Guralp Systems CMG-DCM User Manual

Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware
Technical Manual
Document No. MAN-EAM-0003
Designed and manufactured by Güralp Systems Limited 3 Midas House, Calleva Park Aldermaston RG7 8EA England
Proprietary Notice: The information in this document is proprietary to Güralp Systems Limited and may be copied or distributed for educational and academic purposes but may not be used commercially without permission.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information in the document, Güralp Systems Limited nor any employee assumes responsibility or is liable for for any incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this document.
Issue E February 2014
Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Contents
Table of Contents
1 Preliminary Notes............................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Proprietary Notice......................................................................................................9
1.2 Cautions and Notes....................................................................................................9
1.3 Manuals and Software...............................................................................................9
1.4 Conventions................................................................................................................9
1.5 A note on terminology..............................................................................................10
1.5.0 Sensor................................................................................................................ 10
1.5.1 Instrument......................................................................................................... 10
1.5.2 Digitiser.............................................................................................................10
2 Equipment Overview...................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................11
2.2 Platinum Firmware..................................................................................................11
2.2.0 Important information about build 10,000 and above.....................................11
2.3 Platinum systems..................................................................................................... 12
2.3.0 Embedded Acquisition Module........................................................................12
2.3.1 Data Communications Module......................................................................... 12
2.3.2 Network Appliance Module ............................................................................12
2.3.3 Data Acquisition Systems................................................................................. 12
2.3.4 Integrated instruments......................................................................................13
2.4 Typical Acquisition Modules..................................................................................13
2.5 Ports.......................................................................................................................... 14
2.5.0 Ports A, B, C......................................................................................................14
2.5.1 SENSOR ports................................................................................................... 14
2.5.2 Ethernet............................................................................................................. 14
2.5.3 GPIO.................................................................................................................. 15
2.5.4 USB....................................................................................................................15
2.5.5 GPS.................................................................................................................... 15
2.5.6 Power/Data........................................................................................................ 15
2.5.7 POWER..............................................................................................................15
2.6 Typical Applications................................................................................................ 15
2.6.0 Autonomous remote data-logger......................................................................15
2.6.1 Protocol Converter............................................................................................16
2.6.2 Array Concentrator...........................................................................................16
2.6.3 PPP Networking................................................................................................ 17
2.6.4 Resilient Networking........................................................................................17
2.6.5 CD1.1 Networking.............................................................................................18
3 Initial set-up.................................................................................................................... 20
3.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................20
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3.2 Connecting to the network port...............................................................................20
3.2.0 DHCP-assigned addresses................................................................................. 20
3.2.1 Link-local addresses.......................................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Assigning a static IP address............................................................................ 23
3.2.3 Connecting to the web interface.......................................................................26
3.2.4 Connecting to the command line using SSH...................................................27
3.3 Connecting to the Serial Port...................................................................................30
3.3.0 Using Scream....................................................................................................31
3.3.1 Using a terminal Emulator................................................................................31
3.3.2 Logging in.......................................................................................................... 32
4 Platinum Overview.........................................................................................................33
4.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................33
4.2 Using the web interface...........................................................................................33
4.2.0 Navigation aides................................................................................................33
4.2.1 Display options and form submission..............................................................34
4.2.2 Navigation instructions in the manual............................................................35
4.3 Using the command-line configuration system......................................................35
4.3.0 Using graphical interfaces from the command line.........................................35
4.3.1 Using gconfig..................................................................................................... 36
4.3.2 Text entry fields................................................................................................37
4.3.3 Check-boxes......................................................................................................38
4.3.4 Drop-down menus............................................................................................ 38
4.3.5 Using forms....................................................................................................... 39
4.4 Configuration Management..................................................................................... 41
4.4.0 Automatic saving of configurations.................................................................42
4.4.1 Saving a configuration......................................................................................43
4.4.2 Downloading a saved configuration.................................................................44
4.4.3 Uploading a saved configuration......................................................................45
4.4.4 Restoring a configuration.................................................................................. 45
4.4.5 Comparing configurations................................................................................46
4.4.6 Deleting saved configurations..........................................................................48
4.4.7 Transferring backups between systems...........................................................49
4.4.8 Technical details............................................................................................... 49
5 Platinum Firmware Upgrades........................................................................................51
5.1 Important notes regarding build 10,000..................................................................51
5.1.0 Significant changes at build 10,000.................................................................51
5.1.1 Systems installed in remote locations..............................................................51
5.1.2 Procedures for upgrades spanning build 10,000.............................................52
5.2 Determining the current firmware level..................................................................52
5.3 Upgrade Methods..................................................................................................... 53
5.3.0 Upgrading via the internet................................................................................54
5.3.1 Upgrading from a local mirror..........................................................................55
5.3.2 Upgrading from a USB storage device..............................................................59
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5.3.3 U3 USB mounting problems.............................................................................61
5.4 Upgrade Types.......................................................................................................... 62
5.4.0 Standard upgrade.............................................................................................. 62
