Table of Contents ......................2
Safety Instructions ....................3
Copyright ....................................3
Trademarks ................................3
Introduction ................................4
Package contents ......................5
System requirement ..................5
Product overview.......................6
Connection .................................7
- Power connection .....................7
- Network connection ..................9
DIN mounting kit installation ..
................................................... 12
Pin assignment ........................ 13
- RJ45 Pin assignment ............. 13
- DB9 Pin assignment ............... 13
Using SEC (Serial-to-Ethernet
Connector) ............................... 14
- Introduction............................. 14
- Driver installation .................... 16
- Uninstall the software ............. 17
Quick starting guide ................ 18
- Sharing a local serial port on PC
................................................ 18
- Connecting to a shared serial
port from the serial device server
................................................ 20
- Creating UDP Connecting ...... 22
Serial to Ethernet Toolkit ........ 25
- Search a Serial Device Server
................................................ 25
Web console ............................26
- Network settings ..................... 27
- WiFi settings ........................... 31
- Serial settings ......................... 32
- Operating settings .................. 34
- Accessible IP settings ............. 40
- Change password .................. 44
- Load factory default ................ 45
- Upgrade.................................. 46
- Save/Restart........................... 47
Telnet console .......................... 48
- Main menu.............................. 48
- 1. Basic settings ..................... 50
- 2. Network settings ................. 54
- 3. Serial settings ..................... 57
- 4. Operating settings ............. 60
- 5. Accessible IP settings ......... 68
- 6. Auto warning settings ......... 70
- 7. Monitor ............................... 74
- 8. Ping .................................... 75
- 9. Change password ............. 76
- 10. Load factory defaults ........ 76
Regulatory compliance ........... 77
- FCC conditions ....................... 77
- CE .......................................... 77
- WEEE information .................. 77
Specication ............................ 78
Table of Contents