Gulfstream G550 Operating Manual

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2A-27-10: General
1. General Description:
The aircraft flight controls allow the flight crew to guide the aircraft in the longitudinal, vertical and horizontal axes (see Figure 2). The primary flight controls are:
Elevator to control aircraft pitch
Rudder to control aircraft yaw
The primary flight controls are positioned by moving the pilot and copilot control yokes and rudder pedals. Both yokes are mechanically linked together so that either crew position has full control authority and control inputs are transparent to both crew members since movement of one set of controls will move the corresponding set of controls. Each yoke has a dedicated cable connection to the elevator and aileron control on that respective side, but since the yokes are mechanically linked, moving one side elevator or aileron will move the flight controls on both sides. For instance, the copilot yoke is cable-linked to the right elevator and the right aileron but any movement of the copilot yoke also moves the pilot yoke that is in turn cable-linked to the left aileron and left elevator. This system of split control authority and linked yoke movement provides a means to maintain some flight control movement if one of the flight controls or associated linkages becomes jammed. If a malfunction prevents movement of either the elevators or ailerons, the mechanical links joining the two pilot yokes can be severed, thereby allowing movement of the left or right elevator or aileron that remains operational by commands using the yoke connected to the side of the free control surface.
The two sets of rudder pedals are similarly mechanically linked together, but both are connected to the rudder by a single cable. For this reason, there is no provision for interrupting the linkage between the two sets of pedals, since each set does not have an independent route to the rudder.
The cable connections from the yokes and rudder pedals are continuous loop installations, providing feedback to the moveable controls. The control cables engage bell cranks that translate cable movement into displacement commands for hydraulic actuators that boost contol inputs to move the flight controls. Each hydraulic actuator has a single shaft, but dual piston chambers in order that the actuator may be driven by both (or either) left and right hydraulic system. (The hydraulic system power sources for the flight controls are shown in Figure 1.) The rudder actuator may also be powered by the Auxiliary (AUX) hydraulic system in the event of dual hydraulic power failure. Each of the hydraulic actuators is connected to the associated flight control by pushrods and bell cranks to impart mechanical movement to the control surface. A bungee piston filled with hydraulic fluid moderates the rate of actuation of the flight control and provides an artificial feel input to the flight crew through the closed loop cable system. The failure of a single hydraulic system does not degrade flight control operation - the remaining system provides adequate power for flight control movement, and the actuator chamber for the failed system bypasses fluid so there is no resistance to flow. If both (or all, in the case of the rudder) hydraulic systems fail, both actuator chambers bypass fluid, and pilot input through the cable connection moves the
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internal shaft of the actuator and the associated pushrods and bellcranks without powered assistance. More pilot force is required, but full movement of the flight controls is attainable.
The autopilot is interfaced with the primary flight controls through electric servos to move parallel cable linkages to the hydraulic actuators. Each flight control surface has a Linear Variable Displacement Transducer (LVDT) that provides an electrical signal proportional to flight control surface displacement from neutral. The LVDT signal provides feedback to the autopilot for positioning the flight controls, and also communicates control surface position for display on systems and synoptic windows through interface with the Modular Avionics Units (MAUs). The description of the Digital Automatic Flight Control Systems (autopilot) makes up the entire content of Section 2B of this manual, and for that reason is not covered in this Section. However, for the convenience of the reader, a tabulation of the Crew Alerting System (CAS) messages associated with the autopilot is included below.
The elevators and ailerons have trim tabs to position the flight controls with aerodynamic forces to moderate the amount of physical effort to maintain the control surfaces in the desired steady-state condition. The rudder is not equipped with a trim tab, but instead has a mechanical trim input to reset the neutral position of the rudder. The mechanical trim uses the hydraulic actuator to project the rudder slightly into the windstream in the desired direction to compensate for induced yaw.
The secondary flight controls and functions are:
Wing flaps - enhance wing lift characteristics
Flight and Ground Spoilers - reduce wing lift and add overall drag
Movable horizontal stabilizer - aligns the elevator with aircraft angle of
Yawdamper - uses the autopilot rudder servo to moderate aircraft heading oscillation
Some functions of the secondary flight controls are integrated with the operation of the primary flight controls and other functions mutually complement the operation of other secondary controls.
As flaps extend, moving the wing center of lift aft, a downward pitch moment is created - the moveable stabilizer automatically compensates for the pitch moment by trimming downward. The opposite movement occurs as flaps are retracted and the nose of the aircraft pitches up.
When ailerons are used, flight spoilers on the downward wing activate to increase roll rate and provide yaw into the turn. Ground spoilers decrease ground roll distance during landings and aborted takeoffs.
The yaw damper provides a degree of turn coordination for aileron roll commands, provided wing flaps are not selected to more than thirty degrees (30°).
Safety features incorporated into the flight controls system include:
A stick shaker warning and a stick pusher stall prevention actuator.
A gust lock that prevents damage to flight controls while the aircraft is
secured on the ground.