5.4.1 Upgrade and restore defaults............................................................................63
5.4.2 Upgrade and force factory defaults..................................................................64
5.5 Upgrade logs.............................................................................................................64
6 Data Handling................................................................................................................. 66
6.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................66
6.2 Configuring gdi-base................................................................................................69
6.2.0 Configurable parameters...................................................................................69
6.3 Using compressors................................................................................................... 70
7 Networking Configuration.............................................................................................. 72
7.1 Configuring physical network interfaces................................................................72
7.1.0 Configurable parameters in simple mode........................................................73
7.1.1 Configurable parameters in expert mode.........................................................74
7.2 Wireless Networking................................................................................................78
7.2.0 Configurable parameters in simple mode........................................................79
7.2.1 Configurable parameters in expert mode.........................................................80
7.3 Virtual network (VLAN) interfaces..........................................................................84
7.3.0 Configurable parameters in simple mode........................................................84
7.3.1 Configurable parameters in expert mode.........................................................86
7.4 Network Time Protocol (NTP).................................................................................86
7.4.0 Configurable parameters...................................................................................87
7.4.1 Configurable parameters in expert mode.........................................................90
7.5 Email configuration.................................................................................................. 90
7.5.0 Configurable parameters...................................................................................91
7.6 Configuring the SSH Server..................................................................................... 92
7.6.0 Configuring sshd via the web interface............................................................92
7.6.1 Configuring sshd from the command line.......................................................93
7.7 Working with PPP....................................................................................................93
7.7.0 Setting up a PPP Connection............................................................................93
7.7.1 Configurable parameters...................................................................................94
7.7.2 Monitoring a PPP connection...........................................................................96
7.7.3 Configurable parameters in simple mode........................................................96
7.7.4 Configurable parameters in expert mode.........................................................98
7.8 Configuring TCP to serial converters....................................................................... 99
7.8.0 Simple server mode........................................................................................100
7.8.1 Simple client mode.........................................................................................101
8 Digitiser Configuration................................................................................................. 102
8.1 Configuring digitisers using the web interface......................................................102
8.1.0 Configurable parameters.................................................................................102
8.2 Configuring digitisers from the command line.....................................................116
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8.2.0 adc-command..................................................................................................116
8.2.1 data-terminal...................................................................................................116
8.2.2 dm24-upgrade.................................................................................................117
8.3 Configuration for a second instrument..................................................................119
9 Digitiser Synchronisation.............................................................................................122
9.1 Overview and important notes..............................................................................122
9.2 RTSTATUS packets............................................................................................... 123
9.3 Using NTP with CMG-NAM units.........................................................................124
9.4 Using GPS with Cylindrical Digitisers..................................................................124
9.5 Using NTP with Cylindrical Digitisers..................................................................125
9.6 Configuring NMEA as an NTP clock source..........................................................126
9.6.0 Configurable parameters.................................................................................127
9.7 Configuring NMEA output.....................................................................................127
9.7.0 Configurable parameters in simple mode......................................................127
9.7.1 Configurable parameters in expert mode.......................................................128
10 Receiving Data............................................................................................................ 130
10.1 GCF from serial devices.......................................................................................130
10.1.0 Configurable parameters in simple mode....................................................131
10.1.1 Configurable parameters in expert mode.....................................................132
10.2 BRP - GCF From Network Devices.......................................................................133
10.2.0 Configurable parameters in simple mode....................................................134
10.2.1 Configurable parameters in expert mode.....................................................135
10.3 Data from Scream servers.................................................................................... 136
10.3.0 Configurable parameters...............................................................................137
11 Recording and Retrieving Data..................................................................................139
11.1 Preparing removable mass storage devices.........................................................139
11.2 Recording data......................................................................................................140
11.2.0 Configurable parameters...............................................................................141
11.2.1 File name escape sequences......................................................................... 148
11.3 Retrieving data.....................................................................................................151
11.3.0 Retrieving data from the removable drive....................................................151
11.3.1 Reading the removable drive on other computers.......................................162
11.3.2 Accessing internal storage directly...............................................................163
12 Transmitting Data.......................................................................................................164
12.1 GCF....................................................................................................................... 164
12.1.0 The GCF compressor..................................................................................... 164
12.1.1 GCF BRP Serial Server.................................................................................. 168
12.1.2 GCF BRP Network Server.............................................................................171
12.1.3 GCF Scream Server....................................................................................... 176
12.2 SEEDlink...............................................................................................................181
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12.2.0 The GDI Mini-SEED compressor..................................................................182
12.2.1 The SEEDlink server.....................................................................................186
12.3 EarthWorm........................................................................................................... 188
12.3.0 Configurable parameters in simple mode....................................................189
12.3.1 Configurable parameters in Expert mode.....................................................193
12.4 Güralp Seismic Monitoring System.....................................................................194
12.4.0 Configurable parameters in simple mode....................................................194
12.4.1 Configurable parameters in expert mode.....................................................197
12.5 Quick Seismic Characteristic Data......................................................................198
12.5.0 Configurable parameters in simple mode....................................................198
12.5.1 Configurable parameters in expert mode.....................................................200
12.6 WIN Sender..........................................................................................................200
12.6.0 Configurable parameters in simple mode....................................................201
