Always keep the operating instructions in the unit's immediate vicinity at all times.
Ensure that the operating instructions are accessible to all people that have anything at all to
do with the unit at all times.
Ensure that the operating instructions are read and understood by all people that have anything at all to do with the unit.
1.2Importance of the EN 378 series of standards – refrigeration systems and heat pumps – safety-related and environmental requirements
EN 378 deals with safety-related and environmental requirements for designing, constructing, producing, installing, operating, maintaining and disposing of refrigeration systems and cooling equipment.
EN 378 is oriented towards manufacturers, installers and operators of refrigeration systems and
cooling equipment (see section 1.2. Responsibilities).
The objective of EN 378 is to restrict the possible hazards of refrigeration systems, cooling equipment and their working fluids (refrigerants and coolants) for people, property and the environment
to a minimum.
Insufficient safety measures or non-compliance with safety-relevant regulations can result in:
Breaks or ruptures on components with the danger of escaping materials (hazards caused by
the influence of low temperatures, excess pressure, direct influence of the fluid phase, moving
machine parts).
Escaping working fluid after a break or leak because of defective design, improper operation, insufficient maintenance, repairs, filling and disposal (hazards caused by oxygen deficiency, flammability, frostbite, suffocation, panic)
Fire from escaping coolants and refrigerator oil with subsequent fire risk.
1.3.1Manufacturer's responsibilities
The notes provided in these operating instructions on maintaining the unit's functional safety, preventing possible hazards when transporting, setting up and installing, start-up and operation, and
with maintenance activities (cleaning, servicing and repairing) refer exclusively to the unit.
GHF.2 | 2010-09
The manufacturer's responsibilities are documented in the unit's version in acc. with EN 378-2 (design, manufacture and testing).
The construction, soldering and welding materials are configured so that they withstand the foreseeable mechanical, thermal and chemical stresses, and are resistant to the working fluid and the
working fluid/refrigerator oil mixture used.
The working fluid-carrying parts of the unit (core tubes, distributor tube and header outlet) are configured so that they remain tight with the foreseeable mechanical, thermal and chemical stresses,
and withstand the maximum permissible operating pressure.
Material, wall thickness, tensile strength, corrosive resistance, shaping process and testing are suitable for the working fluid used and withstand the possible pressures and stresses that might occur.
All responsibilities regarding the equipment,, into which the unit is integrated, are the exclusive responsibility of the people involved in the individual workflows.
1.3.2Responsibilities of the system's installer
The responsibilities of the system installer are documented in the system's version (design, manufacture and testing – cooling equipment and refrigeration system) in acc. with EN 378-2.
Component supplier-system installer interfaces :
Inform Güntner AG & Co. KG if faults occur:
Inform Güntner AG & Co. KG immediately if faults occur during the set-up, installation, start-up
and operation.
The responsibilities of the system installer in particular include:
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Planning and preparing emergency measures:
To avoid consequential damage caused by operational disruptions, a warning system which immediately signals all faults must be provided on-site. Prepare emergency measures that prevent
consequential damage for people and property should faults occur.
Install emergency STOP switches that can be actuated without danger.
Specify checking and maintenance intervals:
The system (complete system:must be configured and equipped with all required equipment for
maintenance and sufficient servicing and testing in acc. with EN 378-4.
With the integration of the unit into the refrigeration system/ the working fluid and version must not
deviate from the order-related information specified in the order-related offer documents.
The installer of the system must refer to the requirement for sufficient instruction of the operating
and supervision staff when operating and maintaining the equipment .
It is recommended that the future customer staff – if possible – be present with the set-up and installation, with the tightness test and cleaning, with the filling with working fluid and with the setting
of the equipment .
1.3.3Owner or operator responsibilities
The owner or operator responsibilities are documented in the operation, maintenance, servicing
and recovery of the system in acc. with EN 378-4.
The owner or operator must ensure that the proper people are sufficiently trained and qualified for
operating, monitoring and servicing the system .
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The operating personnel for the system must have sufficient knowledge and experience with regard
to the mode of operation, operation and daily monitoring of this system .
Before the system start-up the owner or operator must ensure that the operating personnel are sufficiently instructed with the system's documentation (which is part of the operating instructions) on
the set-up, monitoring, mode of operation and servicing of the system and the safety measures to
be observed, and with regard to the properties and handling of the working fluid to be used.
