures must be planned and prepared which in case of malfunctions help to avoid ensuing damage.

1.2 Safety instructions

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The danger notes specified in the binding regulations generally apply according to section 1.1. "General instructions".
All work on the units must be carried out by trained and experienced staff. Only approved materi­als may be used.
Danger of burns when touching piping and distributor pipes at refrigerant tem­peratures above + 60 °C!
| 2010-09
Sharp edges and corners on the units (especially on the fins) can cut fingers and hands; wear protective gloves.
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Only access the equipment wearing sturdy, non-slip shoes.
Equipment without railings: Only access with lanyard rails.
Work on pressurised parts (pipelines, heat exchanger components): depressurise this section of the system and/or siphon off the refrigerant from this section.
Maintenance work: equipment components must always be replaced with original spare parts.
The maximum operating pressure specified on the nameplate may not be ex­ceeded.
Electrical system
If the unit is installed close to possible heat sources with danger of occurrence of high tempera­tures: take effective measures to protect the unit from excessive heat.
Electrical installation of the units: only be electricians in compliance with the relevant VDE rules (or the national and international regulations) and the technical work regulations of the public util­ities.
All work on fans or motors: it is imperative that the power supply is disconnect­ed. During installation and maintenance work, the power supply to the unit must be disconnected. The system must be secured against unintentional reactiva­tion.
| 2010-09
© Güntner AG & Co. KG
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The fan motors of the units must be provided with a deactivation facility in compliance with the DIN EN 60204-1 standard to prevent unexpected starting (e.g. repair switch or via fuses in the ad­jacent switch cabinet). These deactivation devices must be secured to prevent them from being unexpectedly or unintentionally reactivated when the power is dead (e.g. can be locked by a pad­lock).
Removal of the fan protection guards and working on the fans: only permissible with the power supply switched off (power dead) and if appropriate protection is provided against unintentional reactivation (remove fuses, put up warning signs).
Operating agents
Working on the fan air inlet and outlet guides: ensure that the power has been disconnected. When work is concluded, do not leave any components near the fan as they will cause faults or damage to the fans and/or heat exchangers upon reactivation.
The HFC refrigerants R134a, R404A, R407C, R507, R22 ... used are Group L1/A1 refrigerants in compliance with classification according to flammability (L) and toxicity (A) in line with the EU Di­rective 97 / 23 / EG on pressure equipment (Pressure Equipment Directive):
Refrigerants which, when gaseous, are non-flammable in air regardless of their concentration.
Refrigerants with a time-weighted, average concentration that have no adverse effects on the majority of staff who are exposed to this concentration every day during a normal 8-hour working day and a 40-hour working week, which is greater than or equal to 400 ml/m³ (400
ppm(V/V)). Staff are not exposed to any direct danger. Group L1/A1 refrigerants are however generally heav­ier than air and can flow into lower-lying areas. An increased concentration can arise in static air at ground level. At high concentrations, there is a danger of cardia arrhythmias and suffocation owing to low oxygen levels, especially at ground level.
| 2010-09
No access to the unit for unauthorised persons. It must be ensured that HFC refrigerant emanat­ing from the unit is unable to penetrate the building or otherwise endanger people.
© Güntner AG & Co. KG
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Spills of HFC refrigerant and oil must be impeded.
HFC refrigerant vapour and/or gas must be impeded from penetrating neighbouring rooms, stair­cases, yards, passages or drainage systems in close vicinity of the installation room and must be discharged without risk.
Suitable fire-fighting equipment must be provided on site when working with flames, e.g. grinding, welding, soldering etc.
Particular attention must be paid to the danger of ignition by spread oil residue and HFC refrigerant.
The fire extinguishers to be provided must be available and ready for use in sufficient numbers, and their extinguishing agents must not react dangerous­ly with the HFC refrigerant.
During troubleshooting after HFC refrigerant breakaway releas­es, please be aware of remaining HFC refrigerant under deferves­cence as splashes can lead to frostbite on skin and eyes.
Smoking is prohibited during work. To avoid inhalation of high vapour concen­trations, working areas must be well ventilated.
Contact by HFC refrigerants with naked flames must be avoided as toxic com­bustion products can form. For this reason, welding or soldering work may on­ly be performed after full removal of the HFC refrigerant from the respective sec­tion of the system. Good ventilation must be ensured. When performing emer­gency work in high concentrations of HFC refrigerant, it is imperative that self­contained breathing apparatus independent of the ambient air is worn.
| 2010-09
Constant compliance with the limit values must be ensured by monitoring the HFC refrigerant concentration in the ambient air. With good air ventilation and offtake, levels easily fall below the permissible limit values.
© Güntner AG & Co. KG

2 Technical data

2.1 General information on the unit

Manufacturer: Güntner AG & Co. KG
Unit name: See order-specific offer documents
Volume V: See order-specific offer documents
Fan type/number See order-specific offer documents
Fluid: See order-specific offer documents
Max. perm. pressure PS: 32 bar
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Hans-Güntner-Strasse 2-6
D-82256 Fürstenfeldbruck
Perm. max./min. temperature TS:
Test pressure applied PT: 35.2 bar
Test medium: Dried air

2.2 Technical data

See order-specific offer documents and unit nameplate
- 50...+ 100 C

2.3 Sound specifications

| 2010-09
The indicated sound pressure level is based on the calculation (according to EN 13487) of the sound pressure level on the surface of a cuboid area which is at 10 metres distance and parallel to the referential envelope of the sound source (standard procedure for calculating the sound pressure level, EN 13487, Annex C, distance mas per Eurovent).
© Güntner AG & Co. KG

3 Operation

3.1 Definitions

3.2 Fan motor

This is an incomplete assembly.
A fan-ventilated refrigerant condenser is a component of a refrigeration system which condenses refrigerant vapour via heat dissipation into the air which is then conveyed by fans across the dry heat exchange surface. The heat exchanger comprises header inlets and outlets.
The refrigerant is the fluid used for exchanging heat in a refrigeration system and which absorbs heat at low temperature and low pressure while dissipating heat at higher temperatures and higher pressure, whereby the fluid then changes status.
The HFC refrigerants R134a, R404A, R407C, R507, R22 ... used are Group L1/A1 refrigerants (see also section 1.2. ''Safety instructions'').
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AC technology
During longer storage or downtime periods, the fans must be operated for 2 to 4 hours each month.
In the case of fans with protection type IP55 or higher, any sealed condensate drain holes must be opened at least every six months.
Motors with PTC resistors require an additional trigger device for the installed thermistors. Locking is recommended to prevent reactivation. Max. 2.5 V test voltage or current-limited meters on ther­mistors.
When using step switching, the corresponding time delays must be taken into consideration for mo­tors with 2 speeds.
For motors with direct start and a connection value > 4.0 kW, a startup current limitation (softstart using thyristor) may be necessary.
When using other brands for frequency converter mode on external rotor motors (Ziehl-Abegg), please observe the following: effective all-pole sinus filters should be fitted between the converter and the motor (sinus-shaped output voltage, phase against phase, phase against protection con­ductor). Güntner frequency converter speed regulators feature this function as standard. Güntner three-phase standard motors are suitable for operation on frequency converters.
| 2010-09
The fan motors can be operated by means of star-delta connection with two speeds and/or with speed control. The direction of rotation must be checked. If the direction is wrong, it can be changed by interchanging two phases.
© Güntner AG & Co. KG
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