12.6.1 Configurable parameters in expert mode.....................................................203
13 Building Networks...................................................................................................... 205
13.1 GDI-link................................................................................................................205
13.1.0 The GDI-link transmitter..............................................................................205
13.1.1 The GDI link receiver.................................................................................... 209
13.2 Güralp Secure TCP Multiplexer.......................................................................... 213
13.2.0 The GSTM Client.......................................................................................... 213
13.2.1 The GSTM Server......................................................................................... 216
14 Monitoring Operations...............................................................................................220
14.1 Diagnostics and the Summary screen.................................................................220
14.1.0 System Status................................................................................................ 220
14.1.1 System Log....................................................................................................221
14.1.2 Incoming Data............................................................................................... 221
14.1.3 Software build number.................................................................................222
14.2 Warning and error monitoring.............................................................................222
14.2.0 Configurable parameters in simple mode....................................................222
14.2.1 Configurable parameters in expert mode.....................................................223
14.3 The Control Menu................................................................................................223
14.3.0 Digital I/O (power control and anti-tamper monitoring).............................223
14.3.1 Digitiser/Sensor Control................................................................................226
14.3.2 Upgrading digitiser firmware....................................................................... 232
14.3.3 Rebooting....................................................................................................... 236
14.3.4 Services......................................................................................................... 236
14.3.5 RAID Array Services.....................................................................................236
14.4 Tools Menu...........................................................................................................237
14.4.0 CD1.1 log analyser........................................................................................237
14.4.1 Environment logs..........................................................................................237
14.4.2 Retrieving environment log data.................................................................. 238
14.4.3 Extract MiniSEED records............................................................................240
14.4.4 GCF Audit Log Viewer..................................................................................243
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14.4.5 GDI Channels Display...................................................................................245
14.4.6 Removable disk.............................................................................................248
14.5 Routine tasks........................................................................................................248
14.5.0 The directory cleaner.................................................................................... 248
15 Technical operation.................................................................................................... 252
15.1 Cylindrical Digitisers...........................................................................................252
15.1.0 Internal Connections....................................................................................254
15.1.1 Variable Gain Inputs.....................................................................................255
15.1.2 USB operations............................................................................................. 257
15.2 DCM...................................................................................................................... 258
15.3 24 Channel DAS...................................................................................................260
15.4 Instruments with integrated CMG-EAMs............................................................261
16 Appendices.................................................................................................................. 263
16.1 Appendix A - Setting the System Identity (Hostname).......................................263
16.2 Appendix B - Using third-party terminal emulators...........................................264
16.2.0 Hyperterminal, as provided with Windows XP...........................................264
16.2.1 Using Hyperterminal with Windows Vista or Windows 7..........................266
16.2.2 Using PuTTY for Windows..........................................................................266
16.2.3 Mincom for Linux......................................................................................... 268
16.3 Appendix C - Using Minicom..............................................................................269
16.4 Appendix D - Troubleshooting............................................................................ 272
16.4.0 Upgrades report “Temporary failure in name resolution”...........................272
16.4.1 Upgrades report “Network is unreachable”.................................................272
16.4.2 Upgrades report “rsync error”.......................................................................272
16.4.3 Errors during upgrade: “directory not empty”.............................................272
16.4.4 Upgrade completes but build version remains at 3801...............................273
16.4.5 Regaining access when “locked out”............................................................273
16.5 Appendix E - Connector pinouts.........................................................................275
16.5.0 Peli-case: PORTs A, B, C...............................................................................275
16.5.1 Peli-case: Data Out port................................................................................276
16.5.2 Peli-case: USB...............................................................................................278
16.5.3 Peli-case: Network.........................................................................................279
16.5.4 Peli-case: Console.........................................................................................280
16.5.5 Cylinder: GPIO..............................................................................................281
16.5.6 Cylinder: GPS................................................................................................ 282
16.5.7 Cylinder: USB............................................................................................... 283
16.5.8 Cylinder: Power............................................................................................. 284
16.5.9 Cylinder: Ethernet.........................................................................................285
16.5.10 Cylinder: Data............................................................................................. 286
16.5.11 Sensor Port.................................................................................................. 287
16.5.12 Cylinder: Auxiliary Input...........................................................................288
16.5.13 DM24S24EAM: Sensor Inputs....................................................................289
16.6 Appendix F – Open source software and the GPL..............................................290
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16.6.0 Introduction.................................................................................................. 290
16.6.1 Physical copies of source code.....................................................................290
16.6.2 The GNU General Public License.................................................................290
17 Revision history.......................................................................................................... 291
MAN-EAM-0003 8 Issue E - February 2014
Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Preliminary Notes
1 Preliminary Notes
1.1 Proprietary Notice
The information in this document is proprietary to Güralp Systems Limited and may be copied or distributed for educational and academic purposes but may not be used commercially without permission.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information in the document, neither Güralp Systems Limited nor any employee assumes responsibility or is liable for for any incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this document.
1.2 Cautions and Notes
Cautions and notes are displayed and defined as follows:
1.3 Manuals and Software
All manuals and software referred to in this document are available from the Güralp Systems website: unless otherwise stated.
1.4 Conventions
Throughout this manual, examples are given of command-line interactions. In these examples, a fixed-width typeface will be used:
Example of the fixed-width typeface used.
Commands that you are required to type will be shown in bold:
Example of the fixed-width, bold typeface.
Where data that you type may vary depending on your individual configuration, such as parameters to commands, these data are additionally shown in italics:
Example of the fixed-width, bold, italic typeface.
Putting these together into a single example:
System prompt: user input with variable parameters
MAN-EAM-0003 9 Issue E - February 2014
Caution: A yellow triangle indicates a chance of damage to or failure of the equipment if the caution is not heeded.