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2. Primary and Secondary Flight Controls Subsections:
The primary and secondary flight controls are discussed in the following subsections:
2A-27-20: Elevator Pitch Control
2A-27-30: Rudder Yaw Control
2A-27-40: Aileron Roll Control
2A-27-50: Horizontal Stabilizer and Wing Flaps
2A-27-60: Stall Warning and Prevention System
2A-27-70: Speed Brake and Ground Spoilers
2A-27-80: Flight Controls Gust Lock
3. Autopilot Crew Alerting System (CAS) Messages:
The following CAS messages are associated with the operation of the autopilot and integrated subsystems:
Area Monitored: CAS Message: Message Color:
Flight Guidance Computer Internal Monitor
Flight Guidance Panel AP Engage Switch
AP Engage Switches AP Engage Inhibit -Sw
AP 1-2 Fail Amber AP Control Switch
Stuck Active
Blue Blue
Air Data System AP Inhibit - ADS Blue Inertial Reference System AP Inhibit - IRS Blue Control Column Force AP Inhibit - Left Column Blue Control Column Force AP Inhibit - Right
Control Wheel Force AP Inhibit - Left Wheel Blue Control Wheel Force AP Inhibit - Right Wheel Blue Manual Trim Wheel AP Inhibit - Man Trim
Autopilot Quick Disconnect Switch
Active AP Inhibit - QD Blue
Stall Shaker AP Inhibit - Stall Blue Autopilot Touch Control
Steering Switch Control Wheel Electric Trim
Switch Weight On Wheels (WOW)
AP Inhibit - TCS Blue AP Inhibit -Trim Cmd Blue AP Inhibit - WOW Blue
Autopilot Power Source AP 1-2 Power Fail Blue Autopilot Elevator Trim Servo AP / Trim Fail Blue Flight Guidance Panel Speed
Window Flight Guidance Computer /
WOW System Take Off and Go Around
(TOGA) Engage Switch / Flight Guidance Panel Manual Speed
Check Speed Target Blue FGC - WOW Fault Blue Go Around Pitch Blue
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Flight Controls System:
Simplified Fluid Power
Diagram Figure 1
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Flight Controls System Components
Figure 2
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2A-27-20: Elevator Pitch Control
1. General Description:
The aircraft has a dual elevator installation to control aircraft pitch attitude. The elevators are composed of a baked graphite-epoxy material. Each of the cockpit yokes is connected to one of the aircraft elevators. The pilot yoke is connected to the left elevator,the copilot yoke to the right elevator.Eachyokeisalsoconnected to the other by a mechanical torque tube beneath the cockpit floor. Since both yokes are interconnected, moving one yoke moves both elevators.
Braided steel cables run from each yoke to hydraulic assist actuators in the tail of the aircraft. The cables are routed beneath the aircraft floor using pulley connections to clear other installed equipment. The cables mate with the hydraulic assist actuators via bellcranks that translate pulley rotational motion into forward and aft motion. The actuators each have a single shaft powered by two piston chambers, one chamber for each (left and right) hydraulic system. Both hydraulic systems normally power the actuators, but one system is sufficient for full elevator movement. The actuators are connected to the respective elevator by linkages and bellcranks, moving the elevator up or down about the pivot points on the aft of the horizontal stabilizer. The deflection range of the elevators is twenty-four degrees (24°) up and thirteen degrees (13°) down.
Each connection of yoke to elevator is a continuous loop. Incorporated into the loops adjacent to the actuators is a bungee cylinder filled with viscous fluid to resist yoke / elevator movement in order to provide artificial feel to each yoke. Each elevator also has a stability spring incorporated into the cable linkage to provide a forward pull to the control yoke and to contribute additional feel input.
Both sides of the hydraulic actuators are monitored to assure correct operation. The cockpit cable input motion must result in a corresponding actuator output motion, and similarly the output side of the actuator should not move without cockpit input. If input and output do not correspond, actuator hydraulic pressure is bypassed to prevent movement of the elevator.
Anytime hydraulic pressure to the actuators is bypassed or lost (in the instance of dual hydraulic system failure) the elevators remain operable with manual yoke movement that positions the actuator shaft and connecting linkages to the elevator. Control forces will be higher, since normal hydraulic assist provides a six (6) to one (1) boost advantage to move the elevator surfaces.
Each elevator is equipped with a trim tab that uses aerodynamic pressure to aid in positioning the control surface. The trim tabs are controlled manually by rotating a wheel on the cockpit pedestal or electrically using switches on the control yokes. Manual trim uses a dedicated braided wire connection from the cockpit to a mechanical linkage in the tail. Electrical switch trim movement commands an electric servo to move the same linkage.
Both the elevators and elevator trim incorporate Rotary Variable Differential Transducers (RVDTs) to feed back position information to the autopilot for elevator control and trim and to the ModularAvionics Units (MAUs) for formulation of control surface position display on the Flight Controls 2/3 synoptic page. RVDTs measure the angle of the elevators and trim tabs and transmit an electrical signal proportional to displacement from a neutral position.
