GW Security 51 series User Manual

IP Camera User Manual
(WEB interface)
This user manual is designed to be a reference tool for the connection and operation of your camera.
Here you can find information about the camera’s features and functions, as well as troubleshooting information.
GW Security Inc.
Official Website:
Support Team:
Phone: 626-350-0555
Business Hours: Monday ~ Friday from 9:00AM to 5:30PM PT.
Main content of this manual include:
Internet connection
Introduction to IP camera connecting guide and web login guide
Introduction to IP camera Preview’s main functions and usage
Introduction to record playback’s main functions and usage
Introduction to the web setting’s main functions and usage
Symbol Definition
There are some Symbols in this manual; their meanings are explained by the following:
There is a potential danger; alert users there may be potential harm
There is a potential risk that could lead to camera damage or loss of data
Additional information, as an additional remark for main content.
P r e f a c e
Important Safeguards and Warnings
1.Electrical Safety
All installation and operation should conform to your local electrical safety codes.
The product must be grounded to reduce the risk of electric shock.
We assume no liability or responsibility for any fires or electrical shock caused by improper handling or
2.Transportation Security
Heavy stress, violent vibrations, and excess moisture should not occur during transportation, storage, and
installation of the device.
Handle the device with care. Keep the device right side up.
Do not apply power to the camera before completing installation.
Do not place objects on top of the camera.
4.Repair Professionals
All the examination and repair work should be done by qualified service engineers. We are not liable for any problems caused by unauthorized modifications or user-attempted repair. 5Environment
The camera should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, flammable materials, explosive
substances, etc.
This product should be transported, stored, and used only in the specified environments as stated above.
Do not aim the camera at a strong light source, as it may cause overexposure of the picture, and may affect the
longevity of the camera’s sensors.
Ensure that the camera is in a well ventilated area to prevent overheating.
6. Operation and Maintenance
Do not touch the camera sensor or lens directly. To clean dust or dirt off of the lens, use an air blower or a microfiber cloth.
D i r e c t o r y
1 Connection Guide................................................................................................................................................8
1.1 Connecti on Guide ...................................................................................................................................8
1.2 Logging into the Web Interf ace ........................................................................................................ 9
2 Preview............................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Main Men u...............................................................................................................................................12
2.2 Funct ion Bar...........................................................................................................................................13
2.3 Side bar .................................................................................................................................................... 14
3 Playback..............................................................................................................................................................15
4 Settings................................................................................................................................................................16
4.1 Local Configuratio n .............................................................................................................................16
4.2 Config Media.......................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2. 1 Audio Vi deo .................................................................................................................................16
4.2. 2 Privacy.......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2. 3 Image.............................................................................................................................................18
4.2. 4 ROI -Region of Interest............................................................................................................20
4.2. 5 OSD.................................................................................................................................................20
4.3 Network....................................................................................................................................................21
4.3. 1 TCP/IP........................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3. 2 PPPOE............................................................................................................................................22
4.3. 3 DDNS Clie nt.................................................................................................................................23
4.3. 4 Email..............................................................................................................................................24
4.3. 5 FTP..................................................................................................................................................24
4.3. 6 Bonjou r .........................................................................................................................................25
4.3. 7 SNMP ..............................................................................................................................................26
4.3. 8 HTTPS............................................................................................................................................27
4.3. 9 P2P................................................................................................................................................. 27
4.4 Alarm Co nfig...........................................................................................................................................28
4.4. 1 Motion De te ction...................................................................................................................... 28
4.4. 2 Video Bind & Alarm.................................................................................................................30
4.5 Storage ......................................................................................................................................................31
4.5. 1 Schedule.......................................................................................................................................31
4.5. 2 SD Storage....................................................................................................................................32
4.5. 3 Snapsh ot.......................................................................................................................................32
4.5. 4 Destinati on................................................................................................................................. 33
4.5. 5 NAS ..................................................................................................................................................34
4.6 System.......................................................................................................................................................34
4.6. 1 Maintenance............................................................................................................................... 34
4.6. 2 Device Info .................................................................................................................................. 35
4.6. 3 Set Time........................................................................................................................................35
4.6. 4 User Admin..................................................................................................................................36
Glossary of Terms....................................................................................................................................................37
1 Connection Guide
1.1 Connection Guide
There are two mai n methods to con nect the ca mera:
Pic 1-1 Network cabl e connec tion diagram
Pic 1-2 POE swi tch or rou ter connect ion diagram
Before accessing the IP camera, user ne eds to acquire the IP camera s IP address. User can
find th e IP address by using the GW Device Manage r sof tware in cluded in the CD.