Note: A blue circle indicates indicates a procedural or advisory note.
Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Preliminary Notes
1.5 A note on terminology
Scientists and engineers from different disciplines often use different terminology to describe similar concepts. The following terminology is used consistently throughout this document.
1.5.1 Sensor
A “sensor” is an accelerometer, velocimeter or other transducer (e.g. geophone or hydrophone) with an analogue output - i.e. where a continuously varying voltage is used to represent the magnitude of the quantity being measured.
A sensor cannot generally be used as a standalone component: it forms a sub-assembly of an instrument (see below).
1.5.2 Instrument
An “instrument” is the assembly of sensors, control electronics, casing and connectors. An example of an instrument is the CMG-3T seismometer shown on the right.
A digital instrument is one that combines one or more sensors with a digitiser; their part numbers include a 'D'. A 3TD, for example, is a 3T instrument combined with a DM24 digitiser.
Within this document, the term “digital sensor” is used in two contexts: when discussing digital inputs (which may be connected to either digitisers or digital sensors) and when describing configuration items which apply to both the digitiser modules embedded within digital sensors and to stand-alone digitisers.
1.5.3 Digitiser
A “digitiser” is an electronic device designed to accept analogue inputs from one or more sensors and, using sampling techniques, convert these analogue signals into streams of numerical data, which are then stored or transmitted digitally.
An example of a digitiser is the CMG-DM24 shown in the image above.
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Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Equipment Overview
2 Equipment Overview
2.1 Introduction
The range of Güralp acquisition modules include the:
Embedded Acquisition Module (CMG-EAM);
Data Communications Modules (CMG-DCM), now superseded;
Network Appliance Module (CMG-NAM);
Data Acquisition Systems; and
Integrated Instruments.
All of these units are Linux-based devices but, in general, no Linux knowledge is required in order to make full use of them. The use of Linux provides a high degree of flexibility: additional functionality can often be added on request – contact Güralp Systems for further information.
2.2 Platinum Firmware
All acquisition modules use Güralp Systems' Platinum firmware for configuration and control of the following:
Data acquisition
Data processing
Data recording
Data forwarding via serial port or over IP networks using a variety of
protocols such as: SEEDlink, CD1.1, WIN, QSCD (Quick Seismic Characteristic Data) and GSMS (Güralp Seismic Monitoring System)
Network communication over Ethernet, Modem, Wireless and Bluetooth, as required.
The firmware is accessed through a web interface or command-line interface, as detailed in section 3 on page 20.
2.2.1 Important information about build 10,000 and above
Different versions of Platinum firmware are identified by their build number. This manual covers builds numbers greater than 10,000. Build 10,000 and all subsequent builds differ significantly from previous versions and the important notes in the firmware upgrade chapter (section 5.1 on page 51) should be read before upgrading from earlier versions. Users choosing to remain at an earlier build should continue to refer to MAN-EAM-0001, which describes the operation of Platinum build 3801.
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2.3 Platinum systems
2.3.1 Embedded Acquisition Module
The Embedded Acquisition Module (EAM) range consists of data recording, communications and control modules available in various cases and form factors suitable for deployment in the field. It is compatible with all Güralp digitisers and instruments.
Multiple digitisers and instruments can be attached and controlled by a single module, with data being recorded to a removable hard disk (on peli-cased modules) or internal or external flash, either as a standalone recorder or as a backup for data communications.
The EAM has 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T Ethernet, up to 8 serial ports for connecting to external devices and a USB port for use with external storage. Cylindrical versions have additional ports, including a USB port that can be connected directly to a PC for access to the internal storage.
The EAM can be supplied as standalone, borehole- and sensor-integrated variants. Other options include tamper-line monitoring, external power control and an authentication module.
2.3.2 Data Communications Module
The CMG-DCM is the precursor of the CMG-EAM. It is a versatile Linux-based module for storing and transmitting digitised data. CMG-DCMs were originally supplied with different firmware, which is no longer supported. Platinum firmware, as used on CMG-EAMS, has been ported to the CMG-DCM platform and all users are recommended to upgrade their CMG-DCMs to run Platinum firmware. An article on our web site, tinum-firmware/, has full details of the upgrade procedure.
2.3.3 Network Appliance Module
The CMG-NAM is a rack-mountable device intended for use as a data concentrator in seismic networks. It provides more interfaces, processing power and storage than the CMG-EAM. The CMG-NAM is intended for use in a data centre and consumes more power than the CMG-EAM, which was designed specifically to be a low power device.
2.3.4 Data Acquisition Systems
The Data Acquisition Systems are range of products combining analogue-to-digital converters (digitisers) with a CMG-EAM in a single package.
For example, the DM24S24EAM combines four DM24 digitisers and an EAM for connection to up to eight triaxial or twenty-four uniaxial instruments.
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They are available in various different package options, including Peli-case and steel or aluminium tubes.
2.3.5 Integrated instruments
Integrated instruments combine seismic sensors and a data acquisition system in a single package and are ideally suited for environments where rapid deployment is required.
Most integrated instruments have their own manuals, which are used in combination with that for the digitiser and this publication.