The owner or operator must ensure that when operating, monitoring and maintaining the system the
working fluid and version must not deviate from the details specified in the order-related offer documents.
Planning and preparing emergency measures: To avoid consequential damage caused by operational disruptions, a warning system must be installed on the customer's premises. Prepare emergency measures that prevent consequential damage for people and property should faults occur.
Responsibility remains with the owner or operator of the system , if the system are used by somebody else, unless there is an agreement on sharing responsibility.
1.4Legal notes
Warranty claim expires as follows:
With faults and damages that can be attributed to non-compliance with the specifications of
these operating instructions.
With complaints that can be attributed to use of spare parts other than the original spare parts
specified in the order-related offer documents.
With changes to the unit (working fluid, version, function, operating parameters) vis-a-vis the or-
der-related information specified in the order-related offer documents without the manufacturer's
prior consent.
The operating instructions may not be reproduced electronically or mechanically, circulated,
changed passed on to third parties, translated or used otherwise, in full or in part, without Güntner
AG & Co. KG's prior explicit written approval.
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1.5Operating instructions
1.5.2Set-up and other applicable documents
These operating instructions apply for all evaporators of the GHF.2 series.
You will find the precise type of your unit in the attached order-related offer documents.
The unit's operating instructions include the following parts:
These instructions
Order-related offer documents
The order-related offer documents are attached to these instructions and include the following
– The order-related proper use as specified
– The order-related scope of delivery
– The order-related technical data
– The order-related drawings specifying customer, project number and order number
Motor connection wiring diagram in terminal boxes
These operating instructions are part of the operating instructions manual of the system, provided
by the system's installer .
The CFC/HFC refrigerants that are used (R134a, R404A, R407C, R507, R22 ...) are Group L1/A1
refrigerants in compliance with classification according to flammability (L) and toxicity (A) in
compliance with EU Directive 97/23/EG for pressure equipment (Pressure Equipment Directive):
Refrigerants that, when gaseous, are non-flammable irrelevant of their concentration in air.
Refrigerants with a time-weighted, averaged concentration that have no adverse effects on
the majority of staff that are exposed every day during a normal 8 hour working day and a
40 hour working week to this concentration, which is greater than or equal to 400 ml/m3 (400
ppm (V/V)).
There is no imminent danger for the staff. However, refrigerants of the Group L1/A1 are generally heavier than air and may flow off to rooms on a lower level. In still air there may be an increase of the ground level concentration. With high concentrations there is a danger of suffering from disordered cardiac rhythm and suffocation due to a reduced oxygen concentration,
especially at ground level.
Unauthorised people must not have access to the unit. Please ensure that the CFC/HFC refrigerant escaping from the unit cannot penetrate the interior of the building or put people at risk in
any other way.
Safety measures and procedure:
With unexpected serious refrigerant escapes, leave the set-up room immediately and activate the emergency STOP switch set up in a safe place, e.g. with:
– Visibly escaping refrigerant liquid or vapour from the heat exchanger or pipe compo-
– Sudden large release (release and evaporation of the greater part of the entire refrigerant
filling in a short time, e.g. in less than 5 minutes).
– Activation of the refrigerant detector (limit value in acc. with EN 378-1; Annex E):
Have experienced, trained personnel with prescribed protective clothing perform all necessary protective and other measures:
– Use respiratory protection.
– Use a room air-independent breathing apparatus with maintenance work in high refriger-
ant concentrations in the room air.
– Ensure the set-up room is well ventilated in acc. with EN378-3.
– Divert escaped refrigerant vapour and escaped refrigerant liquid safely.
– Ensure that no refrigerant enters water systems or sewage.
The unit must only be put into operation, operated, maintained and repaired by trained, experienced and qualified personnel. People that are responsible for the operation, maintenance, repair
and evaluation of systems and their components must have the required training and specialist
knowledge for their work in acc. with EN 378-1 to be qualified. Qualified or expert means the ability to satisfactorily perform the activities required for the operation, maintenance, repair and evaluation of refrigeration systems and their components.
The unit may be operated by operating personnel that have no specific knowledge of refrigeration
engineering, but have sufficient knowledge and experience with regard to the mode of operation,
operation and daily monitoring of this system, . This operating personnel may not make any interventions or settings on the system .