From the GW Devic e Manager soft ware, left click on sea rch to find all the avail abl e IP cameras in you r current LAN ne twork. The software will display the IP cameras IP addres s, port numb er, MAC add ress, Serial Number, UID, versi on info, and model nu mbe r. Please use th e pict ure below as referen ce.
If the IP address found does not match yo ur computer s IP su bnet, pleas e use GW De vice
Mana ger to modi fy the IP came ra s netwo rk in fo.
From the GW Devic e Manager, sel ect the IP camera to be mod ified and right click, then choo se Netwo rk Configuration. Ple ase use the be low pict ure as reference.
The IP camera wil l have DHCP turn ed on by defa ult. Please connect th e IP cam era to a network with DH CP availab le. If there is no DHCP server available , the IP ca meras IP address
will default to 192.168.0 .66 .
Defaul t Userna me and Passwo rd: admi n/adm in.
1.2 Logging into the Web Interface
When us er acces ses th e web inte rface for the first time, VLC media play eris needed in
order for the video to sh ow co rrect ly. To access the web interface, plea se fo llow the steps below.
Step 1: Open Inte rnet Explorer and inpu t the IP cameras IP add ress into the URL address bar. Step 2: When th e user interface is shown, en ter the default usern ame: admin and password: admin
to log into th e web interface. An exa mple of the lo gin scre en is sh own below.
Step 3. Install the plug-in when prompted :
Step 4. Refresh the we b page after the plug-in in stalled su cce ssfully. Repe at step 2 to log into th e web inter fa ce again. The web interface is shown below :
Available from the We b Interface:
Liv e Preview
Record Playback
Save a recordin g onto the local compute r.
Modify IP camera parameters, chang e settings , change video qu ality an d system time.
Mini mum Requ ireme nt
2.0 Gh z and up CPU
2GB an d up RAM
10/100Mbp s network
1024 x 76 8 or up Monitor Resolution
Supp orted OS
Mic rosoft Wind ows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7,M icros oft Windows
8,Mi croso ft Windows 10
Mac OS
The Internet browser mentio ned in the man ual is Intern et Explorer. Ple ase use IE version 9 and up to acce ss the web interface.
2 Preview
Web client preview has included the 3 function bar:
Desc ription
Menu Ba r
Status Ba r
Side bar
Web client preview picture reference below
2.1 Main Menu
For de tail information of each sections , pleas e see (section 2 Preview, secti on 3 Ba ckup, sect ion 4
Settin gs)
Click here for help
Click here to log out
2.2 Function Bar
Paramete r
Desc ription
Main St ream
Switch to main stream; Main stre am is the recorded bit rate with high re solut ion
Sub Strea m
Switch to sub stream; Su b stream is the lower re solution an d bit rate used when ban dwi dth is a restricti on.
Sens or alarm
Disp lay the Se nso r Alarm Status:
White: Senso r alarm has no t been set up
Blue: Sensor Al arm ha s been set up and acti vated
Sensor Alarm is be en triggered
Note: Onl y the status is shown here . For detail setting, pl ease refer to section 4.3.2
Motio n Alarm
Disp lay the Motio n Alar m Sta tus:
White: Motion Alarm has not been set up
Blue: Motion Alarm ha s been set up and acti vated
Red: Motion Alarm is been triggered.
Note: Onl y the status is shown here . For detail setting, pl ease
refer to section 4. 4.1
Video Cover Alar m
Disp lay the Video Co ver Alar m status :
White: Video Cove r Alar m has no t been set up
Blue: Video Cover Alarm has been set up and acti vated
Red: Vide o Cover Alarm is be en triggere d.
Note: On ly the status is show n here. For detail se tting , please
refer to section 4. 4.2
Full screen
Sing le left click th is icon will bring the video to full screen. Doub le click on th e video or hit ESCto ex it full screen
Manual Record
Sing le left click wi ll turn on man ual record mo de
Schedu le Record
Show th e statu s of Schedu le Record:
White: Sched ule Record ha s not been set up.
Blue: Schedule Record has be en set up and is curre nt ly
Turn on/off the Audio
Screen Capture
Sing le left click wi ll captu re a scree nsh ot. For the scre enshot save path, please refer to section 4.1
Di splay /Hide Side bar
Disp lay/hide side bar
Sens or alarmAudio Vid eo cover alarm is not availab le for some mode ls.
2.3 Side bar
Zoom an d Foc us
Only mo del with motorized zoom su pport this fe ature.
Desc ription
Adju st th e camera s Zoom level; si ngle lef t click or left click
and hold on the + and – sig n for ad justm ent.
Adju st th e focus; sing le left click or left click an d hold on the + and – sign for adj ustme nt.
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