When the autopilot is engaged, the elevators are positioned by electric servos that move parallel cable connections to the hydraulic actuators. The autopilot also uses the electric trim servo to move the trim tabs, minimizing hydraulic actuator force.
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If a malfunction or failure in any portion of the loopbetweenacockpityokeandthe corresponding elevator prevents control surface movement, the mechanical torque tube connection between the two control yokes can be separated to allow control of the aircraft with the free (unjammed) elevator. The autopilot may be used in single elevator operation.
2. Description of Subsystems, Units and Components: A. Elevator Hard Over Prevention System (HOPS):
Movements of the elevators contrary to the commanded position are limited by a Hard Over Prevention System (HOPS), illustrated in Figure 3. The system incorporates eight switches for each elevator to monitor mechanical and hydraulic elevator operation. Four external mechanical switches are integrated into the elevator control linkage to provide a comparison reference for four switches mounted internally within the hydraulic actuator. Of the four external switches, two are for left hydraulic system reference and two are for right hydraulic system reference. Of the two switches for each hydraulic system, one provides a up elevator command reference and the other provides a down elevator command reference. The switches are plunger-type contact switches, and are installed on each side of a bracket attached to the command input side of the elevator actuator. On one side of the bracket are the up elevator command input switches for the left and right hydraulic systems. On the other side of the bracket are the down elevator command input switches for the left and right hydraulic systems. Inserted between the switches in the bracket is a cam-type arm mated to the elevator hydraulic actuator output linkage. The cam arm is positioned with a defined amount of clearance between the plunger-type switches. Under normal conditions, the bracket holding the switches moves with elevator command input and the cam arm moves with the elevator hydraulic actuator output, so the clearance between the switches and the arm is maintained.
If a malfunction occurs and the elevator moves opposite to or further from the commanded direction, the cam arm that is attached to the output linkage of the elevator actuator will move to close the clearance gap between the cam arm and the plunger-type switches, making contact with the switches on the side of the bracket. When the plungers of the switches are depressed, a relay closes and an electrical signal is sent to a corresponding set of switches mounted internally within the hydraulic actuator.
Four pressure switches monitor left and right hydraulic system pressures within the pistons of the elevator actuator. In normal conditions, all four switches sense stabilized pressures since hydraulic outputs positioning the elevator are balanced by air load pressures on the elevator surface acting against actuator pressures. When a malfunction occurs and the elevator moves contrary to the commanded direction, the hydraulic actuator shaft moves in the contrary direction, causing an increase in hydraulic pressure on the opposite sides of the pistons within the actuator. The left and right system opposite side pressure switches close, completing the circuit initiated by closure of the bracket plunger switches, and an electrical signal is sent to a timing relay. If the contrary elevator movement persists for longer than one tenth (1/10) of a second, hydraulic pressure from both left an right systems is shut off to the elevator actuator.
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Left Hydraulic System Right Hydraulic System
Hydraulic Actuator Shaft
In a similar manner, if a hydraulic malfunction causes the shaft of the actuator to move in a direction opposite the commanded elevator direction, the increased pressures in the wrong direction sides of the pistons would close the monitoring switches, and movement of the actuator shaft would cause the cam arm to contact the plunger switches on the external bracket, and hydraulic pressure would be shut off to the elevator actuator after a one tenth (1/10) of a second delay.
If a hydraulic malfunction in a single system (left or right) side of the actuator moves the actuator shaft in a wrong direction, only the hydraulic pressure of the malfunctioning system is shut off. For instance in a stabilized condition, if the left hydraulic system piston attempts to move the actuator shaft in the up direction, the increased pressure in the down elevator side of the left piston will close the monitor switch and actuator shaft displacement will close both the left and right hydraulic system up elevator bracket plunger switches, completing the shut off circuit for the left hydraulic system after a one tenth (1/10) second delay. (In this case hydraulic pressure in the up elevator side of the right hydraulic system piston will decrease due to the increase in area caused by actuator shaft movement.) The elevator hydraulic actuator will continue to function using the remaining hydraulic system.
The operation of the hydraulic shut off valves by the HOPS is signaled to the MAUs (left elevator to MAU #1, right elevator to MAU #2) over ARINC­429 connections. The shut off condition is monitored by the MWS, and a CAS message corresponding to the condition is displayed on the CAS window. If either or both hydraulic systems are shut off, an amber caution message of “L (or) R Elevator Hydraulics Off” is displayed. If only a single hydraulic system has been shut off, the remaining hydraulic system will provide full elevator operation. If both hydraulic systems have been shut off, manual elevator control may remain possible, depending upon the cause of the hardover condition. If the cause of the condition is thought to be momentary, and the use of the elevator is deemed necessary for continued safe flight and landing, the hydraulic shut off valve(s) may be reset by cycling the RIGHT ELEV HYD S/O and/or LEFT ELEV HYD S/O circuit breaker. If the cause has not been rectified, the shut off valve(s) will close and hydraulic boost for the elevator will be unavailable if both hydraulic systems have been shut off. (HOPS is powered by the left essential DC bus for the left elevator and the right essential DC bus for the right elevator.)