Changes to the unit, which the manufacturer has first agreed to in writing, may only be made by
the instructed and qualified personnel.
Electrical installation:
Work on the electrical equipment may only be performed by personnel that have the required expertise (e.g. an electrician or an electro-technically instructed person), and who are authorised by
the operator, in compliance with the respective VDE regulations (and national and international
provisions) and the TCCs of the EPCs.
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2.3Proper intended use
2.3.1Proper intended use
2.3.2Operating conditions
CFC/HFC evaporators of the GHF.2 series are intended for installation in a refrigeration system and
are used for cooling and circulating the room air in e.g. cold storage rooms up to medium construction size, deep-freeze storage, etc.,
The unit is delivered for operation with a specific operating point:
Evaporation temperature
Airflow volume
Air inlet temperature
Relative air humidity.
The specified operating point is provided in the order-related offer documents.
The unit is a component a cooling system including its working fluid circuit. The purpose of these
operating instructions, as part of the operating instructions manual (of which these operating instructions are a part), is to restrict the dangers to people and property and the environment from the
unit and the working fluid used in it to a minimum. These dangers are essentially connected with
the physical and chemical properties of the working fluid and with the pressures and temperatures
that occur in the working fluid-carrying components of the unit see Residual hazards with CFC/HFC
The unit must only be used in acc. with the proper intended use. The operator must ensure that
when operating, monitoring and maintaining the unit, the fluid and version do not deviate from the
order-related information specified in the order-specific offer documents.
The operator must ensure that maintenance measures are performed in compliance with the
system's operating instructions manual.
Filling the unit is only permitted following written approval by the manufacturer. You will find the
order-related proper use as intended in the order-specific offer documents.
Do not exceed the max. operating pressure given on the unit's type plate.
2.3.3Improper use
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Danger of injuries and damage to property!
Working fluids and their combinations with water or other substances in the working fluid-carrying components have chemical and physical effects from the inside on the materials surrounding
them. The unit must only pressurised with CFC/HFC refrigerant. Pressurising the unit with another working fluid results in,
the structural, soldering and welding materials used do not withstand the foreseeable mechanical, thermal and chemical stresses, and the pressure that can occur during operation
and when shut down is not withstood.
material, wall thickness, tensile strength, corrosive resistance, shaping process and testing
are not suitable for the working fluid used and do not withstand the possible pressures and
stresses that might occur.
the unit not being resistant to the other working fluid and the other working fluid mixture.
the unit not remaining tight during operation and when shut down.
a possible sudden escaping of working fluids could directly endanger people and/or property
and the environment.
The maximum permissible operating pressure specified on the type plate must not be exceeded!
If the operating pressure is exceeded,
the structural and welding materials will not withstand the foreseeable mechanical, thermal
and chemical stresses and the pressure that can occur during operation and when shut down.
the unit will not remain tight during operation and when shut down.
there may be a possible sudden escaping of working fluids after a break or leakage on work-
ing fluid-carrying components, which would result in the following dangers:
– Danger of escaping materials
– Dangers caused by oxygen displacement
– Fire hazard (caused by refrigerator oil parts)
– Frostbite hazard (caused by liquid coolant squirting/splashing)
where it is possible that short or prolonged effect caused by contact, inhalation or ingestion of
the working fluid might result in harmful hazards.
where the possibility exists of a sudden large release (release and evaporation) of the greater
part of the entire working fluid filling in a short time (e.g. in less than 5 minutes).
The unit must not be changed without prior written consent by Güntner AG & Co. KG. Changes to
the unit are:
Changing the operating point (see chapter Unit)
Changing the fan capacity (air volume)
Changing the working fluid flow-through volume
Changing over to another working fluid
The unit must not be operated if safety devices recommended by the manufacturer are not available, not properly installed or not fully functional.
The unit must not be operated if it is damaged or demonstrates faults. All damages and faults
must be reported to Güntner AG & Co. KG immediately and must be removed immediately.
Work on the unit must not be performed without the personal protective equipment specified in
these operating instructions.
2.4Mechanical residual hazards
2.4.1Fins, sharp unit corners and edges
Warns against hand injuries!
Danger of cuts on hands and fingers on the fins and on sharp corners and
edges of the unit.