2.4 Typical Acquisition Modules
Stand-alone CMG-EAM
Stand-alone CMG-EAM
Cylindrical DAS
24 Channel DAS
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Integrated instruments (seismometer or accelerometer, digitiser and EAM)
2.5 Ports
This section lists the ports (external connectors) found on Platinum systems.
Not all ports listed in this section are available on all devices. A typical NAM, for example, only has power and Ethernet ports while the CMG-5TCDE integrated instruments have Data, GPS, Ethernet, GPIO and USB.
2.5.1 Ports A, B, C...
The 10-pin data input ports accept serial data from digitisers for processing by an acquisition module. They can also be used for other functions, as listed in the description of the Power/Data port, below.
2.5.2 SENSOR ports
CMG-DAS units have one or more 26-pin connectors for attaching analogue instruments. They provide power and control signals to the instruments and accept analogue data from the sensors.
The number of input connectors depends on the model of the digitiser.
2.5.3 Ethernet
The 6-pin Ethernet port is a 10BASE-T /100BASE-TX Ethernet connection, referred to as eth0 within the user interface. The supplied cable supports connection to a hub, switch or router. If direct connection to a PC or laptop is required, an optional cross-over cable can be ordered.
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Note: Refer to section 16.5 on page 273 for information on connector pin-outs.
Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Equipment Overview
2.5.4 GPIO
The 12-pin GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) port fulfils three functions:
It provides a serial console to the EAM, which can be used for
monitoring, configuration and control. This is permanently configured to run at 38,400 baud;
It provides USB access from a PC or laptop to the internal FLASH
storage for data collection (use of this feature is described in section
11.3.3 on page 161); and
It provides a number of tri-state lines which can be used to control or
monitor external equipment. One application is as tamper detection lines, which can be connected to external switches and monitors as part of a secure installation.
2.5.5 USB
The 6-pin USB port allows connection of an external USB storage device for data collection. It is also possible to perform firmware upgrades using this port in situations where internet access is not available – see section 5.3.3 on page 59 for details.
2.5.6 GPS
The 10-pin GPS port allows connection of a GSL GPS receiver for use as a synchronisation source for time-stamping seismic data.
2.5.7 Power/Data
The 10-pin Power/Data Out port is a power input and also a general-purpose serial port which can be used for GCF output (suitable for serial connection to Scream), PPP network connections, inbound GCF (from a digital instrument, for example), NMEA functions, TCP serial conversion, a modem answering service or as a recorder to store and forward data from any instrument with a serial output.
2.5.8 POWER
The 4-pin Power port, where fitted, is an alternative power input. It can be used as a permanent power input in situations where the Power/Data port is only used occassionally.
2.6 Typical Applications
2.6.1 Autonomous remote data-logger
In this application, depicted below, a CMG-EAM is used to collect data from a digital instrument (or analogue instrument and digitiser) and store it on its
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Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Equipment Overview
hard drive. The low power consumption and high storage capacity of the CMG-EAM makes it ideal for this purpose.
Where appropriate, the battery supply can be augmented with a solar panel. The CMG-EAM is capable of interfacing with and monitoring many types of solar charge controller.
If it is desired to contact an acquisition module for monitoring or urgent data download purposes, the unit can be fitted with a GPRS or satellite modem, allowing remote connectivity.
2.6.2 Protocol Converter
An acquisition module can be deployed as a protocol converter: the wide variety of output formats and connectivity options make it ideal for this application. In the illustration below, a digital instrument's GCF output is retransmitted as SEEDLink data over Ethernet.
2.6.3 Array Concentrator
The acquisition module can combine the data from many instruments in an array and retransmit them over a single link (serial or network).
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If the output link is over a network, all external serial ports of a standard CMG-EAM (including the “DATA OUT” port) are available for connection to digitisers or digital instruments, allowing up to eighteen channels to be aggregated. An arbitrary number of CMG-EAMs may be chained together, allowing for even more extensive arrangements.
2.6.4 PPP Networking
A serial output from the CMG-EAM can be used for point-to-point protocol (PPP) networking. This protocol allows full internet access to the device over a serial link. Operators can access the web page of the acquisition module for configuration and monitoring. If other Ethernet devices are present at the deployment site, the CMG-EAM can function as a router, passing their traffic over the PPP link. The output from other serial devices can also be passed over the PPP link by use of the built-in serial-to-TCP converter (see section 7.8 on page 97 for details).
2.6.5 Resilient Networking
Platinum firmware includes a number of ways to implement network resilience. For example, the GSTM protocol (for communication between Platinum units) allows data to be routed over a low-cost but unreliable DSL network with automatic switch-over to a higher-cost satellite link only when the DSL network is unavailable. The failed link is regularly re-tried and, when communication is re-established, the data are re-routed back to the lower cost link.
The CMG-NAM acquires data from Scream servers (e.g. CMG-6TD or CMG-3ESPCDE) and the data are stored locally on an optional RAID disk array with up to 2 TB capacity.
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Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Equipment Overview
The CMG-NAM can also act as a data server to remote clients supporting GCF (SCREAM server), EARTHWORM (via scream2ew), ANTELOPE (via Guralp2orb), CD1.0/CD1.1 and SEEDLINK.
It is also possible to use data filtering (by channel name and/or sample rate) in such a way that, should it become necessary to use the higher-cost link, only high priority data (e.g. samples resulting from an activated trigger) are sent across this link while lower priority data are enqueued until the low-cost link becomes available again.