To prevent the HOPS from shutting off hydraulic system pressure to the elevator during normal flight maneuvers that may involve rapid changes in elevator direction, HOPS activation is buffered by three elements:
The clearance between bracket plunger switches and the actuator
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cam arm
Inertia in the build up of hydraulic pressures in the elevator actuator
The one tenth (1/10) second delay in electrically latching the shut off
of hydraulic pressure
B. Elevator Disconnect Handle:
(See Figure 4.) The mechanical torque tube beneath the cockpit connecting the pilot and
copilot yokes may be disconnected if a malfunction in one of the cable connections, hydraulic actuators or elevators renders the respective elevator inoperative. Disconnecting the torque tube prevents both elevators from being disabled by a malfunction in one elevator linkage.
An elevator disconnect handle is located on the pilot side of the center pedestal beneath a protective cover. The handle is connected by a cable to a pin securing the two halves of torque tube together. Pulling out on the disconnect handle removes the pin and allows each yoke to move independently. If the elevator linkage malfunction has resulted in opposite movement between the two yokes, making retraction of the mating pin difficult, a power assist gas-spring cartridge may be activated to provide additional force to remove the pin. The power assisted disconnect is activated by pulling a trigger beneath the disconnect handle, and provides an upward lifting moment of thirty-three feet per second (33 ft./sec).
After the yokes have been separated, the malfunctioning elevator is isolated and the operable elevator may be used to control the aircraft. with manual or autopilot inputs. If it is discovered that separating the yokes freed the previously malfunctioning elevator linkage, the yokes may be reconnected by pushing in on the disconnect handle when the yokes are aligned, provided that the power assist disconnect was not used.Areset of the yoke torque tube coupling is not possible without special maintenance tools after activation of the power assist disconnect.
C. Pitch Trim System:
(See Figure 4 through Figure 6.) Each elevator has a trim tab installed on the trailing edge. The trim tabs are
manufactured from the same graphite-epoxy material as the elevators, but incorporate a ceramic heating element that is continuously electrically powered to maintain a temperature of one hundred seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit, plus or minus twenty degrees (175°F±20) around the tab actuator linkage. Elevator trim heat is powered by 115V AC from the right main bus. The trim tabs have a range of movement of twenty-two degrees (22°) trailing edge down (aircraft nose up) to eight degrees (8°) trailing edge up (aircraft nose down). Limit switches are installed at the travel limits that will prompt the display of Crew Alerting System (CAS) messages notifying the crew that the elevator trim tabs are at maximum displacement. If a trim limit message is displayed while the autopilot is engaged, extreme care should be taken prior to disengaging the autopilot. An abrupt attitude change will occur if trim displacement is not moderated prior to disengaging the autopilot.
Operation of the trim tabs employs aerodynamic force to maintain the elevator in the desired position. As the trim tab is moved from the neutral position (faired with the elevator) into the airstream, the air impinging on
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the tab forces the hinged elevator into the opposite direction. As the elevator is moved from the neutral position (faired with the horizontal stabilizer), it also encounters pressure forces from the airstream, thus the amount of elevator movement from neutral is determined by a balance of airstream forces acting on both the trim tab and the elevator. Since the surface area of the trim tab exposed to the airstream is less than the surface area of the elevator, the elevator is deflected in much smaller increments than trim tab displacement (excluding other factors, trim tab effectiveness is a ratio of tab surface area to elevator surface area).
The flight crew manually controls the amount of trim tab deflection by moving control wheels on either side of the center console. The wheels are hubs connected to a common axial shaft, so that moving one wheel moves the other. The shaft is connected to a continuous loop of wire cables that connect through a series of pulleys and bellcranks to the elevator trim tabs. Rotating a trim wheel forward positions the trim tab up forcing the elevator down resulting in an aircraft nose down moment. Trim wheel rotation aft results in an aircraft nose up moment.
The flight crew has the option of electrically moving the elevator trim tabs. A pushbutton, labelled PITCH TRIM ENG / DISENG, located to the left of the standby flight instruments on the lower instrument panel enables electrical operation of trim switches mounted on the outboard side of the control yokes. Electric pitch trim is normally engaged. The amber DISENG legend in the pushbutton will illuminate if the button is not pushed in to engage electric trim. The yoke trim switches are composed of split halves. Both halves must be moved in the same direction to move the elevator trim. The split switch design helps to prevent accidental trim input. The switches are wired to an electric servomotor that is located in the tail of the aircraft and incorporated into the cable linkage to the trim tabs. An electric signal from a cockpit trim switch results in the servomotor rotating an attached pulley, moving the elevator trim cable loop in the desired direction. The manual trim wheels on the pedestal will rotate with electric trim inputs, since the control cabling is a continuous loop.
When the autopilot is engaged, autopilot servomotors move the elevators and also control elevator trim with the same servomotor employed by the yoke electric trim switches. The PITCH TRIM ENG / DISENG switch is automatically engaged whenever the autopilot is engaged (to enable autopilot trim). However the reverse is not true - electric pitch trim will not disengage when the autopilot is disengaged, but must be selected off with the switch.
Elevator trim must be within a defined range for takeoff, with the specific setting within the range determined by aircraft Center of Gravity (COG) and takeoff gross weight. The limits of the acceptable pitch trim range are eight degrees nose up to nineteen degrees nose up (8° - 19° up). The takeoff elevator trim range is marked in green on the trim setting indices of the manual trim wheels at each side of the center pedestal. The same limits are shown in a green band on the trim scale of the Flight Controls 2/3 synoptic page. Failure to set pitch trim within the defined range will result in a warning annunciation and CAS message as the power levers are advanced for takeoff.
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D. Mach Trim:
The autopilot employs elevator control to provide the aircraft with Mach trim. Mach trim is necessary because at high speed flight the center of lift on the wing transits aft with increases in speed, producing a nose down pitch moment termed Mach tuck. The autopilot electrically repositions the elevator trim to neutralize the nose down force. Mach trim is an automatic function of the Flight Guidance Computers.
The autopilot does not have to be engaged to provide Mach trim. Automatic Mach trim is available whenever the PITCH TRIM ENG/DISENG switch is engaged.
3. Controls and Indications:
(See Figure 4 through Figure 6.)
A full description of the Flight Controls 2/3 synoptic page appears in section 2B-07-00.
A. Circuit Breakers (CBs):
The following CBs protect elevator pitch control:
Circuit Breaker Name: CB Panel: Location: Power Source:
B. Crew Alerting System (CAS) Messages:
The following CAS messages are associated with the elevator pitch controls:
Area Monitored: CAS Message: Message Color:
Elevator Trim Tab RVDTs vrs takeoff range
Elevator and Trim Tab RVDTs and MAUs
Elevator and Trim Tab RVDTs and MAUs
L/R Elevator HOPS and MAUs L/R Elevator Hydraulics
Aircraft Configuration Red Elevator Mistrim Nose
Elevator Mistrim Nose Up Amber
Electric Pitch Trim Servos Elevator Trim 1-2 Fail Amber
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Area Monitored: CAS Message: Message Color:
Electric Pitch Trim Servos / Trim ENG/DISENG Switch
Electric Pitch Trim Servos and MAUs
Electric Pitch Trim Servos and MAUs
Electric Pitch Trim Servos and MAUs
Mach Trim Off (inhibited below 0.82
Pitch Trim 1-2 Power Fail Blue Elevator Trim Down Limit Blue Elevator Trim Up Limit Blue
4. Limitations: A. Mach Trim / Electric Elevator Trim Functions:
(1) Use of Mach Trim / Electric Elevator Trim Functions:
Mach trim / electric elevator trim must be ON during all flight operations except as provided for in Section 05-02-40: Mach Trim Failure.
(2) With both Mach Trim / Electric Elevator Trim Inoperative:
is reduced to 0.80MT.
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Hard Over Prevention
System (HOPS)
Figure 3 (Sheet 1 of 2)
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Hard Over Prevention
System (HOPS)
Figure 3 (Sheet 2 of 2)
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Pitch Flight Controls
System Controls and
Indications (Cockpit
Center Pedestal)
Figure 4
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Electric Pitch Trim Engage / Disengage Switch Controls and Indications
Figure 5
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Electric Pitch Trim / Stall Barrier System Controls and Indications
Figure 6
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2A-27-30: Rudder Yaw Control
1. General Description:
The flight crew controls the direction of the aircraft around the vertical axis by movement of the rudder. The rudder panel is composed of graphite-epoxy fabric baked at high temperatures to form a strong but light weight structure. The rudder is positioned by inputs from the pilot or copilot rudder pedals, or by autopilot electro-servos. The pilot and copilot rudder pedals are connected by a common torque tube so that either may control rudder movement. (The individual pedal pairs are adjustable to accommodate differences in pilot leg length.) The common torque tube is connected by a bellcrank to a single stranded wire cable loop located on the right side of the aircraft beneath the cockpit and cabin floor.(Since there is only one rudder flight control surface, there is no need for dual cable linkages from both yokes to the rudder, nor is there a need for a system to separate pilot and copilot rudder pedal inputs to the rudder.) The cable loop incorporates pulleys and bellcranks to route the cable around other installations beneath the aircraft floor. At the end of the loop is a bellcrank connected to a dual piston hydraulic actuator. The bellcrank translates movement of the control cable into lateral displacement inputs to the actuator. The rudder control cable linkage is illustrated in Figure 7 and the termination of the cable linkage at the rudder actuator is shown in Figure 8. The actuator has a single shaft with a piston chamber for each (left and right) hydraulic system. Both hydraulic systems provide up to three thousand (3,000) psi pressure to assist in moving the rudder surface. Internal regulator valves limit the pressure output of the two pistons within the hydraulic actuator to a maximum of fifteen hundred (1,500) psi each to prevent structural damage to the rudder and vertical stabilizer. The output end of the hydraulic actuator shaft is connected to linkages that move the rudder around the pivot point connections on the vertical stabilizer. If one hydraulic system fails, the regulator valve of the remaining system shifts to provide up to three thousand (3,000) psi to move the rudder. Additionally, in the event of dual hydraulic system failures, the auxiliary (AUX) hydraulic pump will power the rudder using the left system piston in the actuator provided sufficient fluid remains in the auxiliary reservoir of the left hydraulic system. AUX hydraulic system power for the rudder is activated by the selection of the STBY RUD (Standby Rudder) switch on the lower portion of the pilot instrument panel to the left of the standby flight instruments.