2.6.6 CD1.1 Networking
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Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Equipment Overview
Platinum firmware has support for CD1.1 frame generation and forwarding with strong authentication provided by an optional embedded Spyrus hardware encryption device, allowing CMG-EAMs and CMG-NAMs to form the basis of a secure CD1.1 network.
Data transmitted in CD1.1 format use strong authentication and digital signatures to ensure that the received data are exactly those transmitted: i.e. that they have not been tampered with during transmission.
Platinum firmware contains many facilities to support CD1.1. These are documented in a separate manual, MAN-EAM-1100, which is available on request from
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Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Initial set-up
3 Initial set-up
3.1 Introduction
All acquisition modules except the CMG-NAM can be configured and monitored either over an Ethernet network or via a serial (RS232) line and are provided with at least one network and one serial port. Because the CMG-NAM is designed for use in a data centre, it only has a network port.
The actual number of network or serial ports is dependant on the exact model of the acquisition module. CMG-EAMs in peli-cases are supplied with a dedicated console connector located under the lid.
If using a network, the acquisition module can be accessed using a web browser or, in character mode, using ssh. Instructions for connecting to the network port are given in section 3.2 on page 20.
If you prefer to use serial communications, the module can be accessed using a terminal emulator. Instructions for connecting via the serial port are given in section 3.3 on page 30.
3.2 Connecting to the network port
To use the network port, you must first set up a network address. Some networks need manual configuration (normally referred to as “static” addressing); others use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to allow a DHCP server to automatically assign network addresses. If no DHCP server is present, many systems will fall back to a randomly-generated “link-local” address (known by Microsoft as Automatic Private IP Addressing, or APIPA). Before you can access an acquisition modules over a network, you must set (for static addresses) or discover (if you use DHCP) its IP address.
3.2.1 DHCP-assigned addresses
Acquisition modules are supplied configured for DHCP. If your network uses DHCP to assign addresses, simply connect the acquisition module to the network and wait a few minutes for the process to complete. Your network administrator should then be able to tell you the address that has been
MAN-EAM-0003 20 Issue E - February 2014
Note: We recommend use of the web interface over a network for general configuration and operation.
Note: If you are setting up a unit in the laboratory for subsequent deployment in the field, you can set up the final network address using the web interface and over-ride it with a temporary, static network address using the command line. The web-configured address will take effect when the unit is next rebooted.
Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Initial set-up
assigned to the acquisition module. If your module has an LCD status display (CMG-NAMs and some integrated instruments), the assigned address will be displayed in it. The LCD display shows lots of information so you may have to wait a short time until the IP address scrolls into view.
When using DHCP, it is recommended that the DHCP administrator allocates a fixed IP address to the acquisition module's MAC address in order to avoid unexpected address changes. The MAC address is displayed by the ip command – in the example in section on page 21, it is 00:50:c2:40:54:75.
If you cannot learn the IP address in this way, there are three methods available to discover which address has been allocated. Address discovery – serial connection
You can connect via a serial port (as described in section 3.3 on page 30) and issue the ip command:
eam999 ~ # ip addr show eth0 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000 link/ether 00:50:c2:40:54:75 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global eth0
inet6 fe80:250:c2ff:fe40:5475/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever eam999 ~ #
The key things to look for here are the adapter status and the IP address. The first line of the output should contain the word UP, confirming that the adaptor has been enabled. The IP address that has been assigned is shown on the line beginning inet - in this case, it is (with a netmask of 24 bits indicated by /24). Address discovery – Scream's “Detect servers” tool
Start with the EAM turned off. Then, from Scream's “Network control” window, select the “My Client” tab. Right-click in the server list-box and select “Detect servers...” - Scream will then start monitoring DHCP traffic on the local network. Power up the EAM and allow it a minute to boot. When Scream notices a DHCP negotiation with an appropriate MAC address, it will display the allocated IP address in the window. You can add the EAM to Scream's list of servers by clicking the appropriate button.
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Note: With an IP version 6 network, the IP address will be on a line beginning inet6. In practice, most networks today are still IPv4, as in the above example.
Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Initial set-up Address discovery – GCFPing
Scream's “GCFPing” feature sends a specially formatted broadcast packet to all hosts on the local network. Any GCF servers that see this packet should respond with a GCF acknowledgement packet (GCFACKN). Scream displays the IP addresses associated with all acknowledgement packets that it receives.
To use this feature, add a new UDP server with an IP address of Right-click the server and select GCFPING from the context
menu. A window will appear as shown below if the ping packet is acknowledged. In the control pane (at the bottom right of the main window), a GCFACKN line will be printed for every address that responded to the GCFPING. In the example below, you can see responses from, and These are the addresses of all GCF servers
listening on port 1567 on the local network.
3.2.2 Link-local addresses
Many systems, when configured for DHCP, will generate a random address if no DHCP server is present. This is known as a “link-local” or APIPA address. For IPv4 networks, it will be in the range to (i.e. on the network). For IPv6 networks, it will be in the fe80::/10 network. The random, host-specific part of the address is derived from the (unique) MAC address, so there are unlikely to be conflicts between addresses of systems in networks with small or medium numbers of hosts.