Mechanical stops are incorporated into the rudder mounting structure to physically limit rudder displacement to a maximum of twenty-two degrees (22°) either side of neutral, although full displacement is available only at low airspeeds. As airspeed increases, the airload on the rudder surface increases proportionally. When the airload on the rudder surface equals the available hydraulic pressure output of the rudder actuator, no further rudder displacement is possible. The Monitor and Warning System (MWS) software monitors aircraft speed, angle of attack and rudder displacement to formulate an advisory message informing the flight crew when maximum rudder displacement has been reached.
2. Description of Subsystems, Units and Components: A. Yaw Damper and Autopilot Rudder Operation:
Automatic rudder compensation for aircraft yaw produced by dutch roll inherent to swept-wing aircraft is provided by the yaw damper function of the autopilot. The yaw damper function is engaged with the YAW DAMP ENG / DISENG switch located on the lower pilot side instrument panel
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adjacent to the STBY RUD switch, shown in Figure 9. The yaw damper is normally engaged even if the autopilot is not operating. (The DISENG legend in the switch will be illuminated amber if the yaw damper is not engaged.) If the autopilot is engaged, the yaw damper must be engaged, since autopilot rudder commands use the yaw damper circuits to displace the rudder.
The yaw damper function is a redundant dual-channel installation. Yaw damper channel #1 is controlled by the autopilot function hosted in processor modules in Modular Avionics Unit (MAU) #1, channel #2 by MAU #2. Each channel has a dedicated Electro-Hydraulic Servo Valve (EHSV) internal to the rudder actuator. The autopilot processor detects an uncommanded yaw displacement by monitoring data from the Inertial Reference Units (IRUs). The autopilot processor signals a rudder displacement to counter the aircraft yaw through an Actuator Input/Output Processor (AIOP) module via ARINC-429 bus connection to the EHSV on the rudder actuator. The amount of rudder displacement necessary is a function of airspeed / Mach number, and the AIOP uses information from the Air Data Application (ADA) in the MAU to determine the amount of rudder to apply. A feedback loop from a Rotary Variable Displacement Transducer to the AIOP confirms the rudder position. The maximum amount of rudder displacement available to the yaw damper is five degrees (5°).
Since only one yaw damper channel is necessary for rudder control, the active channel alternates on each flight segment (a function of weight-on­wheels) to prolong system life. If the active channel fails, the standby channel will automatically assume yaw damper control.
The yaw damper function also provides a rudder input for aircraft turn coordination provided the flaps are not set to thirty degrees (30°) or more. The yaw damper will add up to five degrees (5°) of rudder in the direction of turn without pilot rudder input.
Autopilot control of the rudder is the same functional process as the yaw damper, but the amount of rudder displacement available to the autopilot is greater (up to the 22° limit). Larger rudder inputs are necessary for the lower airspeeds associated with coupled approaches or during single engine operations.
B. Rudder Trim:
The rudder is trimmed by manual inputs from the trim wheel mounted on the cockpit aft center pedestal (see Figure 10). There is no trim tab on the rudder, rather the whole rudder panel moves in response to trim input. The rudder may be displaced up seven and a half degrees (7½°) left or right with trim commands. Rotation of the trim wheel moves a cable linkage to a drum mounted adjacent to the rudder hydraulic actuator. Movement of the trim wheel rotates the drum and a linkage attached to the drum moves the shaft of the rudder actuator. The rudder actuator hydraulically positions the rudder by the commanded amount of deflection, and the linkage from the drum establishes the trimmed rudder position as a new neutral setting for the actuator. Manual or yaw damper / autopilot rudder deflections are then summed to the existing trimmed rudder displacement. (The autopilot does not have a separate trim input to the rudder.)
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C. Rudder Limiting:
The G550 does not have a separate load limiter unit, but relies instead upon MWS software to compute maximum rudder deflection for a given airspeed, matching airloads on the rudder surface with the hydraulic function of the rudder actuator.Although at low airspeeds full rudder travel of twenty-two degrees (22°) is available, at higher airspeeds less rudder travel is necessary to achieve the desired amount of aircraft heading control. To avoid excessive loads, the rudder hydraulic actuator uses internal pressure switches to signal the MWS when full hydraulic pressure output of the actuator has been reached. The MWS formulates a CAS blue advisory message text of “Rudder Limit” for display on the CAS window indicating the maximum rudder hydraulic power assist condition.
The amount of rudder deflection at which maximum rudder hydraulic assist occurs is dependent upon airspeed. As speed increases, air loads increase as the rudder is displaced. Since the rudder surface is linked mechanically to the rudder hydraulic actuator shaft, the force of the rudder airload opposes the force of the hydraulic system(s) moving the actuator. Whenever the airload force equals hydraulic system force (1,500 psi with both left and right systems operating or 3,000 psi with a single hydraulic system) no further rudder displacement is possible, and the “Rudder Limit” advisory message is displayed on the CAS window.
D. Rudder Hard Over Prevention System (HOPS):
Movements of the rudder contrary to the commanded position are limited by a Hard Over Prevention System (HOPS) that incorporates eight switches to monitor mechanical and hydraulic rudder operation (see Figure
3. Four external mechanical switches are integrated into the rudder control linkage to provide a comparison reference for four switches mounted internally within the hydraulic actuator. The external HOPS switches are noted on Figure 8. Of the four external switches, two are for left hydraulic system reference and two are for right hydraulic system reference. Of the two switches for each hydraulic system, one provides a left rudder command reference and the other provides a right rudder command reference. The switches are plunger-type contact switches, and are installed on each side of a bracket attached to the command input side of the rudder actuator. On one side of the bracket are the left rudder command input switches for the left and right hydraulic systems. On the other side of the bracket are the right rudder command input switches for the left and right rudder systems. Inserted between the switches in the bracket is a cam-type arm mated to the rudder hydraulic actuator output linkage. The cam arm is positioned with a defined amount of clearance between the plunger-type switches. Under normal conditions, the bracket holding the switches moves with rudder command input and the cam arm moves with the rudder hydraulic actuator output, so the clearance between the switches and the arm is maintained.
If a malfunction occurs and the rudder moves opposite to or further from the commanded direction, the cam arm that is attached to the output linkage of the rudder actuator will move to close the clearance gap between the cam arm and the plunger-type switches, making contact with the switches on the side of the bracket. When the plungers of the switches are depressed, a relay closes and an electrical signal is sent to a corresponding set of switches mounted internally within the hydraulic
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actuator. Four pressure switches monitor left and right hydraulic system pressures
within the pistons of the rudder actuator. In normal conditions, all four switches sense stabilized pressures since hydraulic outputs positioning the rudder are balanced by air load pressures on the rudder surface acting against actuator pressures. When a malfunction occurs and the rudder moves contrary to the commanded direction, the hydraulic actuator shaft moves in the contrary direction, causing an increase in hydraulic pressure on the opposite sides of the pistons within the actuator. The left and right system opposite side pressure switches close, completing the circuit initiated by closure of the bracket plunger switches, and an electrical signal is sent to a timing relay. If the contrary rudder movement persists for longer than one half (½) second, hydraulic pressure from both left an right systems is shut off from the rudder actuator.
Left Hydraulic System Right Hydraulic System
Hydraulic Actuator Shaft
In a similar manner, if a hydraulic malfunction causes the shaft of the actuator to move in a direction opposite the pilot or yaw damper / autopilot commanded direction, the increased pressures in the wrong direction sides of the pistons would close the monitoring switches, and movement of the actuator shaft would cause the cam arm to contact the plunger switches on the external bracket, and hydraulic pressure would be shut off to the rudder actuator after a one half (½) second delay.
If a hydraulic malfunction in a single system (left or right) side of the actuator moves the actuator shaft in a wrong direction, only the hydraulic pressure of the malfunctioning system is shut off. For instance in a stabilized rudder condition, if the left hydraulic system piston attempts to move the actuator shaft to the right, the increased pressure in the right side of the left piston will close the monitor switch and actuator shaft displacement will close both the left and right hydraulic system bracket plunger switches, completing the shut off circuit for the left hydraulic system after a one half (½) second delay. (In this case hydraulic pressure in the right rudder side of the right hydraulic system piston will decrease due to the increase in area caused by actuator shaft movement.) The rudder hydraulic actuator will continue to function using the remaining hydraulic system. During single hydraulic system operation the pressure regulator valve will open, allowing the remaining hydraulic system pressure output to increase up to three thousand (3,000) psi for rudder actuation.
The operation of the hydraulic shut off valves by the HOPS is signaled to MAU #2 over an ARINC-429 connection. The shut off condition is monitored by the MWS, and a CAS message corresponding to the condition is displayed on the CAS window. If both hydraulic systems are shut off, an amber caution message of “Rudder Hydraulics Off” is displayed. Manual rudder control may remain possible, depending upon
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the cause of the hardover condition. If the cause of the condition is thought to be momentary, and the use of the rudder is deemed necessary for continued safe flight and landing, the hydraulic shut off valves may be reset by cycling the RUDDER HYD S/O circuit breaker. If the cause has not been rectified, the shut off valves will close and hydraulic boost for the rudder will be unavailable. Loss of rudder hydraulic pressure will also prevent yaw damper (and autopilot rudder) operation.