This is useful when, for example, visiting a remote EAM: A laptop can be plugged directly into the network port of the EAM (using a cross-over cable, if
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Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Initial set-up
necessary) and, provided both systems are set to use DHCP, both will assign themselves addresses on the same network. If the laptop is running Scream, you can add a server using the link-local network's broadcast address,, and start communicating immediately. If the address of the
acquisition device is required (for, say, web access), this can be read from Scream's control window, or in the acknowledgement window resulting from a GCFPING.
The acquisition device will search for a DHCP server every minute and, should one become available, it will ask it for a new address.
3.2.3 Assigning a static IP address
If you wish to configure a static IP address, you must first connect to the command line via a serial port. This process is described in section 3.3 on page 30. Assigning a static IP address using net-setup
Once logged in, issue the following command:
eam999 ~ # net-setup
The following screen is displayed:
Using the and keys (or, on some systems, the mouse), select whether
you wish to use DHCP or static addressing. You can, alternatively, key to
select DHCP or to select static addressing. Use the ENTER key to confirm
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Note: This command relies on the EAM understanding what type of terminal emulator you are using. If the display is corrupted and not usable, set the TERM variable (see section 4.3.1 on page 35), or simply power-cycle the EAM and use the ip command (see section on page 25) instead.
Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Initial set-up
your choice. If you do not wish to make a change, use the key to select “Cancel” and then key ENTER to close the net-setup tool and return you to the
command prompt.
If you select static addressing, the following screen is displayed:
The IP address field must be populated with a valid IP address in CIDR notation. If you know the netmask but not the corresponding CIDR notation, use the information on screen as a guide or search the web for an on-line converter.
If your network has a router which acts as a gateway to the Internet or to other networks, use the key (or, on some systems, the mouse) to move to the “Gateway/router” field and enter the address of the gateway in standard,
dotted-quad notation (i.e.
If your network has a DNS (domain-name service) server, sometimes called a name-server, use the key (or, on some systems, the mouse) to move to the “Primary DNS server” field and enter the address of the name-server in
standard, dotted-quad notation (i.e.
Use the ENTER key to confirm your choice and reconfigure the network. If you do not wish to make a change, use the key to select “Cancel” and then key ENTER to close the net-setup tool and return you to the command
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Note: If your network is connected to the Internet but you do not know the name of your DNS server, ask your Internet Service Provider for the correct address to use or enter, which is a free, public DNS server operated by Google Inc.
Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Initial set-up Assigning a static IP address using the ip command
The ip command is an alternative to net-setup. You may wish to use it if
you want to configure a temporary address without updating the
configuration files
you cannot use the net-setup utility for any reason
you are very familiar with the linux command line
Log in as normal and then issue the following command:
eam999 ~ # ip addr add dev eth0
replacing the example IP address ( in the example above) with the required value. It must be specified in CIDR format, where the actual address is followed by the number of bits of the network mask. The above example uses with a netmask of (24 bits of network address). A PC connected to this network could communicate with the acquisition module if it was configured to use an IP address of (for example) with a matching netmask of
If you wish to connect to the acquisition module from a PC, they must either both be on the same physical network and have the same network address (usually the first three numbers of the IP address) or be able to connect to each other via routers.
In the latter case, you will need to tell the acquisition module the address of its default router (also known as the gateway). Issue the command:
eam999 ~ # ip route add default via
substituting the address of your network's default router in place of the example address ( shown.
If you wish to be able to access your acquisition module across the Internet, perform firmware upgrades or access GSL remote support, you will also need to configure a default router as described in the preceding paragraph.
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Note: IP addresses assigned using this method will be lost if the unit is rebooted. To permanently assign an IP address, use net-setup (see section on page 23), the web interface (section 7.1 on page 70) or gconfig (section 7.1 on page 70).
Note: Both the static IP address and any route configured in this way are temporary and will persist only until the acquisition module is rebooted or powered off. Refer to section 7.1 on page 70 for information about configuring permanent static IP addresses and routes.
Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Initial set-up
If you wish your acquisition module to initiate connections with remote systems across the Internet, or to be able to access firmware upgrades, you need to configure a DNS server (also known as a name-server). If you do not know the address of your DNS server, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) will be able to tell you. You can also use, which is a free, public DNS server operated by Google Inc. Enter the command
eam999 ~ # echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
substituting the address of the required DNS server in place of the example address ( shown in the example above.
3.2.4 Connecting to the web interface
The Platinum firmware on all acquisition modules provides a web interface for configuration and control of the module and connected equipment. While there are other methods of connecting to the modules, the web interface is recommended.
Once the IP address of the acquisition module has been set or determined, enter the it into the address bar of a web browser to connect to the module's web interface . The examples below are for an EAM address entered into Firefox and Internet Explorer:
On versions of Platinum from release 10,000, the web interface will initially show a status display and a brief menu. There is an option to log in on that menu. Click on the link and enter the default user-name of root and password of rootme.
If you are connecting to the acquisition module over a network that you consider insecure (such as the internet), it is recommended that you use the HTTPS (secure HTTP) protocol, which uses TLS to encrypt the link. Simply change the http:// prefix to https:// in the browser's address bar. Most browsers will complain that the certificate cannot be verified: This is not a problem: simply press the “accept” button to proceed. The link will then be encrypted and nobody will be able to “sniff the wire” in an attempt to discover passwords and other data.
Once connected and logged in, you will be presented with the main summary screen and a much larger menu. The summary screen contains general information about the status and health of the connected modules and equipment.
The exact contents and layout of this screen will vary depending on the configuration of both the acquisition module and of any attached devices.
See section 4on page 33 for information on using the web interface.
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Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Initial set-up Connection trouble-shooting
If the browser fails to connect, the most likely explanation is that the machine running the browser does not have working network communications to and from the acquisition module. This can be verified by “pinging” the IP address of the browser from the command line of the acquisition module:
eam999 ~ # ping -c3 PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=63 time=2.284 ms 64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=63 time=1.129 ms 64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=63 time=1.944 ms
--- ping statistics --­3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 1.129/1.785/2.284 ms eam999 ~ #
To resolve this class of problem, ensure that the cables are functioning (which can be verified by checking the diagnostic lights on most switches/hubs) and double-check that the PC and acquisition module are on the same subnet (which means the CIDR suffices must match and the first sections of the IP addresses – as defined by the CIDR suffices - must also match). The website has some useful information for those
for whom sub-networking is unfamiliar.
3.2.5 Connecting to the command line using SSH
SSH (Secure SHell) is the most flexible way to control an acquisition module, but it is less friendly than using the web interface. It is possible to configure more advanced operations using SSH but the majority of control and configuration tasks can be achieved most easily through the web interface.
SSH is shipped as standard with most Linux distributions and is available for Windows as part of the free terminal emulation package PuTTY, which is available from SSH connections using the ssh program
To use SSH, you must know or discover the IP address of the unit, as described in the previous section. Once you have the IP address, issue the SSH command on the PC you are using:
mypc$ ssh root@
Replace with the IP address of the acquisition module.
The first time you use SSH to connect to a host, you will be asked to verify the “host key”. This is normal but, if you are ever asked this again, it means that either the host key of the acquisition module has changed – perhaps because of a firmware upgrade – or there is a network address conflict or, worse, a security problem on your network.
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Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Initial set-up
user@mypc:~$ ssh root@ The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 62:a6:70:29:d4:1a:db:5a:75:6e:96:13:54:f5:a9:d9. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. root@'s password: eam999 ~ #
You will be prompted for a password; the default password is rootme. Note that no characters will be echoed to the screen as you type the password.
Once connected, you will be presented with a shell prompt which is ready to accept commands.
When you are finished with your SSH session and want to disconnect, enter exit at the command line, or type + . There are a number of escape sequences for controlling the session, all of which begin with a tilde (' ~') so, if
you need to send a tilde character to the acquisition module, type two tildes consecutively. For more information, see the section on “Escape Characters” in the manual at http://man - SSH connections using PuTTY
To use PuTTY, you must first know or discover the IP address of the unit, as described in the previous sections. Once you have the IP address, start PuTTY by choosing it from the “Start” menu or double-clicking on its icon. You will be presented with the following screen:
MAN-EAM-0003 28 Issue E - February 2014
Note: If you plan to use ssh regularly to communicate with a acquisition module, you can configure the system to bypass the password prompt when logging in from a list of pre-authorised computer/user combinations. This involves generating a unique key-pair (for the user and PC which will access the acquisition module) and then copying the public half of the key-pair to the acquisition module. This can be more secure than passwords and is fully documented at For details about uploading your keys to the CMG-EAM, see section 7.6 on page 90.
Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Initial set-up
Enter the IP address of the acquisition module into the Host Name (or IP address) field, check that SSH is selected as the Connection type and then click the button.
The first time you use SSH to connect to a host, you will be asked to verify the “host key”:
This is normal (simply click to dismiss the dialogue) but, if you are ever asked this again, it means that either the host key of the acquisition module has changed – perhaps because of a firmware upgrade – or there is a network address conflict or, worse, a security problem on your network.
You will now be prompted for a login name: the default is root. Type this at the prompt and press the ENTER key. You will next be prompted for a
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Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware Initial set-up
password; the default password is rootme. Note that no characters will be echoed to the screen as you type the password.
Once connected, you will be presented with a shell prompt which is ready to accept commands. The shell prompt contains the serial number of the acquisition module.
When you are finished with your SSH session and want to disconnect, type “exit” at the command line, or + .
PuTTY allows you to save multiple sessions, along with a default login identity and screen colours for each. See the PuTTY manual for more details.
3.3 Connecting to the Serial Port
A number of acquisition modules have dedicated a 9-pin 'D' console port connector located under its lid. It can be connected via a serial (RS232) cable to a PC. See section 16.5.5 on page 277 for the pin-out.
Some acquisition modules without a dedicated console port connector are supplied with 'Y' cables that connect to the DATA OUT port, your PC and a power supply.
Acquisition modules with a GPIO connector are provided with a blue serial cable, terminating in a female DE9 connector. This gives access to the module's console.
Once you have connected the serial cable, you can run either Scream or a terminal emulator to interact with the acquisition module.
MAN-EAM-0003 30 Issue E - February 2014
Note: If you plan to use ssh regularly to communicate with a acquisition module, you can configure the system to bypass the password prompt when logging in from a list of pre-authorised computer/user combinations. This involves generating a unique key-pair (for the user and PC which will access the acquisition module) and then copying the public half of the key-pair to the acquisition module. This can be more secure than passwords and is fully documented at For details about uploading your keys to the CMG-EAM, see section 7.6 on page 90.
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