If only one hydraulic system is shut off to the rudder, the remaining system will provide full boost to the rudder and yaw damper / autopilot rudder operation. The amber caution CAS message of ”Rudder Hydraulics Off will be accompanied by a blue advisory “Single Rudder” message.
To prevent the HOPS from shutting off hydraulic system pressure to the rudder during normal flight maneuvers that may involve rapid changes in rudder direction, HOPS activation is buffered by three elements:
The clearance between bracket plunger switches and the actuator cam arm
Inertia in the build up of hydraulic pressures in the rudder actuator
The one half (½) second delay in electrically latching the shut off of
hydraulic pressure
E. Standby Rudder System:
In the event that both hydraulic systems fail during flight, the Auxiliary (AUX) hydraulic pump can be used to pressurize the left hydraulic system to actuate the rudder and yaw damper provided that fluid remains in the left system reservoir and there is no leak in the left hydraulic system lines connecting to the rudder actuator. The AUX hydraulic pump, located in the right main landing gear wheel well, is powered by left essential DC bus and can provide three thousand (3,000) psi at a flow rate of two (2) gallons per minute. Normally the AUX is used to actuate the flaps, ground spoiler servos, brakes and nose wheel steering in the event of a dual hydraulic system failure. However a valve in the left hydraulic system plumbing, controlled by the STBY RUD switch on the lower portion of the pilot instrument panel, can be used to divert the total output of the AUX hydraulic pump to the left hydraulic system piston of the rudder actuator. Powering the rudder and yaw damper, especially at higher altitudes, provides dutch roll compensation and avoids the airspeed restrictions necessary without an operating yaw damper. As the aircraft descends to lower altitudes and airspeeds during the approach phase, airloads on the rudder are reduced and manual rudder control is adequate for steering commands. The STBY RUD switch can then be selected off to enable the AUX hydraulic pump to provide the pressure for flap extension, pressurize ground spoiler servos, wheel brakes and nose wheel steering during landing. If the STBY RUD switch is not selected off prior to landing, the standby rudder valve will automatically close when the nose gear weight­on-wheels (WOW) switch is compressed on landing, enabling AUX pump power for stopping and steering the aircraft.
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3. Controls and Indications:
(See Figure 9 and Figure 10.)
A full description of the Flight Controls 2/3 and Hydraulics 2/3 synoptic pages appears in section 2B-07-00.
A. Circuit Breakers (CBs):
The following CBs protect the rudder flight controls:
Circuit Breaker Name: CB Panel: Location: Power Source:
B. Crew Alerting System (CAS) Messages:
The following CAS messages are associated with the yaw flight controls system:
Area Monitored: CAS Message: Message Color:
Rudder Hydraulic Shutoff Valves Rudder Hydraulics Off Amber Yaw Damper Servo Valves Yaw Damper 1-2 Fail Amber YAW DAMP ENG/DISENG Switch Yaw Damper Off Amber Autopilot, YAW DAMP ENG/
DISENG Switch MWS Software, Aircraft Speed,
Rudder Position (RVDT)
No YD Turn Coordination Blue Rudder Limit Blue
Rudder Hydraulic Shutoff Valves Single Rudder Blue Standby Rudder Switch / AUX
Standby Rudder Hyd On Blue
Yaw Damper Servo Valves YD 1-2 Power Fail Blue
4. Limitations:
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A. Yaw Damper Inoperative Speeds:
Maximum Speeds:
Above 10,000 Feet: 260 KTS / 0.80 MT
Below 10,000 Feet: 250 KCAS
Minimum Speeds:
Above 20,000 Feet: 210 KTS
Below 20,000 Feet:
The minimum speed is in accordance with the following schedule until ready to configure for approach and landing. V the airspeed tape of the PFD, is the approach speed for landing for the current flap setting.
REF, as shown on
Minimum Speeds: Yaw Damper Inoperative
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Flaps 0, 10,
Fuel - lb
23,000 V 24,000 V 25,000 V 26,000 V 27,000 V 28,000 V 29,000 V 30,000 V 31,000 V 32,000 V 33,000 V 34,000 V 35,000 V 36,000 V 37,000 V 38,000 V 39,000 V 40,000 V 41,000 V 41,300 V
Sea Level to 5000 ft 5000 to 20,000 ft
REF VREF VREF 135 REF VREF VREF 141 REF VREF VREF 147 REF VREF VREF 153 REF VREF VREF 159 REF VREF 147 160 REF VREF 153 160 REF VREF 158 160 REF VREF 163 160 REF VREF 168 160 REF VREF 174 160 REF VREF 179 160 REF VREF 184 160 REF VREF 189 160 REF VREF 195 160 REF VREF 200 160 REF VREF 205 160 REF VREF 211 160 REF VREF 216 160 REF VREF 217 160
Flaps 39
Flaps 0, 10,
Flaps 39
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